2021-05-30 - Hunger of the Pines (log)

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The Ivasian Rite of Summer, hosted in the year 5121 by Brother Kothos Blud. Following are the highlights of the event.

[Temple Courtyard] Water from a recent rain trickles from the eaves of the colonnaded hall to your northeast and splashes against the greenery below. Carp in a nearby pond snap greedily at flying insects unfortunate enough to land on the rushes near the water's edge, their movements sending scatters of reflected moonlight dancing from the surface of the pond. You also see a blue ora buffet cart with some stuff on it and a small pond.

Speaking amusedly to a blue ora buffet cart, Cruxophim says, "Quite a selection."

Naamit says, "Indeed."

Xanthium says, "We made our selections in accordance with the summer's coming, fruit, and that which comes from it. To remind us of refreshment and sweetness."

Cruxophim gently bites Darcena.

Mnar says, "Appropriately decadent snacks, I see."

Speaking to Mnar, Traiva says, "Nothing but the best."

Bellaja winks at Sorlu.

Traiva grins slowly.

Lylia says, "Seasonal and delectable."

Speaking to Mnar, you say, "Fruit is an important part of reproduction, for the plant it comes from."

Speaking to Darcena, Traiva says, "I apologize for no meat, but there was a request to keep to fruit and vegetables."

Speaking to Naamit, Xanthium greets, "Mistress."

Lynaera flicks her wrist and lets her sculpted fan fall into her hand.

Naamit simply replies, "Yes."

Xanthium asks, "Well, are you all ready for a good time?"

Cruxophim turns to Xanthium and cheers!

Bellaja asks, "We're Ivasians. Is it really a question?"

Bellaja grins mischievously.

(Xanthium tugs on her ribbons to get a little attention turned from the food to the gathered.)

Xanthium smoothes the fabric of her cornflower blue chemise across the planes of her stomach.

Xanthium flashes a quick grin at Bellaja.

Xanthium says, "You speak truth."

You say, "So let's get this party going. First, I want to give Cruxophim here a big thanks, for encouraging us to do this."

You say, "Those of you who know the two of us already know we greet visitors throughout the day."

Cruxophim nods to you.

Lylia nods to you.

Xanthium says, "But having a gathering like this is a bit different, and we're grateful for the encouragement."

You warmly say, "Welcome, everyone, to the Temple of Ivas, Mistress of Desire, Goddess of Passion. I am Brother Kothos Blud, and this is my disciple, Xanthium. I am pleased to see so many of our friends and fellow adherents here tonight, for our celebration of the end of Her month of Ivastaen, and the beginning of summer's heat."

You seriously continue, "I wish to extend a personal welcome and thanks to Lord Tolwynn and Lady Traiva Verethundi, two of our most valued patrons, who are responsible for the restoration of Her Temple following the desecration committed by the forces of the Koar Prelate some years ago."

Xanthium bows to Tolwynn.

Xanthium kisses Traiva tenderly on the hand.

Xanthium grins at Traiva.

Xanthium clearly says, "The beginning of summer is festival time for many cultures throughout Elanith. For us here, we call it the Hunger of the Pines, in honor of the budding heat of the season, and in respect for the passion that stirs and guides us. Not only does it drive us to seek out bliss, but increase that hunger, too, promoting itself through all that we do and strive for."

Xanthium wryly says, "Also, the Temple here is always in a state of flux with the swamp, look at the walls and gardens, and see where the bog reclaims us, and our stones struggle to stay erect and tall."

Tolwynn bows to Xanthium.

Traiva bows low, spreading her wings for all to see.

You gaze up into the heavens.

You nod at Xanthium.

Cruxophim glances at Xanthium and makes a little purring sound.

(Kothos steps forward and takes Xanthium's hand in his own, lacing their fingers together for a moment before placing her palm on his arm. They both stand at the water's edge, the steam of the evening mist curling about their shoulders. He turns on his heel, and she on hers, both of them seeking out each face in the crowd, meeting you all with a broad smile.)

You teasingly say, "We see a diversity of expression, among our visitors tonight. Perhaps there's a curiosity you bring, or worry for what you might see. It is no secret, that our gatherings here often have a salacious and libertine theme."

You stride over to stand before Xanthium.

You grin slowly at Xanthium.

Speaking quietly to Xanthium, you ask, "Do they look shocked yet, or is this trivial for them?"

Xanthium adds, "Perhaps you know we often take off our clothes, too. The last art lesson we modeled for still seems to have an impact. And before that, we hosted a mayoral debate and things got heated in a different sense, eh?"

Speaking to you, Xanthium says, "Maybe a little pale."

Xanthium nods once to you.

Yardie's face turns slightly pale.

You muse, "Xanthium and I will, in fact, be the principal actors to start the night off, and while we'll definitely be a spectacle..."

Xanthium adds, "We will not assault your sensibilities, not much- but we will embody her struggle. You see, one element common across the world in the summer rites is competition."

(Kothos takes a step to the side, drawing Xanthium toward a spot in the grass clear of the pond, and reaches into one of the multitude of pockets in his kimono. He pulls two wisps of silk free, and hands her one. Once prepared, they both start to bind their multitude of curls, pulling their hair away from their shoulders and arms.)

Speaking to Xanthium, you say, "Surely you're going to at least take off your robe. I am." He grins widely, sliding the silk off his shoulders and laying it nearby. "After all, while I expect I will have no problem with you, I wouldn't want an advantage."

Xanthium snickers at you!

Xanthium smiles back at her superior, one delicate eyebrow cocked in amusement as she slips off her jade acolyte's robes. She adjusts the long lay of her chemise, making sure that it can't tangle in her legs, the two step away from one another, while Kothos continues.

Xanthium carefully weaves her spell into the air, trails of indigo and silver mist following the somatic components. Twisting and twining, the skeins of energy slip away from her, leaving moisture to drop from her fingertips...

Xanthium sings a melody.

Xanthium begins singing and focuses her voice into a vortex of air shaped like a sonic sarissa, centered on her right hand.

You teasingly say, "Much better." He circles her slowly, dragging the end of his runestaff along the dirt and leaves, sketching out a rough border about them, several paces in diameter. She nods to him and dips her lance toward the ground, completing the figure on the other side. When they meet, she claps her hands and sends the lance back into a puff of air, and he pushes the glowbark into the ground, letting its soft light bathe them both as they step into the ring. "Now, this will be a story, of sort. Of why we Serve."

You say, "You will find as many answers to that as their are adherents you would ask. And each of us might have a multitude of reasons why we took our vows, why we worship, believe. Why we have faith."

Xanthium's sonic sarissa dissipates.

Xanthium stops singing.

Xanthium offers, "I Serve because there was no other place for me to go. We Serve because we abhor a vacuum of motivation and drive. Because of my family's beliefs, or in spite of them.." She trails off, and the two eye one another a moment, the priest's bright green eyes still lit with mirth, while her dark indigo flickers with the glowbark's wisps. "But we will show you one of the reasons we Serve. Together."

You say, "Many who come to find out more of our Mistress have an appreciation or at least a curiosity of Her more obvious realm, that of desire, attraction. Despite the risks and consequences, there are few who reject the simple joy of being interested, admired. You see before you, as I do, a woman I adore."

You warn, "However, those consequences are reflected in Her other offerings, those for which we are often leery of, and even those who Serve like us are often tempted to ignore. Jealousy. Wrath, scorn. Feeling deluded, or ignored."

Xanthium murmurs, "So see what Her Gifts bring us, while we share and struggle with them- and while I try to wipe the smirk off his face, to boot."

(Xanthium watches warily as Kothos steps out of his sandals and kicks them out of the border, and the two of them square off, edging about the ring while they breathe, waiting for an opening. Xanthium's hands clench and curl, and he fixes her with another livid stare.)

Cruxophim snickers at Xanthium.

Speaking quietly to Xanthium, you remind, "You keep secrets from me, my love." He turns his body to the side, presenting a smaller target and, tries to dip in to grab her waist, but the tall bard uses her height advantage, stepping easily out of reach. "You have even deceived me."

Speaking to you, Xanthium accuses, "I can think of many times you have treated me as if I were a child, and dismissed my value in such a way." He stares at her in shock, and she moves like lightning to take hold of one shoulder, bearing down once her fingers coil about the joint. For a moment, she has his arm tucked under hers, and him pinned against her. "You are impatient and thoughtless, darling."

