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Ebon Gate Festival/saved posts 2024
General Information
Discord Message Link: [1]
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 11/15/2023
Join us once again as the Ebon Gates bring us to the distant Realm of Naidem where the Unliving reside in the town of Evermore Hollow.
Enjoy a variety of games, merchants, and more during this month-long festival that begins on Friday, October 4th at 9 PM Eastern, and closes on November 3rd at 11:59 PM Eastern.
Finer details will be added to the calendar as time goes by, but the overall schedule is below:
10/4 - 10/11 - Platinum Live Games, Storyline & Quest Introduction
10/11 - 10/18 - Premium Live Games, Platinum Merchant Week
10/18 - 10/25 - Prime Merchant Week
10/25 - 10/29 - Storyline & Quest Closing
10/30 - 11/3 - Special Event (Not Delirium)
10/30 - 11/1 - No GM interactions
Announcement 1
Discord Message Link: []
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 9/20/2024