Category:The Ivsenra's Fate

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The 2024 Ebon Gate Storyline is entitled "The Ivsenra's Fate." Key plot points and information can be documented here. It takes place in Thistlegear Enclave, which is located down the shadowy path in [Fate's Holding, The Cell] (8083134).


  • 10-07-2024: Thistlegaer Enclave opens to the public.
  • 10-10-2024 - Ivsenra's Fate Opening: Pennysel and Brixt welcomed several visitors to Thistlegear Enclave, and Pennysel took them on a tour, introducing them to various townsfolk, explaining the enclave itself, and introducing themselves. Pennysel appears to be someone who enjoys tinkering, while Brixt was called an "ivsenra" by a town elder, which is somewhat derogatory slang for a bookworm. Just as the tour was wrapping up, a horde of bandits poured in from the surrounding woods, and Lord Casivit, a cursed being of some sort, came to protect them. Unfortunately, despite the additional help of numerous powerful visitors, Casivit's clockwork wasp army was severely impacted, and Casivit demanded an excessive payment of Thistlegear-derived gearwork in return. When the town elder said it could not be done, they were given until the end of the month to come up with some sort of appropriate recompense. Sadly, Casivit's short temper was made even shorter by a visitor who mocked him one time too many, and Casivit changed his deadline to Restday, three days hence. After he stormed off, the visitors offered help, and everyone will think about what can be done for this situation. Many of the visitors are inclined to say that the enclave should find better/different protection, but the enclave folks are fairly dubious that will be possible.
  • 10-13-2024 - Ivsenra's Fate Continues: The enclave gathered at the town hall to discuss the situation, and after much deliberation, angst, and arguing, it was determined that Brixt would be offered up as a companion for Lord Casivit. There is some long ago precedent for this, where companions would go for two years. Pennysel fought hard against it and even volunteered herself, but they would have none of it. The council's point of view was that Pennysel offered value and Brixt had little to none. Brixt tried to protect her as well. When Casivit arrived, he took the deal and ignored Pennysel's pleas and volunteering. He and Brixt left. Pennysel decided to ask the visitors for help and enlisted the gate guard's assistance. He agreed to quietly let the visitors through the gate so they could check on Brixt and see what could be done. With that, everyone dispersed.

Cast of Characters

  • Casivit
  • Brixt
  • Pennysel
  • Forthcoming

Official Vignettes


Anyone is welcome to add a log if they took one of a particular event for this storyline.

Additional Information

Discord Discussion Forum



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