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CIShop:Fried and True/2019

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< CIShop:Fried and True
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a crudely built shack, [Map Room 25], Lich #26447, go crudely shack

Fried and True, Display Room

[Fried and True, Display Room - 26448]
Mis-matched boards of various sizes and woods create the walls of the shack, more shipwreck salvation than original design. The slight scent of wood smoke wafts in from the shuttered windows, rattling slightly with each gust, adding hints of hickory, maple, cherry, and other fragrant flavorings used for the varety of wares on display and for sale here. One wall features a large yet faded diagram of porcine anatomy, the various cuts marked with dotted lines.
Obvious exits: out

On the long and narrow maple table you see:

a small dish of bacon ice cream Weight: <1 pound 200
a vanilla-iced bacon cinnamon roll Weight: <1 pound 100
a wedge of bacon-laced caramelized pear upside-down cake Weight: <1 pound 100
a maple syrup-drizzed apple fritter studded with pieces of bacon Weight: <1 pound 100
a chunk of candied bacon brittle Weight: <1 pound 100
a bacon and maple chocolate truffle Weight: <1 pound 100
a round bacon-covered scallop Weight: <1 pound 500
a roasted bacon-wrapped date filled with creamy goat cheese Weight: <1 pound 500
a stick of bacon jerky dusted with red chile flakes Weight: <1 pound 100
a ring of bacon-wrapped pineapple Weight: <1 pound 100
a piece of chocolate-enrobed bacon sprinkled with chopped pecans Weight: <1 pound 100
a slice of applewood-smoked bacon glazed with maple syrup Weight: <1 pound 100