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August 2015

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2002
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/20/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

We're going to change the angle of how we do this high-end item list. There is no way I can limit item sales in a reasonable way to make all parties happy. I toss them on first, it rewards those that saved, I toss them on last, it opens the playing field to anyone with the time and money. The original scope was 3 certificates this time around, limited to 2 to 5 certificates total, but we're completely changing gears. I realize this is going to be pretty drastic. But due to this, we're going to offer some once in a (Elanthian) life time item opportunities.

We are going to be offering 13 limited items/services this time around. We are offering one of each of the following:

Item or Service Notes
Blink Weapon To be added to your own weapon, some restrictions may apply.
Splitter Weapon To be added to your own weapon, some restrictions may apply.
Bandolier Weapon Create a new bandolier with a newly created weapon of your choice, some restrictions may apply.
Undead Bane To be added to your weapon, cannot have a bane already.
Coin Hand Creation of a new coin hand from any Elanthian race that has a hand.
Cross-Realm Transportation Pretty self explanatory.
A Trio of Enchanting Potions To create 8x, 9x, and 10x enchants.
Additional Weighting An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points.
Additional Padding An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points.
Additional Sighting An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points.
Additional TD An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points.
Additional Defender An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points. Cannot offset the Zelnorn defender properties.
Pet Phoenix The one that follows you around, attuned to the wearer, needs to be manually set up.

These will all be auctioned for bloodscrip on the last Sunday. Restricted to 1 per account and 1 service per item. You will need to have all the bloodscrip redeemed at the end of each auction. No exchanges of bloodscrip after the auction will be allowed. Leaving the room will disqualify you. Not having the bloodscrip redeemed shortly after the auction will also disqualify you. If you are disqualified, the person with the next highest bid will win by default. Same rules apply.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2005
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/20/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

Quick note on the bandolier weapon. The weapon is freshly made, not your own weapon. I don't want you going bananas over that. I said create a new one, but I realize it's not clear after re-reading it.

Also, these aren't certificates, these are services that need to be redeemed Sunday night.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2023
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/20/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

>>Wyrom, you are good at putting out a selection of nifty items so that everyone has something to drool over. Bravo!

My list wasn't as good, to be honest. The list before you is from a last chance powwow with GMs Coase, Estild, and Finros. We went back and forth on some ideas right up to the time I posted.

>>My dream weapon would be blink+rot.

Blink+Rot is fine. You could be living the dream.

>>Could you discuss the some restrictions which may apply?

It's kind of like CCF, it's not so much that there is a list of issues, it's just in case something ridiculous exists out that that won't work. For splitters, the weapon needs to be TWC safe, so that's one thing there.

>>How is it just when I think I don't want any of the high end prizes Wyrom always manages to find something I to tempt me with? Stop readin my mind!

You want the pet phoenix, doncha!?

>>I think you've done a great job, of making it so no one person is going to get everything, while giving a nice selection and a fair distribution method. Kudos to you and thanks again, for the hard work and amazing job.

I've had some help from some amazing GameMasters.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2041
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/20/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

I realize this format is not going to appeal to everyone. If something like this is going to leave a bad taste in your mouth or lead to problems with your gaming experience, I highly recommend avoiding the gear grind here. The point is still fun.

We'll keep trying different formats. Given the schedule changes though, we had to make some tough calls under the gun. We're not just selling items or services. I realize some may lose sight of that. But if that were the case, we'd not limit anything. We'd blow down the doors of game balance. As much as you may think keeping things in an unlimited fashion would be okay, the game would probably suffer a death blow. Maybe not from this, but for the longevity of the game. I also realize we could have added a lot of other things, swap some things, scrap other. The list would go on and on.

I don't want any of you to sit on a pile of bloodscrip. This isn't a cash grab, more a scrip sink. I'm also exploring some options here. Remember, Ebon Gate is around the corner, we have some awesome stuff again this year.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2073
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/20/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

Adding services will not be something we venture down too often. It will be preserved to the higher end stuff. The certificates for lower tier stuff isn't something I foresee doing.

