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Warrior Tricks

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Skill Rank

Warrior tricks are a collection of miscellaneous skills, largely flashy weapon play to impress your comrades and foes alike. Some, like FEINT, are more mechanically useful than others, say SPIT or GUZZLE.


Weapon Flip

You toss your vultite battlesword in the air, sending it into a spiraling blur. At the perfect moment, you reach out and snatch it competently by the handle.

Tasks for this trick include audience reps, raking the yard, and polishing armor.


You tip your head back and empty your crystal clear water down your gullet! You discard your vessel of drink and wipe off your mouth.

Tasks for this trick include audience reps, raking the yard, and polishing armor.

Twirl and Sheath

You deftly twirl your vultite battlesword around your finger and stuff it in your storm grey scabbard.

Tasks for this trick include audience reps, raking the yard, polishing armor, and scrubbing floors.

Weapon Hop

You spin the vultite battlesword over your head, leap into the air and tuck your legs beneath you as you swing the battlesword where your legs were just an instant ago.

Tasks for this trick include audience reps, raking the yard, polishing armor, and scrubbing floors.


You spin the quarter staff around your right forearm, then pass it to your left without grasping it or stopping the spin, then pass it back to your right arm. You spin it once more until you grasp the staff by its handle.

Tasks for this trick include audience reps, raking the yard, polishing armor, and scrubbing floors.


Skeyelar appears to be of hardy constitution and is in relatively good shape.
Skeyelar could probably wipe the floor with you.

Tasks for this trick include audience reps, raking the yard, polishing armor, and scrubbing floors.


Balance Difficulty
Location Modifier
FOOT -50
CHIN -85
NOSE -120

[Total modified roll: 140]
You stand a quarter staff on your finger and begin to balance it skillfully.
Your quarter staff wobbles slightly on your finger, but you shift to compensate.
You stop balancing a quarter staff on your finger.

BALANCE is the first of the tricks that you can fine-tune. The proper usage for this trick is WTRICK BALANCE <location>, whereas each location has a different difficulty modifier. It's quite easy to balance a weapon on your palm, but much more difficult to use, say, your nose. Success is determined by one's ranks in WTRICKs, and may also take into account wounds, and stance.
Tasks for this trick include audience reps, raking the yard, polishing armor, and scrubbing floors. Audience reps for this task do not require successful balancing.


Spit Difficulty
Location Modifier
SHIRT -0 difficulty
FEET -10
LEFT/RIGHT HAND -50 to -75 (held objects)
FACE -80

[Total modified roll = 111]
You dredge the back of your throat for some meaty phlegm and bring a gob to the tip of your tongue. You expertly shape the gob into a perfect missile and fire it at your intended victim!
The sticky missile hits a wind witch's robes!

SPIT is another targeted trick, and with it, you can specifiy both the target, and the location on the target you would like to SPIT on. Smaller targets are harder to hit, and so difficulty modifiers are assessed accordingly. SPIT is the first trick for which you will need to do creature reps. Failure to SPIT successfully results in about 30 seconds where you cannot spit due to your mouth being too dry.
Tasks for this trick include audience reps, creature reps, raking the yard, polishing armor, and scrubbing floors.


[Total modified roll = 122]
You gather up a quarter staff and a dagger in your hands. One by one, you toss them in the air, where they flip end over end until all of the weapons are airborne. You catch each one as they fall and send it back in the air, creating a dazzling aerobatic display.

When using Juggle the number of weapons you would like to attempt to juggle is specified, and more weapons is correspondingly harder to pull off.
Tasks for this trick include audience reps, spit creature reps, raking the yard, polishing armor, and scrubbing floors. Audience reps for this task DO require successful juggling; however, failing a juggle attempt does not result in a wait time before you can try again.


[Roll result: -3102 (open d100: 93) Penalties: 22]
You attempt to feint low, but fail miserably, leaving yourself vulnerable and off-balance. Roundtime: 5 sec.

Tasks for this trick include audience reps, feint creature reps, spit creature reps, raking the yard, polishing armor, and scrubbing floors.


You grasp your quarterstaff with both hands for counter-balance, and attempt to do a backflip, but only manage to do a lame cartwheel.

Tasks for this trick include audience reps, feint creature reps, spit creature reps, raking the yard, polishing armor, and scrubbing floors.


You carefully polish a vultite quarterstaff until it has a nice shine.

