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Peacock Gazette/Issue 7

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This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.

Title: Peacock Gazette: Issue 7

Author: Various

The Peacock Gazette
Created by Rohese's player using Midjourney AI.

Headline: House Greyvael is Whole Again!

The Gazette is pleased to report that, through the dedication of a group of sleuths and brave souls, the Lady Ardtin Greyvael and her faithful maidservant Ryossa have been safely returned to the Shining City. This reporter was made privy to some details of the grand adventure, which included questioning a variety of far-flung sources from places as far as Zul Logoth. Once the pieces were assembled, it was finally determined that the great Lady must be located upon the dread Pirate Flotilla known to drift in the waters all around the great peninsula of Elanith.

Once there, the adventurers bargained with a lowly local mercenary to gain an audience with the Pirate Queen known as Kyncera, who demanded booze-soaked and bloody entertainments before she would discuss anything regarding what led the brave souls to her raucous and rowdy court. Only after numerous bouts proving their mettle was the Pirate Queen finally satisfied, at which point this reporter understands that she quickly pivoted to fully inhabit her fearsome reputation, demanding assurance that the brave adventurers could be trusted -- before surprising all with the revelation that the Lady Greyvael was indeed upon the Flotilla, and was under her protection.

There began the retelling of an amazing tale of pluck and bravery on behalf of the Lady Greyvael's faithful servant Ryossa, who singlehandedly saved her mistress from the clutches of the wicked Dusk Coven cabal, and spirited her away to the relative safety of the Flotilla and the Queen's protection. Queen Kyncera extracted solemn oaths from each that her wards would be protected, and further, that they would work to rid the waters of a thorn in her side - the young Gasen Nellereune!

Headline: The Twilight Deathwhisperer: Blockheaded Bardic Buccaneer

With the joyous news of the safe return of Ardtin Greyvael, the Gazette regrets that it must report news of a far grimmer nature - that of the fate of the bright young Squire Gasen Nellereune. For months it has been feared that the young lord had been kidnapped with the Lady Greyvael, and it must be admitted that many despaired of finding either of them alive.

What was never expected however, was to learn that the truth could be even worse than our darkest fears - that the promising young man has turned to a life of *piracy*! At first, we too could not believe it, dear reader, but, unfortunately, we have come into cold, hard proof of a long fall from grace. The same group of intrepid adventurers, tasked by the Pirate Queen to locate and control the "Twilight Deathwhisperer," as he styles himself, located damning evidence and through their contacts confirmed that young Gasen is indeed harrying the coast.

Based on what was found, he is in cahoots with some group seeking a necromantic artifact which lately surfaced in the port environs. We understand that by hiding in coves and secluded bays, the "Twit" has thus far eluded capture by an inept bounty hunter who has nevertheless proved a useful source of information, but we here at the Gazette are confident now that our own brave adventurers are on the case that the squire will be captured in short order.

Among the items found were two apparent attempts at poetry by the young Nellereune, which our journalistic ideals force us to publish, with apologies to the young lord's tutors.

In the darkened depths, greed does reign,
A shattered heart and soul in pain;
Through corridors of avarice, it strains,
Lost in a void where nothing remains.

In each deceitful whisper, greed does bind,
Leaving only emptiness, undefined;
In its clutches, all virtue resigned
As precious treasure slips from mind.

In the wreckage of desires unfilled,
A lonely figure with hopes stilled;
Greed's grip, a fate sealed,
In the void of loss, forever chilled.

Why must ye incessantly bring me woes?
Yearn for the treasure but chased by foes
Lost in the waves, with naught but me sails
Never-ending evasions and countless ails
Annoying pursuit by the double blight
Ruthless they be, in the dead of night.

This reporter sends deep condolences to the House Nellereune, and asks that all send thoughts of support to the beleaguered family in this difficult time.

Headline: Ta'Illistim welcomes Visitors from the West

Rumours on the Peacock Grapevine are that Magister Oldegarde Brindlestraffe visited the Library of Aies recently in search of particular information regarding nereids. It seems to be a popular topic of late as the Summit Academy have revealed that one of our own Loremasters, Lady Soriana, had already beaten her to the research and had it all moved to Ta Illistim.

News that said Loremaster had booked rare passage to the Isle of Ornath to present her thesis to the Library of Biblia seems rather opportune, especially as she has apparently taken all of the research with her. Word is that the Magister is in hot pursuit.

Headline: Twisting Taessaet and Waxing Eloquence

A Twist of Roses boutique has reopened after several months of excited speculation. This was a joint effort between the owners as well as Ladies Oirisu and Penelia. Botanist Vanathys accompanied Oirisu to the event, and Lord Yfane and Lady Auvyra were both in attendance. New wares were revealed as well as a new garden and an edifice on the grounds for fashion events. During the course of this reopening affair, Yfane and Auvyra revealed that they have made great strides in recreating taessaet (commonly known as rosesilk), but are still missing key components to its manufacture.

Anyone wishing to assist in the ongoing research should make themselves known; perhaps making use of the stationery goods in Wax Eloquence located on Stearriza Var. Polimynia, a member of the prominent Gael family, is to be commended for her taste as the newly stocked merchandise is exquisite!

Headline: Court Circulars and Announcements

Lady Sayilla Javilerre and the noble Illistim houses of Avelleur, Chesylrae, Greyvael, Nellereune, and Veythorne invite citizens of the Shining City and entrepreneurial visitors to join together at The Wisteria Markets on Restday, the 19th day of Ivastaen from 12 Elven to 5 Elven.

Bookworm gatherings will be prevalent on the Green this coming weekend as the Illistimi mark the Celebration of the Ataelel on the 19th. Stories and poems will be shared and gifts exchanged.