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Uploads by JSEVERNS

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
10:32, 4 July 2020 Stronghold Warcamps.jpg (file) 99 KB Removed Tsoran's contact information, per his request. 2
10:32, 4 July 2020 Lysierian Hills Warcamps.JPG (file) 134 KB Removed Tsoran's contact information, per his request. 2
10:31, 4 July 2020 Upper Trollfang Warcamps.jpg (file) 118 KB Removed Tsoran's contact information, per his request. 2
10:30, 4 July 2020 Mine Road.jpg (file) 151 KB Removed Tsoran's contact information, per his request. 2
10:28, 4 July 2020 Landing Environs Warcamps.jpg (file) 212 KB Removed Tsoran's contact information, per his request. 2
20:42, 3 July 2020 IMT South Gate Warcamps.jpg (file) 75 KB Warcamp location data for Tsoran's IMT South Gate map. 1
17:35, 3 July 2020 Rivers Rest Citadel Warcamps.jpg (file) 109 KB Warcamp location data for Tsoran's River's Rest Citadel map. 1
17:34, 3 July 2020 Rivers Rest Town Warcamps.jpg (file) 141 KB Warcamp location data for Tsoran's Rivers Rest Town map. 1
15:39, 3 July 2020 Trail to Vornavis Warcamps.jpg (file) 129 KB Warcamp location data for Tsoran's map of the Trail to Vornavis. 1
13:39, 3 July 2020 Warcamps Index.JPG (file) 160 KB Graphic map of potential Grimswarm Warcamp locations, based on maps by Tsoran. 1
21:05, 26 April 2020 Necleriine by Mnar Akurion.jpg (file) 565 KB Rendition of the rare monster 'Necleriine' by Mnar Akurion, who has never actually seen one but rather had it described to him by someone who had. Should generally be avoided. 1
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