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FMShop:The Blackshire Emporium
2015 & 2016 Inventory
a massive ebonwood wagon with a black iron-railed ramp, Room 61, Lich #20125, go wagon
[The Blackshire Emporium]
RNUM: 21458
Black tallow candles on scrollwork iron sconces flank the entry, casting a tainted light across the interior of the wagon. The matte dark purple walls, painted with glossy thin ebon stripes, reach from the black carpeted floor to the matching ceiling that arches overhead. Small ebonwood shelves line the walls, their surfaces strewn with oddities and knick knacks. An iron scrollwork table and chairs sits near the eastward passage, laden with refreshments to beckon shoppers further inside.
Obvious exits: east, out
~* Welcome to Blackshire Emporium *~
Here you will find a collection of goods, ranging from clothing and imbeddables to cosmetics and potions to change your appearance.
Please handle the items with care and know that thievery will be punished severely.
Regards, Lady Almyra Blackshire
On the Table you see
a glass of blackberry wine |
a milk chocolate bat
a cup of orange spice tea
a dark chocolate-drizzled vanilla cream pastry
some chocolate-covered buttery almond toffee
One East
[The Blackshire Emporium]
RNUM: 22623
Swathes of ebony gauze cling to the walls, draped between the black iron sconces and accented with miniature feystone spiders with spindly legs. Below, tables festooned with violet and black-striped banners cozy up to the walls, and between them stands a tall grey-barked tree laden with a variety of goods. Here and there among the wares are sculpted silver vases and small tea candles in stained glass holders, the latter illuminating the crimson and lavender fleur-de-lis designs on the shades.
Obvious exits: east, west
On the Tree you see
a bone-strung copper-linked necklace with a claw clasp |
neck-worn functional |
a viper fang collar joined by burnished bronze beads |
an ivory linked vertebra necklace with bloodstone spacers |
a slender electrum neckchain beaded with dark violet feystones |
a discolored iron collar cast into a pair of clasped hands |
a cerulean silk mesh choker strung with tiny silver beads |
On the Tables you see
a smooth jet ring overlaid with silver lace filigree |
ring functional |
an apricot glimaerstone band accented with flecks of gold |
ring functional |
a square-linked silver wristchain fixed with moonstone beads |
wrist-worn functional |
a braided bronze and gold wristcuff inlaid with ivory shards |
wrist-worn functional |
a lustrous scarlet ring set with a crescent of golden topaz |
a tentacle-carved violet feystone stud with peridot suckers |
a twisted silver half-ring dangling an ultramarine sapphire |
a set of arrow-shaped iron studs tipped with crimson |
a pyramid-studded gold bracelet with lapis enamel whorls |
wrist-worn functional |
a bronze serpent-twined ring set with viridian emerald eyes |
ring functional |
In the Vase you see
a lush peach rose with two-toned leaves |
hair-worn |
a flawless plum rose with a long stem |
an onyx-hued rose with emerald-sheened petals |
a fragrant scarlet rose with a thornless stem |
a full sunset-hued rose with dew-kissed petals |
a delicate blue-violet tea rose on a short stem |
a satiny rose of muted twilight hues |
a blush-tipped stark white rose cradled in dark green leaves |
Two East
[The Blackshire Emporium]
RNUM: 22624
A heavy black iron chandelier hangs from the support beams overhead, each of its many arms bearing a tallow candle. Wirework mannequins lurk in the corners, casting raucous shadows across the walls, and in the center of the room is an ebon wire birdcage housing an obsidian raven. A pair of matching ebonwood chests sit open beneath the birdcage, and elevated on carved ebonwood pedestals, velvet-lined glass cases display a variety of wares.
Obvious exits: west
The potions sold here will temporarily change some of your features. The effects last approximately four hours, and there are ten doses in each bottle. Be careful to purchase the correct potion as no refunds will be made. Potions for your hair are in the chests, and potions for the eyes are in the case.
In the case, you will find a variety of cosmetics. The pigments are for your lips, the powders are for your eyelids, and the sticks are eyeliner. They have around twenty uses each.
