Bbee Kind Day

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On the last Sunday of Koaratos, we honor a man who dwarfed many with his large heart and endless generosity. Bbee the Halfling welcomed all, no matter their virtues or vices, no matter their cultures or religious beliefs, and treated everyone like family. With a pill or silvery blue potion at the ready, he gave to those in need and those who did not simply because he could. Because it was just. Because it was right. In a world where many of us seek glory, fame, or even affirmation, Bbee offered it to everyone, reminding us that we are all special and deserving of love and friendship.
Today, we celebrate the life of this happy halfling by paying it forward with our fellow peer. Through an act of good faith, Bbee continues to live on in our mind and in our hearts. After all, as he stated, "We are all one bbig family." And so, we extend a helping hand as he would have, and continue the legacy of our late friend on this special day.

Bbee Kind Day is a commemorative event to celebrate the life and love shared by the late Bbee. For those who do not know, Bbee was a regular face in Wehnimer's Landing, known for giving out pills and potions and aid to those in need. With an infectious cheer and a generosity known by all he encountered, Bbee passed on earlier last year. Having made such a profound impact in Elanthia, many gather to celebrate his life by doing as he did. The day involves individuals and organizations coming together to pass on and spread good cheer, helping strangers and friends through good deeds, guild help, gifts, generosity, and all around goodwill for those who wish to share and participate.

Bbee Kind Day - 7/30/23 Events

All times are Eastern (Elven)

Throughout the Day:

- Sylvanfair will have officers in and out all day, handing out goodie packs with useful spells in them.

– Yardie and others will be aiding with bounties, guild work, and opening boxes.

10 AM - White Haven working with Echo’s of War will pass out (one each at random times throughout the day) Bee and rose-shaped Chrisms to people. Bbee was notorious for handing out spell pills and encumbrance potion sips. Opalina will visit Icemule TC and Landing TSC and offer both briefly through a darkbox offering. 10am for Icemule and 10:30am for Landing.

11 AM -

12 PM -

1 PM -

2 PM - Snacks & Spells (so far Major/Minor Spirit) at House Paupers Rose Garden (we will also have other goodies available)

3 PM -

4 PM - Drink Contest - Participants will create a drink in honor of the late Bbee. Prizes will be given to the winner. Prizes TBA. Come share drinks, try foods, and share stories in honor of Bbee!

5 PM - Twilight Hall - Spend social hour with Twilight Hall as we commemorate the life of Bbee. We'll have stories, refreshments, gifts, and general fun. Find us in the tent just inside Twilight Hall.

6 PM - Moonstone Abbey Tent - Goodie bags, summer snacks, spells, and healing.

7 PM - Raise Your Stout to Bbee and Raffle- Chocolate Heater, Mold, and a note from Landing. Can you hold your liquor? Join us at the Bathhouse for drinking contests, food, and the raffle.

7 PM - Be sure to get your 5123 Collectible Souvenirs for Bbee Kind Day in the Small Park of the Landing.

8 PM - Willow Hall Raffle - Unlocked Fishing Tackle Box. Spinner for those in attendance.

8:30PM - Snacks & Spells, EN Edition! (Ta’Vaalor - King’s Court)

9 PM - Fenog’s Regulars - come sample the talent of the new Fenog's Regulars with our special goodie bags in memory of Bbee's kind and giving ways. Meet us in the annex of the Fenog's Regulars lodge. To get there, go outside Icemule's east gate, north four steps, through the encampment and over the bridge. (Lich #26924).

10 PM - Willow Hall Raffle - Basketifire. Fully unlocked. Spinner for those in attendance.

11 PM -

Time TBA - Look for guild night in honor of Bbee and Simucon 2023 via a generous benefactor who wishes to remain anonymous.