A Twist of Taessaet (storyline)/A Twist of Taessaet Prop Inventory
A (probably incomplete) listing of various props and such found at the different events as part of the A Twist of Taessaet storyline.
March 19th: Library Visit
a small cedar chest
l my chest The small cedar chest is lined with soft red velvet. Extra pieces of cedar are placed at strategic locations across the inside to assist in the preservation of the chest's contents, and a small label is affixed to the exterior. There appears to be something written on it. >read my chest In the Elven language, it reads: Archival Remnants from Couturier Quarters >l in my chest In the cedar chest you see a tattered leather book cover, a sheaf of preserved papers, a piece of aged parchment, a leather ledger and a quill-stamped scroll.
a tattered leather book cover
l my cover The pages within have crumbled, leaving only a tattered leather book cover. Remnants of gold foil can be seen within the stamped titling on the spine. There appears to be something written on it. >read my cov In the Elven language, it reads: Collected Lectures of Ta'Illistim's First Couturiers -- The Early Years
a sheaf of preserved papers
l my papers Attempts at preservation have kept the papers intact, but the contents appear to have been lost to the ravages of time as the ink has faded almost completely. The only legible words are the title, which appears to have been traced over multiple times in long-lasting inks. There appears to be something written on it. >read my papers In the Elven language, it reads: Fashions of the Argentate: The Court of Ananaon Illistim and Its Clothing </nowki> ''a piece of aged parchment''<br> <nowiki> l my parch Faded ink covers the aged parchment, most of it illegible. A few words are visible here and there. There appears to be something written on it. >read my parch In the Elven language, it reads: Elesine may... ask the g... breakth...
a leather ledger
l my led The small leather ledger is old but well-preserved; it is stamped with gold lettering reading, "Kivaera Astielern, Accounts of the First Couturier." A quick glance through the interior shows numerous rows and columns of numbers and nothing else.
a quill-stamped scroll
l my scrol The scroll is aged with faded ink and several tea stains. There appears to be something written on it. >read my scrol In the Elven language, it reads: Loremaster, I am sending a bolt of taessaet for your archives. I am working on collecting my personal notes into a comprehensive treatise. It is a most unusual method of fabric creation. My time apprenticing in Ta'Nalfein... We are close but lacking... Sincerely, First Couturier Kivaera
March 24th: First Couturier Storeroom Visit
[The First Couturier's Storage]
Lily-shaped sconces are obscured by ceiling-high stacks of stamped crates, the overflowing containers filled with various paraphernalia. A lone leather-backed chair sits buried beside pewter-riveted trunks, the clutter-filled containers covered by lengths of silk draped across a grouping of mannequins nestled against the back wall. Room-length shelves occupy the available space along the walls, leaving enough space for a series of sealed chests to serve as makeshift tables. Obvious exits: out
A peahen-stamped crate:
l crate A light wash of silver lacquer covers the individual crates, the interior lined by panels of pavonated leather. The sides are stamped in a stylized peacock motif, their plumage painted in vibrant jewel tones that splash down into a curtain of colorful speckles. >l in crate In the peahen-stamped crate you see a folded sapphire vellum sheet and a bolt of silk brocade.
a folded sapphire vellum sheet in a peahen-stamped crate
l sheet in crate Ornate silhouettes of beleria are inked across the edges, the flora highlighted by petals of silver foil. There appears to be something written on it. >read sheet in crate In the Elven language, it reads: Proposal for perhaps in time we could This has establish Best,
a bolt of silk brocade in a peahen-stamped crate
l brocade in crate The embroidery across the brocade is uneven and asymmetric, leaving stray stitches across the edging. A small tag attached to the side reads, "For your stitching lessons. - C" >l in brocade in crate In the silk brocade you see a ribbon-looped electrum ring.
a ribbon-looped electrum ring in a bolt of silk brocade
l ring in brocade in crate The simple ring is a hammered strip of electrum, devoid of ornamentation save for a line of calligraphy etched into the inner surface. There appears to be something written on it. >read ring in brocade in crate In the Elven language, it reads: "My heart is forever yours." - Your Harold
a pewter-riveted trunk
l trunk A faint trail of scuff marks mars the gentian leather framework of each rectangular trunk, the pewter rivets reinforcing the edges providing space of bits of brittle cobwebs. Sticking out from the containers are bundles of fabric, their surfaces veiled in a thin layer of dust. >l in trunk In the pewter-riveted trunk you see a scrap of brittle ecru paper, a pressed naefira petal and a pressed beleria petal.
