All the Lich King's Men - 2013-03-03 - Ding, Dong, the Lich King's Dead! (log)

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The Deathblow! on 03/03/2013 01:28 AM CST

You angrily shout, "Lay on! For Vordilian!"
Velvette beams happily at Earthdiver!
J>ms target
Maags says, "Oh, yes Barnom."
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Wintersylph.
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You swing a wide-bladed cresset sword at Barnom!
AS: +623 vs DS: +477 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +52 = +243
... and hit for 132 points of damage!
A mighty blow cleaves a swath through Barnom's back, taking the spine with it.

* Barnom drops dead at your feet!

Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you winded and out of position.
Roundtime: 7 sec.

-james, bristenn's player


Re: Ding Dong, the Lich King's Dead! (Part 1) on 03/03/2013 04:00 PM CST
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You [General]: "You weren't even Grishom's Lackey. You don't hold a candle to his power!"

Barnom [General]: "I am more powerful than Stone EVER WAS!"

Greganth [General]: "Now I have heard everything."

Kerl [General]: "What seaside town will you flee to this time?"

Puptilian [General]: "Keep dreaming Barnom. You are just a pawn."

Evia [General]: "Your Moments are numbered Barnom."

King Barnom arrives.

Speaking quietly to Barnom, Daeliera says, "You grow weaker yet as they bring your power source to crumble."

Zzentar gestures at Barnom.
A crimson barrier flickers about Barnom for a heartbeat, then subsides. The crimson field suddenly flares to life and lashes out at Zzentar!
... 70 points of damage!
Back burnt to the bone. Smoke curls up from what's left of Zzentar.

* Zzentar drops dead at your feet!

Barnom recites:

"I am your ONLY help!"

Barnom recites:

"BOW to me!"

You [General]: "Hurry!" (To the Phylactery group)

You [General]: "We have a chance." (We knew they were close)

Kerl says, "Bow to you, run from the shadows... I don't understand it all."

Kastrel softly says, "If you are more powerful than Stone, now is the time to show it. Otherwise, it may be the end."

Barnom exclaims, "Stop!"

Dirt and rock explode from the floor beneath Zelas as a sinewy death worm erupts from underground and crashes onto the surface!
Rocks and dirt pelt Zelas as he is thrown into the air!
Zelas is struck by heavy debris!
... 75 points of damage!
Strike to Zelas's throat removes it!

* Zelas drops dead at your feet!

Speaking to Barnom, you ask, "How do you exit this world?"

Speaking amusedly to Barnom, Bristenn wonders, "Now you're asking for parlay? 'Stop'?"

Cryheart asks, "What about these so-called Shadows?"

Barnom exclaims, "I will protect you from the shadows!"

Barnom exclaims, "Althedeus is coming and he is not to be stopped by you!"

Speaking to Barnom, Puptilian says, "You know you have to pay your debt and the shadows are coming for you."

[Voln - Chalica] "attack Barnom!"

Barnom exclaims, "He is the shadows!"

Kerl whispers to the group, "Now!"

Speaking to Barnom, you say, "Good bye."

Barnom's eyes glass over as a distant look takes over his expression.

A quick flick of Kerl's wrist sends a perfectly balanced ora throwing axe into flight!
Kerl throws a balanced ora throwing axe at Barnom!
AS: +792 vs DS: +1468 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +23 = -618
A clean miss.
The guiding force leaves Kerl.

Kerl's ora throwing axe spins rapidly through the air, the blade whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in his right hand, ready to throw again.

Arwen gestures at Barnom.
A crimson barrier flickers about Barnom for a heartbeat, then subsides. The crimson field suddenly flares to life and lashes out at Arwen!
... 50 points of damage!
Right leg aflame. When the smoke clears, there's nothing left.
Arwen screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled right leg!
She is stunned!

Barnom exclaims, "Noooo!"

Puptilian gestures at Barnom.
A crimson barrier flickers about Barnom for a heartbeat, then subsides. The crimson field suddenly flares to life and lashes out at Puptilian!
... 55 points of damage!
Flame consumes Puptilian's right arm all the way to the shoulder.
He is stunned!

Svardin leaps from hiding to attack!
Svardin swings a sturdy leather-handled axe at Barnom!
AS: +633 vs DS: +719 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +45 = -9
A clean miss.

Monax draws a glowing pattern in the air before Barnom.
Barnom's eyes roll up into his head as he slumps to the ground.

Dionket intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Dionket gestures at Barnom.
Barnom is awakened by Dionket's attack!
A crimson barrier flickers about Barnom for a heartbeat, then subsides. The crimson field suddenly flares to life and lashes out at Dionket!
... 25 points of damage!
Flames toast left cornea. Consider an eyepatch.
He is stunned!

Bristenn looks determined and focused.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Bristenn engages Barnom in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
Bristenn swings a wide-bladed cresset sword at Barnom!
AS: +622 vs DS: +851 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +30 = -154
A clean miss.

Bellaja gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.

Kaldonis [General]: "The gem is destroyed!"

Barnom exclaims, "STOP!"

Raincail turns to face Barnom.

Barnom exclaims, "You play into his hands!"

Cryheart says, "Sancted."

Speaking to Barnom, you say, "We tried to reason with you."

Kerl whispers to the group, "Make it go away."

Cryheart says, "Ye need to explain, so we understand."

Bellaja angrily exclaims, "Off of me!"

