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Elanthian Journal/Edition 13

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                     The Elanthian Journal
                           Edition #13

The following articles of interest are contained herein:

1 ........................ POISONER ON THE LOOSE!
2 ........................ ELVEN MADWOMAN SIGHTED IN THE WEST
3 ........................ SPITFIRE HINDERING LOCAL BUSINESS!
4 ........................ THE PROGRESSION OF THE AELOTOI
5 ........................ LOVE-LY ESSENTIALS!
6 ........................ LOREKEEPERS ANNOUNCE MONTH OF FUN
7 ........................ HALCYON DAYS FESTIVAL
9 ........................ BASICS OF HEALING HERBS
10 ....................... SUBMISSION GUIDELINES


Dateline: Day 31 of Lormestra, 5104: Solhaven

Guard ye well on the streets of Solhaven!  Word is that a poisoner is loose, preying on the poor folks wandering around alone in the south of the city.  Already at least half a dozen have been attacked by the bloke, and each time it sounds like he sticks them when they least expect it with some sort of poisoned needle.  I heard that a couple of them even died!

Most of the poor lads and lassies that have been attacked are pretty tight-mouthed about what's happened; and who can blame them?  That sort of thing you just gotta put behind you to move on.  From what I've heard, though, it sounds like they're all dragged off afterwards and then forced to go through with some weird ritual where they get their heads poked and prodded by an old sorcerous hag, all the while feeling and seeing and hearing all sorts of strange things like animals and banshees and weird raspy voices.  It sounded worse than the last cup of a bad batch of mead!

I'm not fully sure what this fellow wants or is trying to do, and I don't rightly think that anyone else knows around here, either.  Some bloke was saying that the poisoner is with a group of foreigners from overseas, those odd bald-headed elves with the squinty eyes.  I also heard some rumor that the banshee that some of the victims were talking about was actually running the whole thing, but that doesn't make much sense because undead can't think, right?  The bloke who claimed that chimed in saying that this banshee, or whatever it was, was really a reincarnation of a general, though I didn't get to hear much of that theory before other folks made him be quiet.

As for the poisoner, or poisoners if there be more than just the one, he seems to like to target those folks walking alone at night.  Guard yeself and ye loved ones well if going through that part of Solhaven until he's caught.  For now, it seems that it's better to just avoid that area altogether, especially if walking alone or at night.

If ye know anything more about this poisoner or those working with him, please, oh please let the citizens of Solhaven know so they can take care of him.  Haven Emergency Resource Team is a wonderful start; just asking with the crystal amulet's a good bet for getting in touch with those fine individuals.  The last thing this city needs is another crazy fellow running around hurting folks.

-Liam 'Kestrel' O'Hopper


Dateline: Day 31 of Lormesta, 5104: none

Numerous reports indicate that Chaeye Larrinthe has fled the elven City-States yet again, this time surfacing in the frontier lands surrounding the Wehnimer's Landing trade outpost and even within Solhaven's city streets.  Although such accounts do not indicate that she is posing an immediate threat to the general public at present, she does appear to be reviving her radical cult for questionable militant acts.

Among Larrinthe's initiation rituals are various forms of bodily mutilation, such as branding, and the apparent murder or sacrifice of defenseless children.  Luckily, not all would-be cultists have decided to go through with the secular initiation rites in full and have instead turned their backs on the madwoman.

About three centuries ago, Larrinthe was the perpetrator of a scandal within the Vaalorian military ranks.  After her sister died in an unfortunate training accident, Larrinthe attempted to murder her superior officer in what can only be described as a tragic - and lasting - bout of insanity.  The benevolence extended by the Vaalorian elves permitted Larrinthe to remain alive despite her conviction and death sentencing, and she was transferred to the safekeeping of an Illistim insane asylum.

Some years later, Larrinthe escaped from the asylum, killing and injuring several innocent workers in the process.  More recently, Larrinthe has been sighted leading a volatile faction in a suicide campaign against the Alliance operating under the guise of religious righteousness.

Larrinthe is described as a Vaalorian woman of lithe build, approximately three and a half to four centuries old, with long silver hair and curiously striking silver eyes.  She can be easily identified by the series of tattoos encircling her forearms in what might be the Old Elven runic script.  Although she most often slinks in the shadows like a starved jackal eyeing a one-winged chicken, her voice is distinct in its cold, silky-smooth tone.

Those encountering this madwoman are urged to be aware of her highly volatile nature and to consider her a dangerous menace to those uninitiated to her radical cult.  Crystal amulets provide a wonderful means of calling for help from nearby guards.  Local militias would be well-advised to be wary of Larrinthe's presence in the weeks to come, should she attempt any more open acts of violence.

Ali'shara Frey, Citizen of Solhaven


Dateline: Day 14th of Fashanos, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

Two eves ago I was wandering around the docks of Wehnimer's Landing, peeking into various shops and tents all set up for the month of festivities.  Well, not paying attention, I bumped right into a pair of hooded dark figures, the height of elven folk, towering right over me.