(Xanthium moves swiftly to press her advantage; the priest manages to twist away, and hooks his arms about her hips to send her spinning toward the circle's edge, but she stops herself with a little effort, sparing the audience an indulgent grin as she curtsies, swinging her flowing chemise and herself back into the fray. Kothos snatches at her leg; she dances away gracefully. Their intense expressions both give way to more playful ones as they pursue each other about the ring.)

Lylia watches the surroundings in breathless anticipation.

Speaking amusedly to Xanthium, you exclaim, "You are not a child, but you can be a spoiled pain in the rump." He grins, and takes a moment to bow to the gathered crowd, and then fairly leaps across to Xanthium's side of the circle. He loops both arms about her neck and pulls her down in a rough kiss. Her breath catches, and he lifts, using his greater upper strength to swipe her off her feet! "You manipulate and tease me. It's infuriating!"

(Xanthium twists in the air like a cat, and shifts her weight enough to make the priest off-balance and finally slides back to the grass, though she manages to hold on to his shoulders. They groan and struggle, her pale creamy skin in relief and contrast to his bronzed muscle, but then, she plants her feet, and bends her legs, fixing his smile with another wicked grin of her own.)

(Xanthium waits for the priest's answering gust of surprise, and then she throws her body forward, rolling until he himself is airborne. In an instant, the match is over, as Kothos stops his momentum and regains his feet- a foot outside the perimeter. The two stare at one another and pant, and then finally, he bows to her, laughing.)

You laugh out loud!

Bellaja applauds.

You breathlessly say, "And that, my friends, is why we Serve. Her nature allows us to fuel the fire of love with her other darker gifts, and they make for an intensity that I hope our bodies conveyed. It is- if you'll forgive my pun- the sweetest surrender I've known."

You hug Xanthium, stirring the scent of fresh ocean air lightly mingled with the scent of tropical flowers from her skin, who wraps you in a warm embrace.

Cruxophim applauds.

Cruxophim applauds.

You release a slow, low whistle.

Vaikhen applauds.

Xanthium snickers.

Lynaera applauds politely.

Lylia applauds.

Mnar applauds.

Xanthium says, "And now, Chatelaine Traiva and Lord Tolwynn have something to share with us. Please give her a warm welcome to go along with this loser's goofy grin, hm."

Xanthium curtsies gracefully to Traiva.

Xanthium drops smoothly into a deep curtsy before Tolwynn, sweeping her arms grandly to her sides.

Faerinn applauds.

Serenwy gazes in amusement at Xanthium.

Raelee takes a moment to observe Traiva.

Faerinn praises Xanthium.

Lylia smiles at Tolwynn.

Faerinn praises you.

Lylia gazes with interest at Traiva.

Xanthium winks at Faerinn.

Xanthium dusts you off.

Bellaja smiles.

Traiva smiles at Xanthium as she walks to the center of the circle drawn in the grass.

(Kerbanu has eyes as round as saucers, but there is a smile of appreciation on her face.)

Speaking to Xanthium, you say, "I could have taken you if you were any sort of normal height."

You shake your head.

Lylia gazes with interest at a dual-sided verdant jade Ivas idol with androgynous features.

You run a hand through your long raven black hair, trying to make yourself presentable.

You lean softly against Xanthium, stirring the scent of fresh ocean air lightly mingled with the scent of tropical flowers around her.

Yardie grins at Traiva.

Traiva says, "Brother Blud and Xanthium shared a good bit of the Lady this evening."

Xanthium exclaims, "And more later!"

Cruxophim bursts out in loud, raucous laughter at Traiva.

Xanthium smirks.

Traiva says, "But let us remember that she embodies jealousy, desire, want.. and the passions those stir."

You turn to face Traiva.

Traiva surveys the area.

You smile at Traiva.

Tolwynn takes a drink from his green absinthe.

Vaikhen turns an inquisitive ear toward Traiva.

Speaking to Traiva, you say, "Those tentacles are showy, and also quite real."

Xanthium smiles at Traiva.

Vaikhen's face turns slightly pale.

Traiva says, "If you will allow us, we will share more of these sides."

Cruxophim turns an inquisitive ear toward Traiva.

Darcena smiles at Traiva.

(Traiva moves smoothly from the circle, passing Tolwynn as she moves to stand in among the crowd gathered.)

Yardie whispers aloud, "Tentacles."

Speaking to Traiva, Tolwynn asks, "Shall we, then?"

Tolwynn drops a gilded glass of opalescent green absinthe.

Vaikhen glances between Traiva and Tolwynn.

Traiva carefully places a stemless flute of orange-infused sparkling white wine on the ground.

(Tolwynn strides to the center of the circle, his shoulders squared and arms braced at his sides, as a driving strum of a cittern begins from the colonnaded hall, punctuated by a staccato mandolin. He turns sharply on his heel to set his steely gaze on the crowd as Traiva begins to make her way forward.)

Speaking to Yardie, you ask, "You know about metaphor, right?"

You gaze admiringly at Traiva.

Speaking to you, Yardie says, "I do."

(Traiva slowly approaches Tolwynn, the chiffon panels of her skirt sliding along her thighs as her hips sway from side to side.)

(Tolwynn's even gaze follows Traiva as she slowly circles him, his body still except for the turning of his head despite the fingertips grazing across his shoulders and back.)

(Tolwynn's hand snaps forward to grasp Traiva's wrist and raise her arm slightly as she completes her circuit, the music falling still.)

(Xanthium casts an admiring, avid stare over both Tolwynn and Traiva, noting the footwork and posed bodies, nodding in enjoyment.)

(Traiva tilts her head back slightly to gaze up at Tolwynn. The music begins again, the cittern's lower notes strumming like a heartbeat, and Tolwynn places his other hand flat against the small of Traiva's bare back to draw her against him as they begin a series of measured steps around the circle.)

(Traiva suddenly breaks free of Tolwynn's grip and spins away from him, causing the chiffon panels to swirl about her legs. She faces the pond with one leg extended behind her toward Tolwynn and arches her back, her body forming an inviting curve.)

(Tolwynn strides toward Traiva, his steps matching the pluck of the mandolin, and takes her hand to again turn her toward him, her chest held tightly against his. He takes a few long, sweeping steps backwards, dragging Traiva's toes across the grass as she keeps her body still against him.)

Speaking quietly to Yardie, Xanthium says, "I am not even all the way naked."

Speaking to Yardie, Faerinn says, "Getting closer though."

Cruxophim gazes fondly at Tolwynn.

(Tolwynn begins to set Traiva down, his hands following the curves of her torso until they brush her shoulders, the intense music smoothing into an almost tender melody. Just as Traiva settles back onto the grass, he carries her back up into his arms, the lace of her skirt dangling down to bare the side of her leg.)

Xanthium whispers something to Yardie.

Speaking nervously to Xanthium, Yardie asks, "For the sake of my heart and my nerves, please stay that way?"

(Tolwynn braces one hand against Traiva's back beneath her wings while the other supports her thighs to cradle her against him.)

(Traiva wraps one arm around Tolwynn's shoulders and draws her other hand across to caress his cheek, sharing a loving, yet heated, gaze. She lowers her hand and seems to roll forward, her other hand dragging across his chest as she falls to the ground, facing away from him.)

Speaking softly to Yardie, Xanthium says, "No guarantees, but I'll try to wait until I pin him later."

(Tolwynn moves to stand beside Traiva and cradles her face in his hands turning her toward him. He slides his hands down the side of her neck to her shoulders, his left hand continuing down her arm to clasp her hand while his right hand presses against her back.)

You smile.

Tabubu nods at Xanthium.

Thrassus leans on his staff.

Speaking nervously to Xanthium, Yardie chokes out, "Pin him?"

Lylia turns her head toward Yardie to favor him with a silent, withering gaze.

Lylia touches one finger to her lips.

(Traiva follows Tolwynn's lead for a few steps around the circle, their bodies slightly rocking back and forth. Tolwynn pauses for a moment while Traiva rises onto the toes of her left foot, her right leg curving to press her ankle against his while she quickly turns to the left and then to the right, the music building slowly.)

Yardie glances at Lylia and shivers.

Lylia turns to face Traiva.

