Spirit Beast/Walkthrough

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Spirit Beasts Walkthrough:

     1. Introduction
     2. Capturing a Beast
     3. Class, Element, and Rarity
     4. Prime Stats
     5. Secondary Stats
     6. Challenging Others
     7. Fight Resources: Stances, Action Points, Etc.
     8. Beast Commands
     9. Levels and Experience
    10. Loyalty
    11. Talondown Arena
    12. Customizations
    13. Beyond the Basics


1. Spirit Beasts: An Introduction

Spirit Beasts are mysterious creatures that lurk almost everywhere in Elanthia.  Discovered by the unscrupulous researcher Ilixil, they are spectral avatars of everyday creatures, or of beings that have left a strong impact in a given area.  As any good researcher might do, Ilixil discovered ways to detect and harness the power of these creatures.  And then, like any good merchant, he came up with ways to make them fight each other for their owners' entertainment.

It's best that you not think too hard about it.

This guide will take you through the process of capturing Spirit Beasts and using them to compete in contests called Spirit Battles.  It will discuss the finer points of battle, how your beast's unique statistics contribute to its success, and even how to customize your beast.

Continue to section 2.

Capturing a Beast

2. Binding Your First Beast

In order to bind a Spirit Beast, you'll need a specially prepared talisman.  These are found aboard the Firebird, a roaming airship that travels between Elanthia's towns.  While holding an appropriate talisman in your hands, go outside of town and use BEAST SENSE.

If you don't detect any beasts, don't worry.  It may take a few tries to find all the beasts in the area.  Common beasts can be found in any area outside of most towns.  For example, you'll find kobolds, goblins, thraks, and rats anywhere in the vicinity of Wehnimer's Landing.

Once you've sensed the spirits in the immediate area, you'll want to use BEAST ATTUNE {beast} to select a specific spirit to catch.  You can only catch one Spirit Beast at a time.

Now you have your target in your sights.  You can use BEAST CAPTURE to add it to your collection.  If you don't have a Spirit Beast already, your new acquisition will automatically be selected for use in Spirit Battles.  Once you have more beasts in your collection, you can use BEAST LIST and BEAST SELECT to more easily manage them.

Continue to section 3.

Class, Element, and Rarity

3. Basic Beast

With your new beast selected, let's take a look at BEAST INFO.  This will provide you with your beast's vital information.  In the first block of information, you'll see the beast's general traits.  After its train and experience, you'll see your beast's Class.  Every beast is part of a Class: humanoid, beast, elemental, arthropod, aberration, undead, or beastman.  A beast's Class determines its stat growth, as well as what armaments it can wear.

Some Spirit Beasts also have an elemental attunement.  This makes their autoattacks do more damage against some elemental attunements, and less against others--for example, a Fire-attuned beast will do slightly more damage against Spirit-attuned ones, but slightly less against Water-attuned ones.

All beasts of a given type (e.g. rats) share the same Rarity.  Early on, you can only bind Common beasts.  Once you have bound 10 different Common beasts, you can start hunting for Uncommon ones.  After binding 25 Common or Uncommon beasts, you can start hunting for elusive Legendary beasts.

Continue to section 4.

Prime Stats

4. The Prime Stats

Every Spirit Beast has five prime stats: Power, Defense, Insight, Accuracy, and Speed.  These stats govern how a beast performs in combat.  There is no perfect combination of stats: every beast performs a little differently in battle, and can be equally successful in the hands of a skilled beastmaster.  The prime stats define your Spirit Beast as follows:

    POWER    - governs raw autoattack power
    DEFENSE  - mitigates autoattack damage
    INSIGHT  - success rate when detecting opponent's stance
    ACCURACY - chance to hit an opponent with autoattacks
    SPEED    - evasion chance and overall quickness

Your beast's prime stats grow as it levels, according to its Class.  You can also enhance them temporarily with Spirit Beast armaments and permanently through alchemy potions or merchant services.

Continue to section 5.

Secondary Stats

5. Secondly, Secondaries

Secondary stats are derived from the prime stats, and influence the flow of battle.  They include the following:

    HEALTH POINTS           - the total health pool of your beast
    STANCE DETECT CHANCE    - chance upon using BEAST COMMAND DETECT to determine the enemy's stance
    FLASH OF INSIGHT CHANCE - chance to detect and autoswitch to counter enemy stance on any turn
    HIT CHANCE              - basic chance to hit with any autoattack
    CRIT CHANCE             - chance to deal %-health-based damage with an autoattack
    SURGE OF SPEED CHANCE   - chance to reduce roundtime by 50% between this round and next
    EVASION CHANCE          - chance to dodge any given autoattack outright

There are rumors of other secret stats that affect a beast's combat performance.  These are, of course, unsubstantiated hogwash and should never be questioned.  Ever.

