User:GS4-GYRES/Custom CMans

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This page is intended to serve as a reference for winners of custom combat maneuver messaging. It may be intermittently updated.

  • Custom combat maneuver messaging debuted at EG 2024 as a trove win.
  • All custom combat maneuver messaging must go through QC and as such is a delayed service. QC may require changes to be made to player submissions.

Baseline Customization Rules

  1. You cannot change the fundamental nature of the maneuver with a customization. A tackle is still a tackle, a sweep is still a sweep. Many maneuvers have additional messaging that is not customizable, such as something that might happen upon a maneuver roll failure, or after a success. What you provide for the customizable part of the maneuver must make sense with the rest of the messaging that it will be working with.
  2. Combat maneuvers are physical actions taken, not magical. This is not spell messaging, this is not a fancy illusion, this is your character performing a physical action aided only by their own combat maneuver training. No props, no stage effects, no fire and brimstone, no sparklepony lens flares.


The customization covers the initial activation messaging, which is the single line before the SMR roll. This does not include the success or the failure, only the initial attempt.

You can customize the first person, second person (target), and third person (room) messaging for the maneuver activation messaging. These will all be conveying generally the same information to different points of view.

  • Example:
1st Person: With nimble grace, you spin into a crouch and sweep your extended leg at TARGET!
2nd Person: With nimble grace, PERSON spins into a crouch and sweeps her extended leg at you!
3rd Person: With nimble grace, PERSON spins into a crouch and sweeps her extended leg at TARGET!

This messaging can include pronouns for the initiating actor and the target. It can be longer, more detailed, and/or more fanciful than the example above, but it should make sense for physical action in a combat setting. Please limit yourself to a single sentence to convey the manner in which you are attempting to sweep your foe.

For planning purposes, default messaging for Sweep is shown below. In these examples, the line that can be customized is bold and red.

You crouch and sweep a leg at a greater ice giant!
[SMR result: 134 (Open d100: 80, Bonus: 3)]
Your size significantly hinders your attack!
A greater ice giant falls to the ground!  You deftly regain your footing.
Your attack exposes a vulnerability in a greater ice giant's defenses!
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You crouch and sweep a leg at a greater ice giant!
[SMR result: 72 (Open d100: 19, Bonus: 3)]
You whack a greater ice giant's legs futilely!  You stumble back on your feet.
Roundtime: 2 sec.


The customization covers the initial activation messaging, which is the single line before the SMR roll. This does not include the success or the failure, only the initial attempt.

You can customize the first person, second person (target), and third person (room) messaging for the maneuver activation messaging. These will all be conveying generally the same information to different points of view.

  • Example:
1st Person: With a growl, you launch yourself at TARGET in a flying tackle!
2nd Person: With a growl, PERSON launches himself at you in a flying tackle!
3rd Person: With a growl, PERSON launches himself at TARGET in a flying tackle!

This messaging can include pronouns for the initiating actor and the target. It can be longer, more detailed, and/or more fanciful than the example above, but it should make sense for physical action in a combat setting. Please limit yourself to a single sentence to convey the manner in which you are attempting to tackle your foe.

For planning purposes, default messaging for Sweep is shown below. In these examples, the line that can be customized is bold and red.

You hurl yourself at a lesser ice giant!
[SMR result: 115 (Open d100: 10)]
Your size significantly hinders your attack!
You knock a lesser ice giant flat and jump to your feet.  Smooth!
Your attack exposes a vulnerability in a lesser ice giant's defenses!
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You hurl yourself at a greater ice giant!
[SMR result: 96 (Open d100: 83, Bonus: 4)]
You fail to bring a greater ice giant down, but manage to scramble back to your feet.
Roundtime: 2 sec.