Well, I graciously apologized, went to tip my hat by habit, but I still haven't found that blasted thing.  I turned to leave when they called me by name.  It was then they inquired and soon confirmed that I was the scholar from Biblia who often wrote for the Journal.  I was then asked (more like told) to follow them.  Now I'm no fighter and I haven't a good set of lungs to scream, so I followed them, almost shaking with fear.

Well, much to my dislike, we left the crowded tent-cluttered docks and I soon found myself inside of the brass tower near the eastern side of town.  The hooded figures escorted me inside, then closed and guarded the door behind me.  The room was filled with fresh smoke and only a few stray beams of moonlight shone in, illuminating the area in a strange soft haze.

I was urged forward by the figures until another shadowy figure came into sight.  This one was smaller in size, about my own height.  His race was soon known when he introduced himself as "The Halfling".  From then on, he was quite forward.  He spoke of his position as the leader of a "business" guild operating mainly from the city docks.  I asked what kind of business he ran and he politely ignored my question and proceeded with his message.

The Halfling then went to inform me that the appearance of the Spitfire and the migration of many of merchants and hawkers from all over the lands to the main docks was hindering his ability to run a business.  He complained about far too many witnesses, or onlookers as he called them, and mumbled about larger patrol of guards to protect visiting merchants wares.  Apparently he felt there was far too much attention on the docks of the Landing for him to successfully run his operations.

I then boldly asked why he felt I could be of assistance to his problem.  He laughed a few times and then rather cryptically explained to me that all he wanted of me was to report this incident and his message and that was all I needed to do.  He then further went on to explain him and his "boys" would take care of the rest.

Well, I listened good. I've brought this incident to light and I'm even more confused than before I wrote it.  But, regardless, I've done my part.  So please, dark hooded figures, stop showing up at my doorstep.  Thank you.

Grums Strumsbelly - Scholar of Biblia


Dateline: Day 14 of Fashanos, 5104: none

As one curious of the history and general development of creatures, it was of great interest for me to be among the first to view the Aelotoi as they fled their Kiramon captors.  Though their eyes were fearful at first, it was soon evident that they realized the extent of their fortunate freedom when Queen Myasara extended a hand of diplomacy and kindness.

Shortly after the Aelotoi recovered from the escape from their Kiramon captors in a distant land, they left the hospitality of the Illistim Elves with a greater knowledge of local languages and customs.  The few hundred former slaves spread throughout the continent, eager to learn and begin their lives anew.

It has been three and a half months since these winged creatures first emerged from the shimmering portal in the Wraithenmist.  In this span, they have shown an incredible rate of acclimation to their new Elanthian surroundings.  Teaching themselves the intricacies of the lands, as well as others of their culture, there is no doubt that these highly intelligent creatures have begun to establish a new history, free of their captive past.

-Watcher Cappurnicus


Dateline: Day 14th of Fashanos, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

Well, it's that time of year again readers!  It's the 14th of Fashanos, or what some folks refer to as The Day of Love!

Of course, love can be eternal!  Love can brighten your darkest days!  Love can endure and seem endless, unless she leaves you for your village's local locksmith and even takes the pet badger.

Where was I?  Oh, yes.  Well, in celebration for this annual Day of Love, I've carried on my tradition and written up a few basic essentials to prolong any relationship!

8 Love-ly Essentials to Maintaining a Healthy Relationship:

1. Always remember her name!  Never mistake her for an old flame!  She might then leave you for your locksmith and take the pet badger.

2. Always remember to buy her plenty of gifts!  Just make sure it isn't old socks. She might then leave you for your locksmith and take the pet badger.

3. Always remember: a woman's best friend is diamonds.  Not zircons, not tourmalines and never give her smooth stones.  She might then leave you for your locksmith and take the pet badger. 

4. Always remember when directed with a question, choose your answer wisely.  Look out for trick questions and never let your eyes wander.  She might then leave you for your locksmith and take the pet badger.

5. Always remember to never, ever compare her to anyone else in your past, present, or future.  She might then leave you for your locksmith and take the pet badger. 

6. Always remember to never ask her to pay for anything.  I must stress the word ANYTHING.  She might then leave you for your locksmith and take the pet badger. 

7. Always remember to never mock her or her family, regardless of how they eat.  She might then leave you for your locksmith and take the pet badger. 