Tasks for this trick include audience reps, feint creature reps, spit creature reps, raking the yard, polishing armor, and scrubbing floors.


Quick as an arrow in flight, you snatch a black ora twohanded sword from your scabbard and brandish it.

Tasks for this trick include audience reps, feint creature reps, spit creature reps, raking the yard, polishing armor, and scrubbing floors.

Stance Perfection

Tasks for this trick include audience reps, feint creature reps, spit creature reps, raking the yard, polishing armor, and scrubbing floors.


With a few whistling rapid strokes, you cut your initials through the air with your (weapon).


wtrick roll You quickly roll backward, then spring to your feet, ready again for action!

wtrick roll right You quickly roll to the right, then spring to your feet, ready again for action!

wtrick roll left You quickly roll to the left, then spring to your feet, ready again for action!

You will induce rt for rolling, less rt if you're less encumbered and or wounded. If your legs are badly enough wounded, you may just wind up rolling and staying on the ground. Can be used from a prone position to stand back up, or from an already standing position.

Spin Attack

Fly into battle while spinning in the air. Guild version of cman sattack. As a master of tricks I get +18 as when using this ability, and it takes 30 stamina to use it with my great axe.

Toss and Slice

You toss (edible non-herb food item) in the air and swing your (weapon) at it as it falls, slicing it into tiny bits before it hits the ground.

Roundtime: 4 sec.

Catch in Sheath

You toss your (weapon) into the air, then position your body just right so it lands perfectly in your (sheath/scabbard/thigh-sheath). Neato!

Roundtime: 3 sec.


Harm one hair on your opponent's body. You swing your vultite battle axe just inches above a sand devil's head!

Roundtime: 5 sec.

Kick into Sheath

You place your (weapon) on your foot, pause to visualize your stunt and then kick the (weapon) into the air. You watch as it falls and position your body just right so it lands in your (sheath/scabbard/thigh-sheath).

Roundtime: 3 sec.

Sheath making

Usage: WTRICKS SHEATHM <command>


You can also BUNDLE two cured or uncured patterns together in this workshop.

Elginor says, "Need a refresher? Ok, let's get started..."

Elginor says, "First thing you need to do is find out how many units of animal hide you need for your sheath by measuring the weapon you're making a sheath for." Elginor picks up a bit of marked cord and demonstrates by measuring his arm.

"The standard size for a sheath is thirty units."


Elginor continues, "Once you have your hides, you cut as many units as you need for your weapon sheath. We have eleven basic patterns: sheath, scabbard, baldric, weapon sling, weapon harness, sword belt, dagger sheath, dagger scabbard, bow sling, axe frog, and quiver."

Command: WTRICK SHEATHM CUT <# units> <pattern>

"After you have enough hides cut for your pattern, you cure it, so it will last a good long time." Elginor picks up a portable wooden rack and says, "After you stretch the pattern on one of these wooden racks, you coat the non-furry side with the curative. We carry three types of curative: mild, strong, and lacquer. The mild curative will merely preserve the hide indefinitely, while the strong curative will allow the hide to harden into leather. Lacquer provides a glossy coating on your sheath, but also obscures the type of hide you used. The mild curative costs fifty silvers per unit of hide, the strong curative costs one hundred silver per, and the lacquer costs five hundred silver per unit."


Elginor says, "When the pattern has dried, you sew it together with some leather threading. The thread costs five silver for every four units of animal hide. The sheath is then ready to wear, but you can add more details..."


Elginor says, "You can stamp your initials in the hide..."


Elginor says, "For sheathes and scabbards, you can add a strap to wear it as a belt, over your shoulder, or on your wrist, arm, back, thigh, or ankle. Sling and harness patterns are already equipped with a shoulder strap. Also, you can only attach wrist straps to sheathes or scabbards made with four units, arm or ankle straps with to ones made with eight units or less, and thigh straps to ones made with sixteen units or less."

"Belts cost 50 silver. Shoulder, arm, back, and thigh straps cost 100 silver. Wrist and ankle straps cost 25 silver."


Elginor says, "Next, you can add one or two of the five following treatments: dye, inlaid jewels, metal binding, metal trimming, or fringe.

Elginor says, "Before getting into these treatments, you should know that there are two possible locations for placing your decorations: noticeable first, and noticeable last. For example, you may choose to create a gold bound rolton hide scabbard fringed with wraith talons."