(Tolwynn presses his temple against the side of her head as he leads her in a few more steps diagonally across the circle. When they pause again, he clearly tightens his grip on her hand and raises it while he flicks his leg in a quick motion across hers, his black boot a sharp contrast to her ivory skin.)

(Traiva tilts her head back to gaze squarely up at Tolwynn as she mirrors his movement, the chiffon fluttering slightly around her leg as it snaps about his.)

(Tolwynn lowers their hands slightly and moves them in a quarter turn, pacing them across the grass.)

(Traiva spins suddenly away from Tolwynn as the music swells to a passionate intensity. As she begins to walk slowly toward the music with careful, measured steps, he takes long strides to quickly catch up to her.)

(Tolwynn grabs Traiva's wrist and spins her quickly to face him as high, piercing notes from the mandolin's upper register ring out against the cittern's warmer tones. He closes the small distance still between them and pulls her firmly against him for a moment before loosening the embrace.)

Xanthium gives a sidelong glance at you.

(Traiva's leg slides out behind her as she bends her other leg, seeming to slide down against Tolwynn. With one hand still clasping hers, he cradles her jaw in his other hand and almost appears to use it to draw her back upright, the music ringing out from the nearby hall.)

Yardie coughs.

(Kerbanu gazes, almost hypnotized, at Traiva and Tolwynn.)

(Tolwynn brings both hands to Traiva's waist and lifts her straight up, reaching the height of his lift as the air suddenly falls silent, the cittern and mandolin stilled.)

(Traiva tilts her head down just enough to share a heated gaze with Tolwynn before he carefully lowers her to the ground, one arm falling to his side while another remains wrapped around her lower back.)

Tolwynn gently bites Traiva.

Traiva glances at Tolwynn and makes a little purring sound.

Tolwynn bows.

Vaikhen releases a slow, low whistle.

Traiva sinks into a deep curtsy.

You grin at Tolwynn.

You applaud.

Bellaja smiles.

Vaikhen applauds.

You applaud.

Guarrin applauds politely.

You let out a cheer!

Xanthium applauds.

Darcena applauds Traiva warmly.

Cruxophim chuckles.

Tabubu applauds.

Vaikhen hoots excitedly!

Berkana applauds politely.

Cruxophim turns to Traiva and cheers!

Speaking dryly to Traiva, Darcena says, "I do believe I am feeling some of those aforementioned emotions."

Veramilion lets out a cheer!

Cruxophim turns to Tolwynn and cheers!

Serenwy nods thoughtfully.

Veramilion turns to Traiva and cheers!

Serenwy takes a drink from her icy cold spring water.

Xanthium exclaims, "Wonderful!"

Lylia applauds.

Veramilion turns to Tolwynn and cheers!

Yardie applauds.

You applaud.

Faerinn applauds.

Speaking to Darcena, Traiva says, "Wonderful. The choreography did its job."

Mnar applauds.

Cruxophim raptly remarks, "Marvelous."

Kerbanu applauds.

Kerbanu applauds.

Traiva smiles at Darcena.

Veramilion rubs a dual-sided verdant jade Ivas idol with androgynous features.

Kalyrra applauds.

Kerbanu fans herself.

Speaking to Traiva, Tolwynn says, "We shall have to try the wrestling after, perhaps."

Speaking to Traiva, Lisbethany marvels, "Just lovely."

Speaking haltingly to Kalyrra, Vaikhen says, "That ... that was quite something."

You say, "It is a beautiful thing, to see, in this place that is my home, and seat of Her worship, in this little dark corner of the world."

Speaking slyly to Tolwynn, Traiva murmurs, "Perhaps in mud, over on grass."

Lynaera lightly fans Kerbanu with her sculpted fan.

Vaikhen flushes slightly, some color reaching his cheeks.

You smile at Tolwynn.

Speaking to Tolwynn, you say, "You're stronger than you look."

You flash a quick grin.

You say, "Now, my friends."

Traiva reaches over and gently rests her hand on your arm.

Mnar turns an inquisitive ear toward you.

Speaking to you, Tolwynn says, "Underestimation can prove very useful, I've found."

Traiva rests a gentle hand on Tolwynn's arm.

Tolwynn flashes a quick grin.

You say, "I would like those of you who wish to share, to tell us of your own experiences with the dawning summer. Of attraction, of jealousy. Of passion."

You say, "It does not have to be of Her, but tell us of what moves you."

Darcena dryly says, "I could tell the story of the fifth time I got married... but I am going to pass."

You say, "Join us in our revelry."

Xanthium laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Xanthium smiles at Darcena.

Xanthium exclaims, "Go ahead!"

Speaking to Darcena, Yardie mouths, "Fifth?"

Speaking cryptically to you, Cruxophim remarks, "Building."

Berkana begins chuckling at Darcena!

Cruxophim chuckles.

Darcena amusedly says, "Not tonight."

Cruxophim waggles his fingers mystically at you! Ooh! Scary!

Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "You were made, not born, hm?"

You lean softly against Cruxophim, stirring the scent of blood, raw meat, and pungent soil, overshadowed by the tenebrous fetor of decaying flesh around him.

Cruxophim cocks his head at you.

Darcena quips, "It was definitely attraction and passion in a summer's night, though."

Speaking smoothly to you, Cruxophim confirms, "Something like that."

Cruxophim leans softly against you.

Lylia nods in agreement at Darcena.

Xanthium says, "Come now, surely someone has a story to share."

Mnar asks, "What happened to the original inhabitants?"

Mnar cocks his head at Xanthium.

Speaking to Mnar, Xanthium asks, "Of the temple?"

Faerinn licks his sugar-dusted strawberry.

Mnar nods at Xanthium.

Xanthium says, "Well, I have only been here for a couple of years, but it's been here, oh..."

Speaking to Xanthium, you say, "Centuries. Even I don't know."

Speaking to Tolwynn, Traiva asks, "You once said the murals likely told the tale of the original inhabitants, no?"

Lylia raises an eyebrow.

Traiva asks, "Or hinted at it?"

Speaking to Traiva, Tolwynn says, "One such group, at the least."

Kerbanu asks, "Tell us about the murals, please?"

Lylia suggests, "The trees themselves provide an indication of how long the temple here has stood."

You say, "Other than the incident with the Koarite, we've had little disturbance, here."

Speaking to you, Bellaja says, "Recently."

Lylia says, "These strangling limbs take time to grow so large."

Lylia nods to you.

Vaikhen surreptitiously glances at you.

You say, "In fact, I'd hazard for a swamp filled with poisonous snakes and savage kitties, we're safer than the Landing."

Speaking to Kerbanu, Traiva says, "I have not gazed on the murals in some time, but if you walk the temple halls, you will see them."

Bellaja says, "There was an attack on the temple perhaps ten years ago."

Xanthium says, "I do know there is something special about the ruby in Her hand, within the Sanctum."

Lylia says, "I have always enjoyed the vivid murals the temple here has to offer."

Traiva nods slowly at Xanthium.

Traiva glances at Tolwynn.

Bellaja nods at Xanthium.

Xanthium says, "That curious locksmith fellow who used to sleep just inside the North Gate mentioned it."

You say, "It is curious, since it's a ruby...and the flame..."

You say, "Those are not usually associated with Her."

Speaking to you, Traiva says, "Unless my memory begins to fail me, the Lady put the flame in herself."

Speaking to Traiva, you say, "I would not be surprised, but the symbol itself hints at some connection to Her Majesty."

Veramilion says, "I didn't know of this place until it gave us succor from Thadston. Then later Stone."

Lylia says, "It has served as a haven for many, and nearly the site of bloodshed for a few."

Speaking to Veramilion, Bellaja says, "The temple here was attacked before, as I said."

Xanthium smiles at Lylia.

Lylia says, "Politics will do that."

Lylia looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Veramilion says, "I'm aware. I was here for one."

Xanthium says, "Yes, we sheltered the cultists that came to see Malluch for a time. Thanks to Guarrin, here."

Bellaja says, "Back when Barnom first came to be a lich."

Xanthium leans softly against you, and you note the scent of fresh ocean air lightly mingled with the scent of tropical flowers clinging to her.

Guarrin waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

Veramilion turns to Guarrin and cheers!

You smile at Guarrin.

Speaking to Guarrin, you say, "You and the Gryphons were steadfast."

Speaking to Xanthium, Guarrin says, "We were happy to help."

