Lich:Script Version
Lich:Script Version is a third party script and is not maintained by Simutronics. Simutronics is not responsible for the accuracy of the information presented on this page, nor is it liable for issues stemming from the use of the application on players' personal devices.
Version is a default/core Lich script for viewing version information about Lich and a specific script
What does it do?
Displays version and relevant information about lich's environment and scripts
How do I get it?
is installed by default for Lich and no user installation should be necessary
How does it work?
Just simply run the command by itself ;version
or with the name of a script ;version eloot
When run by itself, it will display Lich and Ruby information
Ruby version........: 2.6.6 Ruby platform.......: i386-mingw32 Ruby engine.........: ruby Lich version........: 5.6.2 SQLite3 version.....: 1.4.2 Gtk version.........: 3.24.24 Cairo version.......: 1.17.4 ;version Version....: 0.53
As well as direcotry information for your lich installation
LICH_DIR............: C:/Users/Rinualdo/OneDrive/lich-5 SCRIPT_DIR..........: C:/Users/Rinualdo/OneDrive/lich-5/scripts DATA_DIR............: C:/Users/Rinualdo/OneDrive/lich-5/data TEMP_DIR............: C:/Users/Rinualdo/OneDrive/lich-5/temp LOG_DIR.............: C:/Users/Rinualdo/OneDrive/lich-5/logs MAP_DIR.............: C:/Users/Rinualdo/OneDrive/lich-5/maps BACKUP_DIR..........: C:/Users/Rinualdo/OneDrive/lich-5/backup Ruby location.......: C:/Ruby4Lich5/bin/rubyw.exe
It will display information about your core config files
MapDB filename................: map-1685153475.json MapDB last modified...........: 2023-05-27 18:06:56 -0400 gameobj-data last modified....: 2023-05-22 15:21:25 -0400 spell-list last modified......: 2023-04-27 16:18:18 -0400
And it will tell you your current list of running scripts and hooks
Running scripts.....: infomon, crumbly, keepalive, spellcaster, hud_bounty, ledger, rinibar, linktothefast, version Downstream hooks....: inventory_boxes_off, crumbly, BountyHUD, eloot-disk Upstream hooks......: inventory_boxes_toggle, infomon, alias-service, #{}_upstream_hook Current threads.....: 31
When run with a script arguement, it will display the current script version if the script was created with the Elanthia-Online header
;version eloot --- Lich: version active. ``` Installed script versions: eloot==1.5.32 ``` --- Lich: version has exited.
In game help output
;version help --- Lich: version active. [version: help: No matching scripts found!] Use `;version SCRIPT [SCRIPT2 [SCRIPT3...]]` to report the installed versions of one or more Lich scripts. Use `;version ALL` to report the installed versions of ALL downloaded Lich scripts. --- Lich: version has exited.
Third-Party Software - edit |
Lich Installation: Lich |
Downloadable Lich Scripts: Go2 | Map | Repository | Popular Scripts |