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Lich Bones
Is everyone ready for an all new, totally original, legally distinct game at Dreavenings? Of course you are! The new game is Lich Bones!
I'm starting this thread because the rules and bets are too much to fit in regular Lich commands or via whispers so this thread will explain the rules and bets and such.
The basics:
At the start of every round a random person will be chosen to be the HERO who is in an intense fight against a LICH. The HERO must roll the dice to score hits to bring down the LICH before the LICH brings down the HERO.
The game starts with an opening attack roll.
Rolling a 7 or 11 on the opening attack roll will instantly score a critical hit against the LICH, resulting in a HERO win. Rolling a 2, 3, or 12 on the opening attack roll will instantly score a critical hit against the HERO, resulting in a LICH win. Any other number rolled becomes the quest point.
Any number rolled on the opening roll (including 7, 11, 2, 3, or 12) results in the current HERO maintaining the title of HERO.
If a quest point is established then rolling that number again before rolling a 7 results in a HERO win and the current HERO maintains the title of HERO. Rolling a 7 before rolling the quest number results in a LICH win and a new HERO will be chosen at random.
The betting:
Gold is handed out at the 12 minute countdown mark (which is when Lich Bones begins if it's the game chosen) and before a Dreavening begins. This way everyone at the table during those times receives bonus gold, even if Lich Bones isn't the game chosen to be played.
Every time the HERO has an opening attack roll they receive a small gold bonus.
You use this gold to make bets to grow your riches and brag to everyone that you have the most gold.
The basic bets are "hero" and "lich."
These bets are made thusly:
whisper dreaven hero amount || whisper dreaven pass amount whisper dreaven lich amount || whisper dreaven don't pass amount
Where amount is the amount of gold you wish to wager. For example:
whisper dreaven hero 5000
Will place a 5000 gold bet on the hero winning.
These two bets can be made during any betting period and placing one of these bets is required in order to place other bets after the opening attack roll. Placing a HERO bet wins if the HERO is successful in defeating the LICH, whereas placing a LICH bet wins if the LICH defeats the HERO. These wins can be on the opening attack roll or any subsequent roll. The bets are paid off or lose as soon as the HERO or LICH is defeated and each bet pays 1:1.
Bets that can be placed after the opening attack roll:
CHARGE, FEINT, JUDGEMENT, STRIKE, also known by the other names I completely made up: hard 4, hard 6, hard 8, hard 10.
Bets are made thusly:
whisper dreaven charge amount || whisper dreaven hard 4 amount whisper dreaven feint amount || whisper dreaven hard 6 amount whisper dreaven judgement amount || whisper dreaven hard 8 amount whisper dreaven strike amount || whisper dreaven hard 10 amount
These bets payout if the numbers are rolled the HARD WAY. This means for a hard 4 each die shows a 2, hard 6 each die shows a 3, hard 8 each die shows a 4, hard 10 each die shows a 5. These bets lose if the numbers are thrown the easy way, for example a hard 4 loses if the total value of the dice equals 4 and they're not both 2's, so a 3 and a 1 would result in a loss. These bets also lose if the HERO throws a 7. If the HERO rolls their quest number these bets will carry over to the next round but are inactive on the opening roll, meaning if the HERO rolls a 7 on the opening roll then these bets are still on the board, but also means if the HERO rolls your bet the hardway they won't payoff.
The payouts are:
CHARGE - 7:1 FEINT - 9:1 JUDGEMENT - 9:1 STRIKE - 7:1
CHEER is basically a compliment to your original HERO/LICH bet. You are CHEERing on the HERO/LICH to win. They payout and lose the same way the HERO/LICH bets do, when the HERO wins the CHEER HERO bet wins, when the LICH wins the CHEER LICH bet wins. CHEER bets are capped at two times your HERO/LICH bet. If you try to bet more than this amount Dreaven will accept your bet, automatically adjust it to twice your HERO/LICH bet, and deduct the correct amount of gold.
whisper dreaven cheer amount || whisper dreaven odds amount
You automatically CHEER for whichever person you bet on to win. The payout depends on what the quest number is:
CHEER HERO payouts: Quest numbers 4 and 10 - 2:1 Quest numbers 5 and 9 - 3:2 Quest numbers 6 and 8 - 6:5
CHEER LICH payouts: Quest numbers 4 and 10 - 1:2 Quest numbers 5 and 9 - 2:3 Quest numbers 6 and 8 - 5:6
ATTACK bets are betting on a specific attack the HERO will use before rolling a 7.