Bellaja says, "We were attacked and many slaughtered among the fold."

Mnar muses, "Hardly seems to be the theme of this place."

Speaking to you, Faerinn says, "Though it was your letter that started all that."

Speaking quietly to Mnar, Vaikhen says, "I thought this was exactly the place for coercion ... though maybe I've misjudged."

Vaikhen smiles sheepishly.

Tabubu looks thoughtfully at Vaikhen.

Faerinn says, "I could do an encore of my Bardfest performance."

Speaking to Vaikhen, Mnar says, "Seduction and coercion are similar, yet so different in the important sense."

Vaikhen flushes slightly, some color reaching his cheeks.

Speaking to Vaikhen, you say, "There are some who worship in such a manner. I would not say your unease is unjustified."

Speaking quietly to Mnar, Tabubu asks, "How so?"

Faerinn says, "Seems appropriate."

Vaikhen gulps.

Speaking to Yardie, Mnar asks, "Why not share whatever pleases you, and abstain from the rest?"

Faerinn says, "One moment while I fetch my Kora."

Speaking to Vaikhen, you say, "I am not the leader, here, but during my time, we have Served those who come here seeking Her and our blessings."

Faerinn carefully checks the strings of his kora, plucking them lightly in fourths, fifths, and octaves, adjusting the tension until the sound is perfectly pitched. Faerinn then plays a few short scales and arpeggios, listening carefully for the concordance.

Xanthium grins at Faerinn.

Xanthium deftly removes a set of umber-hued wooden bagpipes with dragon wings stitched along the leather bellows from her dark leather band.

Vaikhen turns an inquisitive ear toward you.

Faerinn places his hands on his kora, then, seemingly without a thought, begins to play, his fingers beginning a little ditty almost of their own volition.

Xanthium picks up her bagpipes and plays the first notes of a slow ballad.

Faerinn recites:

   "I'd like to tell y'all a story my mother used to tell me at bedtime.""

Lisbethany gazes with interest at Faerinn.

Faerinn's tranquil improvisation first seems stuck in the doldrums, then flits forward with a new breath of energy, with effortless little trills and ornamentation.

Xanthium brings forth the power and strength of the bagpipes, slow chords tumbling through the air, each one beginning just as the last fades.

Speaking to Vaikhen, you say, "We here receive pilgrims, in fact, until recently I never set foot outside the temple's archway."

Faerinn recites devilishly:

   "About how peace will finally come between the eastern and western sides of the Dragonspine."

Faerinn aimlessly plucks at his kora, first trying one tune, then another, then playing a continuous set of phrases packed with familiar song fragments.

Vaikhen blinks.

With the slow manipulation of the bagpipes beneath her arm, Xanthium sends out a gradual fall of chords, a heavy-treaded march of sound.

Speaking to you, Darcena says, "And now you have gone so far."

Darcena smiles at you.

Speaking to Vaikhen, you say, "Save to sometimes walk some of my visitors back to safety. Or vote for Lylia, here."

Faerinn recites:

   "In fact all across Elanith."

Darcena says, "And hopefully are enjoying it."

You smile at Darcena.

Speaking quietly to you, Vaikhen asks, "Truly? You lived here?"

Faerinn plucks one kora string, pauses, then plucks another, then produces a sprinkling of cascading notes like sparkling droplets falling in a pond.

Xanthium touches her bagpipes before breathing out a gentle descent of sound.

With leading tones and minor chord resolutions, the melody pouring from Faerinn's kora mourns like a threnody, a lamentation for the dead.

Speaking to Vaikhen, you say, "I do, indeed."

Faerinn recites:

   "The first sign will be on the beaches. The whales and the creatures of the deep will let themselves strand."

Lynaera idly taps her sculpted fan against her cheek, the razored edges of the blades tracing an arc along her cheekbones.

Guarrin turns an inquisitive ear toward Xanthium.

With the slow manipulation of the bagpipes beneath her arm, Xanthium sends out a gradual fall of chords, a heavy-treaded march of sound.

Faerinn recites:

   "As if throwing themselves against an enemy wall."

Speaking to Darcena, Xanthium says, "I'm a bad influence."

Xanthium flashes a quick grin at Darcena.

Darcena laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Xanthium.

Faerinn creates a deadly, crawling-on-my-belly feel as he draw a mournful dirge from the bass strings of his kora.

Darcena reassures, "I think you're a very good influence."

Faerinn recites:

   "The estruaries will became dammed by the walls of dead fish pouring in from the river"

Speaking to Darcena, you say, "I'm about to show her just how much so."

Xanthium begins the gradual climb to the echoing heights of the bagpipes' range.

You flash a quick grin at Darcena.

Traiva shakes her head at you and clucks her tongue.

Darcena bursts out in loud, raucous laughter at you.

In a diapason of lamentation Faerinn masterfully slides his fingers up the highest strings, making the kora weep and wail with the heartbreak of a newly-made widow.

Faerinn recites:

   "Then finally the sea will rise and the mountains will meet each over in the center as Charl and Imaera clash"

The strength of the composition Faerinn plays on his kora is guaranteed by his fluent and elegant fingering, as well as his intense concentration.

Speaking to Traiva, you say, "No, I mean it. Perfectly acceptable for the public, too. I think."

Darcena grins at Traiva.

With skilled fingers Xanthium brings the sound of the bagpipes up, then down again, in a slow, steady cry.

Faerinn recites:

   "They attack each other ferouciously."

Speaking to you, Traiva asks, "Which portion of the public?"

With a thoroughpaced drone in the bass, Faerinn plucks the melody on his kora with measured vigor.

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement from Traiva.

Xanthium touches her bagpipes before breathing out a gentle descent of sound.

Faerinn recites:

   "Mouth on each other's mouth. My childhood self knew that this was a serious fight."

The clean phrasing and perfect timing Faerinn brings to his kora composition intensifies the virulence and pungency of the piece.

Faerinn recites:

   "Imaera would gain the upper hand."

Xanthium shapes the power of the bagpipes into a slow, steady call to attention.

Faerinn recites:

   "Pinning down Charl."

Vaikhen's face turns slightly pale.

With splendid use of augmented sixth chords and harmony in thirds, Faerinn carries the composition forward with vigor and determination.

(Xanthium leans back and shoots the priest a pointed look, and stretches out her long fingers.)

Faerinn recites:

   "And piercing him through with a spike thorn."

Xanthium touches her bagpipes before breathing out a gentle descent of sound.

Faerinn recites:

   "Over and over again."

Speaking to Xanthium, you say, "You'll make even me blush in front of the guests, darling."

Kerbanu says, "Well, if he enjoys it..."

The strength of the composition Faerinn plays on his kora is guaranteed by his fluent and elegant fingering, as well as his intense concentration.

You nod once at Kerbanu.

You say, "Just so."

With a final breath, Xanthium removes the reed of the bagpipes from her lips, allowing the last notes to slow to silence.

Lylia looks like she was about to say something to Faerinn, but she hesitates, obviously having changed her mind.

Xanthium slowly empties her lungs.

Faerinn recites:

   "Until he rises to his feet and puts his hands upon her shoulders."

The clean phrasing and perfect timing Faerinn brings to his kora composition intensifies the virulence and pungency of the piece.

Guarrin applauds Xanthium politely.

Faerinn recites:

   "She furiously uses the palm of her knife until his blade is sharp again"

With a marvelous display of the sublime, Faerinn strikes his kora with intense energy, giving profound voice to the composition.

Speaking to Guarrin, Xanthium says, "I love the pipes as much as you, I think."

Faerinn recites:

   "They wrestle back and forth like this until it reaches the climax"

Faerinn grins.

Faerinn says, "Just absolutely going at it."

Vaikhen blushes a light pink hue to the tops of his ears.

Faerinn's bold rendition of the intense andante passages covers an exhausting amount of emotional ground, producing an antiphony of yearning and grandeur.

Faerinn says, "A epic fight for the ages."

Faerinn snickers.

You snicker at Faerinn.

Cruxophim presses his paintbrush confidently against the easel's canvas using wide strokes.

Xanthium applauds Faerinn.

Faerinn recites:

   "Elanith is leveled in their struggles and then goes still."

Using thirds in the right hand and simple dominant chords in the left, Faerinn partners with his kora to sing with clean, clear sound and strong rhythm.

