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Elven Nations travel (script)
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- This script will not function in the Wizard Front End due to the match list containing over 32 entries.
The Elven Nations travel script, written by Andrew Sage. It is currently a work in progress.
The Script
#Nations travel script # V-1.32 # 1.32 - Numerous minor fixes. Increased compatability for Temple Wyneb. The solution to the Griffin Keen, however # has not been added, yet. Also, I'm probably going to start making the version number increases a bit... # smaller, as I haven't really changed enough to justify 2.0 yet, though it has come a long way since 1.0. # 1.31 - Minor fix to J17 tag, additionally, started to make changes to allow for more than just numerical inputs. # This feature is not yet active, though. # 1.30 - Condensed list, added location 37 (Maernstrike Caverns). # 1.20 - Added the Maaghara Tower, though not the solution to the puzzle. It does, however, take you from the # Refuse Heap when you leave the tower to the location of your desire. Being a new update, it may not work # with all locations, yet. So, IM me if you find a problem! # 1.10 - Fixed some errors, added location 22 - Ta'Illistim's Portcullis. Also made it so that there are more # starting locations in the script, such as numerous locations in the Blighted Forest. Additional # starting locations include inside the Adventurer's Guild. Other changes are too numerous to list. # Though, I will point out that I made it so that the script will pick up from the public lockers. # 1.00 - Release. Most locations listed work # Reading this script should be relatively simple. All locations are assigned a number, the J locations being # junctions (a place of little importance, save being a crossroad) and the S locations being sites of interest. # I forget why I chose the letter 'S', but that's unimportant. Locations S1-S20 are all within Ta'Illistim, # while all locations beyond that are outside of the city. The 80's are Cysaegir, and I've yet to add other # ranges simular to that. However, 30-45 are all hunting areas, and 25-30 are sites of interest outside of # Ta'Illistim. Some places, such as location 26, might've been more fitting for the 80's, but it was placed # at 26 due to the evolution of the script. I doubt I'll be changing that anytime soon, as making any changes # within this script is rather tedious. Adding a new location requires editing all of the previous locations, # which means that as this script grows, adding more locations gets more tedious. That is, of course, to be # expected. Eventually this script will grow beyond its original intentions, I'm sure. Hell, it already has. # I am always editing it, but I'm slow to post updates. Whenever this script gets updated, expect there to be # a large amount of additions. In the preliminary of the script, there are X's. These are ment to be future # expansions to this script, so Sylvarraend will eventually be the 70's just like how Cysaegir is currently the # 80's. I'll also add more hunting areas as my characters get old enough to hunt at them. I may add them sooner # if individuals pester me enough. Pestering's good, as it means that people actually use this script besides # myself, so if you want something added, by all means, tell me. My AIM SN is Belathus. Any questions, comments # or concerns, feel free to let me know. # -Andy, Divid's player. put set room on put set desc on if_1 save %1 if_1 goto LOCATE echo [Elven Nations Travel Script, v1.5] echo Use numbers to go to locations. echo == Useful Locations == == Hunting Areas == echo 1 - Briarstone Court 31- Yegharren Valley (13-17) echo 2 - The Dais 32- Orcsworld (14-22) echo 3 - Gemshop 33- Teorann Valley (28-33) echo 4 - Pawnshop 34- Black Moor (35-42) echo 5 - Bank 35- Gyldemar Forest (37-40) echo 6 - Arboretum (Rogue's Guild) 36- Gyldemar Greens (43-46) echo 7 - Ta'Illistim Keep 37- Maernstrike Caverns (40-48) echo 8 - Furrier 38- Gyldemar Road (48-48) echo 9 - Veythorne Manor 39- Upper Gyldemar Road (46-50) echo 10- Outside the City Gate 40- Gossamer Valley (52-56) echo 11- Hall of Patrons 41- Blighted Forest (59-60) echo 12- Herbalist 42- Emerald Forest (16-27) echo 13- Lost Home 43- Temple Wyneb (66-70) echo 14- Forge 44- Griffin's Keen (64-73) echo 15- Locksmith 45- Maaghara Tower (75-77) echo 16- Bathhouse 46- echo 17- Hot Springs 47- echo 18- Mzaarine Bazaar 48- echo 19- Shimmarglin Inn 49- echo 20- Moonglae Inn 50- echo 21- Adventurer's Guild == Sylvarraend == echo 22- Portcullis, inside the City Gate 71- Sylvarraend's echo 23- 72- Sylvarraend's Gemshop (X) echo 24- 73- Sylvarraend's Pawnshop (X) echo 25- Sylvarraend 74- Sylvarraend's Furrier (X) echo 26- Cysaegir 75- Sylvarraend's Bank (X) echo 27- Small Estate ("The Rose Estate") == Cysaegir == echo 28- Feystone Inn 81- Cysaegir's Treetop Market echo 29- The Ferry to Ta'Vaalor 82- Cysaegir's Gemshop echo 30- Zul Logoth 83- Cysaegir's pawnshop echo 101-Maaghara Tower, Refuse Heap 84- Cysaegir's Furrier echo 102- 85- Cysaegir's Bank echo 103- 86- Cysaegir's Herbalist echo 104- 87- Cysaegir's Locksmith echo 105- 88- Cysaegir's Hostelry exit LOCATE: put look LOCATE_S: match S1.%s Ringed by stone buildings, the view afforded is one of the bustling heart of Ta'Illistim. match S2.%s [Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens] match S3.%s [Tanzania's Gems & Jewelry] match S4.%s [Old News Pawnshop] match S5.%s [United Bank of City-States] match S6.%s [Arboretum] match S7.%s [Ta'Illistim Keep, Lobby] match S8.%s [Gaedrein's Furs and Pelts] match S9.%s a tree-lined pathway leading to an ornate ivory gate match S10.%s serving as the nearly impenetrable entrance to the great city built by House Illistim. match S11.%s [Hall of Patrons, Courtyard] match S12.%s [Valina's Herbs and Tinctures] match S13.%s [The Lost Home, Foyer] match S14.%s [Ta'Illistim Forging Supply Shop] match S15.%s [Ta'Illistim Locksmith] match S16.%s [Public Baths, Foyer] match S17.%s some stone steps leading out of the water match S18.%s [Ta'Illistim, Mzaarine Bazaar] match S19.%s The imposing facade of the Shimmarglin Inn dominates this corner of the court. match S20.%s The stonework tracery rosette windows of the Moonglae Inn sparkle in the light, match S21.%s [Ta'Illistim, Adventurer's Guild] match S22.%s stopping occasionally to inspect the few travellers who journey into the city through the inner portcullis. match S22.%s Filled with raucous noise, the inner gateyard teems with activity. # match S23.%s # match S24.%s match S25.%s [Sylvarraend, Small Glade] match S26.%s [Cysaegir, Citadel Drawbridge] match S27.%s [Small Estate, Courtyard] match S28.%s [The Feystone Inn, Entry] match S29.%s [Lake of Fear, North Dock] match S30.%s [Kharag 'doth Dzulthu, Tunnels] match S31.%s Overhanging branches and spreading underbrush nearly conceal the narrow trail, match S32.%s Many of the nearby trees appear to have been stripped of small shoots and branches, # match S33.%s # match S34.%s match S35.%s [Gyldemar Forest, Decrepit Shack] match S36.%s In places where the soil is poor, or the forest litter is especially thick, very few plants are growing. # match S37.%s [Maernstrike Caverns, Entryway] match S38.%s Paving stones the size of coffin lids and rounded with age lay broken along the wide causeway match S39.%s The chute narrows before flaring open at the bottom. match S40.%s A ledge underneath an outcropping presents a shelter from the wind. match S41.%s [Whistler's Pass, Bog] # match S42.%s match S43.%s hidden chamber serves to separate the sand from anything else that may have fallen through the trap above. # match S44.%s match S45.%s [Maaghara Tower, Dead End] match S80.%s [Cysaegir, Linsandrych Common] match S81.%s [Treetop Market] match S82.%s [Gems of the Earth] match S83.%s [Urgaen's Pawnshop] match S84.%s [Maeve's Furs] match S85.%s [Cysaegir Bank] match S86.%s [Gaertira's Herbs] match S101.%s [Maaghara Tower, Refuse Heap] match J1.%s The cobblestoned wey widens abruptly as it meets Shimmarglin Court. match J2.%s The cobblestoned street circles around a large fountain carved of sparkling mica-flecked granite. match J3.%s The glowing sapphire-tiled roof of the United Bank of City-States reflects match J4.%s A low grey stone wall provides a backdrop for several flowering trees, # match J5.%s # match J6.%s # match J7.%s match J8.%s Glimmering blue tiles clad the rooftops of the nearby cottages, each one as neatly kept as the last. # match J9.%s match J10.%s This section of the roadway has fallen into a bit of disrepair. match J11.%s The road forks in odd directions here at the top of a low hill. match J12.%s Small beds of profusely blooming flowers have been planted alongside this section of the road, match J13.%s The trail dips slightly into a small canyon. match J14.%s Little light makes it through the treetops, except for the stray beams of light that pierce the match J15.%s The flow of the creek has cut its path in the sandstone that lines this section of the creek bed. match J16.%s The giant conifers begin to thin as the trail continues its descent. match J17.%s The taller members of the coniferous forest back away from the road slightly, match J18.%s A building of some sort nestles in a clearing in the valley below. match J20.%s The road heads up the steep hillside to the northeast. match J21.%s A low and hollow roar fills the dense wood. A heavy mist in the air confirms the presence match J22.%s [Whistler's Pass, Mountain Ledge] # match J23.%s match J24.