Caranorn (prime)
Caranorn Aghlaredhel's origins are a well hidden secret. What is known is that he was raised in Wehnimer's Landing by his uncles and was greatly inspired by his encounters with the giantman Thrudh Crush who had been his uncle Carandraug (Sr.)'s oldest friend. Despite being an elf Caranorn early opted to speak in an accent similar to that of many giantkin he had grown up with. Only in later times would he abandon this fad and mostly speak common.
Influenced by his uncle and Thrudh Caranorn chose to become a fighter making speed and accuracy with heavy weapons his speciality. Even become starting adventuring he had became a fervent follower of Lorminstra and as his skills grew he sometimes would style himself 'knight to Lorminstra', a a certain elven arrogance in which he was willing to even challenge Voln himself. Nerveless, as a servant of Lorminstra it was only natural that he would join the Order of Voln, rapidly rising to the rank of a master of that order. It was so that he met a young elf outcast whom he would adopt into his family, naming him Carantur. Like Caranorn, Carantur became a follower of Lorminstra, serving as one of her clerics in the Lading.
In his early forrays in the fight against the undead Caranorn made many new friends. Among his more notable acquaintances was Morgiest, a young follower of Kai whom he helped guide in his early step in adventuring. In later years this former role of mentor and student would often be turned around, though both penned a series of guides and history books for warriors together.
It was through Thrudh and Morgiest that Caranorn was introduced to the House Daigneach Onoir, having arrived too late he becamee the first non founding member of that group devoted to teaching the young, particularly in matters of honor. Unfortunately this association with Onoir was abruptly broken a few years later when his own former squire, who shall not be named here, turned on him in a matter of house policy. This betrayal was so traumatic that for many years Caranorn would refuse any official contact with that House though he never broke off contact with his old friends. Ever after he continued the practice of teaching the young as he had done with Onoir. Over the years these old wounds started to mend and Caranorn was first invited by Matti and later Cosanie to rejoin his old house. Still he was hesitant and it was only in 5122 that he accepted a renewed invitation and became a Paladin of Daigneach Onoir once more.
Being raised by his uncles Caranorn first lived at Silvergate Inn and it was only after joining Onoir that he sought to be admitted to House Phoenix, where he was admitted by Lord Waldo2. As a member of Phoenix he became a hunt leader as well as Phoenix's guide to River's Rest. His first venture to that town rapidly turned to violence, not knowing town practice he had asked a young locksmith to open his loot boxes in the Commons, upon which the young artisan was threatened by a number of locals and Caranorn felt obliged to defend the younger adventurer, who after all had only acted on his request. Rapidly a stand off occurred where the elven fighter stood against a dozen locals and it was only through intervention of an older empath that none were killed in the incident. Ever after Caranorn held an attraction to that town which he could never fully comprehend himself.
In 5122, after a long hiatus from adventuring Caranorn returned to Wehnimer's Landing where he soon came into contact with Sir Khazaann, a fighter he had met on occasion before but had not spent any particular time with before. It came as a great surprise when he was thus invited to squire for his new friend and thus join the Silver Gryphons.
The Player
Caranorn's player is not a native English speaker, he was introduced to Gemstone III while in college in the United States. He has since returned to his home country in Europe. In addition to Caranorn he has played a number of other characters, some, but by far not all of them, also using names starting with 'Caran...' Were he to name his characters today Caranorn would be styled 'Aglarorn Caranedhel'.