Faerinn recites:

   "As all the waters pours across Elanith. Peace will finally come to this continent."

Speaking to Mnar, you say, "We house here the Children of Ivas, and I've often felt that the tapestries allude to them."

Faerinn's final forceful chord progression produces a unique and strong close to an excellent kora performance. Faerinn stills the reverberations with both hands and looks up, a satisfied look on his face.

Faerinn tosses a two-toned snakewood kora painted with purple blossoming sage into one of the containers hanging from his silver mesh harness.

Faerinn bows.

Darcena grins at Tabubu.

Berkana applauds Faerinn.

Vaikhen applauds Faerinn.

Kerbanu grins wickedly.

Speaking to Faerinn, Serenwy says, "An interesting performance to follow the others."

Kerbanu applauds.

Speaking to Mnar, you say, "Those who are afflicted by curses, disease, dementia- that cannot be cured by empaths or herbs."

Bellaja smiles.

Xanthium nods slowly to you.

With a jaunty wink, Faerinn forms finger crossbows with both of his hands and points them at Serenwy. He cocks his thumbs back and releases them while making the sound of a crossbow string's *TWANG*. Faerinn's playful smile widens as if awaiting a response.

Lylia applauds politely.

Speaking to Mnar, Xanthium says, "I tend to them with music, it helps."

Xanthium smiles at Bellaja.

Xanthium says, "Bellaja here has something to contribute."

Xanthium says, "Please, my lady."

Bellaja smiles.

Vaikhen turns to face Bellaja.

You turn to face Bellaja.

Bellaja introduces, "I am Bellaja..."

Lylia gazes with interest at Bellaja.

Darcena smiles at Bellaja.

Lisbethany smiles at Bellaja.

Lynaera nods graciously at Bellaja.

Tabubu peers quizzically at Cruxophim.

Bellaja uneasily continues, "Claybourne and I am here by calling."

Mnar turns an inquisitive ear toward Bellaja.

Raincail turns an inquisitive ear toward Bellaja.

Bellaja says, "I was sent from my home because I was a child who couldn't be controlled."

Tabubu turns an inquisitive ear toward Bellaja.

Bellaja says, "Sent to Icemule to a school of Imaera."

Mnar nods respectfully at Bellaja.

You gaze fondly at Bellaja.

Speaking to Bellaja, you say, "I know this story well."

Bellaja contends, "Needless to say I did not fit in, but while I was there I found my true strengths."

Speaking to you, Xanthium says, "People found you impossible? This is my shocked face."

Bellaja says, "I was great at causing fights and never being blamed."

Xanthium points at herself.

Bellaja says, "Causing opportunities for myself.."

You shake your head at Xanthium and cluck your tongue.

Bellaja says, "And trouble just because I could."

Bellaja chuckles.

Lylia nods understandingly at Bellaja.

You smile at Bellaja.

Vaikhen surreptitiously glances at Bellaja.

Bellaja says, "When I learned in my religion class about Ivas I knew it was she I came I was called to follow."

Bellaja says, "I came here and was not overwhelmed by the state of disrepair."

Bellaja interjects, "I saw Her glory in the decay and rot she loves."

Cruxophim glances at Bellaja and makes a little purring sound.

You nod once at Bellaja.

Lylia smiles at Bellaja.

Bellaja says, "I have loved here and been killed here."

Vaikhen frowns.

Bellaja says, "But it is She to whom I belong."

Bellaja smiles.

Traiva calmly flutters her wings at Bellaja to an unheard rhythm.

Tabubu nods approvingly.

Kerbanu nods understandingly.

Bellaja says, "It's so nice to hear from you all."

Speaking to Bellaja, Xanthium says, "Yes. It gets reclaimed by the swamp, held in Her steamy embrace."

You nod thoughtfully at Xanthium.

Bellaja nods at Xanthium.

Veramilion says, "Like a hot wet mom."

Veramilion's cheeks flush a deep shade of dark rose.

Speaking to Bellaja, you say, "Thank you for sharing, I had a very similar revelation when I first came here, though... first I admit, after being in Nydds for so long, I was a little apprehensive."

Traiva raises an eyebrow in Veramilion's direction.

(Vaikhen pulls on the collar of his shirt, as if to let heat escape.)

Sorlu glances at Veramilion.

Raelee takes a moment to observe you.

Bellaja says, "Some of the columns damaged in an attack on the followers. I'm glad you were not living here at the time."

Lylia murmurs, "My mother was a bit more formal."

Bellaja nods to you.

You say, "It is very different, from Her grand halls there. But now I cannot picture my life anywhere else."

Xanthium grins.

Speaking to Lylia, Mnar says, "He's still working on that innuendo thing."

Lylia gazes in amusement at Mnar.

Xanthium says, "He likes that Mother and I removed the climbing ivy from the pillars."

Speaking to you, Bellaja says, "It is Her truth. Not the glamour we so easily manipulate to do Her bidding."

Xanthium says, "They may look like they're about to tumble down, but in truth, the swamp honeysuckle is a better match, too."

(Darcena shakes her head slightly and laughs to herself.)

Bellaja says, "Beauty in the wear."

Bellaja shrugs.

Speaking to Bellaja, you say, "As we tried to demonstrate. It is the intensity that her darker gifts color the beauty in with."

You smile at Bellaja.

You say, "Now, speaking of gifts."

Mnar squints at a gilded glass of opalescent green absinthe.

You say, "If you all will indulge me with a little more time..."

Speaking to you, Bellaja says, "Indeed."

Bellaja smiles.

You turn to face Xanthium.

Lylia says, "I like that it is not pristine. There is a sense of remoteness, of aloofness to something that is too clearly untouched. It is a living place, and it is why, of all the temples I have visited, I enjoy this one so much."

Xanthium raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Lylia surveys the area.

Speaking to you, Xanthium asks, "You want me to throw you again?"

Xanthium says, "I'll do it."

Xanthium says, "No problem."

Mnar says, "Mm, absinthe. The cat'o nine tails of liquor."

You snicker at Mnar.

Traiva looks at Mnar and hums.

You say, "I like that, I'm stealing it."

Cruxophim looks thoughtfully at you.

Cruxophim looks thoughtfully at Xanthium.

You wink at Mnar.

Speaking to Mnar, Traiva says, "It is Tolwynn's favored."

Cruxophim carefully places his stretched skin easel on the ground.

You stride over to stand before Xanthium.

Cruxophim turns to face a small stretched skin easel with a sinew-lashed bone frame.

Speaking warmly to Xanthium, you say, "I have something else besides another portion of my pride, to give you, tonight." He pulls her fingers to his lips, shepherding her back to the center of the much-abused circle in the grass. "Please. Acolyte. Get down on your knees."

Speaking to you, Mnar says, "Glad I could contribute something tonight."

You grin wickedly at Xanthium.

Xanthium gazes up into the heavens.

Vaikhen clears his throat.

(Xanthium shakes her head, but the priest's face suddenly turns serious, nearly wistful. She runs her fingertips over his jawline, and then sinks down to the grass, folding the silk of her robe under her legs.)

Sweeping the lower edges of her jade green robe away from her knees, Xanthium gently lowers herself to the ground and assumes a pious position.

Speaking softly to Xanthium, you say, "In the interest of the late hour, our guests' tolerance, and the fact I still have not regained my strength from the drubbing you gave me..." He places a hand on a pouch at his waist, feeding the latch through the buckle. Xanthium looks at him with a little confusion, turning her hands palm-side up in her lap. "I will be brief. You took your vows nearly two years ago, in this very spot. Under the summer stars."

Speaking to you, Xanthium says, "Of course, I remember. It was much more private than this is." She smiles as he drops to his knees, as well, sliding his free hand into hers. "I felt much the same, though. I see my fate and truth unfolding before me."

Sweeping the lower edges of your azure silk kimono away from your knees, you gently lower yourself to the ground and assume a pious position.

Speaking affectionately to Xanthium, you murmur, "You have been an exceptional devotee, and tireless in your Service, to our visitors, the pilgrims, and the care you show The Children." He fishes out a gleaming, carved gemstone effigy from his pouch, holding it out toward his disciple. "You are an acolyte no more. I know you'll keep your Emissary title, it suits you in your various roles. But your rank...rise up, as Minister of Her Grace, my dear."

