The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
Revision as of 08:16, 21 September 2017 by WHIGHTCNIGHT (talk | contribs)
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Template:TOC right The following list of names are to be used as reference only. This list is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all possible names Merchants have used, as new merchants appear frequently.

A recommendation that may choose to do is to add the names of merchants as highlight names in your front end game client to more easily recognize when a merchant is in a room.

Letter A

  • Airisu
  • Alasylis
  • Almyra
  • Andagia
  • Archiwald
  • Aristolo
  • Arlyle
  • Artapel

Letter B

  • Bartoldt
  • Baynier
  • Bazzelwyn
  • Bazzlewyn
  • Benejay
  • Bethezda
  • Binklar
  • Bisha
  • Bliza
  • Blodau
  • Blusteri
  • Bobbler
  • Boring
  • Brumas

Letter C

  • Caelyna
  • Carax
  • Clefford
  • Cocobolo
  • Comida
  • Cranstal
  • Cularin
  • Culd
  • Cyik

Letter D

  • Dawdly
  • Daxela
  • Denison
  • Deringo
  • Druena
  • Dubrin
  • Duplicity

Letter E

  • Edero
  • Egton
  • Elmherst
  • Eosten
  • Ersix
  • Estinelle
  • Evlissa
  • Evric
  • Evrick
  • Ezmerilla

Letter F

  • Falshka
  • Fana
  • Farain
  • Favretto
  • Felthrop
  • Fesnav
  • Flem
  • Fryta
  • Furlow

Letter G

  • Ganzer
  • Gelynne
  • Genetoba
  • Genose
  • Gizwizit
  • Glearnim
  • Glowbark
  • Goblyn
  • Goldilynn
  • Grobey
  • Gubskut

Letter H

  • Haleen
  • Hending
  • Hkala
  • Hyrmea

Letter I

  • Iacl
  • Ianthra
  • Ianwel
  • Idiya
  • Imie
  • Ingela
  • Intuitaur
  • Ipantor
  • Irelain

Letter J

  • Jaranzair
  • Jellybeard
  • Jensun
  • Jiddie
  • Joola
  • Jorshan

Letter K

  • Krelp
  • Kroa
  • Kylistra
  • Kyrdra
  • Kyrinthe

Letter L

  • Leanney
  • Ledirth
  • Liktiken
  • Lillabella
  • Litiken
  • Lorgen
  • Lottianne
  • Louella

Letter M

  • Madrim
  • Maialynn
  • Marutra
  • Mercell
  • Merrielle
  • Mitsoku
  • Moltin
  • Mortasha
  • Murstyr
  • Myasara

Letter N

  • Naelyne
  • Nyck
  • Nycolle

Letter O

  • Odoff
  • Oirisu
  • Olthos
  • Omare
  • Onetta
  • Onriru
  • Orbele
  • Otuio

Letter P

  • Paralassa
  • Pebbi
  • Pelil
  • Pennyworth
  • Philonar
  • Phrolo

Letter Q

  • Qalinor
  • Quinshon

Letter R

  • Ravias
  • Reyonolis
  • Rikelle
  • Riuven
  • Roxe
  • Rumdotter
  • Ryelle

Letter S

  • Sammee
  • Sanster
  • Sauli
  • Selandrine
  • Seskel
  • Shahno
  • Shurley
  • Sonnora
  • Stikla
  • Sunex
  • Surofee
  • Sycira

Letter T

  • Tanki
  • Tartingworth
  • Theammer
  • Thris
  • Tintrel
  • Toebeard
  • Tolby
  • Tott
  • Tredohal
  • Treysen
  • Trulee
  • Twiddley
  • Twigxt
  • Twobits
  • Tysiri

Letter U

  • Ulatari

Letter V

  • Vahmyr
  • Valinda
  • Velade
  • Vemeon
  • Veola
  • Vermin
  • Vilara

Letter W

  • Weverly

Letter X

  • Xerria
  • Xylophonia

Letter Y

  • Yansio
  • Yriwyn
  • Ysadiana

Letter Z

  • Zanthie
  • Zendrian
  • Zenlia
  • Zetya
  • Zieschka
  • Zoece
  • Zoltak