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Covert Creatures

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Covert Creatures: A Costume Script

Covert Creatures features wearable clothing items that you can PUSH a "paper-ready" bug or sea creature into it for a costume.


You analyze your burgundy silk blouse and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
~*~ Covert Creatures ~*~
Welcome to Covert Creatures!  Created by GM Xynwen for Ebon Gate 2022, this is a costume script that allows you to change its appearance using Bugs on Parade or Life Aquatic.  It is Tier 4 out of 4.

Utility verbs:
  *  PUSH:  Hold a "paper-ready" sea critter or bug in one hand and the blouse in the other to put it in an empty costume slot.  [Each Tier adds 1 slot, for a total of 4 costumes + the base item to rotate through]
    ** NOTE:  This WILL destroy the seabeast/bug, and it is a PERMANENT addition to your costume
  * TURN:  Turn rotates through the base item and the costume choices
  * TWIST:  At Tier 4, TWIST will rotate through the illusion options.
    ** Option 1:  No illusion.  It just sits in your inventory as normal.
    ** Option 2:  Adds a line about you wearing a costume over your clothes.
    ** Option 2:  Adds a line about you wearing a costume AND hides your inventory.

Fluff verbs:  attend, poke, eat, hug, pinch, brush, swoon, touch, dance, and wave

Current settings:
 - a shadowed burgundy silk blouse, and it's material is silk

Alteration Information:
  *  You cannot alter the base or long of each costume, as that comes from the bug.  However, you can have the fabric customized for each one, which is used in some of the messaging.  You can also add a show for each costume setting.
  *  You can alter the non-costume item, but it does not take a long, just the base 15/15/15 and SHOW
  *  Many merchants can alter, but unlocks are restricted to Ebon Gate for now
~*~ End Custom Analyze ~*~

You get no sense of whether or not the blouse may be further lightened.