You remove a chrysoprase wisp of smoke idol inlaid with sunstone from in your maple case.

You offer your wisp of smoke idol to Xanthium, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Moving the balls of her feet, Xanthium rises from her kneeling position in one fluid movement that causes the hem of her jade green robe to swirl around her ankles.

Xanthium beams happily at you!

Xanthium has accepted your offer and is now holding a chrysoprase wisp of smoke idol inlaid with sunstone.

Sweeping the lower edges of her jade green robe away from her knees, Xanthium gently lowers herself to the ground and assumes a pious position.

Vaikhen blinks.

Xanthium brings herself low to the ground before cupping her hands around the Ivas idol. She passionately kisses the succubus side and then incubus side. Her face is lit in verdant as she does so.

Xanthium reverently says, "Thank you. Your teaching has shown me the way, time and again. Also your need to make me squirm in front of other people."

Xanthium leans softly against you, and you note the scent of fresh ocean air lightly mingled with the scent of tropical flowers clinging to her.

Veramilion beams happily at Xanthium!

You smirk at Xanthium.

Speaking amusedly to Xanthium, you ask, "We'll discuss your new duties later..." He stops, unwinding one hand from hers to remove a twig from his hair, looking at her with narrowed eyes. "But mostly they will involve being *nicer* to me, yes?"

Getting the balls of your feet beneath you, you rise in one fluid movement that causes the hem of your azure silk kimono to swirl around your ankles.

You pull Xanthium to her feet.

Guarrin flashes a wide grin.

Raelee takes a moment to observe Xanthium.

Xanthium laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Xanthium leans softly against you.

Lylia inclines her head.

Faerinn beams happily at Xanthium!

Vaikhen glances between Xanthium and yourself.

Xanthium blushes a nice shade of rosy pink.

Lisbethany applauds warmly.

Vaikhen smiles slightly.

Speaking to you, Xanthium says, "I hate and love you, you know."

Lylia applauds Xanthium.

Darcena gazes in amusement at Xanthium.

Speaking to Xanthium, you say, "You blushed first."

Thrassus nods at Xanthium.

Mnar smiles.

Speaking warmly to Xanthium, Lylia exclaims, "How lovely for you!"

Vaikhen appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.

Xanthium blushes a rosy pink shade at Lylia.

Xanthium put a chrysoprase wisp of smoke idol inlaid with sunstone in her jade green robe.

Speaking to you, Xanthium says, "Thank you, love."

Xanthium leans softly against you.

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "Rise as high as you may. It is your birthright too."

Yardie grins at Lylia.

You ask, "Well, you all are welcome to as much of the liquor and fruit as you like, but that's all we have for you. Anyone else have a story of lust and longing to share?"

Darcena grabs a nightbloom blossom from a small pocket inside of her black leather coat.

Darcena offers Xanthium a nightbloom blossom.

You ask, "Or want to embarrass themselves utterly?"

You say, "She'll do it."

You point at Xanthium.

Lylia laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Tabubu nods approvingly at Xanthium.

Vaikhen frets.

Xanthium grins.

Xanthium blushes a rosy pink shade at Darcena.

Xanthium says, "Thank you all, our friends, our guests and patrons."

Mnar smiles at Xanthium.

Lylia confesses, "Most of my tales are less about love or lust than other subjects. At least the ones I shall tell in public."

Mnar nods to you.

Cruxophim turns to Xanthium and cheers!

Xanthium says, "We were thrilled to host you yet again. And not a single threat to make one of you mayor."

Yardie bows to Xanthium.

Vaikhen sheepishly says, "I wasn't sure what to expect, but the demonstrations were lovely."

Speaking to Lylia, Bellaja exclaims, "I kept mine clean!"

You smile at Vaikhen.

Bellaja grins.

Darcena grins at Vaikhen.

Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter.

Lisbethany chortles softly at some secret joke.

Speaking to Vaikhen, you say, "You should always be wary, in the Halls of the Great Spirits."

Veramilion chuckles.

Lylia says, "You know, that is something I have often failed to understand. The notion of 'cleanliness.'."

Speaking to Vaikhen, you say, "But I do find that this is where my life comes into focus."

Vaikhen ponders.

Speaking to Lylia, Mnar says, "My constant badgering about philosophy and virtue doesn't leave much room for displays like this. It's lovely to be able to watch and listen."

Speaking to you, Tolwynn says, "With any luck, perhaps we'll have a story for next time as well."

Vaikhen nods understandingly to you.

Xanthium glances at Mnar.

Speaking to Lylia, Bellaja says, "Simply a word others use to explain things that make them feel too much."

Speaking to Mnar, Xanthium asks, "You badger people about displays?"

Darcena offers Xanthium a nightbloom blossom.

Darcena smiles at Xanthium.

Xanthium accepts Darcena's nightbloom blossom.

Speaking to Xanthium, Mnar says, "About virtues."

Lylia says, "Everything is clean and pure in the sight of someone I love. There can be nothing 'dirty' there as everything about him is delectable to me."

Traiva nods at Tolwynn.

Lylia nods in agreement at Mnar.

Tabubu quietly asks, "But is beauty not a viture?"

Xanthium says, "Oh, that's lovely. We have the sacristies, you know, and the nightbloom..."

Tabubu peers quizzically at Mnar.

Xanthium glances at Mnar.

Speaking to Lylia, Bellaja says, "I disagree with the word, but is definitely a term most would use. Thank you for pointing that out."

Lylia nods in agreement at Bellaja.

Bellaja nods at Lylia.

Mnar rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Tabubu, Mnar says, "I'm not sure."

Speaking to Xanthium, you say, "The nightbloom is for those with a liking for...strain."

You nod slowly at Xanthium.

Speaking quietly to Mnar, Tabubu asks, "The ability to enjoy pleasure?"

Cruxophim starts chuckling at you!

Speaking to Darcena, you say, "That tells me you're a wildcat. And I think I knew that already."

You give Darcena a friendly prod against the back.

Mnar says, "To bring beauty to the world, through art or music, is certainly a virtue."

Darcena grins at you.

Speaking to you, Darcena says, "Less of a cat. More of a canine."

Darcena flashes you a wolfish grin.

Cruxophim affably offers, "Something for you two."

Speaking to Mnar, Xanthium says, "Those things often come because of lust, though."

Mnar says, "Personal beauty, though, could hardly be called a virtue, could it? It is mostly out of our control."

Speaking to Mnar, Xanthium asks, "How many artists create from longing?"

Xanthium asks, "Frustration?"

Xanthium asks, "Need?"

Speaking quietly to Mnar, Tabubu asks, "So vitures are only things in our control?"

Speaking to you, Faerinn says, "Those days might be other. Thadston made her a captain."

Lylia quips, "So when we lure unsuspecting playthings to their doom and murder them slowly while taking one another atop their prone and helpless forms in an orgiastic frenzy, it is done with love and purity of purpose, you see."

Speaking to Tabubu, Mnar says, "Generally, eii."

Tabubu nods in agreement at Xanthium.

You applaud Darcena.

Cruxophim tosses a knowing glance toward Lylia, taps his nose, and then points at her.

Vaikhen surreptitiously glances at Lylia.

Vaikhen's face turns slightly pale.

Bellaja grins at Lylia.

Thrassus cocks his head at Lylia.

Speaking to Darcena, you say, "I am very happy for you, that someone in the Landing is smart enough to make you such."

Speaking quietly to Xanthium, Tabubu says, "So much truth to that."

You wink at Darcena.

Mnar looks thoughtfully at Lylia.

Xanthium says, "If all want was gone, and all of our needs were sated with virtue..."

Lylia primly asks, "What, none of you have a sense of humor?"

Xanthium says, "What a cold world it would be."

Lylia raises an eyebrow.

Mnar grins at Xanthium.

Xanthium grins at Lylia.

Vaikhen lets out a sigh of relief.

Speaking to Lylia, Raelee states, "No."

Speaking to Xanthium, Mnar says, "A perfect world."

Speaking to you, Faerinn says, "Well we had to marry him to a statue of Lylia and then give him an intervention at the beach...but we eventually got there."

Vaikhen chuckles.

Lylia begins chuckling at Raelee!

Berkana grins at Raelee.

Speaking to Lylia, Xanthium says, "Thank you for sharing that...story, Imperatrix."

Xanthium blushes a rosy pink shade at Lylia.