8. Always remember to never get a pet badger with her.  She might then leave you for your locksmith and take it.

Grums Strumsbelly - Scholar of Biblia


The Lorekeepers of Silverwood Manor invite all new citizens to join them for a bit of fun and learning.  The following events have been added to their schedule this month (all times are listed according to the Elven Standard):

Lexicon ~ Prizes Galore and Fun For All as you learn how to do all those new actions!
Day 14 of Fashanos, 3:00 PM in IceMule with Lorekeeper Rhandi
Day 28 of Fashanos, 6:00 PM in Wehnimer's Landing with Lorekeeper Morganwyn

Rummage Sale ~ Hundreds of new duds and items for a song (or maybe a poem or joke)!
Day 14 of Fashanos, 5:00 PM in IceMule with Lorekeeper Taylir
Day 16 of Fashanos, 9:00 PM in Wehnimer's Landing with Lorekeeper Deevareeree
Day 23 of Fashanos, 9:00 PM in Ta'Vaalor with Lorekeeper Agenais

Town Tours ~ Tours with a bit of fun.
Day 18 of Fashanos, 3:00 PM in Wehnimer's Landing with Lorekeeper Marica
Day 21 of Fashanos, 12:00 PM in IceMule with Lorekeeper Mystianna
Day 22 of Fashanos, 6:00 PM in Ta'Vaalor with Lorekeeper Morganwyn

Runestaves Workshop ~ An explanation on how they help and how to use them.
Day 21 of Fashanos, Silverwood Manor, 8:00 PM


Come and honor Voaris and Laethe at the 5th annual Halcyon Days Festival to be held in River's Rest.  The festival, which will feature a wide range of games and contests, is sponsored by Beacon Hall Archives in cooperation with the town of River's Rest.  The event will be held on the 14th of Fashanos starting at 12 noon and go on throughout the day until 11:00 PM by the Elven time standard.  With over one million in silvers plus other great prizes for games and contests, as well as entertaining stories and trivia games, there is surely something for everyone!

Tentative schedule:
12 noon - Tripping contest 
1:00 pm - Hide and Seek 
2:00 pm - Limerick Contest 
3:00 pm - Scavenger Hunt 
5:00 pm - Imperial Chess 
6:00 pm - Lucky Lockpicking 
7:00 pm - River's Rest and Other Trivia Game 
8:00 pm - Ravine Diving 
10:00 pm - Halcyon Days Storytelling


Come join the members of Helden Hall on Restday, the 22 of Fashanos to commemorate the eighth anniversary of this Great House's opening.  Two fabulous contests have been planned with grand prize monies!  Be a part of the fun and enjoy the celebratory revelry of Helden Hall!

Scavenger Hunt - Begins at 4:30 PM Elven time.  Adventurers will travel far and wide to collect the assorted jun...erm...treasures required and bring them back to the Hall.  Everyone who completes the hunt will walk away with *something*.  The race for this year's batch of items promises to be quite exciting so...go for it!  Grab things!  Win prizes!  How much easier can it get?

Grand Storytelling Contest - Begins at 6:30 PM Elven time.  Gone for several years, Helden is bringing it back with two themes for this year's entries.  1) Honor, Strength, and Loyalty: Bring stories of valor, poems of battle, and tales of legendary heroism to quicken the heart and inspire the soul.  2) Drunk and Disorderly: Tell of trouble and adventure brought on by too much ale, a song that helps you bring down your rum, or demonstrate your ability to rhyme after a keg of ale.  As an incentive to get everyone's creative juices flowing, the first place prize for storytelling will be one million silvers.  See you there!

Helden House is located three blocks east of the Furrier in the town of Wehnimer's Landing, down the cobblestone path.


Our fellow Ronarian, Arathorne, will be leading a lecture and discussion on the Healing herbs of Elanthia on day 24 of Charlatos.  Rone Academy can be found beyond the Wehnimer's Museum.  Specific directions to the lecture will be given out the evening of the event.

Nycole, Co-Chair, Rone Academy


Dateline: Day 17 of Lormesta, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

Submissions should be limited to 6 body paragraphs of no more than 100 words each.  Each submission should start with a title, be followed with a dateline, and should end with the author's signature.  Please check your submission for proper spelling and grammar before sending it.

All submissions should involve factual events.  We will accept no silly nursery stories, histories or educational articles about the weather.  If you would like to submit an article along those lines, please do so to our sister publication, the Elanthian Times.  All submissions should be received by Leyan in order to be published by Feastday.

CLASSIFIEDS:  Classifieds are free and a good way to advertise your auctions and events or to find something whether it be love, a lost dog or a servant.

DISCLAIMER: While the staff of the Elanthian Journal make every effort to ensure that the events presented within are FACTUAL, there will always be some amount of speculation until all details of events are revealed with the passage of time.  We will continue to make every effort to report ACTUAL happenings, however any theories or speculation on the details of these events may very well prove INACCURATE.

The Elanthian Journal is edited by a very talented staff, including Alisaire, Augie, Cappurnicus, Kondalor, Mythala, Plur, and Turinrond.  If you are interested in joining the editorial staff, please send a note to the address below.

CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have any questions or comments, please send a note to the new editorial staff care of  If you wish to submit an article, you may do so using the form at