Continue to section 6.

Challenging Others

6. Your First Challenge

Now that you know a bit about how Spirit Beasts work, it's time to battle.  In order to engage in a Spirit Battle, you'll need an opponent.  If you wear and RUB your talisman, you'll be notified whenever other adventurers start matches anywhere else in the world.

If you can't find anyone else at all, there are portals to the Talondown arena in a number of towns that look like twisted stone doorframes.  You can always test your skills against NPC trainers there.

When you find someone to fight with, use BEAST CHALLENGE to challenge them to a Spirit Battle.  Please keep in mind that there are some areas, like merchant rooms and high traffic areas, where you cannot begin a Spirit Battle.

Once a challenge has been issued, your prospective opponent can choose to either BEAST CHALLENGE ACCEPT or BEAST CHALLENGE DECLINE.  At any time before the challenge naturally expires, you can also BEAST CHALLENGE CANCEL to terminate your request early.  If your opponent's beast is of a higher training than yours, you can both use BEAST MATCH when a challenge isn't pending to have the higher-leveled beast match the lower's training.

Once a challenge has been made and accepted, your Spirit Battle begins!

Continue to section 7.

Fight Resources

7. Fight It Out

As a Spirit Battle begins, both creatures will begin to attack each other unless you command them to do otherwise.  Before exploring the orders you can give your beast, there are a few resources you should watch during battle.

The first is your beast's stance.  There are five stances.  Each counters two other stances and is countered by two other stances.  You can tell your beast is being countered because it will do less and taking more autoattack damage.

You'll also want to watch your beast's health and its opponent's to best time your damage so that your opponent's beast doesn't have time to recover.

Your Spirit Beast starts each fight with six action points that allow it to heal, raise its defenses, or quickly build up to its special ability.  They don't regenerate during a fight, so spend them tactically.

Every beast has a special ability that can be game-changing if timed right.  Special abilities are fueled by special ability charges, which your beast can gain from successfully autoattacking or defending against its enemy's autoattacks.  You can also get a guaranteed special ability charge from using the LASH command.

Continue to section 8.

Beast Commands

8. Beast Master and Commander

Properly managing your Spirit Beast through commands is essential to victory in a Spirit Battle.  There's a reason why they don't have an Intelligence stat: Spirit Beasts are pretty simple-minded and will automatically attack at every chance they get.  You need to rein in their impulses and order them to make smart choices.  The following commands are available to you through BEAST COMMAND:

    ATTACK   - (0 AP) used to cancel other commands, beasts attack whenever they are able by default
    DETECT   - (0 AP) try to detect the opponent's stance and counter it
    FORTIFY  - (1 AP) lasts 3 rounds, gives an added chance to block equal to Focused Defense stat
    HEAL     - (1 AP) heals your Spirit Beast based on its max health
    LASH     - (1 AP) deals damage based on enemy max health, attacker gains 1 special ability charge
    SPECIAL  - (0 AP) expends special ability charges to do a special ability

There's a lot of room for strategy in a Spirit Beast battle.  For example, you could spend all of your beast's action points on LASHing and devastate your foe early on with a special ability, but then your opponent's beast would be able to expend its own action points on healing, giving it a signficant advantage.  Remember, your beast also gains special ability charges from successfully autoattacking or defending!

Continue to section 9.

Levels and Experience

9. Older, Wiser, Deadlier

When your beast completes a Spirit Battle, a few things happen.  If it is wearing any armaments, they'll degrade a bit.  Should your beast lose, it will lose a bit of loyalty toward you.  Win or lose, though, your beast can gain experience after a battle.  The amount of experience your beast gains after a battle is dependent upon its level of training and that of its opponent.  If your beast fights an opponent too many levels below its own, it will gain no experience at all, and you'll hopefully feel bad for losing an easy fight.

As beasts gain levels, their stats grow.  Your beast will see growth in its stats according to its Class.  When a prime stat (like Accuracy) increases, all of the secondary stats that depend on it (such as Hit Chance and Crit Chance) will also grow.  For that reason, a beast at level 1 can have very different capabilities to one at level 20.

Even if your beast is matching its opponent's level in most fights, there are good reasons to get to level 20.  The best beast armaments are exclusively for 20th level beasts, and some competitions at the Talondown Arena, like the Weekly Challenge, do not allow level matching.