Speaking to Raelee, Lylia says, "For once, I do not believe you."

Speaking nonchalantly to you, Cruxophim offers, "Trade you for a kiss."

Cruxophim shows you an elaborate gold-framed painting, which he is holding in his left hand. The painting depicts two gracefully entwined figures, one tall and the other towering in stature, cavorting before an enrapt audience in the courtyard of a lavishly decadent temple beneath a blood-red sky. A voluminous tumult of raven-black curls collides with cascades of equally spiralling white blonde, and pale porcelain presses against sun-bronzed copper in a study of passionate and lustful contrasts.

You gaze with interest at Lylia.

(Raelee merely raises both eyebrows at Lylia in response.)

Speaking quietly to Mnar, Tabubu says, "A woman after your own heart."

Speaking to Lylia, you say, "...it'd be worth it."

Tabubu laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Lylia starts chuckling at you!

Cruxophim chuckles.

Bellaja grins.

Speaking to Lylia, you ask, "I'll expect you and at least one husband here at midnight, yes?"

Mnar begins chuckling at Tabubu!

You flash a quick grin at Lylia.

Xanthium laughs!

Lylia says, "That depends entirely on the husband in question. One of them has farther to travel than the other, and the other is distressingly busy tonight."

Faerinn carefully lights the fuse on a colorful firework, which immediately begins to issue forth a torrent of multi-colored sparks.

Xanthium grins at Faerinn.

The colorful firework issues a violent torrent of fiery sparks from its base and shoots off into the air. A bright trail of fiery light rises into the nighttime sky above , vanishing from sight a heartbeat later.

Speaking to you, Darcena says, "And thank you for the compliment."

Trails of multicolored lights illuminate the nighttime sky and come together to form a dollhouse.

Xanthium says, "Now, there's a summer's proper gesture."

Mnar tilts his head up.

Yardie lets out a cheer!

Xanthium exclaims, "Great balls of fire!"

Vaikhen gazes up into the heavens.

Raelee glances up.

Veramilion says, "Oooh. Ahhhh."

You say, "Exploding in the...ah, ether."

Lynaera gazes up into the sky.

Vaikhen smiles broadly.

Lisbethany gazes up into the heavens.

Speaking to Vaikhen, you say, "Surely a few dirty aphorisms never hurt anyone."

You wink at Vaikhen.

Vaikhen coughs.

Speaking dryly to you, Cruxophim muses, "You'd be surprised."

Vaikhen checks his footing.

Vaikhen clears his throat.

Speaking to Cruxophim, you say, "I was staring at Lylia's...gown."

Vaikhen nods once to you.

You accept Cruxophim's offer and are now holding an elaborate gold-framed painting.

Darcena grins at you.

Lylia reaches out and touches her violet silk gown.

Cruxophim raises his voice in merry laughter.

Speaking shyly to you, Vaikhen says, "Yes, certainly not."

Yardie glances at you.

Speaking to Cruxophim, you say, "Thank you. Truly."

Vaikhen smiles shakily.

Speaking to you, Yardie says, "She's going to kill you."

Speaking to you, Lylia says, "I wanted to wear something well suited to the heat."

Cruxophim kisses you, his mouth lingering on yours.

Cruxophim gives Xanthium a lingering kiss.

Cruxophim pleasantly states, "My pleasure."

Speaking to Yardie, you say, "There's only so often she can kill me before she grows bored."

Vaikhen blushes a light pink hue to the tops of his ears.

Speaking vaguely to you, Yardie whispers aloud, "They can be creative."

Xanthium says, "Thank you all."

Xanthium says, "It was a lovely, wonderful night."

Speaking warmly to Xanthium, Lylia says, "I am pleased I was here to witness your ascent to greater power."

Vaikhen haltingly says, "Thank ... thank you all for the ... the evening. And revelry."

Xanthium blushes a rosy pink shade at Lylia.

Speaking to Lylia, Xanthium says, "It was a surprise."

Xanthium says, "You are all welcome to come back whenever you wish."

Cruxophim devilishly remarks, "Don't do anything I'd do. Or do, I'm not your mother."

An aura of mischief slowly creeps into Cruxophim's mien as his lips form into a crooked smile. The smile continues to spread as it splits from ear-to-ear, rupturing his countenance into the shape of a tooth-filled lacerated grin.

With a jaunty wink, Faerinn forms finger crossbows with both of his hands and points them at Cruxophim. He cocks his thumbs back and releases them while making the sound of a crossbow string's *TWANG*. Faerinn's playful smile widens as if awaiting a response.

Speaking dreamily to Vaikhen, Lisbethany asks, "Wasn't it wonderful?"

You lean softly against Xanthium, stirring the scent of fresh ocean air lightly mingled with the scent of tropical flowers around her.

Xanthium says, "Good night, everyone."

Speaking to you, Raelee states, "I have a question."

You nod at Raelee.

You say, "Of coruse."

Xanthium turns an inquisitive ear toward Raelee.

Xanthium says, "I love questions."

Speaking to you, Raelee asks, "What would you want your observers' primary takeaway of the evening to be?"

Speaking interestedly to you, Lynaera says, "I also had the same question to ask."

Speaking to Raelee, you say, "For the opening, to not be afraid of the darker passions that come, when you explore inspiration and desire."

Speaking to Raelee, you say, "We have found that...when we struggle with those..."

You gaze fondly at Xanthium.

You say, "The jealousy, the want. The feeling that I've been manipulated."

Xanthium says, "Or chastened, dismissed, ignored."

Tabubu gives a sidelong glance at Xanthium.

You say, "It is those moments where we discover the intensity of how we feel for one another."

Raelee nods slowly to you.

You rub Xanthium tenderly.

Faerinn says, "Maybe to watch out for Imaera's spike thorn."

Tabubu quietly says, "The intensity."

Speaking to Raelee, you say, "And I have never loved her more, then when she makes me mad as a hatter."

Lylia gazes with interest at Xanthium.

Speaking to Lynaera, Xanthium says, "And he's a pain in the ass regardless."

Lynaera laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Xanthium.

Speaking to you, Xanthium says, "Don't think you're getting away with that."

Speaking to Xanthium, Lynaera allows, "You handle him well."

Raelee glances between Xanthium and yourself.

You raise your hands in surrender!

Bellaja says, "Humiliation is not really among her teachings, but surely that resulting from jealousy could be useful."

Bellaja nods slowly.

You nod once at Bellaja.

You say, "Exactly so."

Speaking to Raelee, you ask, "Does that make it more clear, Magister?"

You say, "The rest was to enjoy the conversation, and then to promote my beloved disciple."

Xanthium blushes a nice shade of rosy pink.

Speaking to you, Bellaja says, "I've also an affinity for poisons and disease."

Xanthium says, "I was never expecting it. You really did surprise me."

You smile at Bellaja.

Speaking to you, Bellaja says, "The sulphur puts off many."

Bellaja shrugs.

Bellaja says, "Me, not so much."

Speaking to Bellaja, you say, "The cycle of life, and it's majesty. Much like the decay you mentioned, before."

Lylia says, "The duality of Ivas has always made her one of the more intriguing goddesses to observe, or at least to observe the ways in which she is worshipped."

You gaze admiringly at Lylia.

Speaking knowingly to Lylia, Yardie says, "Ivas is interesting, until she turns your wrath upon you."

Veramilion says, "There is so much duality to Them."

Speaking to Lylia, you say, "So much more than a beautiful, classically statuesque, amazingly witty woman, you are."

Veramilion nods to a dual-sided verdant jade Ivas idol with androgynous features.

Thrassus says, "Most seem to focus on only one particular aspect."

Speaking to Lylia, you say, "Now you're a poet, too."

You feel more refreshed.

Lylia says, "I try never to make the gods wrathful, though I am not a believer."

Xanthium stares at you.

Speaking to Thrassus, Yardie asks, "Most?"

Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter.

Lylia looks over at you and shakes her head.

Thrassus nods at Yardie.

Xanthium says, "He knows he's done with the public speaking so he's back to being a terrible flirt."

Lylia says, "Sadly, poetry is in my heart but never leaves my lips. I cannot compose it well enough to do justice to any of those who have inspired it in me."

Speaking to you, Bellaja says, "Too many use Ivas as an excuse to fulfill their base desires and that is the end of their "devotion."