I've added several new bases of greater elemental flares (gloves, flamberge, handaxe, war hammer, awl-pike, and runestaff - 20000 bloodscrip).

I've added several bases of 5x DCP armors [7 points] (full leathers, double leathers, leather breastplate, brigandine, augmented chain, and metal breastplate - 3000 bloodscrip).

I've added back the fully unlocked pirate bandolier with the inviso-sphere feature AND have inviso-spheres for sale. I decreased the price from 12500 to 10000.

I've added a fully unlocked pelt bag that bundles (5000 bloodscrip).

I've added 2 new multi-cast wands (303, 310, 313 1x and 602, 104, 105, 207, 1x - both 10000 bloodscrip).

I've upped all of Ode To Resistance have been upped to 5x (2500 bloodscrip).

Haliste added new unlocked Fana wares (everything in the case - 2500/5000 bloodscrip).

Valyrka added the aug chain and upped all her flaring items to 5x (2500 bloodscrip).

The NerveStaff that was described glowbark but was really lor has been fixed to really be glowbark.

I think that's all our updates. I realize we didn't hit a lot of the 10k to 50k like asked, but we hustled.

~Wyrom, APM

>>They call him Wyrom, not afraid to get dirty; work all day, in game by 5:30; loresongs eloquent, item embellishment, double speed development... ~Silvean

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2084
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/21/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

>>2) What' the base enchant on the greater elemental flaring weapons? They're neat weapons, they have great scripts. But greater elemental flares are also notoriously weak. 20k is a bit steep- any way to get that down a bit?

Have you actually seen them in action since I updated them at RtCF/CCF? I don't think you have if you say they are weak. They are 6x though.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2110
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/21/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

>>Any chance on being a bit of a salesman and sharing the details? I haven't seen one in use in years and don't remember being impressed.

I let SVEN2010 use one last night. I don't have time to give live demonstrations. Hopefully they can share some shots!

>>Wyrom -- can you give more detail on the cross realm transporter item?

It's likely going to be the same one we did at SimuCon. You initially set it between 2 realms and can go back and forth between them. If we don't use that one, we'll announce it before Sunday.

>>Any chance of adding new or bringing back some of those mid level 20-60k items as the week progresses, as opposed to having everything done and set in stone when the grounds open later today?

Adding old shops after we're live is not something we can do really. The shop inventory is where we're at right now. The 3-slot fusion armors will not be back at Duskruin. The cloaks we might be able to do in a future run.

>>I'd love to see the 6x/6x nervestaff back

It never left. It's been there since the second run. Was there last run. And it's there this run.

>>Awl-pike? Get real, who's gonna spend 20k scrip for that? Why not just make it a lance?

Because it was requested as an awl-pike. Plus, a lance would not be the same price.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2136
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/22/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

>>For Mar and Scar: Can we get a definitive listing of which items have which flares? Some seem obvious, some I have no clue on.

a pair of vruul hide gloves charred with fiery runes (+30) Fire
a blued zorchar flamberge banded down the blade in solid white - (+30) Lightning
a square-headed imflass hammerbeak fluted with veniom - (+27) Air/Steam
a circular imflass moon axe fluted with veniom - (+27) Air/Steam
a gornar-tipped ranseur adorned with uncut gemstones (+30) Earth/Vibe
a gnarled ironwood runestaff capped with a sphere of ur-barath (+30) Gravity/Vacuum
a jagged-edged blue rhimar warblade flecked with silver inclusions (+30) Ice
a jagged-edged crimson drakar warblade streaked with gold flecks (+30) Fire
an ur-barath-runed pike with a faenor spearhead (+28) Gravity/Vacuum [NEW]
a tri-headed vaalorn spikestar with a heavy rhimar chain (+28) Ice [NEW]

Also, added a hunk of red ur-barath in the shop. This is just alter fodder to use at a merchant to adorn your item with ur-barath. It can't be the primary material, unless a small little trinket. This is one of the new materials we released during HSN.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2152
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/22/2015
Subject: Auction

The auction will take place around 5pm ET inside the Viridian Coil (exact room is The Viridian Coil, Tavern). Order of items will not be discussed prior to the auction to prevent collusion. All wins need to be redeemed after the auction. If for some reason we can't work out the details at that time, I'll give you some time to come up with a second plan.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2323
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/25/2015
Subject: Auction

I want to try to ease some issues that are arising with the auction and go over everything one more time.