Continue to section 10.


10. Loyal Subjects

As previously mentioned, a newly bound beast comes with a certain amount of loyalty to its owner.  After each loss, your beast's loyalty will decrease, until it won't fight for you at all.  Put yourself in your beast's adorably tiny shoes: would you want to fight for someone who keeps making you lose?

When a beast loses all of its loyalty, you'll need to incentivize it to fight on.  That's what blood is for.  The Firebird sells syringes and vials needed to keep your beast well supplied.

Spirit Beasts are a little particular.  They won't accept blood if it's mixed together from a variety of beasts.  That means that a Spirit Beast will take a vial full of kobold blood, but not blood that was sourced from both griffins and helpless orphans.

Once you have a syringe and a vial, you'll PUT the vial in the syringe, go and terrorize helpless creatures, and then DRAW {the creature} WITH SYRINGE once they're dead.  After filling up a vial with pure blood from one type of creature, use BEAST OFFER {vial} to give it to your Spirit Beast.

Continue to section 11.

Talondown Arena

11. Talondown for What?

The Talondown has been mentioned a few times in this guide.  It is a cross-realm arena aboard a traveling airship called the Firebird.  The arena is a primary source of redsteel marks, which are used at the Talondown's cashier and by some Spirit Beast merchants to expand your collection of Spirit Beast accoutrements.

You don't have to wait for the Firebird to come to your town in order to get to the Talondown.  Twisted stone doorframes across the world lead to the arena, and safely deposit you in the town from whence you came when you leave the Talondown.

Once you're at the arena, you can INQUIRE with the cashier to see the current prizes up for purchase with redsteel.  You can also converse with the pit boss to see what types of arenas are available.  Currently, there are four types of fights available at the Talondown, including:

Blood Matches - Your beast's lifeforce is tied to your own.  If you lose, you might die in the arena.  The Talondown keeps healers and clerics on hand for just this possibility.  Blood Matches reward some redsteel.  Winners have a chance at arena prizes.

Weekly Challenges - Each week, Spirit Beast trainers are selected at random from each rank.  Should you defeat all of these trainers and their 20th train beasts, you'll earn a significant amount of experience and arena prizes, including redsteel and bestial soulstones.

Listed Fights - Listed fights are against Spirit Beast trainers only.  Each week, the adventurer who wins the most Listed Fights receives bragging rights, multiple arena prizes, and a substantial amount of redsteel.  After you're defeated three times in Listed Fights, you're out for the week.

Training Bouts - Training Bouts cost silver, but put you up against Spirit Beast trainers who will match the training of your beast and your level of experience in the Talondown.  Your beast will earn extra experience from these fights whether you win or lose, making Training Bouts an excellent way to advance your beast quickly.

Continue to section 12.


12. Altered States

There's no point to collecting something unless you can make it entirely your own.  Spirit Beasts can be customized, both mechanically and cosmetically.

On the mechanics side, you can enhance your beast with potions brewed through alchemy.  Each type of potion enhances a stat by 1 point and can be given to your beast by using BEAST OFFER.  Your beast can have a maximum of 20 total stat boosts at once, and up to 10 in any one stat.  If you want to change which stats you're enhancing, void potions will wipe their slate clear, but you'll need to brew new stat potions to enhance your beast.  Merchants can also enhance your beast by boosting its Skill, a hidden stat that makes your beast just a little better at everything.

Cosmetic customizations are also available as a merchant service.  You can change your beast's name, its 15/15/15, its LOOK description, and its attacks and flavor messaging.  Beasts cannot be altered to look like something well outside of their type--for example, a kobold must remain a kobold, a wizard cannot become a wolverine, and a dingo can never be a baby-snatcher.

Continue to section 13.

Beyond the Basics

13. Ever Onward

Hopefully, your first beast won't be your last.  Common beasts are easy to find, but the serious beastmaster will ever be on the lookout for uncommon and even legendary beasts the world over.  While fights with common beasts might become predictable, legendaries and some uncommons have strange new abilities that change the face of fighting.  For example, there are beasts that can put their opponents to sleep, summon airwalls to block attacks, or even go into berserker rages.  Pay close attention to festival grounds and places off the beaten path, and you'll soon have a wide-ranging collection of monsters in your pocket.

Since you can only have one of each beast in your collection, you may want to invest in soul cages to trade beasts to your friends, or even enchiridions that will let you safely store beasts that you're not currently using.  You can always BEAST EXPEL to rid yourself of a Spirit Beast, whether into one of the aforementioned containers, or back into the ether from whence it came.