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Type Roleplaying
Demeanor-based No
Wedding No
Citizen Cysaegir
To SWAY is to move slowly or rhythmically backward and forward or from side to side.


    SWAY                - Sway, alone or at a target, while stunned, standing, kneeling, or seated.
    SWAY SET [option]   - Shows or sets the SWAY verb options available.


You have the following options available to you:

Your current option is:

Please click VERB INFO SWAY to see details about the available options.

Verb Info

Verb information for verb "SWAY":

People targets:
STANDARD        - You look at (target) and sway back and forth.
  STUNNED       - You turn unfocused eyes toward (target) as you sway back and
                  forth unsteadily.
  WARM/FRIENDLY - You place your arm around (target's) shoulders, and the two of
                  you sway side to side.
  Incapacitated - You sway unsteadily, struck with the horrific sight of your
                  beloved (spouse) in (his/her) current state.
  Both Standing - You draw (spouse) close to you, and the two of you sway gently.

Object targets:
STANDARD       - You look at (target) and sway back and forth.

Creature targets:
STANDARD       - You look at (target) and sway back and forth.

No target:
  STANDING     - You sway back and forth.
  KNEELING     - You sway side to side on your knees.
  SITTING      - You hug your knees and sway side to side.
  STUNNED      - You sway back and forth unsteadily.
  AELOTOI      - You gently sway from side to side, your movements echoing the
                 rhythm of the tanik tree platforms of your homeland.  Almost
                 imperceptibly, your (wing description) wings stir, as if
                 brushed by a gentle breeze.
  OTHER        - You gracefully transfer your weight from one side to the
                 other, swaying akin to the majestic tanik tree platforms from
                 your homeland.  The motion recalls fond memories of dappled
                 sunlight caressing your cheeks amidst the lush tree canopy.

NOTE:  ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions.  Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging.  Messaging without an option shown applies to all options.  Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.


You sway back and forth.

>sway (kneeling)
You sway side to side on your knees.

>sway (sitting)
You hug your knees and sway side to side.