The auction is on Sunday, 8/30, at 5pm ET. That leaves you a few hours to shop. This is the last run of Duskruin for awhile. The next time it's available, I'm hoping to have a new activity that is a mix of the arena and sewers. This isn't confirmed, it's my hope. Moving forward, I'd like to get some more character customization services for the limited stuff. We're pounding the high-end service into the ground lately, and I do want to give it a little break. That's not me saying you're not going to see really cool services or items again. You will. I say all this in this thread because I want you to know the future of your bloodscrip and how to spend them.

Once you enter the auction area, the Viridian Coil and the auction begins, you'll not be able to leave. There will be no passing items around. You must have all your bloodscrip on your character that wins the auction, should you bid. They do not need to be redeemed, but you need to have them. After you win an auction, you are required to stay in the room. You cannot pass your unused bloodscrip off to anyone else. All auctioned services and items must be redeemed after the auction has concluded, so please have your first idea ready to go. If we run into an issue where I can't work with you right on the spot, you will have time after Duskruin closes to get things together. The order of the auction will not be disclosed.

Each item up for auction has a reserve bid before we'll let it go. Don't worry, the reserves aren't brutal. If I have to reveal the reserve, I'll announce the buyout price. I realize there are fears and worries of collusion. I know auctions favor people who have the time and money. But we're working on making this as streamlined as we can for you. Since these things take so much planning, we may refine it again if we ever go down this route.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2172
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/22/2015
Subject: The Limited Items - The bandolier

>>Is the weapon bandolier limited to certain weapons or can any weapon be chosen?

Needs to be one of the hurling weapon bases. So you can choose from dagger, handaxe, spear, war hammer, dart, chakram, discus, net, bola, and javelin.

>>What will the enchant be on the weapon bandolier? Will it have flares? Do we choose the flares? What flares can be choosen? If we choose no flares can it be blessed? What is your favorite color?

Enchant and ability will go toward an allotment you have to choose from. So it can be 5x and a common flare (fire, ice, lightning, and impact), or 4x and an uncommon flare (unbalance, disruption, crush, slash, puncture, and disintegration) or 5 points of weighting. Being able to bless a bandolier weapon INSIDE the bandolier is a bug and will eventually get fixed (just like the unlimited arrow quivers), but you could technically leave it blessible and bless it once in hand.

When I was kid, my favorite color was orange. But as I got older, I started to like muted and earth tones. Dark green, grey, brown, stuff like that.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2222
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/23/2015
Subject: Anti-Colluding Measures

Rolfard already stated what I have in another post. You cannot leave the room or pass bloodscrip off once you've entered the auction. In fact, I will be closing off the exits for the duration of the event. You will be locked in for the auction. You can still arrive late, but you cannot leave. If the auction has already been concluded to be in the control of 5 or 9 people, then they have a lot more time and money than I can fathom here. I realize it's been awhile since we've had an official auction, but I'd try not to get into a fixed mindset of it being game over already.

To touch on another thread, the good thing about bloodscrip, compared to silver, is it's a new currency. One that doesn't have 25 years of accumulation in game. Yes, some people have a decent headstart. Some people have a lot more time and money to earn more than others. But it's better than going against Ciston or Speaker back in the day. Yeah, I name dropped. No, I'm not bitter about losing out in 1997 still... maybe.

I would prefer the bloodscrip be redeemed before, but Durakar already hit on my concerns that I do not want anyone being trapped with thousands of dollars worth of bloodscrip to a character. For game balance concerns, we have decided that removing bloodscrip from your character is not a direction we want to go, but we would offer it as a choice with physical copies. Not all scrips will be treated equally though. Some quests or events will lock your character to having the scrips automatically added.

~Wyrom, APM

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April 2016