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Crystalhall is an ancient hall in the Crystalmount that was once the location of the Giantmoot, a gathering of all the giant clans. All the giant clans had a turn defending it. At some point in the past, forces unknown attacked Crystalhall while the fire giants were defending it. Two clans of fire giants were wiped out while defending Crystalhall, and it had remained abandoned until adventurers restored it.

Rediscovering and Restoring Crystalhall

The location of Crystalhall was lost to the giants for generations, with none of their living elders knowing for certain where it was. When a group of adventurers from Icemule Trace traveled to the Crystalmount, they were met by the Black Cairns clan and their elder, Isvindar. Isvindar told the adventurers that their ancestors brought Crystalhall to its current location, but also brought with them a great darkness. When the Black Cairns clan were charged with the care of Crystalhall, the evil within called to evil without, and the hall was sealed away. Isvindar asked the adventurers to help her undo the seal and cleanse the evil within, vouching for them to the other clans if they were successful. The adventurers agreed to help Isvindar, and together they traveled to the ancient seal that guarded Crystalhall. They were able to undo the seal and cleanse the evil within, and Isvindar thanked them for their help. She then led them on a tour of the newly refurbished Crystalhall.

Features of Crystalhall

Crystalhall is a vast cavern with a high, hewn stone ceiling. It is decorated with pennants, garlands, and chandeliers, and features a number of galleries and chambers.

●Grand Antechamber: The entrance to Crystalhall leads into a grand antechamber with roaring fires in bronze braziers and polished bronze mounts for pennants and garlands.

●South Gallery: A wide gallery curves along the southern wall, with a carved railing overlooking a chasm. The floor is made of cerulean glaes set into black stone with golden inlay.

●West Gallery: The western gallery joins with the southern gallery by a grand staircase that passes under a vibrant mural. The western wall is decorated with carved animals flanking another mural.

●North Gallery: The north gallery features a bridge connecting it to the western gallery. The wall is decorated with a relief depicting a battle between massive creatures.

●Dais Bridge: The dais bridge is a black stone bridge inlaid with blue glaes and gold that connects the grand dais to the eastern gallery.

●East Gallery: The eastern gallery features a waterfall and a stone bench with gold inlay.

●Sanctuary: A hallway with cerulean pillars, preserved flowers encased in the glass pillars, and mosaics depicting preternaturally beautiful beings. It contains the remnants of a runestone melted by heat, which is believed to be un-restorable. There are also murals that depict an ancestor holding two tablets, and a chaotic battle between dragons and shadow creatures.

Crystalhall also contains: ●A throne of crystalline glaes, which was badly damaged in the past but has been partially restored. ●Five new seats of crystalline glaes, which were carved from the remaining crystal used to restore the throne.

Current Status

Currently Crystalhall is being considered for the seat of government for the new nation of Northwatch

Giant Lore

●Hazelnut's Theory: In the source "The Watchfire Pact (storyline)/2023-05-17 - The Heat of Shame and a Cold Shoulder (log) - GemStone IV Wiki," Hazelnut theorizes that gigas are the progenitors of all giantkind. Hazelnut states that gigas are bigger than any of the local giants, and believes that the gigas' ability to adapt to different elements may have regressed over generations. If gigas are indeed the ancestors of all giants, it's possible they played a role in the creation or early history of Crystalhall. ●Stories emphasize Crystalhall's antiquity, describing it as "one of the first holds of the giants when their ancestors settled in this region." It served as a meeting place for all giant clans during the Giantmoot, suggesting its importance in giant history and culture. If gigas were present during the early settlement of giants in the region, they may have been involved in constructing or establishing Crystalhall.