a scrap of brittle ecru paper in a pewter-riveted trunk
l paper in tru A faded border of sapphire blue ink is traced along the back of the scrap. There appears to be something written on it. >read paper in tru In the Elven language, it reads: Embroider along the ... fauna and flo- maybe accents
a pressed naefira petal trapped beneath panes of glass in a pewter-riveted trunk
l petal in trunk A thin vellum label has been affixed to the bottom of the glass. There appears to be something written on it. >read petal in trunk In the Common language, it reads: Naefira Sample Coloration - Wine Red, Gradient Notes: Procured - Spring of 4925 by C.R.
a pressed beleria petal trapped beneath panes of glass in a pewter-riveted trunk
l other petal in trunk A thin vellum label has been affixed to the bottom of the glass. There appears to be something written on it. >read other petal in trunk In the Common language, it reads: Beleria Sample Coloration - Deep Violet, Striated Notes: Procured - Summer of 4924 by C.R.
a wire-framed mannequin
l manne You see nothing unusual. >l on mann On the wire-framed mannequin you see a structured pavonated jacket. >l behind mann There is nothing behind there. >l under mann Under the wire-framed mannequin you see a rolled up silk-tasseled rug. >l in manne In the wire-framed mannequin you see a dog-eared vert recipe card.
a structured pavonated fustian jacket draped in ropes across the shoulders on a wire-framed mannequin
(There is no look to it, just the long)
a rolled up silk-tasseled rug under a wire-framed mannequin
l rug under mann A repeating pattern of pavonated peacocks covers the visible surface of the rug, the rest loosely bound by a length of knotted rope. >l on rug under mann On the silk-tasseled rug you see a blue-flecked dust bunny. >l under rug under mann Under the silk-tasseled rug you see a lily-framed ivory cloisonne box.
a blue-flecked dust bunny on a rolled up silk-tasseled rug
l bunny on rug The oddly shaped ball of fluff and discarded threads resembles a capybara. Or perhaps a peahen.
a lily-framed ivory cloisonne box under a rolled up silk-tasseled rug
l box under rug Curved lilies frame the circular lid of the cloisonne box, the flowers wrapped by leaves of spring green enamel. A lace-like veil of brittle cobwebs covers the container from top to bottom, clinging tightly to the contours. >l in box under rug In the ivory cloisonne box you see a tiny piece of taessaet, an ink-stained notecard, a suede-tied lapis leather journal and a palm-sized piece of elesine.
a tiny piece of taessaet in a lily-framed ivory cloisonne box
l taess in box under rug The thimble-sized piece of taessaet appears intact, save for an upper corner that has been neatly trimmed with a sharp object.
an ink-stained notecard in a lily-framed ivory cloisonne box
l notecard in box under rug There appears to be something written on it. >read notecard in box under rug In the Elven language, it reads: [x] Rearrange the dye samples - don't forget to cap them! [x] Take the iron to the fabric swatches - stop leaving them on the ground! [x] Order ingredients for dinner party [ ] Stop procrastinating [x] Procure wine
a suede-tied lapis leather journal in a lily-framed ivory cloisonne box
tap journal in box under rug You gingerly reach out but quickly withdraw your hand, realizing that you might break the fragile journal. >l journal in box under rug Embossed across the front flap of the journal is a single stargazer lily flourishing beneath a crescent moon.
a palm-sized piece of elesine in a lily-framed ivory cloisonne box
l elesine in box under rug The scrap of gilt-sheened elesine has been asymmetrically cut at the upper corner. A small tag has been sewn across the back, the curled edges bound by cobalt-colored threads. There appears to be something written on it. >read elesine in box under rug In the Common language, it reads: Sample No. 68 Triaxial pattern decreased by , -al fibers of electrum have been , resulting in successful creation. Sample appears to be without fault, despite the shorter duration in preparation versus previous attempts. Please consult Academia Journal AS.13.13115 for additional notes and commentary.
a dog-eared vert recipe card in a wire-framed mannequin
l card in mann A variety of illegible notes are written in the margins of the recipe card, several crossed out and written over in dark ink. There appears to be something written on it. >read card in mann In the Common language, it reads: Wine-Steeped Fish Stew White wine - A young bottle from Ta'Loenthra or Ta'Nalfein is recommended Red pepper flakes - add more depending on company Freshly pressed olive oil Sea bass or swordfish or grouper Potatoes Fresh clam juice