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Aegenis General Store/Previous inventory

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< Aegenis General Store
Revision as of 13:37, 13 May 2024 by GS4-XERAPHINA (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Updated 2/16/2024== <pre{{log2}}> Catalog <nowiki>----------------------------------------------------------------------</nowiki> 1. a royal blue satin backpack 8. a golden silk sack 2. a dark green woven linen knapsack 9. a silver samite sack 3. a crimson velvet pouch 10. a soft doeskin leather sack 4. a drawstring black velvet pouch 11. a slim black leather sheath 5. a sage green herb pouch 12. a tanned leather shea...")
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Updated 2/16/2024

  1. a royal blue satin backpack         8. a golden silk sack
  2. a dark green woven linen knapsack   9. a silver samite sack
  3. a crimson velvet pouch              10. a soft doeskin leather sack
  4. a drawstring black velvet pouch     11. a slim black leather sheath
  5. a sage green herb pouch             12. a tanned leather sheath
  6. a gold trimmed black silk satchel   13. a silver trim black leather backpack
  7. a small leather sack                14. a bronze fitted maoral chest

  Backroom Catalog
  The backroom catalog is empty.
Name Price Weight Capacity Worn
1. a royal blue satin backpack 588 9 100-119 back
2. a dark green woven linen knapsack 412 4 40 back
3. a crimson velvet pouch 343 Under a pound 5 pounds - (5 items) belt
4. a drawstring black velvet pouch 343 Under a pound 5 pounds - (5 items) belt
5. a sage green herb pouch 343 Under a pound 5 pounds - (5 items) belt
6. a gold trimmed black silk satchel 588 9 100-119 back
7. a small leather sack 343 Under a pound 10 pounds - (5 items) belt
8. a golden silk sack 343 2 pounds 20 pounds belt
9. a silver samite sack 343 2 pounds 20 pounds belt
10. a soft doeskin leather sack 343 2 pounds 20 pounds belt
11. a slim black leather sheath 343 2 5-9 belt
12. a tanned leather sheath 343 2 15-? belt
13. a silver trim black leather backpack 588 9 100-119 back
14. a bronze fitted maoral chest 471 6 80-99+on na

No Backroom Catalog