%s A tall privet hedge runs along both sides of the cobblestone wey. match SE This corner of the court is dominated by a round marble fountain. match SE A low ground fog drifts between the thick boles of trees, cloaking the trunks with silvery haze. match SW Dense forest encloses the trail, obscuring the ground with thick banks of discarded leaves and blocking vision in any match SW Along the ridge of a hill, the trees give way to an open expanse of sky, a rare commodity within the brooding black forest. match W The trail winds between large stone formations, outcroppings of the hill's rocky skeleton. match W Skirting through underbrush and around impassible stands of tree trunks, the trail is made more torturous match SW A junction of three paths is bordered by thick mounds of rhododendron bushes. match N [Blighted Forest, Dogleg] match N The tortuous twists and turns of the trail seem to wind endlessly through a never-changing tunnel of dark tree trunks. match N the path winds its way through dense patches of rhododendron bushes and ferns. match N [Thick Rushes] match N heavy brocade curtain. match NE [Blighted Forest, Leviathan] match NE The trail divides into three branches, one looking no different than the next. match NE [Field of Rushes] match NW A derelict bridge crosses the confluence, its timbers a haphazard shamble spanning the arched support beams. match BRIDGE From the foot of a beautiful, old arched bridge, the trail disappears into the darkness of the forest. match BRIDGE From the foot of a beautiful, old arched bridge, the trail disappears into the shadows of the forest. match OUT [Ta'Illistim, Alearyl Hall] match TREE intersecting and crossing, offers an easy passageway between the trees. match ARCH the Registrar's Office match LOCKER [Ta'Illistim Public Locker] matchwait ARCH: put go arch goto LOCATE_S TREE: put climb tree goto LOCATE_S BRIDGE: put go bridge goto LOCATE_S N: put north goto LOCATE_S S: put south goto LOCATE_S E: put east goto LOCATE_S W: put west goto LOCATE_S NE: put northeast goto LOCATE_S NW: put northwest goto LOCATE_S SE: put Southeast goto LOCATE_S SW: put southwest goto LOCATE_S OUT: put out goto LOCATE_S LOCKER: put go curtain match N [Ta'Illistim Keep, Hallway] match CLOSE_LOCKER You must close your locker before leaving! matchwait CLOSE_LOCKER: put close locker goto LOCKER S1.1: echo [Now in the Briarstone Court.] goto QUIT S2.2: echo [Now on the Dais.] goto QUIT S3.3: echo [Now in the Jeweler.] goto QUIT S4.4: echo [Now in the Pawnshop.] goto QUIT S5.5: echo [Now in the Bank.] goto QUIT S6.6: echo [Now in the Arboretum.] goto QUIT S7.7: echo [Now in the Ta'Illistim Keep.] goto QUIT S8.8: echo [Now in the Furrier.] goto QUIT S9.9: echo [Now outside of the Veythorne Manor.] goto QUIT S10.10: echo [Now outside of the city gates to Ta'Illistim.] goto QUIT S11.11: echo [Now at the Hall of Patrons.] goto QUIT S12.12: echo [Now at the Herbalist.] goto QUIT S13.13: echo [Now at the Lost Home.] goto QUIT S14.14: echo [Now at the forge.] goto QUIT S15.15: echo [Now at the locksmith's.] goto QUIT S16.16: echo [Now at the public baths.] goto QUIT S17.17: echo [Now at the hot springs.] goto QUIT S18.18: echo [Now at the Mzaarine Bazaar.] goto QUIT S19.19: echo [Now at the Shimmarglin Inn.] goto QUIT S20.20: echo [Now at the Moonglae Inn.] goto QUIT S21.21: echo [Now at the Adventurer's Guild.] goto QUIT S22.22: echo [Now at the Portcullis. (This is a necessary location for Adventurer's Guild tasks)] goto QUIT S23.23: goto QUIT S24.24: goto QUIT S25.25: ECHO [Now in Sylvarraend.] goto QUIT S26.26: ECHO [Now in Cysaegir.] goto QUIT S27.27: ECHO [Now outside of the Small Estate.] goto QUIT S28.28: ECHO [Now at Feystone Inn.] goto QUIT S29.29: ECHO [Now at the Ta'Vaalor Ferry.] goto QUIT S30.30: ECHO [Now at the Zul Logoth mine cart.] goto QUIT S31.31: ECHO [Now at Yegharren Valley.] goto QUIT S32.32: ECHO [Now in Orcsworld.] goto QUIT S33.33: goto QUIT S34.34: goto QUIT S35.35: goto QUIT S36.36: goto QUIT S37.37: ECHO [Now at the Maernstrike Caverns.] goto QUIT S38.38: ECHO [Now on the Gyldemar Road.] goto QUIT S39.39: ECHO [Now near the Gyldemar Ruins.] goto QUIT S40.40: ECHO [Now in Gossamer Valley.] goto QUIT S41.41: ECHO [Now in the Blighted Forest.] goto QUIT S42.42: ECHO [Now in the Emerald Forest.] goto QUIT S43.43: ECHO [Now in Temple Wyneb.] goto QUIT S44.44: ECHO [Now in the Griffin's Keen.] goto QUIT S45.45: ECHO [Now in Maaghara Tower.] goto QUIT S80.80: ECHO [Now at the Commons in Cysaegir.] goto QUIT S81.81: ECHO [Now in the Treetop Market in Cysaegir.] goto QUIT S82.82: ECHO [Now in the gemshop in Cysaegir.] goto QUIT S83.83: ECHO [Now in the pawnshop in Cysaegir.] goto QUIT S84.84: ECHO [Now in Maeve's Furs in Cysaegir.] goto QUIT S85.85: ECHO [Now in the Cysaegir Bank.] goto QUIT S86.86: ECHO [Now in the Gaertira's Herbs in Cysaegir.] goto QUIT S87.87: ECHO [Now in the Locksmith's Shop in Cysaegir.] goto QUIT S88.88: ECHO [Now in the Hostelry in Cysaegir.] goto QUIT S101.101: ECHO [Now at the Refuse Heap in Maaghara Tower.] goto QUIT ### S1 ### - BriarStone Court - ### S1.2: S1.3: S1.6: S1.10: S1.18: S1.19: S1.22: S1.25: S1.26: S1.27: S1.28: S1.29: S1.30: S1.31: S1.32: S1.33: S1.34: S1.35: S1.36: S1.38: S1.39: S1.40: S1.41: S1.42: S1.43: S1.44: S1.45: S1.46: S1.47: S1.48: S1.49: S1.50: S1.71: S1.72: S1.73: S1.74: S1.75: S1.80: S1.81: S1.82: S1.83: S1.84: S1.85: S1.86: S1.87: S1.88: move south move south move east move east goto J3.%s S1.4: move north move go building goto S4.%s S1.9: move north move northeast goto J5.%s S1.5: move east move go bank move south move go arch goto S5.%s S1.7: S1.8: S1.15: move east move northeast move north move east move go keep goto S7.%s S1.11: move southwest move southwest move southwest move west move west move south move south move go hall goto S11.%s S1.12: move south move south move southwest move southwest move south move south move southwest move go building goto S12.%s S1.13: S1.14: S1.21: move south S1alt.13: move south move east move east move east move east move south move southeast move southeast goto J6.%s exit S1.16: move south move south move east move south move southeast move east move south goto J9.%s S1.17: S1.37: move southwest move southwest move southwest move west move west goto J24.%s S1.20: move southeast goto S20.%s ### S2 ### S2.1: S2.4: S2.5: S2.9: S2.11: S2.12: S2.13: S2.16: S2.17: S2.20: S2.37: move go arch move northwest move southwest move southwest ECHO *** Junction! Arboretum. goto J2.%s S2.3: S2.14: S2.21: move out move southwest move southwest move southeast move southeast move southwest ECHO *** Junction! Jeweler. goto J1.%s S2.6: move go arch move northwest move northeast move southeast move northeast move north move go arboretum goto S6.%s S2.7: S2.8: S2.15: move go arch move northwest move southwest move go arch move northwest goto J8.%s S2.10: S2.18: S2.19: S2.22: S2.25: S2.26: S2.27: S2.28: S2.29: S2.30: S2.31: S2.32: S2.33: S2.34: S2.35: S2.36: S2.38: S2.39: S2.40: S2.41: S2.42: S2.43: S2.44: S2.45: S2.80: S2.81: S2.82: S2.83: S2.84: S2.85: S2.86: S2.87: S2.88: move out move southeast move southeast goto S19.%s ### S3 ### S3.1: S3.2: S3.4: S3.5: S3.6: S3.7: S3.8: S3.9: S3.10: S3.11: S3.12: S3.13: S3.14: S3.15: S3.16: S3.17: S3.18: S3.19: S3.20: S3.21: S3.22: S3.23: S3.24: S3.25: S3.26: S3.27: S3.28: S3.29: S3.30: S3.31: S3.32: S3.33: S3.34: S3.35: S3.36: S3.37: S3.38: S3.39: S3.40: S3.41: S3.42: S3.43: S3.44: S3.45: S3.80: S3.81: S3.82: S3.83: S3.84: S3.85: S3.86: S3.87: S3.88: move out ECHO *** Junction! Jeweler goto J1.%s ### S4 ### S4.1: S4.2: S4.3: S4.5: S4.6: S4.10: S4.11: S4.12: S4.13: S4.14: S4.16: S4.17: S4.18: S4.19: S4.20: S4.21: S4.22: S4.25: S4.26: S4.27: S4.28: S4.29: S4.30: S4.31: S4.32: S4.33: S4.34: S4.35: S4.36: S4.37: S4.38: S4.39: S4.40: S4.41: S4.42: S4.43: S4.44: S4.45: S4.46: S4.47: S4.48: S4.49: S4.50: S4.71: S4.72: S4.73: S4.74: S4.75: S4.80: S4.81: S4.82: S4.83: S4.84: S4.85: S4.86: S4.87: S4.88: move out move south goto S1.%s S4.7: S4.8: S4.9: S4.15: move out move northeast goto J5.%s ### S5 ### S5.1: S5.4: S5.9: S5.11: S5.12: S5.17: S5.37: move out move north move out move west goto S1.%s S5.2: S5.3: S5.6: S5.10: S5.13: S5.14: S5.16: S5.18: S5.19: S5.21: S5.22: S5.25: S5.26: S5.27: S5.28: S5.29: S5.30: S5.31: S5.32: S5.33: S5.34: S5.35: S5.36: S5.38: S5.39: S5.40: S5.41: S5.42: S5.43: S5.44: S5.45: S5.46: S5.47: S5.48: S5.49: S5.50: S5.71: S5.72: S5.73: S5.74: S5.75: S5.80: S5.81: S5.82: S5.83: S5.84: S5.85: S5.86: S5.87: S5.88: move out move south move out ECHO *** Junction! Bank. goto J3.%s S5.7: S5.8: S5.15: move out move north move out move northeast move north move east move go keep goto S7.%s S5.20: move out move north move out move southwest goto S20.%s ### S6 ### S6.1: S6.3: S6.4: s6.5: S6.9: S6.11: S6.12: S6.13: S6.14: S6.16: S6.17: S6.20: S6.21: move out move south move southwest move northwest move southwest move southwest move southwest ECHO *** Junction! Arboretum. goto J2.%s S6.2: S6.10: S6.18: S6.19: S6.22: S6.25: S6.26: S6.27: S6.28: S6.29: S6.30: S6.31: S6.32: S6.33: S6.34: S6.35: S6.36: S6.37: S6.38: S6.39: S6.40: S6.41: S6.42: S6.43: S6.44: S6.45: S6.46: S6.47: S6.48: S6.49: S6.50: S6.71: S6.72: S6.73: S6.74: S6.75: S6.80: S6.81: S6.82: S6.83: S6.84: S6.85: S6.86: S6.87: S6.88: move out move south move southwest move northwest move southwest move go bridge move southeast goto S2.%s S6.7: S6.8: S6.15: move out move south move southwest move northwest move southwest move southwest move go arch move northwest goto J8.%s ### S7 ### S7.1: S7.11: S7.12: S7.17: S7.37: move out move west move south move southwest move west goto S1.%s S7.2: S7.3: S7.6: S7.10: S7.14: S7.18: S7.19: S7.21: S7.22: S7.23: S7.24: S7.25: S7.26: S7.27: S7.28: S7.29: S7.30: S7.31: S7.32: S7.33: S7.34: S7.35: S7.36: S7.38: S7.39: S7.40: S7.41: S7.42: S7.43: S7.44: S7.45: S7.46: S7.47: S7.48: S7.49: S7.50: S7.71: S7.72: S7.73: S7.74: S7.75: S7.80: S7.81: S7.82: S7.83: S7.84: S7.85: S7.86: S7.87: S7.88: move east move east move out move southeast move southeast goto J8.%s S7.5: move out move west move south move southwest move go bank move south move go arch goto S5.