"For that, the gold binding is in the noticeable first slot and the wraith talon fringe is in the noticeable last slot. Normally, the slots are filled in the order that you add decorations, starting with the noticeable first slot. However, you can specify that you would like to hold the first slot empty while using last slot first."


Elginor says, "You can use the dye pots here to mix colors for use in coloring your sheath. The dye costs fifty silvers per unit, and will take some time to dry. We keep a wide variety of colors in stock, and will place orders for others to suit your needs. Special color orders cost 5,000 silver, which is non-refundable should your order be denied. Dye can only be used in the noticeable first decoration slot."

Command: WTRICK SHEATHM DYE <color>

<color> can be one or two words.

Elginor says, "You can also attach jewels that you supply. The fixtures cost 50 silver apiece, and you'll need at least six for them to be noticable. Not all gems are suitable for this, however, but most are. If you inlay less than six jewels, a description slot is not used up and you will be able to see them if you LOOK closely enough. You can also inlay two different types of gems, if you use the noticeable last decoration slot."


Elginor says, "Binding your sheath with metal adds to its strength, and adds a decorative touch. We have copper, which costs two silver per unit, brass for ten silver per, bronze for 25, iron for 30, steel for 40, silver for 50, gold for 100, mithril for 140, ora for 160, imflass and alum for 200, vultite for 300, and glaes for 250. You can bind with two different kinds of metals, if you use the noticeable last slot."

Command: WTRICK SHEATHM BIND <metal>

Elginor says, "If you like a more fierce look to your sheath, you can add a fringe of claws, teeth, talons, feathers, horns, fangs, stingers, plumes, manes, mandibles, pincers, whiskers, incisors, canines, jawbones, or bones. You'll need six of these items for the fringe to be noticable and the six fixtures will cost 300 silver. You can fringe with two different kinds of items, if you use the noticeable last slot."


Elginor says, "Trimming your sheath with metal adds to its durability, and adds a decorative touch. We offer the same selection of metals for trimming as we do for binding, at the same prices. You may also trim with two different kinds of metals, if you use the noticeable last slot."

Command: WTRICK SHEATHM TRIM <metal>

Elginor says, "That about wraps it up. Try not to make anything too gaudy-looking." Elginor smiles.

Tasks assigned

Skilled masters

Go see one of the guild's Masters at Arms. They will demonstrate for you and have you perform a new trick several times.
This task is worth 15 points.


Perform your trick for an audience. A full audience consist of five non-guild members or two guild masters. Based on the size of your audience, the time between reps, and the number of reps you get for each performance of the trick varies. For each audience member, the wait time between repetitions is 20 seconds, and there is a maximum number of reps you can get for a single performance (5). In GemStone IV Platinum, the audience size requirements are diminished.
This task is worth 10 points.

Rake leaves

Simply proceed to the tool rack, retrieve a rake and bag, and return to the yard. In areas with scattered leaves, PULL RAKE to gather the leaves into a pile and then GET PILE to gather the leaves into your bag. When the bag is full, return to the tool rack and EMPTY BAG IN BIN to complete the rep.
This task is worth 5 points.

Polish armor

Proceed to the tool rack, retrieve an oiled rag, and find the suits of armor scattered throughout the guild hall and RUB ARMOR to polish them. Return the rag when you are finished. Each suit of armor can only be polished once every 10 minutes.
This task is worth 5 points.

Prune shrubs

Again, go to the tool rack and retrieve pruning shears. Then, at each bush, hedge, or shrub, PRUNE it. Return the shears to the rack when finished. Each shrub can only be pruned once every 10 minutes.
This task is worth 5 points.

Scrub floors

Go to the tool rack and retrieve a scrub brush, then on your hands and knees, CLEAN the floor of inside rooms. Like polishing armor and pruning scrubs, one cannot repeatedly scrub the same floor for reps.
This task is worth 5 points.

Spit on creatures

You'll need to go out and find creatures that are a suitable skill level (within 5 trains of you) to spit on. Simply WTR SPIT (creature) (location) them for as many repetitions as you need. Successfully spitting IS necessary to get a rep.
This task is worth 15 points.

Feint creatures

You'll need to go out and find creatures that are a suitable skill level (within 5 trains of you) to feint. Simply WTR FEINT (creature) them for as many repetitions as you need. Successfully feinting is not necessary to get a rep.
This task is worth 15 points.
