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CIShop:A Wristed Development

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a round thatched-roof hut, [Map Room 22], Lich #26437, go thatched-roof hut

[A Wristed Development] RNUM: 27513
Lantern light flickers as salty, humid air drifts in from beyond a knotty pine half-door and lingers inside the half-circle room of reclaimed maoral. A sandy stone floor offers a walking path around precious wares that shimmer from within a steel-framed glass display case supporting some mannequin parts, while more shiny trinkets dangle from a tiered platinum coil hanging from the ceiling.
Obvious exits: out

In the steel-framed glass display case you see:

a fish-scaled imflass-plated wrist pouch Pocketed: Small (5-7)
several items of very small size
a coral-colored ora-plated wrist purse
an eel-shaped faenor-plated wrist purse
a kelp-covered silver-plated wrist pouch

On the mannequin right arm you see:

a polished faenor manacle 20000
a filigreed mithglin wristlet
a delicate alexandrite bangle
a chainlink imflass armlet

On the mannequin left arm you see:

a snake-chained gold wristchain 25000
a wheat-chained silver wristchain
a rope-chained vaalin wristchain
a curb-chained vaalorn wristchain

On the some mannequin legs you see:

a thick faenor ankle cuff with tree branch embossing 10000
a slender vaalin ankle cuff rolled in crushed obsidian
a steel-spiked imflass ankle cuff edged in mauve alexandrite
a round matte ora ankle cuff inlaid with an eclipsed moon

On the tiered platinum coil you see:

a squat silver pirahna cuff wrist-worn
a textured vaalin seagull cuff
a shiny mithril swordfish cuff
a long-tailed black panther cuff