%s S7.8: move east move east move out move northeast move northeast move go shop goto S8.%s S7.4: S7.9: move out move west move west move northwest goto J5.%s S7.13: S7.16: move out move west move south move southwest move go bank move south move south move out goto J3.%s S7.15: move east move east move out move northeast move northeast move southeast move northeast move go buildings goto S15.%s S7.20: move out move west move south move southwest move southwest goto S20.%s ### S8 ### S8.1: S8.4: S8.5: S8.7: S8.9: S8.11: S8.12: S8.17: S8.20: move out move southwest move southwest move go keep move west move west goto S7.%s S8.2: S8.3: S8.6: S8.10: S8.13: S8.14: S8.16: S8.18: S8.19: S8.21: S8.22: S8.23: S8.24: S8.25: S8.26: S8.27: S8.28: S8.29: S8.30: S8.31: S8.32: S8.33: S8.34: S8.35: S8.36: S8.37: S8.38: S8.39: S8.40: S8.41: S8.42: S8.43: S8.44: S8.45: S8.80: S8.81: S8.82: S8.83: S8.84: S8.85: S8.86: S8.87: S8.88: move out move southeast move south move south move southwest goto J8.%s S8.15: move out move southeast move northeast move go buildings goto S15.%s ### S9 ### S9.1: S9.2: S9.3: S9.4: S9.5: S9.6: S9.7: S9.8: S9.10: S9.11: S9.12: S9.13: S9.14: S9.15: S9.16: S9.17: S9.18: S9.19: S9.20: S9.21: S9.22: S9.25: S9.26: S9.27: S9.28: S9.29: S9.30: S9.31: S9.32: S9.33: S9.34: S9.35: S9.36: S9.37: S9.38: S9.39: S9.40: S9.41: S9.42: S9.43: S9.44: S9.45: S9.46: S9.47: S9.48: S9.49: S9.50: S9.71: S9.72: S9.73: S9.74: S9.75: S9.80: S9.81: S9.82: S9.83: S9.84: S9.85: S9.86: S9.87: S9.88: move north move west move southwest move southwest move south goto J5.%s ### S10 ### S10.1: S10.2: S10.3: S10.4: S10.5: S10.6: S10.7: S10.8: S10.9: S10.11: S10.12: S10.13: S10.14: S10.15: S10.16: S10.17: S10.18: S10.19: S10.20: S10.21: S10.22: S10.37: move go gate move north move north move go portcullis goto S22.%s S10.25: S10.26: S10.27: S10.28: S10.29: S10.30: S10.31: S10.32: S10.33: S10.34: S10.35: S10.36: S10.38: S10.39: S10.40: S10.41: S10.42: S10.43: S10.44: S10.45: S10.46: S10.47: S10.48: S10.49: S10.50: S10.71: S10.72: S10.73: S10.74: S10.75: S10.80: S10.81: S10.82: S10.83: S10.84: S10.85: S10.86: S10.87: S10.88: move southwest move west move west move south move southwest goto J20.%s ### S11 ### S11.1: S11.2: S11.3: S11.4: S11.5: S11.6: S11.7: S11.8: S11.9: S11.10: S11.13: S11.14: S11.15: S11.16: S11.17: S11.18: S11.19: S11.20: S11.21: S11.22: S11.25: S11.26: S11.27: S11.28: S11.29: S11.30: S11.31: S11.32: S11.33: S11.34: S11.35: S11.36: S11.37: S11.38: S11.39: S11.40: S11.41: S11.42: S11.43: S11.44: S11.45: S11.46: S11.47: S11.48: S11.49: S11.50: S11.71: S11.72: S11.73: S11.74: S11.75: S11.80: S11.81: S11.82: S11.83: S11.84: S11.85: S11.86: S11.87: S11.88: move out move north move north move east move east move northeast move northeast move northeast goto S1.%s S11.12: move out move south move southeast move southeast move go building goto S12.%s S11.17: S11.37: move out move north move north move west move go gate move go trail move up move up move north move northwest move up move west move northwest move go trail move go steps goto S17.%s ### S12 ### S12.1: S12.4: S12.7: S12.8: S12.9: S12.15: move out move northeast move north move north move northeast move northeast move north move north goto S1.%s S12.2: S12.3: S12.5: S12.6: S12.10: S12.18: S12.19: S12.20: S12.22: S12.25: S12.26: S12.27: S12.28: S12.29: S12.30: S12.31: S12.32: S12.33: S12.34: S12.35: S12.36: S12.38: S12.39: S12.40: S12.41: S12.42: S12.43: S12.44: S12.45: S12.46: S12.47: S12.48: S12.49: S12.50: S12.71: S12.72: S12.73: S12.74: S12.75: S12.80: S12.81: S12.82: S12.83: S12.84: S12.85: S12.86: S12.87: S12.88: move out move northeast move north move north move northeast move northeast move east move east goto J3.%s S12.11: move out move northwest move northwest move north move go hall goto S11.%s S12.13: S12.14: S12.16: S12.21: move out move northeast move north move north move northeast move southeast move southeast move northeast move east move south goto J9.%s S12.17: S12.37: move out move northwest move northwest move north move north move north move west move go gate move go trail move up move up move north move northwest move up move west move northwest move go trail move go steps goto S17.%s ### S13 ### S13.1: S13.2: S13.3: S13.4: S13.5: S13.6: S13.7: S13.8: S13.9: S13.10: S13.11: S13.12: S13.14: S13.15: S13.16: S13.17: S13.18: S13.19: S13.20: S13.21: S13.22: S13.23: S13.24: S13.25: S13.26: S13.27: S13.28: S13.29: S13.30: S13.31: S13.32: S13.33: S13.34: S13.35: S13.36: S13.37: S13.38: S13.39: S13.40: S13.41: S13.42: S13.43: S13.44: S13.45: S13.46: S13.47: S13.48: S13.49: S13.50: S13.71: S13.72: S13.73: S13.74: S13.75: S13.76: S13.80: S13.81: S13.82: S13.83: S13.84: S13.85: S13.86: S13.87: S13.88: move out goto J6.%s ### S14 ### - The Forge - ### S14.2: S14.3: S14.6: S14.10: S14.18: S14.19: S14.22: S14.23: S14.24: S14.25: S14.26: S14.27: S14.28: S14.29: S14.30: S14.31: S14.32: S14.33: S14.34: S14.35: S14.36: S14.38: S14.39: S14.40: S14.41: S14.42: S14.43: S14.44: S14.45: S14.80: S14.81: S14.82: S14.83: S14.84: S14.85: S14.86: S14.87: S14.88: move south move go entrance move south move northeast move northeast move north move east goto J1.%s S14.21: move south move go entrance move south move northwest move northwest move go walkway goto S21.%s S14.1: S14.4: S14.5: S14.9: S14.11: S14.12: S14.13: S14.16: S14.17: S14.20: S14.37: move south move go entrance move south move northwest move northwest move north move northwest goto J6.%s S14.7: S14.8: S14.15: move south move go entrance move south move northwest move northeast move northeast move northwest move north move north move north goto J2.%s ### S15 ### S15.2: S15.3: S15.6: S15.10: S15.13: S15.14: S15.16: S15.18: S15.19: S15.21: S15.22: S15.23: S15.24: S15.25: S15.26: S15.27: S15.28: S15.29: S15.30: S15.31: S15.32: S15.33: S15.34: S15.35: S15.36: S15.38: S15.39: S15.40: S15.41: S15.42: S15.43: S15.44: S15.45: S15.46: S15.47: S15.48: S15.49: S15.50: S15.71: S15.72: S15.73: S15.74: S15.75: S15.80: S15.81: S15.82: S15.83: S15.84: S15.85: S15.86: S15.87: S15.88: move out move southwest move south move south move southwest goto J8.%s S15.1: S15.4: S15.5: S15.7: S15.9: S15.11: S15.12: S15.17: S15.20: S15.37: move out move southwest move northwest move southwest move southwest move go keep move west move west goto S7.%s S15.8: move out move southwest move northwest move go shop goto S8.%s ### S16 ### S16.1: S16.2: S16.3: S16.4: S16.5: S16.6: S16.7: S16.8: S16.9: S16.10: S16.11: S16.12: S16.14: S16.15: S16.13: S16.17: S16.18: S16.19: S16.20: S16.21: S16.22: S16.23: S16.24: S16.25: S16.26: S16.27: S16.28: S16.29: S16.30: S16.31: S16.32: S16.33: S16.34: S16.35: S16.36: S16.37: S16.38: S16.39: S16.40: S16.41: S16.42: S16.43: S16.44: S16.45: S16.46: S16.47: S16.48: S16.49: S16.50: S16.71: S16.72: S16.73: S16.74: S16.75: S16.80: S16.81: S16.82: S16.83: S16.84: S16.85: S16.86: S16.87: S16.88: move out goto J9.%s ### S17 ### S17.1: S17.2: S17.3: S17.4: S17.5: S17.6: S17.7: S17.8: S17.9: S17.10: S17.13: S17.14: S17.15: S17.16: S17.17: S17.18: S17.19: S17.20: S17.21: S17.22: S17.23: S17.24: S17.25: S17.26: S17.27: S17.28: S17.29: S17.30: S17.31: S17.32: S17.33: S17.34: S17.35: S17.36: S17.38: S17.39: S17.40: S17.41: S17.42: S17.43: S17.44: S17.45: S17.80: S17.81: S17.82: S17.83: S17.84: S17.85: S17.86: S17.87: S17.88: move go steps move go trail move southeast move east move down move southeast move south move down move down move go trail move go gate move east move east move east move northeast move northeast move northeast goto S1.%s S17.11: move go steps move go trail move southeast move east move down move southeast move south move down move down move go trail move go gate move east move south move south move go hall goto S11.%s S17.12: move go steps move go trail move southeast move east move down move southeast move south move down move down move go trail move go gate move east move south move south move south move southeast move southeast move go building goto S12.%s S17.37: move go steps move go trail move up move up move up move climb face move go crevasse goto S37.%s ### S18 ### S18.1: S18.2: S18.3: S18.4: S18.5: S18.6: S18.7: S18.8: S18.9: S18.11: S18.12: S18.13: S18.14: S18.15: S18.16: S18.17: S18.18: S18.19: S18.20: S18.21: move south move west move northeast move north move northwest move northwest goto J4.%s S18.10: S18.22: S18.23: S18.24: S18.25: S18.26: S18.27: S18.28: S18.29: S18.30: S18.31: S18.32: S18.33: S18.34: S18.35: S18.36: S18.37: S18.38: S18.39: S18.40: S18.41: S18.42: S18.43: S18.44: S18.45: S18.80: S18.81: S18.82: S18.83: S18.84: S18.85: S18.86: S18.87: S18.88: move south move northeast move go gate move southwest move southeast goto S22.%s ### S19 ### S19.1: S19.2: S19.4: S19.5: S19.6: S19.7: S19.8: S19.9: S19.11: S19.12: S19.14: S19.15: S19.16: S19.17: S19.19: S19.20: move go Dais goto S2.%s S19.3: S19.10: S19.13: S19.14: S19.18: S19.21: S19.22: S19.23: S19.24: S19.25: S19.26: S19.27: S19.28: S19.29: S19.30: S19.31: S19.32: S19.33: S19.34: S19.35: S19.36: S19.37: S19.38: S19.39: S19.40: S19.41: S19.42: S19.43: S19.44: S19.45: S19.80: S19.81: S19.82: S19.83: S19.84: S19.85: S19.86: S19.87: S19.88: move southwest ECHO *** Junction! To the Gate! goto J4.%s ### S20 ### S20.1: S20.2: S20.3: S20.4: S20.5: S20.6: S20.7: S20.8: S20.9: S20.10: S20.11: S20.12: S20.14: S20.15: S20.16: S20.17: S20.18: S20.19: S20.20: S20.21: S20.22: S20.23: S20.24: S20.25: S20.26: S20.27: S20.28: S20.29: S20.30: S20.31: S20.32: S20.33: S20.34: S20.35: S20.36: S20.37: S20.38: S20.39: S20.40: S20.41: S20.42: S20.43: S20.44: S20.45: S20.46: S20.47: S20.48: S20.49: S20.50: S20.71: S20.72: S20.73: S20.74: S20.75: S20.80: S20.81: S20.82: S20.83: S20.84: S20.85: S20.86: S20.87: S20.88: move northwest goto S1.%s S20.13: move southwest goto S1alt.