The icy lavender bottle will give you waist-length, subtly waved icy lavender hair strewn with silver skull-shaped hairclips.
The deep cherry red bottle will give you short, layered deep cherry red hair with long, feathery side-swept bangs.
The pearlescent mint green bottle will give you shoulder-length, smooth mint green hair artfully arranged with a series of pearl-tipped pins.
The teal-swirled sapphire blue bottle will give you very long, silky sapphire blue hair that falls in an ombre cascade to tips of teal.
The green-sparked lagoon blue bottle will give you green-sparked lagoon blue eyes.
The solid silver bottle will give you pupilless glittering silver eyes.
The rainbow-swept golden bottle will give you rainbow-spoked pale golden eyes.
The blush-limned dark peach bottle will give you blush-limned dark peach-hued eyes.
- Temporary feature changers (~4 hours)
In the Case you see
a small box of heliotrope powder |
Eye shadow |
a small box of aubergine powder |
a small box of feystone violet powder |
a small box of jade powder |
a small box of onyx powder |
a vial of soft coral pigment |
Lipstick |
a vial of soft candy apple red pigment |
a vial of soft eahnor red pigment |
a vial of soft incarnadine pigment |
a vial of soft crimson pigment |
a vermilion kohl stick |
Eyeliner |
a charcoal kohl stick |
a viridian kohl stick |
an argent kohl stick |
an umber kohl stick |
a blush-limned dark peach bottle |
Eye color |
blush-limned dark peach-hued eyes |
a rainbow-swept golden bottle |
rainbow-spoked pale golden eyes
a solid silver bottle |
pupilless glittering silver eyes
a green-sparked lagoon blue bottle |
green-sparked lagoon blue eyes
In the Chests you see
- Hair changing bottles
a teal-swirled sapphire blue bottle |
very long, silky sapphire blue hair that falls in an ombre cascade to tips of teal. |
a pearlescent mint green bottle |
shoulder-length, smooth mint green hair artfully arranged with a series of pearl-tipped pins.
a deep cherry red bottle |
short, layered deep cherry red hair with long, feathery side-swept bangs.
an icy lavender bottle |
waist-length, subtly waved icy lavender hair strewn with silver skull-shaped hairclips.
On the Wirework female mannequin you see
some polished black leather ankle boots with suede laces |
Pocketed:VSA a couple of items |
foot-worn functional |
a split crimson byssine skirt with layered ebon petticoat |
Pocketed:VSA a couple of items of very small size |
leg-worn functional |
a blackened silver chatelaine with scarlet ruby accents |
Pocketed:VSA one item |
worn as belt functional |
an onyx chainsil chemise with a ruffled off-shoulder neckline |
Pocketed:VSA one item |
chest-worn functional |
a ruched crimson byssine corset overlaid with a fine ebon mesh |
Pocketed:VSA several items of very small size |
front functional |
On the Wirework male mannequin you see
a pair of bronze leather boots hazed with patinaed pigments |
Pocketed:VSA a couple of items |
foot-worn functional |
some emerald frieze pants with subtle like-hued embroidery |
Pocketed:VSA a couple of items of very small size |
leg-worn functional |
a copper-scaled green leather belt with an oval buckle |
Pocketed:VSA one item |
worn as belt functional |
a deep bronze satin shirt with flared matte cuffs |
Pocketed:VSA one item |
chest-worn functional |
an emerald frieze vest with satin-edged jetted pockets |
Pocketed:VSA several items of very small size |
front functional |
[The Blackshire Emporium]
RNUM: 22625
This area at the rear of the wagon is separated from the rest by an opaque violet-on-black curtain, across from which is a narrow ladder that leads upward into a loft-styled bed. Beneath sits a wing-backed aubergine velvet chair, and nearby is a pedestal table supporting a smooth, leather-covered journal and a raven feather quill.
Obvious exits: none
I will be around periodically throughout the festival to offer my services. I am a seamstress and have some experience with jewelry. I do not, however, work on any manner of armor, weapons, or shields. I am capable of lightening and deepening cloaks and various containers. The fee for my services is twenty-five thousand silver.
Regards, Almyra Blackshire