Speaking to Lylia, Yardie says, "Imperatrix, then please extend me some of your luck. I believe the Arkati have played a long, elaborate dice game with me, that seems to end in some sort of sour roll."

Lylia nods at Bellaja.

Lylia flashes a quick grin at Yardie.

Lylia says, "Then you draw their attention too much, my friend."

Speaking to you, Bellaja says, "It is good to know others see beyond her complexities."

Bellaja nods at Xanthium.

Bellaja nods to you.

Speaking amusedly to Lylia, Yardie says, "I presume it's my charm and savoir-faire."

Bellaja begins chuckling at Lylia!

Lylia says, "Her associations with disease and rot, which is also life of a different sort, for instance. It is a curious connection to her more usual associations with desire, lust, envy."

You nod once at Lylia.

Veramilion says, "Rot is life. Fungus show us this."

You say, "There are some who attend to that alone, because of Her energy in that transition."

Veramilion says, "That decay is a extent form of life."

Lylia says, "It is why this temple feels more alive, in its way, than one untouched by time."

Speaking to Lylia, Bellaja says, "I don't know, I find the two to be perfect partners."

Speaking to Lylia, Lynaera says, "It is because this temple IS alive, rather than the sanitized places you may find elsewhere, devoid of spirit."

Bellaja says, "I always thought of the darker, disruptive side as being the true motivation."

Lylia nods at Lynaera.

Thrassus glances between Xanthium and yourself.

Speaking to Lylia, Bellaja says, "The other things are just tools."

Thrassus says, "It was a wonderful event this evening."

Xanthium smiles at Thrassus.

Xanthium gives Thrassus a lingering kiss, first on one cheek, then the other.

Speaking to Lylia, Bellaja says, "She looks beautiful to put them at ease."

Speaking to Thrassus, you say, "Thank you. We very much enjoyed our visitors, and you are always welcome here."

Speaking to Bellaja, Lylia says, "Thank you for sharing some of your own personal history. It makes clear how and why you felt a calling to be in Ivas' gaze."

Lylia smiles at Thrassus.

Thrassus nods gratefully to you.

Bellaja nods at Lylia.

Speaking to Lylia, Bellaja says, "That's it in a nutshell."

Lylia says, "That ruby with its flame...Xorus told me some curious story about a hidden homage to Eorgina."

Lylia says, "But you know Xorus' stories are always a bit twisted."

You ask, "Is that all?"

You grin at Lylia.

Lylia grins slowly.

You say, "Well, you all can see me as much as you like. Including the customers at the bar that night in Solhaven."

Xanthium smiles.

Lylia says, "It was one I had not heard, something of Eorgina and Ivas having been entangled in some fashion."

Xanthium says, "They should have known what was on the menu when we first walked in."

Speaking to Xanthium, Faerinn says, "Well the farm girl should be excused. She moved to Solhaven to get away from animals."

Speaking to Xanthium, Faerinn says, "You know with the roving animal gangs and the zoo."

Bellaja says, "So many secrets lost to time."

Lylia says, "I have heard so much of farm girls in Solhaven, and I have yet to understand why this is now a topic of hot discussion."

Bellaja says, "Thanks to all of you for the lovely evening."

You place a hand over your heart.

You bow to Bellaja.

You say, "Thank you very much, for sharing your perspective, your story."

Bellaja nods.

Xanthium curtsies gracefully to Bellaja.

Speaking to you, Bellaja says, "It is nice to hear so many stories."

Bellaja nods.

Lylia says, "It is. Perhaps I shall share something sometime myself."

Xanthium says, "And being a good sport while we mopped up the grass with the priest's curls."

You glance at Lylia.

You flash a quick grin.

You say, "Ivas provides, my lady."

Lylia says, "As it stands, I could only think of some of the tales I had told at Ebon Gate festivals, and that is honoring an entirely different goddess."

(Lylia gives the knot in her silk gown a little tug to ensure it's still secured firmly.)

Xanthium says, "Thank you for coming."

Xanthium says, "Well. For once, I think I've hit the limit of my excitement, for now."

Xanthium leans softly against you, and you note the scent of fresh ocean air lightly mingled with the scent of tropical flowers clinging to her.

Lylia says, "Indeed, I should withdraw and give you space in which to contemplate your triumphs."

Speaking to you, Xanthium says, "Take me to bed. Put out the snake. Not necessarily in that order."

Lylia gives Xanthium a lingering kiss on the cheek.

Yardie coughs.

Yardie coughs.

Yardie coughs.

Lylia gives you a lingering kiss on the cheek.

Yardie coughs.

You give Xanthium a lingering kiss, first on one cheek, then the other.

Yardie glances at Xanthium.

Faerinn asks, "I suppose its about time I crash as well. Where did I put my tent?"

Lylia says, "Be well."

Lylia places a hand over her heart.

Speaking to Yardie, you say, "She means Rusalka, Yardie."

Lylia bows to Raelee.

You gaze fondly at Lylia.

You bow to Lylia.

Speaking knowingly to you, Yardie says, "I'm sure she does."

Xanthium glances between Lylia and yourself.

Xanthium grins at you.

Xanthium kisses Lylia, first on one cheek, then the other.

Lynaera says, "Thank you for putting on this event. It was rather interesting to behold."

Speaking to Lynaera, you say, "I'll want another chat with you soon, my friend."

Xanthium says, "And me too, of course."

Lynaera allows, "Of course."

Speaking to you, Raelee says, "This has been... unique."

You nod once at Raelee.

Lynaera says, "You know how to find me, when you wish to."

Speaking to Raelee, you say, "I hope our answers were something you can apply, to where you wish."

Speaking to Lynaera, you say, "See you soon, then."

Speaking to you, Raelee says, "Perhaps we will speak again soon."

Xanthium gives Lynaera a lingering kiss, first on one cheek, then the other.

Veramilion says, "Good night everyone."

Veramilion waves.

Raelee says, "Good evening."

You give Lynaera a lingering kiss on the wrist.

Lynaera nods graciously at Xanthium.

You bow to Raelee.

Lynaera nods graciously to you.

(Veramilion wanders off to her own quarters.)

Xanthium turns to face you.

Xanthium says, "I think we're finally getting the hang of having you out in public."

Xanthium leans softly against you.

Speaking to Xanthium, you say, "I'm not a total naif."

You give Xanthium a lingering kiss on the forehead.

Speaking to Yardie, Lynaera teases, "You do not intend to linger, or follow them?"

Speaking to you, Faerinn says, "Yes, you've come a long way since that Mayoral debate."

You grin at Yardie.

Yardie's face turns slightly pale.

Speaking to you, Faerinn says, "Long and far."

Speaking to Yardie, you say, "You'd probably get smothered."

Speaking to Faerinn, you say, "You know it."

Faerinn grins.

Speaking to Yardie, Xanthium says, "He's teasing. I only smother people who ask for it."

You stare at Xanthium.

You ask, "Now who's teasing?"

Faerinn says, "And are victims to puns."

Speaking to Xanthium, Yardie says, "I mean I'm sure. You're rather t.....tall."

Speaking to Yardie, you say, "She has wicked balance and muscle tone in those thighs, too."

Lynaera briefly conceals her face behind her sculpted fan, coyly looking past the triad of blades set within it.

Speaking to Yardie, you say, "You could crack a skull on her backside."

Xanthium laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Xanthium says, "He exaggerates, but that would be an interesting application of unarmed combat."

Speaking to you, Yardie asks, "......okay, I think I should...go now?"

Speaking to Yardie, you say, "I just love to watch people blush, Yardie. I promised you would be safe here."

Speaking nervously to Xanthium, Yardie says, "Crushing someone between your legs? I've.....done it before."

Speaking to Yardie, you ask, "And you were, yes?"

Lynaera raises an eyebrow in Yardie's direction.

Speaking to Lynaera, you say, "I think we're going to withdraw. I might see you soon, my dear."

You give Lynaera a lingering kiss on the wrist.

Lynaera kisses you tenderly on the cheek.

Xanthium gazes fondly at Lynaera.

Lynaera gives Xanthium a lingering kiss on the cheek.

Lynaera wishes, "Be well."

Yardie bows to Xanthium.

Yardie bows to you.

Speaking to Lynaera, Xanthium says, "Be well, my friend. Dance with Her Grace."