%1 ### S21 ### Adventurer's Guild ### S21.1: S21.4: S21.5: S21.9: S21.11: S21.12: S21.13: S21.16: S21.17: S21.20: move north move north move northwest goto J6.%s S21.2: S21.3: S21.10: S21.18: S21.19: S21.22: S21.23: S21.24: S21.25: S21.26: S21.27: S21.28: S21.29: S21.30: S21.31: S21.32: S21.33: S21.34: S21.35: S21.36: S21.37: S21.38: S21.39: S21.40: S21.41: S21.42: S21.43: S21.44: S21.45: S21.80: S21.81: S21.82: S21.83: S21.84: S21.85: S21.86: S21.87: S21.88: move north move southeast move northeast move northeast move east move east goto J1.%s S21.6: S21.7: S21.8: S21.15: move north move southeast move northeast move northeast move northwest move north move north move north goto J2.%s S21.14: move north move southeast move southeast goto J7.%s ### S22 ### Gate Portcullis ### S22.1: S22.2: S22.3: S22.4: S22.5: S22.6: S22.7: S22.8: S22.9: S22.11: S22.12: S22.13: S22.14: S22.15: S22.16: S22.17: S22.19: S22.20: S22.21: S22.37: move northwest move northeast move go gate move southwest move west move northeast move north move northwest move northwest goto J4.%s S22.18: move northwest move northeast move go gate move southwest move north goto S18.%s S22.10: S22.23: S22.24: S22.25: S22.26: S22.27: S22.28: S22.29: S22.30: S22.31: S22.32: S22.33: S22.34: S22.35: S22.36: S22.38: S22.39: S22.40: S22.41: S22.42: S22.43: S22.44: S22.45: S22.46: S22.47: S22.48: S22.49: S22.50: S22.71: S22.72: S22.73: S22.74: S22.75: S22.80: S22.81: S22.82: S22.83: S22.84: S22.85: S22.86: S22.87: S22.88: move go portcullis move south move south move out goto S10.%s ### S25 ### S25.1: S25.2: S25.3: S25.4: S25.5: S25.6: S25.7: S25.8: S25.9: S25.10: S25.11: S25.12: S25.13: S25.14: S25.15: S25.16: S25.17: S25.18: S25.19: S25.20: S25.21: S25.22: S25.23: S25.24: S25.25: S25.26: S25.27: S25.28: S25.29: S25.30: S25.31: S25.32: S25.33: S25.34: S25.35: S25.36: S25.37: S25.38: S25.39: S25.40: S25.41: S25.42: S25.43: S25.44: S25.45: S25.80: S25.81: S25.82: S25.83: S25.84: S25.85: S25.86: S25.87: S25.88: move east move north move northeast move northeast goto J12.%s ### S26 ### S26.1: S26.2: S26.3: S26.4: S26.5: S26.6: S26.7: S26.8: S26.9: S26.10: S26.11: S26.12: S26.13: S26.14: S26.15: S26.16: S26.17: S26.18: S26.19: S26.20: S26.21: S26.22: S26.23: S26.24: S26.25: S26.27: S26.28: S26.29: S26.30: S26.31: S26.32: S26.33: S26.34: S26.35: S26.36: S26.37: S26.38: S26.39: S26.40: S26.41: S26.42: S26.43: S26.44: S26.45: move north move northeast move northwest move northeast move northwest move northeast move northwest goto J21.%s S26.80: move go drawbridge move east move go bridge move southeast move climb tree move northeast move northwest goto S80.%s S26.81: S26.86: move go drawbridge move east move go bridge move southeast move east move southeast goto S81.%s S26.82: move go drawbridge move east move go bridge move southeast move climb tree move northeast move go ramp goto S82.%s S26.83: move climb path move climb trail move climb steps move go path move go mouth move go opening move down move down move climb tunnel move go doorway goto S83.%s S26.84: move go drawbridge move east move go bridge move southeast move climb tree move east move southeast move go bungalow goto S84.%s S26.85: move go archway move go bank goto S85.%s S26.87: move go drawbridge move east move go bridge move northeast move climb ladder move southeast move go bungalow goto S87.%s S26.88: move go archway move go hostelry goto S88.%s ### S27 ### S27.1: S27.2: S27.3: S27.4: S27.5: S27.6: S27.7: S27.8: S27.9: S27.10: S27.11: S27.12: S27.13: S27.14: S27.15: S27.16: S27.17: S27.18: S27.19: S27.20: S27.21: S27.22: S27.23: S27.24: S27.25: S27.26: S27.28: S27.31: S27.32: S27.33: S27.34: S27.35: S27.36: S27.37: S27.38: S27.39: S27.40: S27.41: S27.42: S27.43: S27.44: S27.45: S27.80: S27.81: S27.82: S27.83: S27.84: S27.85: S27.86: S27.87: S27.88: move southwest move northwest move northwest move west goto J11.%s S27.25: S27.29: S27.30: move southwest move southeast move south move south goto J12.%s ### S28 ### S28.1: S28.2: S28.3: S28.4: S28.5: S28.6: S28.7: S28.8: S28.9: S28.10: S28.11: S28.12: S28.13: S28.14: S28.15: S28.16: S28.17: S28.18: S28.19: S28.20: S28.21: S28.22: S28.23: S28.24: S28.26: S28.30: S28.33: S28.37: S28.40: S28.41: S28.42: S28.43: S28.44: S28.45: S28.80: S28.81: S28.82: S28.83: S28.84: S28.85: S28.86: S28.87: S28.88: move out move northwest move west move west move west move northwest goto J10.%s S28.25: S28.27: S28.29: S28.31: S28.32: S28.34: S28.35: S28.36: S28.38: S28.39: S28.42: move out move southeast move southeast move east move east move southeast move southeast move southeast move southeast goto J11.%s ### S29 ### S29.1: S29.2: S29.3: S29.4: S29.5: S29.6: S29.7: S29.8: S29.9: S29.10: S29.11: S29.12: S29.13: S29.14: S29.15: S29.16: S29.17: S29.18: S29.19: S29.20: S29.21: S29.22: S29.23: S29.24: S29.25: S29.26: S29.27: S29.28: S29.29: S29.30: S29.31: S29.32: S29.33: S29.34: S29.35: S29.36: S29.37: S29.38: S29.39: S29.40: S29.41: S29.42: S29.43: S29.44: S29.45: S29.80: S29.81: S29.82: S29.83: S29.84: S29.85: S29.86: S29.87: S29.88: move go path move northwest move northwest move northwest move west move northwest move northwest move northwest move west move west move northwest move northwest move northwest move north move north move northwest move northwest move northwest move north move northwest move northwest move northwest goto J12.%s ### S30 ### S30.1: S30.2: S30.3: S30.4: S30.5: S30.6: S30.7: S30.8: S30.9: S30.10: S30.11: S30.12: S30.13: S30.14: S30.15: S30.16: S30.17: S30.18: S30.19: S30.20: S30.21: S30.22: S30.23: S30.24: S30.25: S30.26: S30.27: S30.28: S30.29: S30.31: S30.32: S30.33: S30.34: S30.35: S30.36: S30.37: S30.38: S30.39: S30.40: S30.41: S30.42: S30.43: S30.44: S30.45: S30.80: S30.81: S30.82: S30.83: S30.84: S30.85: S30.86: S30.87: S30.88: put west move out echo [EN: Empty hands, CLIMB TRAIL, PATH and MOUNTAIN.] pause put sheath put store %shield put climb trail pause 10 put climb path pause 10 put climb mountain pause 10 if_2 echo [Collect party, start ToIll script] if_2 exit move northeast move southeast move south move southeast move east move southeast move southeast move east move southeast move northeast move east move northeast move north move northeast move northeast move down move down move go fissure pause 2 move north move north move northeast move northwest move north move northeast put climb boulder pause 2 move north move northeast move northeast move northeast move north move northeast move northeast move northeast move northeast move north move northeast move east move northeast move north move north move northwest move northeast move northwest move northeast move north move go bridge move north move north move north move north move go open move north move north move northeast move northeast move north move north move northwest move northwest move northwest move north move northeast move northwest move northeast move north move northeast move north move go cavern move northeast move northeast move northeast move north move north move northwest move northwest move northwest move go opening move north move northeast move northeast move northeast move northwest move northeast move northeast move north move northeast move go crevasse pause 2 pause move northeast move out move north move northeast move north move northeast move northwest move northwest move go open move north move northeast move northeast move north move northwest move north move northeast move northeast put climb boulder move northeast move northeast move north move north move north move northwest move north move northeast move north move northeast move north move north move north move northeast move northeast move north goto J22.%s ### S31 ### S31.1: S31.2: S31.3: S31.4: S31.5: S31.6: S31.7: S31.8: S31.9: S31.10: S31.11: S31.12: S31.13: S31.14: S31.15: S31.16: S31.17: S31.18: S31.19: S31.20: S31.21: S31.22: S31.23: S31.24: S31.25: S31.26: S31.27: S31.28: S31.29: S31.30: S31.33: S31.34: S31.35: S31.36: S31.37: S31.38: S31.39: S31.40: S31.41: S31.42: S31.43: S31.44: S31.45: S31.46: S31.47: S31.48: S31.49: S31.50: S31.80: S31.81: S31.82: S31.83: S31.84: S31.85: S31.86: S31.87: S31.88: move go trail move west goto J11.%s S31.32: move north move northeast move north move northwest move northwest move north move northeast move southeast move east move southeast move south move southeast move east move east move go trail move southwest move west move west move southwest move south move go trail goto S32.%s ### S32 ### S32.1: S32.2: S32.3: S32.4: S32.5: S32.6: S32.7: S32.8: S32.9: S32.10: S32.11: S32.12: S32.13: S32.14: S32.15: S32.16: S32.17: S32.18: S32.19: S32.20: S32.21: S32.22: S32.23: S32.24: S32.25: S32.26: S32.27: S32.28: S32.29: S32.30: S32.31: S32.33: S32.34: S32.35: S32.36: S32.37: S32.38: S32.39: S32.40: S32.41: S32.42: S32.43: S32.44: S32.45: S32.80: S32.81: S32.82: S32.83: S32.84: S32.85: S32.86: S32.87: S32.88: exit ### S33 ### S33.1: S33.2: S33.3: S33.4: S33.5: S33.6: S33.7: S33.8: S33.9: S33.10: S33.11: S33.12: S33.13: S33.14: S33.15: S33.16: S33.17: S33.18: S33.19: S33.20: S33.21: S33.22: S33.23: S33.24: S33.25: S33.26: S33.27: S33.28: S33.29: S33.30: S33.31: S33.32: S33.34: S33.35: S33.36: S33.37: S33.38: S33.39: S33.40: S33.41: S33.42: S33.43: S33.44: S33.45: S33.80: S33.81: S33.82: S33.83: S33.84: S33.85: S33.86: S33.87: S33.88: move up move up move up goto J14.%s ### S35 ### S35.1: S35.2: s35.3: S35.4: S35.5: S35.6: S35.7: S35.8: S35.9: S35.10: S35.11: S35.12: S35.13: S35.14: S35.15: S35.16: S35.17: S35.18: S35.19: S35.20: S35.21: S35.22: S35.23: S35.24: S35.25: S35.26: S35.27: S35.28: S35.29: S35.30: S35.31: S35.32: S35.33: S35.34: S35.35: S35.36: S35.37: S35.38: S35.39: S35.40: S35.41: S35.42: S35.43: S35.44: S35.45: S35.80: S35.81: S35.82: S35.83: S35.84: S35.85: S35.86: S35.87: S35.88: move up goto J18.