whisper dreaven attack 4 amount || whisper dreaven place 4 amount whisper dreaven attack 5 amount || whisper dreaven place 5 amount whisper dreaven attack 6 amount || whisper dreaven place 6 amount whisper dreaven attack 8 amount || whisper dreaven place 8 amount whisper dreaven attack 9 amount || whisper dreaven place 9 amount whisper dreaven attack 10 amount || whisper dreaven place 10 amount
For example if you have a bet on ATTACK 4 then you will win if the HERO rolls a 4 before rolling a 7. All ATTACK bets lose when the hero rolls a 7. These bets carry on if the quest point is reached but are inactive on the opening attack roll.
The payouts depend on the ATTACK:
4 or 10 - 5:11 5 or 9 - 5:8 6 or 8 - 4:5
BESEECH is a bet that the HERO's patron will aid them in battle. It pays off if the next roll is a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12. If the next roll is any other number then this bet loses.
whisper dreaven beseech amount || whisper dreaven field amount
Payouts: 3, 4, 9, 10, or 11 - 1:1 2 or 12 - 2:1
INFERNO is a bet that the LICH will unleash an INFERNO upon the HERO. It pays off if the next roll is a 2, 3, 11, or 12. If the next roll is any other number then this bet loses.
whisper dreaven inferno amount || whisper dreaven horn amount
This bet is unique in that it is essentially 4 separate bets. If you make a 1000 gold bet on INFERNO then 250 gold is bet that the 2 will win, 250 on 3, 250 on 11, and 250 on 12. They all still lose if any other number is rolled, but if a 2 is rolled your winnings would be based on the 250 on the 2, the other 750 gold of your bet is lost.
Payout: 2 or 12 - 30:1 3 or 11 - 15:1
DRAIN is a bet that the LICH will drain the HERO's life force. It pays off if the next roll is a 2, 3, or 12. If the next roll is any other number then this bet loses.
whisper dreaven drain amount || whisper dreaven craps amount
Payout: 7:1
CLAW is a bet that the LICH will use a specific CLAW attack. If the next roll is the specific CLAW attack you bet on then you win, if it is any other number then you lose.
whisper dreaven claw 2 amount || whisper dreaven prop 2 amount whisper dreaven claw 3 amount || whisper dreaven prop 3 amount whisper dreaven claw 7 amount || whisper dreaven prop 7 amount whisper dreaven claw 11 amount || whisper dreaven prop 11 amount whisper dreaven claw 12 amount || whisper dreaven prop 12 amount
Payout: 2 or 12 - 30:1 3 or 11 - 15:1 7 - 4:1
Since this game will only be played while everyone is waiting for a Dreavening the game will automatically end after a certain number of rounds, each round consisting of a betting phase and the throwing of dice. At the moment this is 16 rounds. If anyone has any outstanding bets after the last round then your bets will be returned to you.
At anytime during the betting phase you may "whisper dreaven gold" to see how much gold you currently have.
Let's get to it!
Changes: HERO and LICH bets can now be made during any betting period and not just during the opening attack roll betting period. You are still required to make a HERO or LICH bet before making any other bet. Gold is now handed out at the 12 minute countdown mark (which is when Lich Bones begins if it's the game chosen) and before a Dreavening begins. This way everyone at the table during those times receives bonus gold, even if Lich Bones isn't the game chosen to be played. Using the word "bet" when placing a bet is no longer necessary, but using the word bet still works too. Bets are now more user friendly! Order no longer matters. For example: whisper dreaven hero 1000 AND whisper dreaven 1000 hero will both work. Bets with multiple words still need to be together, for example: attack 4 1000 will work, attack 1000 4 will not. If you make a HERO or LICH bet BEFORE the opening attack roll you will win an extra 10% gold should your bet win. This is so people can still make HERO or LICH bets at anytime but encourages people to make them before the opening attack roll. Making a HERO or LICH bet AFTER the opening attack roll results a smaller winning. This new winning depends on what the QUEST number was. If the quest number was a 4 or 10 and you're making a HERO bet then the odds are 1:1, for all other bets look to the CHEER odds and subtract 25%. CHEER bets can only be made if you made a HERO or LICH bet BEFORE the opening attack roll. There is now a 5000 gold minimum bet.