Announcement: August 2024 HESS Script Addition Repricing

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Category: Events
Subject: August 2024 HESS Script Addition Repricing
Author: GS4-TIVVY
Date: 2024-08-22

Some script addition services available in HESS have been repriced. You can find the complete list below.

If you purchased one of the repriced services during the February 2024 Duskruin event, you may ASSIST in-game on the character that made the purchase, for a refund of the price difference. Your assist must be in before 11:59 PM Eastern on September 8th. Purchases made prior to the February 2024 Duskruin are ineligible for this refund.

Service Name Certificate item Previous Price New Price
Ithzir, Script Add a green Ithzir Armor sheet 500,000 100,000
Valence Weapon, Script Add a rune-etched miniature imp 250,000 50,000
Valence Armor, Script Add an ebonwood miniature verlok 250,000 75,000
Elven Armor, Script Add an ivory castle miniature 250,000 50,000
Mechanical Crossbow, Script Add a miniature clockwork crossbow 250,000 50,000
Wand Bow, Script Add a crystalline wand trinket 250,000 10,000
Shield Cape, Script Add a nacreous shield-embossed manacle 250,000 50,000
Energy Shield, Script Add a lightning bolt charm 250,000 90,000
Daybringer, Script Add a sunburst-shaped bead 250,000 50,000
Fighting Knives, Script Add a tiny knife-embossed medallion 250,000 50,000
Dramatic Drapery, Script Add a garish fuchsia fabric bolt 250,000 50,000
Sprite Armor, Script Add a sprite-shaped effigy 250,000 50,000
Parasite Armor, Script Add a parasitic barnacle 250,000 50,000
Animalistic Spirit Armor, Script Add a vermeil echidna charm 250,000 50,000
Cursed Armor, Script Add a crude black ora effigy 250,000 80,000
Animalistic Spirit Weapon, Script Add a diminutive pangolin figurine 250,000 50,000
Sigil Staff, Script Add a simple sigil staff label 250,000 50,000
Mana-Infused Armor, Script Add a mana-infused crystal 250,000 50,000
Parasite Weapon, Script Add an engorged and fleshy parasite 250,000 50,000
Sprite Weapon, Script Add a sprite-shaped statuette 250,000 50,000
Energy Staff, Script Add a multicolored sphere of swirling energy 250,000 50,000
Briar Flares, Script Add a thorn-laden sphere 150,000 50,000
Nervestaff, Script Add a pristine Nervestave contract 100,000 50,000


Some Duskruin HESS script addition services have been repriced.