%s ### S36 ### S36.1: S36.2: S36.3: S36.4: S36.5: S36.6: S36.7: S36.8: S36.9: S36.10: S36.11: S36.12: S36.13: S36.14: S36.15: S36.16: S36.17: S36.18: S36.19: S36.20: S36.21: S36.22: S36.23: S36.24: S36.25: S36.26: S36.27: S36.28: S36.29: S36.30: S36.31: S36.33: S36.34: S36.35: S36.36: S36.37: S36.38: S36.39: S36.40: S36.41: S36.42: S36.43: S36.44: S36.45: S36.80: S36.81: S36.82: S36.83: S36.84: S36.85: S36.86: S36.87: S36.88: move go path goto J17.%s ### S38 ### S38.1: S38.2: S38.3: S38.4: S38.5: S38.6: S38.7: S38.8: S38.9: S38.10: S38.11: S38.12: S38.13: S38.14: S38.15: S38.16: S38.17: S38.18: S38.19: S38.20: S38.21: S38.22: S38.23: S38.24: S38.25: S38.26: S38.27: S38.28: S38.29: S38.30: S38.31: S38.32: S38.33: S38.34: S38.35: S38.36: S38.37: S38.40: S38.41: S38.42: S38.43: S38.44: S38.45: S38.80: S38.81: S38.82: S38.83: S38.84: S38.85: S38.86: S38.87: S38.88: move go causeway goto J19.%s S38.39: move north move north move northwest move northwest move go trail move northwest move northeast move northwest move north move up move west move climb cleft move up move north move north move northwest move up move east move down move down goto S39.%s ### S39 ### S39.1: S39.2: S39.3: S39.4: S39.5: S39.6: S39.7: S39.8: S39.9: S39.10: S39.11: S39.12: S39.13: S39.14: S39.15: S39.16: S39.17: S39.18: S39.19: S39.20: S39.21: S39.22: S39.23: S39.24: S39.25: S39.26: S39.27: S39.28: S39.29: S39.30: S39.31: S39.32: S39.33: S39.34: S39.35: S39.36: S39.37: S39.38: S39.40: S39.41: S39.42: S39.43: S39.44: S39.45: S39.80: S39.81: S39.82: S39.83: S39.84: S39.85: S39.86: S39.87: S39.88: move up move up move west move down move southeast move south move south move down move climb steps move east move down move south move southeast move southwest move southeast move west move southeast move southeast move south move south goto S38.%s ### S40 - Gossamer Valley ### S40.1: S40.2: S40.3: S40.4: S40.5: S40.6: S40.7: S40.8: S40.9: S40.10: S40.11: S40.12: S40.13: S40.14: S40.15: S40.16: S40.17: S40.18: S40.19: S40.20: S40.21: S40.22: S40.23: S40.24: S40.25: S40.26: S40.27: S40.28: S40.29: S40.30: S40.31: S40.32: S40.33: S40.34: S40.35: S40.36: S40.37: S40.38: S40.39: S40.41: S40.42: S40.43: S40.44: S40.45: S40.80: S40.81: S40.82: S40.83: S40.84: S40.85: S40.86: S40.87: S40.88: move down move down move down move down move down move east move north move down move southeast move east move down move down move down move go trail goto J16.%s ### S41 - Blighted Forest ### S41.1: S41.2: S41.3: S41.4: S41.5: S41.6: S41.7: S41.8: S41.9: S41.10: S41.11: S41.12: S41.13: S41.14: S41.15: S41.16: S41.17: S41.18: S41.19: S41.20: S41.21: S41.22: S41.23: S41.24: S41.25: S41.26: S41.27: S41.28: S41.29: S41.30: S41.31: S41.32: S41.33: S41.34: S41.35: S41.36: S41.37: S41.38: S41.39: S41.40: S41.42: S41.43: S41.44: S41.45: S41.80: S41.81: S41.82: S41.83: S41.84: S41.85: S41.86: S41.87: S41.88: move northwest goto J15.%s ### S42 - Emerald Forest ### S42.1: S42.2: S42.3: S42.4: S42.5: S42.6: S42.7: S42.8: S42.9: S42.10: S42.11: S42.12: S42.13: S42.14: S42.15: S42.16: S42.17: S42.18: S42.19: S42.20: S42.21: S42.22: S42.23: S42.24: S42.25: S42.26: S42.27: S42.28: S42.29: S42.30: S42.31: S42.32: S42.33: S42.34: S42.35: S42.36: S42.37: S42.38: S42.39: S42.40: S42.41: S42.45: S42.80: S42.81: S42.82: S42.83: S42.84: S42.85: S42.86: S42.87: S42.88: move go grove goto J13.%s S42.43: S42.44: move west move up move northwest move north move north move north move northeast move northwest move up move west move northwest move northwest move northeast move west move northwest move climb protrusion move northeast move northeast move north move northwest move northwest move north put push jewel carving put push skull carving put push griffin carving put push crown carving put push triangle carving goto S43.%s% ### S43 - Temple Wyneb ### S43.1: S43.2: S43.3: S43.4: S43.5: S43.6: S43.7: S43.8: S43.9: S43.10: S43.11: S43.12: S43.13: S43.14: S43.15: S43.16: S43.17: S43.18: S43.19: S43.20: S43.21: S43.22: S43.23: S43.24: S43.25: S43.26: S43.27: S43.28: S43.29: S43.30: S43.31: S43.32: S43.33: S43.34: S43.35: S43.36: S43.37: S43.38: S43.39: S43.40: S43.41: S43.42: S43.45: S43.80: S43.81: S43.82: S43.83: S43.84: S43.85: S43.86: S43.87: S43.88: move south move south move south move southeast move southeast move southeast move south move south move southeast move east move go stream move south move northwest move north move southwest move west move climb protrusion move southeast move east move southwest move southeast move southeast move east move down move southeast move southwest move south move south move south move southeast move down move east goto S42.%s S43.44: move south move south move south move southeast move southeast move southeast move south move south move southeast move east move go stream move south move northwest move north move north move northwest move northwest move north move northeast goto BLEH ### S44 - Griffin's Keen ### S44.1: S44.2: S44.3: S44.4: S44.5: S44.6: S44.7: S44.8: S44.9: S44.10: S44.11: S44.12: S44.13: S44.14: S44.15: S44.16: S44.17: S44.18: S44.19: S44.20: S44.21: S44.22: S44.23: S44.24: S44.25: S44.26: S44.27: S44.28: S44.29: S44.30: S44.31: S44.32: S44.33: S44.34: S44.35: S44.36: S44.37: S44.38: S44.39: S44.40: S44.41: S44.42: S44.44: S44.45: S44.80: S44.81: S44.82: S44.83: S44.84: S44.85: S44.86: S44.87: S44.88: echo [EN: Not yet implimented] exit ### S45 - Maaghara Tower ### S45.1: S45.2: S45.3: S45.4: S45.5: S45.6: S45.7: S45.8: S45.9: S45.10: S45.11: S45.12: S45.13: S45.14: S45.15: S45.16: S45.17: S45.18: S45.19: S45.20: S45.21: S45.22: S45.23: S45.24: S45.25: S45.26: S45.27: S45.28: S45.29: S45.30: S45.31: S45.32: S45.33: S45.34: S45.35: S45.36: S45.37: S45.38: S45.39: S45.40: S45.41: S45.42: S45.43: S45.44: S45.46: S45.47: S45.48: S45.49: S45.50: S45.80: S45.81: S45.82: S45.83: S45.84: S45.85: S45.86: S45.87: S45.88: move west move southeast move down move west move climb staircase move climb steps move down move southwest move down # The Refuse Heap path would begin here. move southeast move out move northwest move west move down move north move north move go path move west move southwest move west move north move west move southwest move west move southwest move southwest move north move west move northeast move north move northeast move north move go bridge move northwest move northeast move north goto S41.%s ### S80 ### Linsandrych Common ### S80.1: S80.2: S80.3: S80.4: S80.5: S80.6: S80.7: S80.8: S80.9: S80.10: S80.11: S80.12: S80.13: S80.14: S80.15: S80.16: S80.17: S80.18: S80.19: S80.20: S80.21: S80.22: S80.23: S80.24: S80.25: S80.26: S80.27: S80.28: S80.29: S80.30: S80.31: S80.32: S80.33: S80.34: S80.35: S80.36: S80.37: S80.38: S80.39: S80.40: S80.41: S80.42: S80.43: S80.44: S80.45: S80.46: S80.47: S80.48: S80.49: S80.50: S80.85: S80.88: S80.89: S80.90: S80.101: move west move go path move climb steps move climb trail move climb path goto S26.%s S80.81: S80.86: move southeast move southwest move climb tree move east move southeast goto S81.%s S80.82: move southeast move go ramp goto S82.%s S80.83: move west move go mouth move go opening move down move down move climb tunnel move go doorway goto S83.%s S80.84: move southeast move southeast move southeast move go gungalow goto S84.%s S80.87: move east move go bridge move go bungalow goto S87.%s ### S81 ### Cysaegir, Treetop Market ### S81.89: S81.90: echo [EN: Not yet implimented] exit S81.1: S81.2: S81.3: S81.4: S81.5: S81.6: S81.7: S81.8: S81.9: S81.10: S81.11: S81.12: S81.13: S81.14: S81.15: S81.16: S81.17: S81.18: S81.19: S81.20: S81.21: S81.22: S81.23: S81.24: S81.25: S81.26: S81.27: S81.28: S81.29: S81.30: S81.31: S81.32: S81.33: S81.34: S81.35: S81.36: S81.37: S81.38: S81.39: S81.40: S81.41: S81.42: S81.43: S81.44: S81.45: S81.46: S81.47: S81.48: S81.49: S81.50: S81.83: S81.85: S81.88: move northwest move west move northwest move go bridge move west move go drawbridge goto S26.%s S81.80: S81.87: move northwest move west move climb tree move northeast move northwest goto S80.%s S81.82: move northwest move west move climb tree move northeast move go ramp goto S82.%s S81.84: move northwest move west move climb tree move east move southeast move go bungalow goto S84.%s S81.86: S81.87: move north goto S86.%s ### S82 ### Cysaegir Gemshop ### S82.1: S82.2: S82.3: S82.4: S82.5: S82.6: S82.7: S82.8: S82.9: S82.10: S82.11: S82.12: S82.13: S82.14: S82.15: S82.16: S82.17: S82.18: S82.19: S82.20: S82.21: S82.22: S82.23: S82.24: S82.25: S82.26: S82.27: S82.28: S82.29: S82.30: S82.31: S82.32: S82.33: S82.34: S82.35: S82.36: S82.37: S82.38: S82.39: S82.40: S82.41: S82.42: S82.43: S82.44: S82.45: S82.46: S82.47: S82.48: S82.49: S82.50: S82.85: move go walkway move southwest move climb tree move northwest move go bridge move west move go drawbridge goto S26.%s S82.80: S82.83: move go walkway move northwest goto S80.%s S82.81: S82.86: move go walkway move southwest move climb tree move east move southeast goto S81.%s S82.84: move go walkway move southeast move southeast move go bungalow goto S84.%s ### S83 ### Cysaegir Pawnshop ### S83.1: S83.2: S83.3: S83.4: S83.5: S83.6: S83.7: S83.8: S83.9: S83.10: S83.11: S83.12: S83.13: S83.14: S83.15: S83.16: S83.17: S83.18: S83.19: S83.20: S83.21: S83.22: S83.23: S83.24: S83.25: S83.26: S83.27: S83.28: S83.29: S83.30: S83.31: S83.32: S83.33: S83.34: S83.35: S83.36: S83.37: S83.38: S83.39: S83.40: S83.41: S83.42: S83.43: S83.44: S83.45: S83.46: S83.47: S83.48: S83.49: S83.50: S83.85: move out move climb tunnel move up move up move go open move go mouth move go path move climb steps move climb trail move climb path goto S26.%s S83.80: S83.82: move out move climb tunnel move up move up move go opening move go mouth move east goto S80.%s S83.81: move out move climb tunnel move up move up move go opening move go mouth move east move southeast move southwest move climb tree move east move southeast goto S81.