Whining Elf Apartment

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The Whining Elf Apartment is a property that went out at Feburary 2022 Duskruin, it is through the ALLEY in the same room that the Whining Elf Bar, where you will be greeted by Thumpy the bouncer who handles admittance. It's currently set as OPEN to all. KNOCK on the bar to receive a random drink!

[Whining Elf, Alley] The alley is a narrow space between the exterior wall of the Whining Elf tavern and the fence between the Pig Puddle Lane neighborhood. At the end of the alley near the rear of the tavern stands a burly giantman guard, blocking the way. Obvious paths: out

[Whining Elf, Brawl Pit] The area behind the tavern is muddy, with all hints of vegetation trampled. A brawling ring is vaguely delineated in the mud pit by a sprinkling of chalk, but largely indistinguishable from the rest of the area. Tacked onto the fence is a crude wooden sign reciting the rules of the ring. A paved patio provides relief from the mud, and a narrow alleyway leads back around the corner of the tavern. Obvious paths: none

[Whining Elf, Patio Bar] Mud brought in from a muddy brawl pit partially obscures the sunburst pattern of the clay pavers, the design radiating outward from a circular clay brick firepit. A dwarf leans against the wall of the tavern behind a battered wooden bar. The bar and a line of dented bar stools are partially covered by a rickety wooden staircase leading to a balcony above, providing minimal cover from the elements. Obvious paths: none

On the wooden bar: Containers [2]: a shallow candy dish, a bowl of buttery popcorn Food/Drink [1]: a bowl of salted peanuts Total items: 3

>knock bar You knock on the surface of the bar, signaling the dwarf behind the bar to serve you a drink. He slides a tumbler of pungent liquor into your hand and says, "There you go, Tayler."

The Apartment features a Balcony with a hammock and a telescope

[Whining Elf Apartment, Balcony] The balcony wraps around the corner of the tavern, with a rusty telescope mounted at the corner to afford a view past the Poor Quarter to Copper Avenue, the port, and the ocean beyond. A woven hammock is strung up, gently rocking in the breeze. A rickety staircase leads back down to the patio, away from the apartment door. Obvious paths: none

Inside the owner is greeted by a delightly flavorful 2 room apartment with more whiskey, and tobacco as well as some food items.

[Whining Elf Apartment] The small, narrow room is lined on one side by a long dark canvas couch beneath a display plaque. Next to the apartment door is a low timber table with a grimy mirror hung above it. Everything smells like stale beer and cigar smoke, the scents wafting up from the tavern below, along with the occasional boisterous outburst. Obvious exits: east

>look on table On the timber table: Containers [2]: a platter of peach-glazed ribs, a coppery red wooden humidor Food/Drink [2]: a dram of fiery dwarven whiskey, a cup of smooth dark roasted coffee Total items: 4

>l in humi In the wooden humidor: Special [3]: a wooden match, a cigar wrapper, some citrusy caramel tobacco Total items: 3

[Whining Elf Apartment, Bedroom] An invar-framed bed crowds the center of the utilitarian space, with an invar-banded chest at the foot of the bed and a pair of invar-framed sconces mounted on the wall to each side. A short nightstand is stuffed into a corner, topped with a large porcelain sink, which is smeared with mud from the brawl pit. Obvious exits: west

- The apartment has some delightful ambients as well!!