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Cobbling/Ta'Vaalor materials

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Glimaerstone Heel is located in the Burghal Gnome Enclave in Ta'Vaalor.

  1. some brass cog settings             6. a bolt of distressed leather
  2. some silver nut and bolt settings   7. a length of black rolton wool
  3. some pearl settings                 8. a bolt of rolton wool
  4. a pair of gear-cut plates           9. a length of copper wire
  5. a pair of clockwork plates

Backroom Catalog ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. a length of shimmering gold aqilorn 11. a bolt of shimmering aqilorn

The Elven Sole is located in the large limestone warehouse on Aethenireas Wey in Ta'Vaalor.

  1. a knotted black silk cord      7. a small leather pouch
  2. a piece of stark white chalk   8. a set of gold-threaded cords
  3. a sharp ivory-handled knife    9. a set of shiny black strings
  4. some heavy tanned leather      10. a bolt of silk
  5. some medium tanned leather     11. a square of leather
  6. some light tanned leather      12. a small vial of dye

Backroom Sign ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. a roll of bourde 20. a vial of burnished gold dye 14. a roll of brushed wool 21. a pair of white vaalorn plates 15. a square of kidskin 22. a pair of blackened steel plates 16. a bolt of jacquard 23. some alexandrite bars 17. a vial of crimson dye 24. some despanal charms 18. a vial of austere grey dye 25. a strip of marbled leather 19. a vial of argent dye 26. some downy cockatrice feathers