%s S83.84: move out move climb tunnel move up move up move go opening move go mouth move east move southeast move southeast move southeast move go bungalow goto S84.%s S83.86: move out move climb tunnel move up move up move go opening move go mouth move east move southeast move southwest move climb tree move east move northeast move south goto S86.%s ### S84 ### Cysaegir Furrier ### S84.1: S84.2: S84.3: S84.4: S84.5: S84.6: S84.7: S84.8: S84.9: S84.10: S84.11: S84.12: S84.13: S84.14: S84.15: S84.16: S84.17: S84.18: S84.19: S84.20: S84.21: S84.22: S84.23: S84.24: S84.25: S84.26: S84.27: S84.28: S84.29: S84.30: S84.31: S84.32: S84.33: S84.34: S84.35: S84.36: S84.37: S84.38: S84.39: S84.40: S84.41: S84.42: S84.43: S84.44: S84.45: S84.46: S84.47: S84.48: S84.49: S84.50: S84.85: move out move northwest move northwest move northwest move west move go path move climb steps move climb trail move climb path goto S26.%s S84.80: S84.87: move out move northwest move northwest move northwest goto S80.%s S84.81: move south goto S81.%s S84.82: move out move northwest move northwest move go ramp goto S82.%s S84.83: move out move northwest move northwest move northwest move west move go mouth move go opening move down move down move climb tunnel move go doorway goto S83.%s S84.86: move out move northwest move west move climb tree move east move northeast move south goto S86.%s ### S85 ### Cysaegir Bank ### S85.1: S85.2: S85.3: S85.4: S85.5: S85.6: S85.7: S85.8: S85.9: S85.10: S85.11: S85.12: S85.13: S85.14: S85.15: S85.16: S85.17: S85.18: S85.19: S85.20: S85.21: S85.22: S85.23: S85.24: S85.25: S85.26: S85.27: S85.28: S85.29: S85.30: S85.31: S85.32: S85.33: S85.34: S85.35: S85.36: S85.37: S85.38: S85.39: S85.40: S85.41: S85.42: S85.43: S85.44: S85.45: S85.46: S85.47: S85.48: S85.49: S85.50: S85.51: S85.52: S85.53: S85.54: S85.55: S85.56: S85.57: S85.58: S85.59: S85.60: S85.61: S85.62: S85.63: S85.64: S85.65: S85.66: S85.67: S85.68: S85.69: S85.70: S85.71: S85.72: S85.73: S85.74: S85.75: S85.76: S85.77: S85.78: S85.79: S85.80: S85.81: S85.82: S85.83: S85.84: S85.85: S85.86: S85.87: S85.88: S85.89: S85.90: S85.91: S85.92: S85.93: S85.94: S85.95: S85.96: S85.97: S85.98: S85.99: S85.100: S85.101: Move Out move go archway goto S26.%s ### S86 ### Cysaegir Herbalist ### S86.1: S86.2: S86.3: S86.4: S86.5: S86.6: S86.7: S86.8: S86.9: S86.10: S86.11: S86.12: S86.13: S86.14: S86.15: S86.16: S86.17: S86.18: S86.19: S86.20: S86.21: S86.22: S86.23: S86.24: S86.25: S86.26: S86.27: S86.28: S86.29: S86.30: S86.31: S86.32: S86.33: S86.34: S86.35: S86.36: S86.37: S86.38: S86.39: S86.40: S86.41: S86.42: S86.43: S86.44: S86.45: S86.46: S86.47: S86.48: S86.49: S86.50: S86.80: S86.81: S86.82: S86.83: S86.84: S86.85: S86.88: S86.101: move south goto S81.%s S86.87: move north move go rope move west move climb ladder move southeast move go bungalow goto S87.%s ### S87 - Cysaegir Locksmith ### S87.26: move out move northwest move climb ladder move southwest move go bridge move west move go drawbridge goto S26.%s S87.80: S87.83: move out move go bridge move west goto S80.%s S87.81: move out move northwest move climb ladder move east move go rope move south goto S86.%s ### S101 - Maaghara Tower Refuse Heap ### S101.1: S101.2: S101.3: S101.4: S101.5: S101.6: S101.7: S101.8: S101.9: S101.10: S101.11: S101.12: S101.13: S101.14: S101.15: S101.16: S101.17: S101.18: S101.19: S101.20: S101.21: S101.22: S101.23: S101.24: S101.25: S101.26: S101.27: S101.28: S101.29: S101.30: S101.31: S101.32: S101.33: S101.34: S101.35: S101.36: S101.37: S101.38: S101.39: S101.40: S101.41: S101.42: S101.43: S101.44: S101.46: S101.47: S101.48: S101.49: S101.50: S101.80: S101.81: S101.82: S101.83: S101.84: S101.85: S101.86: move east move southeast move out move northwest move west move down move north move north move go path move west move southwest move west move north move west move southwest move west move southwest move southwest move north move west move northeast move north move northeast move north move go bridge move northwest move northeast move north goto S41.%s S101.45: move east move northeast move up move climb steps move climb staircase move east move up move northwest move east goto S45.%s ### J1 ### Jeweler Junction ### UNUSED! move west move west move northwest move north move north move north ECHO *** Junction! Arboretum. goto J2.%s J1.2: J1.4: J1.6: J1.7: J1.8: J1.9: J1.15: move northeast move go dais ECHO *** The Dais. goto S2.%s J1.3: move go cottage goto S3.%s J1.10: J1.18: J1.19: J1.22: J1.23: J1.24: J1.25: J1.26: J1.27: J1.28: J1.29: J1.30: J1.31: J1.32: J1.33: J1.35: J1.36: J1.38: J1.39: J1.40: J1.41: J1.42: J1.43: J1.44: J1.45: J1.80: J1.81: J1.82: J1.83: J1.84: J1.85: J1.86: move northeast move northeast ECHO Junction! To the Gate! goto J4.%s J1.21: move w move s move sw move sw move nw move nw move go walkway move go building goto S21.%s J1.1: J1.5: J1.11: J1.12: J1.13: J1.16: J1.17: J1.20: J1.37: move west move west move southwest move southwest move northwest move north move northwest goto J6.%s J1.14: move west move south move southwest move southwest move north move go entrance move north goto S14.%s ### J2 ### Fountain/Arboretum Junction ### J2.1: J2.4: J2.5: J2.11: J2.12: J2.17: J2.20: move northwest move southwest move west move west move west move west move west ECHO *** Junction! Bank. goto J3.%s J2.2: J2.10: J2.18: J2.19: J2.22: J2.25: J2.26: J2.27: J2.28: J2.29: J2.30: J2.31: J2.32: J2.33: J2.34: J2.35: J2.36: J2.37: J2.38: J2.39: J2.40: J2.41: J2.42: J2.43: J2.44: J2.45: J2.80: J2.81: J2.82: J2.83: J2.84: J2.85: J2.86: move northeast move northeast move go bridge move southeast ECHO *** The Dais. goto S2.%s J2.3: move south move south move south move southeast move east move east ECHO *** Junction! Jeweler. goto J1.%s J2.6: move northeast move northeast move northeast move southeast move northeast move north move go Arboretum ECHO *** The Royal Arboretum. goto S6.%s J2.7: J2.9: move northeast move go arch move northwest goto J8.%s J2.8: move northeast move go arch move northwest goto J8.%s J2.13: move northwest move southwest move west move south move southwest move southeast goto J6.%s J2.13: move south move south move south move southeast move southwest move southwest move southeast goto J7.%s J2.14: move south move south move south move southeast move southwest move southwest move southeast move north move go entrance move north goto S14.%s J2.15: move northeast move go arch move northwest goto J8.%s J2.16: move northwest move southwest move west move south move southwest move southwest move west goto J9.%s J2.21: move south move south move south move southeast move southwest move southwest move northwest move go walkway move go building goto S21.%s ### J3 ### Bank Junction ### J3.1: J3.4: J3.9: J3.11: J3.12: J3.17: move west move west move north move north ECHO *** Briarstone goto S1.%s J3.2: J3.3: J3.6: J3.10: J3.18: J3.19: J3.22: J3.25: J3.26: J3.27: J3.28: J3.29: J3.30: J3.31: J3.32: J3.33: J3.34: J3.35: J3.36: J3.37: J3.38: J3.39: J3.40: J3.41: J3.42: J3.43: J3.44: J3.45: J3.80: J3.81: J3.82: J3.83: J3.84: J3.85: J3.86: move east move east move east move east move east move northeast move southeast ECHO *** Junction! Arboretum. goto J2.%s J3.5: move go bank move north move go arch ECHO *** Bank. goto S5.%s J3.7: J3.8: J3.15: move go bank move north move north move out move northeast move north move east move go keep goto S7.%s J3.16: move south move south move east move south goto J9.%s J3.13: J3.14: J3.21: move east move east move south move southeast move southeast goto J6.%s J3.20: move west move west move north move northeast goto S20.%s ### J4 ### Shimmarglin Court Junction ### J4.1: J4.2: J4.4: J4.5: J4.6: J4.7: J4.8: J4.9: J4.11: J4.12: J4.15: J4.17: J4.19: J4.20: J4.37: move northeast goto S19.%s J4.3: J4.13: J4.14: J4.16: J4.21: move southwest move southwest goto J1.%s J4.10: J4.22: J4.25: J4.26: J4.27: J4.28: J4.29: J4.30: J4.31: J4.32: J4.33: J4.34: J4.35: J4.36: J4.38: J4.39: J4.40: J4.41: J4.42: J4.43: J4.44: J4.45: J4.80: J4.81: J4.82: J4.83: J4.84: J4.85: J4.86: move southeast move southeast move south move southwest move east move northeast move go gate move southwest move southeast goto S22.%s J4.18: move southeast move southeast move south move southwest move east move north goto S18.%s ### J5 ### Pawnshop/Veythorn Manor junction ### J5.1: J5.3: J5.5: J5.11: J5.12: J5.13: J5.14: J5.16: J5.17: J5.20: J5.21: move southwest move south goto S1.%s J5.4: move southwest move go building goto S4.%s J5.2: J5.6: J5.7: J5.8: J5.10: J5.15: J5.18: J5.19: J5.22: J5.25: J5.26: J5.27: J5.28: J5.29: J5.30: J5.31: J5.32: J5.33: J5.34: J5.35: J5.36: J5.37: J5.38: J5.39: J5.40: J5.41: J5.42: J5.43: J5.44: J5.45: J5.46: J5.47: J5.48: J5.49: J5.50: J5.71: J5.72: J5.73: J5.74: J5.75: J5.80: J5.81: J5.82: J5.83: J5.84: J5.85: J5.86: move southeast move east move east move go keep goto S7.%s J5.9: move north move northeast move northeast move east move south goto S9.%s ### J6 ### Lost Home Junction ### J6.1: J6.4: J6.5: J6.7: J6.9: J6.17: J6.20: J6.37: move northwest move northwest move north move west move west goto J3.%s J6.2: J6.3: J6.10: J6.18: J6.19: J6.22: J6.23: J6.24: J6.25: J6.26: J6.27: J6.28: J6.29: J6.30: J6.31: J6.32: J6.33: J6.34: J6.35: J6.36: J6.38: J6.39: J6.40: J6.41: J6.42: J6.43: J6.44: J6.45: J6.46: J6.47: J6.48: J6.49: J6.50: J6.71: J6.72: J6.73: J6.74: J6.75: J6.80: J6.81: J6.82: J6.83: J6.84: J6.85: J6.86: move southeast move south move southeast move northeast move northeast move east move east goto J1.%s J6.6: J6.8: J6.15: move northwest move northeast move north move east move northeast move southeast goto J2.%s J6.14: move southeast move south move southeast move southeast move north move go entrance move north goto S14.%s J6.11: J6.12: J6.16: move northwest move southwest move west goto J9.