Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Unusual Missives (vignette)
Unusual Missives - One Mystery Solved
Presenting findings to the Council was never Vaelynsa's favorite task. Learned and storied though they were, they were also political, and hard facts and actions could be hampered by such things. This was one of these times.
She sat to the right of Master Inquisitor Ciradyl, a stack of missives in front of her while a heated debate raged between two council members. The Mirror was conspicuously absent. As was Lady Greyvael; the latter was for the best, given what the Inquisitors now suspected.
Finally, with a nod of approval from Ciradyl, Vaelynsa stood, her impassive inquisitorial face staring down each council member in turn. The misbehavers quelled their argument.
"Enough, please," Vaelynsa spoke quietly, but firmly. "We understand and recognize the concerns, but these missives have been confirmed as accurate. There is no relation to the current issues Ta'Illistim faces. Sharing these results with the interested parties will ease concerns. One less bucket of fuel for the fire that is building."
Ciradyl nodded in agreement. "The Index of Inquisitors feels this is the best course of action. A missing person has been found. This should be shared immediately."
One by one, the council members nodded in agreement. The final holdout looked about to start another argument, but she too withered beneath the impassive gazes of both Vaelynsa and Ciradyl.
"We shall inform the Mirror," one said. Recognizing a dismissal when they heard it, Ciradyl and Vaelynsa exited the council chambers.
"I shall write the local relative," Ciradyl stated. "You gather the scribes and coordinate the dispersal of the news to the masses." Vaelynsa nodded, and they parted ways.
Heralds and pages were given numerous sheets of parchment, all bearing the same message, and they took to the streets to share the news, posting a parchment here or there to help get the message shared.
~*~ A Piece of Ivory Parchment ~*~
Stamped with the royal seal and that of the Inquisitors, the parchment is an official announcement. Neatly penned ink states:
To All,
We recognize in these trying times that several have gone missing. We are happy to report that one missing individual is accounted for. The Ardenai alleging himself to be Adresin Ostrylae is actually a distant acquaintance only. The Ostrylae family has sent a missive indicating that Adresin is at home and safe, and this has been supported by Ta'Ardenai officials who confirmed the validity of these missives to the Inquisitor's representative.
We have also had confirmed communications from Ta'Nalfein. The imposter Adresin was actually a gambler of great notoriety at Tae'glimaereil where he acquired numerous debts before fleeing. Upon hearing of the troubles and knowing the Ostrylae family connection with the deceased, the imposter fled to Ta'Illistim to elude authorities and seek refuge with a hopefully unsuspecting cousin of Adresin. However, several Nalfein were present, and the imposter fled yet again toward Solhaven, then attempting to lay a false trail.
The debt collectors of Tae'glimaereil are not so easily fooled, however, and they caught up with him soon after. He is now in custody in Ta'Nalfein.