Origami/Origami Patterns

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< Origami
Revision as of 19:03, 28 June 2022 by WOMBATSANDERS (talk | contribs) (datadump of all currently existing (but not available) origami patterns in-game)
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anvil (anvil) [1] apple (apple) [1] banana (banana) [1] barn (barn) [1] *bird (bird) [1] branch (branch) [1] cat (cat) [1] cloud (cloud) [1] daisy (daisy) [1] fan (fan) [1] hat (hat) [1] key (key) [1] *mouse (mouse) [1] rat (rat) [1] *rectangle (rectangle) [1] rowboat (rowboat) [1] sloop (sloop) [1] tart (tart) [1] *triangle (triangle) [1] urn (urn) [1] vase (vase) [1] You are viewing matching origami pattern results (47) for: SKILL - 1 (UNSKILLED) PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL] PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL] PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL]
book (book) [2] bookmark (bmark) [2] butterfly (butterfly) [2] cactus (cactus) [2] comb (comb) [2] crab (crab) [2] dog (dog) [2] galleon (galleon) [2] greatshield (gshield) [2] hairbrush (hairbrush) [2] hare (hare) [2] hexagon (hexagon) [2] iris (iris) [2] kelp strand (kelp) [2] kitten (kitten) [2] leaf (leaf) [2] mandolin (mandolin) [2] monkey (monkey) [2] moon (moon) [2] moth (moth) [2] octagon (octagon) [2] pansy (pansy) [2] puppet (puppet) [2] sailboat (sailboat) [2] scroll (scroll) [2] seashell (seashell) [2] ship (ship) [2] skull (skull) [2] sock (sock) [2] spyglass (spyglass) [2] star (star) [2] sun (sun) [2] tentacle (tentacle) [2] tortoise (tortoise) [2] tulip (tulip) [2] violet (violet) [2] wagon (wagon) [2] whale (whale) [2] wine bottle (wbottle) [2] You are viewing matching origami pattern results (81) for: SKILL - 2 (BASIC) PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL] PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL] PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL]
carrack (carrack) [3] church (church) [3] coffin (coffin) [3] crane (crane) [3] cricket (cricket) [3] crow (crow) [3] dragon (dragon) [3] ghost (ghost) [3] giraffe (giraffe) [3] goat (goat) [3] house (house) [3] lightning bolt (lbolt) [3] lion (lion) [3] lizard (lizard) [3] octopus (octopus) [3] panther (panther) [3] pelican (pelican) [3] picnic basket (pbasket) [3] pinwheel (pwheel) [3] pony (pony) [3] pumpkin (pump) [3] puppy (puppy) [3] rocking chair (rchair) [3] rolton (rolton) [3] seagull (sgull) [3] starfish (starfish) [3] tombstone (tstone) [3] tree (tree) [3] unicorn (unicorn) [3] wolf (wolf) [3] You are viewing matching origami pattern results (67) for: SKILL - 3 (PROFICIENT) PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL] PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL] PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL]
brigantine (brig) [4] coyote (coyote) [4] dollhouse (dhouse) [4] dragonfly (dfly) [4] fawn (fawn) [4] fern (fern) [4] flotilla (flotilla) [4] fox (fox) [4] frog (frog) [4] grasshopper (ghopper) [4] hart (hart) [4] hawk (hawk) [4] horse (horse) [4] hummingbird (humming) [4] ice cream cone (cone) [4] ladder (ladder) [4] lute (lute) [4] macaw (macaw) [4] moonflower (moonflow) [4] owl (owl) [4] peacock (pcock) [4] piccolo (piccolo) [4] pirate (pirate) [4] ram (ram) [4] riverboat (river) [4] sarcophagus (sarco) [4] scarecrow (scare) [4] sea monster (smonster) [4] sleigh (sleigh) [4] spiked collar (scollar) [4] spitoon (spit) [4] squirrel (squirrel) [4] stag (stag) [4] swan (swan) [4] warcat (warcat) [4] You are viewing matching origami pattern results (74) for: SKILL - 4 (ADVANCED) >origami pattern skill 5 Following is a list of origami patterns that match your criteria. Known patterns will be indicated by an asterisk (*). PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL] PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL] PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL]
candle (candle) [5] chameleon (cham) [5] chinchilla (chinch) [5] chipmunk (chip) [5] cube (cube) [5] decagon (decagon) [5] frigate (frigate) [5] grizzly bear (gbear) [5] guillotine (guillo) [5] hedgehog (hedge) [5] kraken (kraken) [5] lantern (lantern) [5] lemur (lemur) [5] lich (lich) [5] man o' war (mano) [5] mournbloom (mourn) [5] pyramid (pyra) [5] romping lizard (rlizard) [5] rose (rose) [5] snapdragon (snap) [5] sphere (sphere) [5] squid (squid) [5] stallion (stallion) [5] tarantula (taran) [5] toad (toad) [5] wyvern (wyvern) [5] zombie (zombie) [5] You are viewing matching origami pattern results (61) for: SKILL - 5 (SKILLED) PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL] PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL] PATTERN NAME (MNEMONIC) [REQ. SKILL]
Pirate Queen Kyncera (kyncera) [6] atika (atika) [6] bard (bard) [6] blooming rose (brose) [6] capybara (capy) [6] cavorting rolton (crolton) [6] cleric (cleric) [6] cornucopia (copia) [6] crescent moon (cmoon) [6] empath (empath) [6] gondola (gondola) [6] jack-o-lantern (jacko) [6] knight (knight) [6] leaping frog (lfrog) [6] maple leaf (mleaf) [6] mermaid (mermaid) [6] merman (merman) [6] monk (monk) [6] paladin (paladin) [6] pouncing kitten (pkitten) [6] ranger (ranger) [6] roaring lion (rlion) [6] rogue (rogue) [6] soaring hawk (shawk) [6] sorcerer (sorcerer) [6] timepiece (time) [6] warrior (warrior) [6] willow (willow) [6] wizard (wizard) [6] yatane (yatane) [6] You are viewing matching origami pattern results (77) for: SKILL - 6 (ADEPT)