%s J6.13: move go door goto S13.%s J6.21: move southeast move south move go walkway move go building goto S21.%s ### J7 ### Forge Junction ### J7.1: J7.4: J7.5: J7.16: J7.17: J7.20: J7.37: move northwest move northwest move north move northwest goto J6.%s J7.2: J7.3: J7.10: J7.18: J7.19: J7.22: J7.25: J7.26: J7.27: J7.28: J7.29: J7.30: J7.31: J7.32: J7.33: J7.34: J7.35: J7.36: J7.38: J7.39: J7.40: J7.41: J7.42: J7.43: J7.44: J7.45: J7.46: J7.47: J7.48: J7.49: J7.50: J7.80: J7.81: J7.82: J7.83: J7.84: J7.85: J7.86: J7.87: J7.88: J7.89: move northeast move northeast move north move east goto J1.%s J7.6: J7.7: J7.8: J7.15: move northwest move northeast move northeast move northwest move north move north move north goto J2.%s J7.14: move north move go entrance move north goto S14.%s J7.21: move northwest move northwest move go walkway move go building goto S21.%s ### J8 ### Caear Var Junction ### J8.1: J8.4: J8.5: J8.7: J8.9: J8.11: J8.12: J8.17: J8.20: J8.37: move northwest move northwest move go keep move west move west goto S7.%s J8.2: J8.10: J8.18: J8.19: J8.22: J8.23: J8.24: J8.25: J8.26: J8.27: J8.28: J8.29: J8.30: J8.31: J8.32: J8.33: J8.34: J8.35: J8.36: J8.38: J8.39: J8.40: J8.41: J8.42: J8.43: J8.44: J8.45: J8.46: J8.47: J8.48: J8.49: J8.50: J8.70: J8.71: J8.72: J8.73: J8.74: J8.75: J8.80: J8.81: J8.82: J8.83: J8.84: J8.85: J8.86: J8.87: J8.88: J8.89: move go bridge move southeast move northeast move go bridge move southeast goto S2.%s J8.3: J8.13: J8.14: J8.16: J8.21: move go bridge move southeast move southwest goto J2.%s J8.6: move go bridge move southeast move northeast move northeast move southeast move northeast move north move go Arboretum goto S6.%s J8.8: move northeast move north move north move northwest move go shop goto S8.%s J8.15: move northeast move north move north move northeast move go buildings goto S15.%s ### J9 ### Public Bath Junction ### J9.1: J9.4: J9.9: J9.17: J9.20: move north move west move northwest move north move west move north move north goto S1.%s J9.2: J9.6: J9.8: J9.15: move east move northeast move northeast move north move east move northeast move southeast goto J2.%s J9.5: J9.7: move north move west move north move north goto J3.%s J9.11: move north move west move southwest move northwest move northwest move southwest move south move south move southwest move northwest move northwest move north move go hall goto S11.%s J9.12: move north move west move southwest move northwest move northwest move southwest move south move south move southwest move go building goto S12.%s J9.3: J9.10: J9.13: J9.14: J9.18: J9.19: J9.21: J9.22: move east move northeast move southeast goto J6.%s J9.16: move go establishment goto S16.%s ### J10 ### Wrathenmist Junction ### J10.1: J10.2: J10.3: J10.4: J10.5: J10.6: J10.7: J10.8: J10.9: J10.10: J10.11: J10.12: J10.13: J10.14: J10.15: J10.16: J10.17: J10.18: J10.19: J10.20: J10.21: J10.22: J10.23: J10.24: J10.26: J10.30: J10.33: J10.37: J10.40: J10.41: J10.42: J10.43: J10.44: J10.45: J10.46: J10.47: J10.48: J10.49: J10.50: J10.71: J10.72: J10.73: J10.74: J10.75: J10.80: J10.81: J10.82: J10.83: J10.84: J10.85: J10.86: move northwest move northwest move west move northwest move northwest move northwest move north move northwest move west echo *** At the junction between Whistler's Pass and Sylvarraend Road. goto J20.%s J10.25: J10.27: J10.29: J10.31: J10.32: J10.35: J10.36: J10.38: J10.39: move southeast move east move east move east move southeast move southeast move southeast move east move east move southeast move southeast move southeast move southeast echo *** At the junction between Gyldemar Road and Sylvarraend Road. Goto J11.%s J10.28: move southeast move east move east move east move southeast goto S28.%s ### J11 ### J11.1: J11.2: J11.3: J11.4: J11.5: J11.6: J11.7: J11.8: J11.9: J11.10: J11.11: J11.12: J11.13: J11.14: J11.15: J11.16: J11.17: J11.18: J11.19: J11.20: J11.21: J11.22: J11.23: J11.24: J11.26: J11.30: J11.37: J11.40: J11.41: J11.42: J11.43: J11.44: J11.45: J11.80: J11.81: J11.82: J11.83: J11.84: J11.85: J11.86: put set room off put set desc off move northwest move northwest move northwest move northwest move west move west move northwest move northwest move northwest move west move west move west move northwest echo *** At the junction between Wraithenmist and Sylvarraend Road. goto J10.%s J11.25: J11.29: move east move southeast move southeast move southeast move south move south goto J12.%s J11.27: move east move southeast move southeast move northeast goto S27.%s J11.28: move northwest move northwest move northwest move northwest move west move west move northwest move northwest move go inn goto S28.%s J11.31: J11.32: move east move go trail goto S31.%s J11.35: J11.36: J11.38: J11.39: move northeast move north move northeast move north move north move northeast move northeast move north goto J17.%s ### J12 ### J12.1: J12.2: J12.3: J12.4: J12.5: J12.6: J12.7: J12.8: J12.9: J12.10: J12.11: J12.12: J12.13: J12.14: J12.15: J12.16: J12.17: J12.18: J12.19: J12.20: J12.21: J12.22: J12.23: J12.24: J12.26: J12.28: J12.30: J12.31: J12.32: J12.33: J12.34: J12.35: J12.36: J12.37: J12.38: J12.39: J12.40: J12.41: J12.42: J12.43: J12.44: J12.45: J12.80: J12.81: J12.82: J12.83: J12.84: J12.85: J12.86: move north move north move northwest move northwest move northwest move west goto J11.%s J12.25: move southwest move southwest move south move west goto S25.%s J12.27: move north move north move northwest move northeast goto S27.%s J12.29: put set room off put set desc off move southeast move southeast move southeast move south move southeast move southeast move southeast move south move south move southeast move southeast move southeast move east move east move southeast move southeast move southeast move east move southeast move southeast move southeast move go dock goto S29.%s ### J13 ### J13.1: J13.2: J13.3: J13.4: J13.5: J13.6: J13.7: J13.8: J13.9: J13.10: J13.11: J13.12: J13.13: J13.14: J13.15: J13.16: J13.17: J13.18: J13.19: J13.20: J13.21: J13.22: J13.23: J13.24: J13.25: J13.27: J13.28: J13.29: J13.31: J13.32: J13.34: J13.35: J13.36: J13.37: J13.38: J13.39: put set room off put set desc off move east move northeast move east move north move north move northeast move east move northwest move north move northeast move climb wall move northeast move go bridge move northeast move go step move north move north move northeast move east move southeast move east move northeast move northeast move north move north move northwest move north move northeast move northeast move north move northwest move east move northeast move north move north move north move northeast move northwest move northeast goto J20.%s J13.26: J13.30: J13.33: J13.40: J13.41: J13.45: J13.80: J13.81: J13.82: J13.83: J13.84: J13.85: J13.86: put set room off put set desc off move southwest move south move southeast move south move south move south move southwest move south move south move southeast move southeast move southwest move southwest move southwest move south move southwest move west move southwest goto J14.%s J13.42: J13.43: J13.44: move go grove goto S42.%s ### J14 ### J14.1: J14.2: J14.3: J14.4: J14.5: J14.6: J14.7: J14.8: J14.9: J14.10: J14.11: J14.12: J14.13: J14.14: J14.15: J14.16: J14.17: J14.18: J14.19: J14.20: J14.21: J14.22: J14.23: J14.24: J14.25: J14.27: J14.28: J14.29: J14.31: J14.32: J14.34: J14.35: J14.36: J14.37: J14.38: J14.39: J14.42: J14.43: J14.44: J14.45: put set room off put set desc off move northeast move east move northeast move north move northeast move northeast move northeast move northwest move northwest move north move north move northeast move north move north move north move northwest move north move northeast goto J13.%s J14.26: J14.30: J14.40: J14.41: J14.80: J14.81: J14.82: J14.83: J14.84: J14.85: J14.86: move south move southwest move south move northwest move go bridge move southwest move up move up move south move southeast move southeast goto J15.%s J14.33: move down move down move down goto S33.%s ### J15 ### J15.1: J15.2: J15.3: J15.4: J15.5: J15.6: J15.7: J15.8: J15.9: J15.10: J15.11: J15.12: J15.13: J15.14: J15.15: J15.16: J15.17: J15.18: J15.19: J15.20: J15.21: J15.22: J15.23: J15.24: J15.25: J15.27: J15.28: J15.29: J15.31: J15.32: J15.33: J15.35: J15.36: J15.37: J15.38: J15.39: J15.42: J15.43: J15.44: J15.45: move northwest move northwest move north move down move down move go bridge move northeast move southeast move north move northeast move north goto J14.%s J15.26: J15.30: J15.40: J15.80: J15.81: J15.82: J15.83: J15.84: J15.85: J15.86: put set room off put set desc off move south move south move south move south move southwest move west move west move go path move south move south move southwest move west move southwest move southwest move south move south move southeast move south move south move southwest move south move southwest goto J16.%s J15.41: move southeast goto S41.%s ### J16 ### J16.1: J16.2: J16.3: J16.4: J16.5: J16.6: J16.7: J16.8: J16.9: J16.10: J16.11: J16.12: J16.13: J16.14: J16.15: J16.16: J16.17: J16.18: J16.19: J16.20: J16.21: J16.22: J16.23: J16.24: J16.25: J16.27: J16.28: J16.29: J16.31: J16.32: J16.33: J16.34: J16.35: J16.36: J16.37: J16.38: J16.39: J16.41: J16.42: J16.43: J16.44: J16.45: put set room off put set desc off move northeast move north move northeast move north move north move northwest move north move north move northeast move northeast move east move northeast move north move north move go path move east move east move northeast move north move north move north move north goto J15.%s J16.40: move go trail move up move up move up move west move northwest move up move south move west move up move up move up move up move up goto S40.