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CIShop:A Dark and Damp Grotto/2018

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< CIShop:A Dark and Damp Grotto
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a craggy fissure in the cliff face, [Map Room 23], Lich #26440, go craggy fissure, down

[A Dark and Damp Grotto] RNUM: 27534
At the base of the slope, a moat-like trench encircles this claustrophobic chamber to collect the rivulets of watery sand that flow ever-downward from the head of the incline. The stone floor at the center rises above the dregs, and it has been carved with a sigil composed of sinuous, coiling lines and a variety of indistinct symbols. Concave niches chiseled out of the walls hold glowing violet orbs that shed modest light, but no heat throughout the space, and a narrow ward-carved crevice mars the rear wall.
Obvious exits: up

Prices in Ebon Gate seashells

Ritualistic tools

On the rocky shelf you see:

a battered stained oak case with a rusty latch Pocketed: Small (5-7)
several items
a salt-etched matte grey bottle Liquified Eel Skins
a cracked silvery indigo ampoule Caligos Sand Sludge
a shell-crusted opaque flask Ground Mother-of-Pearl
a grimy dark brown vial Rancid Whale Blubber

On the crude hand-hewn altar you see:

a discolored metal athame with a suede-wrapped hilt scripted non-combat dagger 30
a soot-smeared albatross feather fan with a crescent handle scripted fan
a warped metal offering bowl etched with abstract designs drink container
a dark metal goblet with a twisted stem

You need to purchase a service pass to enter the crevice.