Proposal: QOL Updates

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This is a wiki backup of a development proposal listed at:

The Proposal was made by Meraki, and backed up to the wiki by Porom.


Provide a handful of low complexity quality of life updates that can have a large impact on the player base.

These updates are still in the early stages and subject to change between now and implementation. Nothing in this document should be seen as a promise or guarantee, however feedback is always welcome on the official forums (link below).

Note: Update revisions appear under initial document sections in italic. Such as this note does.

✔️ = Update is available in game.

✔️ 1) Remove Group Limiter on coin pickups

Currently if you are following someone and there is someone in the room that isn't in your group, if you attempt to pick up piles of coins, you only grab 10% of them (or more if less than 250 coins remain). Those who are leading parties or are solo are exempt from this. It can be a hassle to have to leave a party just to loot the silver from a box on the ground. So the workaround exists but the limit itself is archaic and serves little to no purpose. I'd like to remove the group-induced coin limit.This would not impact other limits such as encumbrance. This is intended solely to remove the "if you are in a group" based limits on silver coin pickup.

On 11/03/2020 I pushed out this update.

✔️ 2) RUB 1st/3rd person messaging consistency

RUB 1st person only shows an item’s adjective+noun (2nd and 3rd of the 15/15/15)

RUB 3rd person shows the full long description of an item.

I'd like to update 1st person messaging to show the full description to the player just like 3rd person messaging already does. (RUB is often useful to show off an item's long description when you're unable to TAP it due to item script or if it's a runestaff which traps TAP).


Meraki taps a nearly black lustrous maroon bloodjewel with pink roses engraved on top, which is in her right hand.

Meraki rubs a nearly black lustrous maroon bloodjewel with pink roses engraved on top in her hand.

>tap blood

You tap a nearly black lustrous maroon bloodjewel with pink roses engraved on top, which is in your right hand.

>rub blood

You rub the lustrous maroon bloodjewel in your hand.

On 04/05/20 I pushed out this update.

3) Disarm RT for having closed toolkit

Even with the Lockpicking Disarm Changes: players encounter exceedingly long RT when they attempt to disarm a trap they've already discovered if their toolkit is closed when the disarm is attempted. Let's remove the RT penalty and simply make it send a message to the player only that alerts them of the issue (no room messaging).

Look into the possibility of removing RT and room messaging for any instance of a disarm without proper tool.

✔️4) Deposit Bank Note in Left Hand

Currently you can't DEPOSIT a bank note when it's in your left hand. Let's make it so you can (with priority given to a note in your right hand).

Oh yeah, I decided I’d like to also add DEPOSIT LEFT and DEPOSIT RIGHT to the list of available options.

On 9/8/20 this was stealth released. Enjoy!

✔️5) TURN for scripted alternate noun lockpicks

Update rogue variant of TURN verb to work on any lockpick based on it's profile OR if it's called 'lockpick.' (Currently it requires the item to be called 'lockpick').

On 4/4/2020 I pushed out an another update: Rogues may now use TURN to deftly twirl any lockpick, the noun no longer is strictly required to be 'lockpick.' This more closely aligns with the behavior seen for lock mastery's ptricks that don't require the noun to be lockpick either, but rather simply require the item to be a lockpick functionally. Enjoy!

6) GY Gate Improvements

Make it easier to push open the graveyard gate, especially for solo players.

My goal is to ensure a single person with no hindering injuries is able to open the gate after a predictable amount of time of effort has been put forth. I would like the gate to open faster if this person is strong or if this person has help. Furthermore, I want to ensure the gate remains open for a much longer period of time.

To achieve this goal, and to improve gameplay mechanics for new adventurers seeking to access a low level hunting area, I’m looking at capping the time to entry at 30 seconds. Spells, bashing, symbol of seeking, gold rings, etc will always be faster/instant, but now you’ll have a reasonable upper limit to gain entry.

✔️7) Adventure Guard Turn-in Message for Party Members

[Simple Quality of Life update for group bounties] Add adventurer guard messaging when a party member checks in with the guard. (I can check to make sure they're in the same group to cut down on noise.) The message is minor enough and it doesn’t make sense that some folks (those grouped) would notice a player talking to the guard and others wouldn’t.

On 4/4/2020 I pushed out an update so that whenever a guard talks to someone about their bounty via ask guard about bounty others in the room will now see: Player confers quietly with <the guard>. This message will also display when a player uses give to return an heirloom to the guard for their heirloom bounty.

✔️8) MEASURE herbs accuracy

Measuring herbs is very inaccurate. You have to EAT it to get the exact dosage remaining which seems a bit silly. I'd like to update MEASURE to have the same accuracy as eating the herb would: you have x bites left.

Look into allowing MEASURE to reveal exact dosage for a variety of other items (such as potions).

On 6/29/2021 An update was released to improve the accuracy of many items including most basic food/drink items.

9) Pawnshop if Registered, ‘are you sure?’

On 7/19/19 @Tykus [#mechanics]: What are the chances of getting an ""are you sure message"" from the pawnshop when sell an item with a show description? Something like Pawnbrokers says "" You really want to sell this? Have you taken a good look at the craftsmanship? Pawnbroker show you and awesomely inlaid item of awesome inscribed with rune of total power"

Since adding an additional "are you sure?" check to items that have show descriptions could produce a large amount of false positives, I'd actually just like to add a check for items that have been registered and provide an ‘are you sure?’ for those. It adds some protection without producing a large abundance of false positives.

Currently there is already an are you sure check for high value items. If I add another check, it may require an additional sales attempt. So if an item is both high value and registered, it might take a player 3 times to sell it. Is this acceptable? (Also: should registered message be in character or OOC?)

✔️10) Daily Longterm Boost Status

It should be made more obvious when you've found your 2 daily boost longterms from searching dead critters. If you're in a party and sharing kills and want to stop searching once you've got yours, there is no easy command to check.

Idea: BOOST DAILY shows you what day of your login bonus you're on and if you've found your 2 daily longterm boosts yet.

BOOST INFO already show’s what your current daily login streak is so that isn’t needed. It might make the most sense to simply add a line item to BOOST INFO that shows how many of your daily boost longterms you’ve earned so far that day. I’ll need to come up with concise wording that makes sense.

Daily Long-Term Boosts Earned: 0/2

On 4/09/20 I pushed out this update.

✔️11) Cleric Appraise + Sym Recall

Add symbol of recall to list of things a cleric/paladin can see when APPRAISE is used on a dead person. It should show as "You notice a faint white light around the body of deadplayer." or maybe if cleric's society is Voln then: "You sense the Symbol of Recall is active."

Let’s keep it simple and not change it if the cleric/paladin is in Voln. Simple messaging could be: “Player is surrounded by a vivid white light.” In context it could appear as:

You glance at Meraki and immediately realize she has 9 spirit levels out of a maximum of 9, and is not currently preserved. She is coated in a cobalt blue liquid. She is surrounded by a vivid white light. Upon closer examination, you sense a translucent thread linking Meraki's soul to you.

You also notice that she has a case of uncontrollable convulsions.

She is also quite dead.

On 04/05/20 I pushed out this update.

12) Pawnshop w/ full hands

On 8/14/19 @HebrewToYou [#duskruin]: it would be a wonderful QoL improvement if the pawnshop would work like the gemshop when selling expensive items. Instead of requiring an empty hand, just put the note into the hand that held the item being sold."

I'd like to review the gemshop code for handling selling a single item and replacing it with a note to provide the same functionality at the pawnshop instead of an error message that you must have a hand free.