%s J16.26: J16.30: J16.80: J16.81: J16.82: J16.83: J16.84: J16.85: J16.86: put set room off put set desc off move southwest move south move south move west move southwest move south move go open move southwest move northwest move west move south move south move west move southwest move out move west move southwest move southeast move southwest move down move south move west move west move south move down move south move south move southwest move west move down move southwest move south move southeast move down move south move south move southwest move go open move west move northwest move out move west move southwest move southwest move south move south move southwest move southwest move southeast move southwest echo *** Junction 21, Cysaegir *** goto J21.%s ### J17 ### J17.1: J17.2: J17.3: J17.4: J17.5: J17.6: J17.7: J17.8: J17.9: J17.10: J17.11: J17.12: J17.13: J17.14: J17.15: J17.16: J17.17: J17.18: J17.19: J17.20: J17.21: J17.22: J17.23: J17.24: J17.25: J17.26: J17.27: J17.28: J17.29: J17.30: J17.31: J17.32: J17.33: J17.34: J17.37: J17.40: J17.41: J17.42: J17.43: J17.44: J17.45: J17.46: J17.47: J17.48: J17.49: J17.50: J17.70: J17.71: J17.72: J17.73: J17.74: J17.75: J17.76: J17.77: J17.78: J17.79: J17.80: J17.81: J17.82: J17.83: J17.84: J17.85: J17.86: J17.87: J17.88: J17.89: J17.101: move south move southwest move southwest move south move south move southwest move south move southwest goto J11.%s J17.36: move go path goto S36.%s J17.35: J17.38: J17.39: move northeast move northeast move northeast move east move north move east move northeast move north move east move east goto J18.%s ### J18 ### J18.1: J18.2: J18.3: J18.4: J18.5: J18.6: J18.7: J18.8: J18.9: J18.10: J18.11: J18.12: J18.13: J18.14: J18.15: J18.16: J18.17: J18.18: J18.19: J18.20: J18.21: J18.22: J18.23: J18.24: J18.25: J18.26: J18.27: J18.28: J18.29: J18.30: J18.31: J18.32: J18.33: J18.34: J18.36: J18.37: J18.40: J18.41: J18.42: J18.43: J18.44: J18.45: J18.80: J18.81: J18.82: J18.83: J18.84: J18.85: J18.86: move west move west move south move southwest move west move south move west move southwest move southwest move southwest goto J17.%s J18.35: move down goto S35.%s J18.38: J18.39: move north move north move north move north move north move north move north move north move northeast move northeast move northeast move northeast move east move down move down move down goto J19.%s ### J19 ### J19.1: J19.2: J19.3: J19.4: J19.5: J19.6: J19.7: J19.8: J19.9: J19.10: J19.11: J19.12: J19.13: J19.14: J19.15: J19.16: J19.17: J19.18: J19.19: J19.20: J19.21: J19.22: J19.23: J19.24: J19.25: J19.26: J19.27: J19.28: J19.29: J19.30: J19.31: J19.32: J19.33: J19.34: J19.35: J19.36: J19.37: J19.40: J19.41: J19.42: J19.43: J19.44: J19.45: J19.80: J19.81: J19.82: J19.83: J19.84: J19.85: J19.86: put set room off put set desc off move up move up move up move west move southwest move southwest move southwest move southwest move south move south move south move south move south move south move south move south goto J18.%s J19.38: J19.39: move go causeway goto S38.%s ### J20 - Junction between Whistler's Pass and Sylvarraend Road ### J20.1: J20.2: J20.3: J20.4: J20.5: J20.6: J20.7: J20.8: J20.9: J20.10: J20.11: J20.12: J20.13: J20.14: J20.15: J20.16: J20.17: J20.18: J20.19: J20.20: J20.21: J20.22: J20.23: J20.24: move northeast move north move east move east move northeast goto S10.%s J20.25: J20.27: J20.28: J20.29: J20.31: J20.32: J20.34: J20.35: J20.36: J20.37: J20.38: J20.39: J20.45: move east move southeast move south move southeast move southeast move southeast move east move southeast move southeast goto J10.%s J20.26: J20.30: J20.33: J20.40: J20.41: J20.42: J20.43: J20.44: J20.80: J20.81: J20.82: J20.83: J20.84: J20.85: J20.86: put set room off put set desc off move southwest move southeast move southwest move south move south move south move southwest move west move southeast move south move southwest move southwest move south move southeast move south move south move southwest move southwest move west move northwest move west move southwest move south move go bridge move go step move go bridge move southwest move southwest move climb wall move southwest move south move southeast move west move southwest move south move south move west move southwest move west goto J13.%s ### J21 - Outside of Cysaegir ### J21.1: J21.2: J21.3: J21.4: J21.5: J21.6: J21.7: J21.8: J21.9: J21.10: J21.11: J21.12: J21.13: J21.14: J21.15: J21.16: J21.17: J21.18: J21.19: J21.20: J21.21: J21.22: J21.23: J21.24: J21.25: J21.27: J21.28: J21.29: J21.31: J21.32: J21.33: J21.34: J21.35: J21.36: J21.37: J21.38: J21.39: J21.40: J21.41: J21.42: J21.43: J21.44: J21.45: put set room off put set desc off move northeast move northwest move northeast move northeast move north move north move northeast move northeast move east move go thicket move southeast move east move out move northeast move north move north move up move northwest move north move northeast move up move east move northeast move north move north move up move north move east move east move north move up move northeast move northwest move northeast move east move go tunnel move northeast move east move north move east move north move east move north move east move southeast move northeast move out move north move northeast move east move north move north move northeast goto J16.%s J21.26: J21.80: J21.81: J21.82: J21.83: J21.84: J21.85: J21.86: J21.87: J21.88: J21.89: move southeast move southwest move southeast move southwest move southeast move southwest move south ECHO *** Welcome to Cysaegir. *** goto S26.%s J21.30: echo [EN: It is recommended that you have 2010 silvers with you before continuing beyond this point.] pause 5 put set room off put set desc off move southwest move west move west move northwest move west move southwest move west move west move south move south move south move southwest move southwest move go footbridge move west move southwest move southwest move south move south move southeast move southwest move west move west move south move south move southwest move southwest move south move east move southwest move south move south move south move southwest move southwest move south move up move up move up move go crevasse move south move south move southeast move out goto J22.%s ### J22 - After Cysaegir, to Zul Logoth ### J22.1: J22.2: J22.3: J22.4: J22.5: J22.6: J22.7: J22.8: J22.9: J22.10: J22.11: J22.12: J22.13: J22.14: J22.15: J22.16: J22.17: J22.18: J22.19: J22.20: J22.21: J22.22: J22.23: J22.24: J22.25: J22.26: J22.27: J22.28: J22.29: J22.31: J22.32: J22.33: J22.34: J22.35: J22.36: J22.37: J22.38: J22.39: J22.40: J22.41: J22.42: J22.43: J22.44: J22.45: J22.80: J22.81: J22.82: J22.83: J22.84: J22.85: J22.86: put set room off put set desc off move go crevasse move northwest move north move north move out move down move down move down move north move northeast move northeast move north move north move north move northeast move west move north move northeast move northeast move north move north move east move east move northeast move northwest move north move north move northeast move northeast move east move go footbridge move northeast move northeast move north move north move north move east move east move northeast move east move southeast move east move east move northeast goto J21.%s J22.30: put set room off put set desc off move s move sw move sw move s move s move s move sw move s move sw move s move se move s move s move s move sw move sw move climb boulders move sw move sw move s move se move s move sw move sw move s move go opening move se move se move sw move s move sw move s move go crevasse pause move sw move out move sw move s move sw move sw move se move sw move sw move sw move s move go cavern move se move se move se move s move s move sw move sw move sw move go tunnel move s move sw move s move sw move se move sw move s move se move se move se move s move s move sw move sw move s move s move go bridge move s move s move s move s move go edge move s move sw move se move sw move se move s move s move sw move w move sw move s move sw move sw move sw move sw move s move sw move sw move sw move s put climb boulder pause move sw move s move se move sw move s move s move go fissure pause move up move up move sw move sw move s move sw move w move sw move nw move w move nw move nw move w move nw move n move nw move sw echo echo [EN: Climbing check before carts. CLIMB MOUNTAIN, PATH and TRAIL. GO CAVERN and BUY TICKET. Restart script after cart.] echo put sheath put store 2weapon pause put climb mountain pause 10 put climb path pause 10 put climb trail pause 10 move go cavern mouth goto S30.%s ### J23 - Hotsprings Junction ### J23.1: J23.2: J23.3: J23.4: J23.5: J23.6: J23.7: J23.8: J23.9: J23.10: J23.11: J23.12: J23.13: J23.14: J23.15: J23.16: J23.18: J23.19: J23.20: J23.21: J23.22: J23.23: J23.24: J23.25: J23.26: J23.27: J23.28: J23.29: J23.30: J23.31: J23.32: J23.33: J23.34: J23.35: J23.36: J23.40: J23.41: J23.42: J23.43: J23.44: J23.45: J23.80: J23.81: J23.82: J23.83: J23.84: J23.85: move southeast move east move down move southeast move south move down move down move go trail move go gate move east goto J24.%s J23.17: move go trail move go steps goto S17.%s J23.37: move up move up move up move climb face move go crevasse goto S37.%s ### J24 - Postern Gate Junction ### J24.1: J24.2: J24.3: J24.4: J24.5: J24.6: J24.7: J24.8: J24.9: J24.10: J24.11: J24.12: J24.13: J24.14: J24.15: J24.16: J24.18: J24.19: J24.20: J24.21: J24.22: J24.23: J24.24: J24.25: J24.26: J24.27: J24.28: J24.29: J24.30: J24.31: J24.32: J24.33: J24.34: J24.35: J24.36: J24.38: J24.39: J24.40: J24.41: J24.42: J24.43: J24.44: J24.45: J24.80: J24.81: J24.82: J24.83: J24.84: J24.85: J24.86: move east move east move northeast move northeast move northeast goto S1.%s J24.17: J24.37: move west move go gate move go trail move up move up move north move northwest move up move west move northwest goto J23.%s QUIT: put set desc on put set room on EXIT