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Gnomish Mech Goggles

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Revision as of 21:25, 16 February 2021 by GS4-XERAPHINA (talk | contribs) (added TOC limit|2)
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Gnomish Mech Goggles


You analyze the mechanical goggles and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
|                     Gnomish Mech Goggles                           |
|                                                                    |
|        These goggles should NOT be altered with the following      |
|     exceptions:  Only the lens color, button, gears, and buckle    |
|      can be customized by a merchant. Normal ALTER rules apply.    |
|                                                                    |
|  This item can be unlocked by a special merchant.                  |
|                                                                    |
|  All options must be 15 letters or under.  ALTER rules apply.      |

 The lens color is currently set to "polished".  This should make sense for glass.
 The buckle is currently set to "iron".  This should be a metal or color.
 The button is currently set to "obsidian".  This should be a metal, color or gemstone.
 The gears are currently set to "iron".  This should be a metal or color.

You get no sense of whether or not the goggles may be further lightened.



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Gnomish Mech Goggles Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Goggles
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep No
Customizable Yes
Custom Lens color
Tiered Yes
Restrictions 15 char limit for customizations.
See ANALYZE for specific customization limitations.