A howling vortex of tightly controlled winds erupts from within your vaalin-linked neckchain, gusting out to encircle you in a controlled tempest that quickly dissipates, leaving you unharmed as a final few errant currents blow around your head, tossing your hair around a bit.
A howling vortex of tightly controlled winds erupts from within Character's vaalin-linked neckchain, gusting out to encircle her in a controlled tempest that quickly dissipates, leaving her unharmed as a final few errant currents blow around her head, tossing her hair around a bit.
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A blazing vortex of flames erupts from within your gold amulet, spiraling out to wrap you in a conflagration that quickly dissipates, leaving you unharmed as embers swirl around your head before flickering out.
A blazing vortex of flames erupts from within Person's gold amulet, spiraling out to wrap him in a conflagration that quickly dissipates, leaving him unharmed as embers swirl around his head before flickering out.
A frigid blizzard of ice erupts from within your blue mithril medallion, howling out to engulf you in a frosty veil that quickly dissipates, leaving you unharmed as stray snowflakes swirl around your head before melting away.
A frigid blizzard of ice erupts from within Character's blue mithril medallion, howling out to engulf her in a frosty veil that quickly dissipates, leaving her unharmed as stray snowflakes swirl around her head before melting away.
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You murmur a short magical incantation and your vaalin-linked neckchain reacts. Silver-lined grey runes gust across the surface of the neckchain, whistling faintly as they pulsate.
Silvery-lined grey runes gust across the surface of Character's vaalin-linked neckchain, whistling faintly as they pulsate.
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You murmur a short magical incantation and your gold amulet reacts. Fiery crimson runes blaze into existence across the surface of the amulet, illuminating it in an incandescent glow.
Fiery crimson runes blaze into existence across the surface of Person's gold amulet, illuminating it in incandescent light.
You murmur a short magical incantation and your blue mithril medallion reacts. Icy blue runes shimmer into existence across the surface of the medallion, bathing it in glacial light.
Icy blue runes shimmer into existence across the surface of Character's blue mithril medallion, bathing it in glacial light.
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You chant a short phrase and your vaalin-linked neckchain reacts. Squalls of tightly controlled wind gust from within your neckchain, forming miniature tornadoes around your hands and arms. The sudden gale howls briefly before losing cohesion and vanishing as a few errant currents blow about your hands.
Squalls of tightly controlled wind gust from within Character's vaalin-linked neckchain, forming miniature tornadoes around her hands and arms. The sudden gale howls briefly before losing cohesion and vanishing as a few errant currents blow about her hands.
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You chant a short phrase and your gold amulet reacts. Blazing crimson and yellow flames burst from your amulet, coating your hands in a fiery glow which quickly dims and winks out.
Blazing crimson and yellow flames burst from Person's gold amulet, coating his hands in a fiery glow which quickly dims and winks out.
You chant a short phrase and your blue mithril medallion reacts. Glacial cobalt and white ice spreads from your medallion, covering your hands in a frigid shell which quickly melts away.
Glacial cobalt and white ice spreads from Character's blue mithril medallion, covering her hands in a frigid shell which quickly melts away.
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