Things to Do in Elanthia When You're Dead
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A guide for those temporarily bereft of life.
Verb | First | Third |
BEG | Your spirit murmurs a few whispered words of pleading. | Person's spirit murmurs a few whispered words of pleading, though you can't quite make out whether she is begging for mercy or revenge. |
CHORTLE | You give a ghostly chortle. | Person gives a ghostly chortle. |
CHUCKLE | You give a ghostly chuckle. | Person gives a ghostly chuckle. |
CRY | With great effort you give a keening cry, your spectral tears falling to the ground. Roundtime: 5 sec. |
With great effort the spirit of Person gives a keening cry, spectral tears falling to the ground. |
DANCE | You are dead, how will you dance? In the afterlife perhaps, but not here. | Person twitches feebly, some last few nerve cells apparently trying to work in a little action before they decay. |
FLUSTER | You babble a few incoherent words, sounding embarrassed about your current state. | Person's spirit babbles a few incoherent words, sounding extremely flustered at her current state. |
GIGGLE | You giggle eerily. | Person giggles eerily. |
GROAN | You groan, making a very unsettling sound. | An unsettling groan comes from the spirit of Person. |
GROWL | You growl, the sound resonating through the area. | A hollow, resonating growl echoes from the spirit of Person. |
HOWL | You howl in frustration at your nonliving state! | Person's spirit howls in frustration! |
LAUGH | You laugh, the sepulchral sound echoing through the area. | The ghostly laughter of Person echoes through the room, sending a shiver down your spine. |
MOAN | You let out a hollow, ghostly moan. | Person's spirit lets out a hollow moan. |
MUTTER | You mutter, complaining bitterly about your state of affairs. | The spirit of Person mutters, complaining bitterly abouther state of affairs. |
PRAY | You whisper a ghostly prayer for your soul. | Person whispers a ghostly prayer for her soul. |
SAY ... | You say, "..." | The ghostly voice of Player says, "..." |
SIGH | You sigh softly, your ghostly voice a mere breath on the wind. | The spirit of Person sighs softly, raising the hairs on the back of your neck. |
THINK | This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! | This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! |
TREMBLE | Your muscles jerk and tremble in your death throes, their actions no longer controlled by your brain. | Person's body jerks and trembles involuntarily, her muscles no longer controlled by her brain. |
WAIL | You begin to wail, your spirit lamenting your current state. | The spirit of Person begins to wail eerily. |
WHEEZE | You gather the energies of your spirit to create a supernatural howl, but only manage a ghostly wheezing sound. Roundtime: 5 sec. |
The spirit of Person emits a ghostly wheezing sound. |