Speaking to Barnom, you say, "You are at th' doorstep of oblivion."

Barnom exclaims, "NO!"

Barnom says, "You will die tonight!"

The sense of peace and security passes away from the area.

Pereus thrusts with a brilliant crimson eahnor pike at Barnom!
AS: +716 vs DS: +719 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +95 = +130
... and hits for 21 points of damage!
Smack to the eye bursts blood vessels.
He is stunned!
The guiding force leaves Pereus.

A quick flick of Kerl's wrist sends a perfectly balanced ora throwing axe into flight!
Kerl throws a balanced ora throwing axe at Barnom!
AS: +798 vs DS: +737 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +61 = +157
... and hits for 25 points of damage!
Bones in left arm crack.
The guiding force leaves Kerl.

Aurla gestures at Barnom.
A crimson barrier flickers about Barnom for a heartbeat, then subsides. The crimson field suddenly flares to life and lashes out at Aurla!
... 60 points of damage!
Left leg completely charred.
Aurla screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled left leg!
She is stunned!

Bristenn angrily shouts, "Lay on! For Vordilian!"

Bristenn looks determined and focused.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Bristenn engages Barnom in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
Bristenn swings a wide-bladed cresset sword at Barnom!
A hit!
A mighty blow cleaves a swath through Barnom's back, taking the spine with it.

* Barnom drops dead at your feet!

Shadows leap from the surroundings, engulfing Barnom's body!

Bristenn taps the blade of his cresset sword against the ground.

[Lich Citadel, Throne Room]
Nightmarish figures slip in and out of the shadows, their barbed forms misshapen and oily. Even the darkness of the area seems to cling to them, obscuring their movements. You also see a blue crystal, a violet sapphire, a fickle forest spirit that is flying around, a grumpy lake spirit that is flying around, a small raven, a small grey-headed hawk, a plains hawk that is flying around, a forest wolf, a striking white peregrine raptor that is flying around, a sleek furry mouse, a sleek red-footed falcon, a large raven, the Psyryn disk, an erratic badland spirit that is flying around and a drake dagger.
Also here: Lady Wintersylph, Raincail, Earthdiver who is sitting, Great Lord Dayko, High Lady Bellaja, Adagya, Tysong, Vikira, Erolur, Sefina, Cimmorina, Katness, Lord Telare, Magtheridon, Snowrok, Kastrel, Velvette, Grand Lady Aurla, Lady Psyryn, Maags, Sente, Renowned Lord Methais, Kaldemor, Lord Perivan, Lady Arwen, Legionnaire Pereus, Mistress Daeliera, Malisai, Jayvn, Sir Cryheart, Soullslayur, Sargien, Puptilian, Lord Chamorr, Avaia, Mister Polveiss, Lord Roblar, Rlen, Dionket, Neovik, Monax, Hoy, Talonhawke, Kipa, Sabran, Azimar, Beg, Great Lady Sareyna, Thurandur, Lady Mindirra, Great Lord Amerek, Abbyrose, Kyshaa, Sir Bristenn, Lancecile, Gob, Wanion, Lord Endoro, Kerl
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast, west

Bristenn raises his cresset sword in a gesture of triumph!

Bellaja says, "You should let him speak before you try to end him. It is the only chance there is." (We did, a bunch of times)

Cruxophim [General]: "Is he STAYING dead?"

Greganth [General]: "Is it true, Slim is sllime?"

You [General]: "How is your mark?" (For the Lichborn and Cruxophim)

Raincail hangs his head.

Riend [General]: "Is it over? Is he dead?"

Telare asks, "Hasn't he spoken enough over the last couple months?"

Kastrel softly says, "His corpse is in Town Square."

Raindove [Merchant]: "Ding dong the king is dead!"

We fog to Voln and go to Town Square.

Ding Dong, the Lich King's Dead! on 03/03/2013 02:06 PM CST

Last evening, a host of mighty adventurers descended on Lich's Landing in a final assault against the Lich King Barnom Slim! A group of heroes stayed in town to help defend against the undead rising up in the streets, while two groups delved into the underground undead city, one battling the lich, while the other sought out the phylactery to destroy, which would finally allow Barnom to be killed for good.

After hours of battle, solving puzzle glyphs on doors, and defending Wehnimer's Landing, the phylactery was finally located with the help of Jankus and the heroes destroyed it! Not long after, the Lich King himself was killed, dealt the final death blow by Bristenn! After his demise, Barnom's ghost warned them of the coming shadows and how they had lost any chance of survival, before his very corpse was torn into a hundred pieces by inky black tendrils before being consumed by darkness.

Following the victory, and the collapse of the cavern over Lich's Landing, Mayor Walkar congratulated all of the adventurers present and issued a public pardon to both Drangell and Jankus for their role in providing the means to end Barnom. However, half way into his speech, Walkar grew very weak, almost collapsed and the flesh and muscles along his right arm peeled away in agony, leaving only a skeletal arm behind. Guards arrived and escorted Walkar off for the night, to tend to whatever was effecting him.

While Lich's Landing has now been destroyed, and the Lich King himself dead, the Rooks' tunnels remain and there was no indication they were leaving anytime soon.

Thanks everyone for coming out last night! It was a lot of fun! And sorry about the crash, but hey, we still pulled it off! In the coming days I will be posting a breakdown of the levels of all critters, how many spawned, and a shout out to all the support and GM's involved. And also some details about the next storyline....

-GM Kenstrom-