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Ruffelin (prime)

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An interview with Ruffelin Highstem Conducted by: Bremerial

Interview held on (December 29, 2009) day 29 of the month Eorgaen in the year 5109.


(This is from 9/18/2012)

You see Sir Ruffelin Highstem the Knight Errant.
He appears to be a Giantman of the T'Kirem Clan.
He is taller than average and appears to be middle-aged.  He has brooding grey-green eyes and bronze skin.  He has shoulder length, tied back grey-brown hair that has a slender braid at the temple adorned with a suede-wrapped ebon raven feather.  He has a weathered face, a broken nose and a jagged scar across his left eyebrow.  He has a neatly trimmed beard with streaks of grey on either side of his chin, and a drooping mustache.
He has a flying raven tattoo on his wrist, and a tiny howling wolf tattoo on his wrist.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a translucent rainbow glaes claidhmore in his right hand.
He is wearing some ebon hued battle-worn plate, a flawless gold ring, a coral studded ora pin, a mithril and emerald earcuff, a carved onyx raven totem, a gold pendant, an acid-etched veniom chain, a flowing deep green silk cloak with giantman wardings stitched into the collar and clasped at the neck by a dark emerald, a small pink thistle, a black enameled bracer with a silver gryphon set in a ruby circle, a silver-tipped feather stickpin, a hand-loomed woolen sash of deep green tartan, a veniom threaded harness, an ebon-hued shield, a pair of grey steel bracers trimmed with dark storm agate, a small leather wrist sheath, some ebon-hued thrak hide gloves, a golden wedding band fashioned from overlapping acantha leaves entwining an emerald gauntlet, an emerald-set mithril signet ring, a hand-loomed woolen kilt of deep green tartan, a burnished leather belt, a weathered leather tobacco pouch, a forest green velvet gem sack, a snowcat fur sporran studded with emeralds, an ora-studded golden imflass thigh-sheath, a gold and onyx raven kilt pin, a roa'ter skin map case, some dark green centaur-hide boots trimmed with white snowcat fur, a pair of golden spurs, and an ebon-hued invar close helmet with an emerald green plume.


1: What is your name (required) and training level (not essential)

M'name is Ruffelin Highstem. As third son o' a minor chieftain among th' Highmen, I benefitted frae some o' th' best trainin' a warrior could e'er want, an' I've recently been assessed at th' seventy-eighth degree o' said trainin'.

2: How long have you wandered the lands?

It amazes me ta realize tha' I've been walkin' these lands fer nigh on fifteen years, now

3: What hunting style do you opt for?

Trained in sev'ral styles, I am. Started out wi' single-hand edged weapons an' a shield, but once I hefted a truly braw claidhmore, I found real joy in huntin'. Still, th' type o' weapon depends on th' prey, as any guid warrior will tell ye. I kin alternate 'twixt a one-hander an' shield, two-handed blunts, an' m'trusty claidhmores, as th' situation demands.

4: What percentage of your time do you spend hunting? How do you spend your other time?

I'd say tha' I likely spend less than half m'time huntin'. I prefer ta spend time wi' friends, family, an' th' members o' th' Silver Gryphons. Wha' I find purely enjoyable, though, is findin' young folk around Wehnimer's Landin' an' aidin' 'em any way I can, but 'specially by sharin' th' area's lore an' history. 'Tis th' young tha' shape th' future, ye ken. Tis' sort o' a tradition tha' I like ta help carry on.

5: What is and/or was your most enjoyable hunting area and why?

No twae ways about it, Darkstone Castle. Whether 'twas kiramon, roa'ters, banshees, 'r troll kings an' harbingers, I 'ad some o' m'most thrillin' hunts there. I've come ta enjoy th' minotaur labyrinth, as well, but Darkstone will always hold a special place in m'heart.

6: What do you enjoy most about your time in the lands?

Th' people. Mind ye, there's always some as likes ta cause trouble, but, fer th' mos' part, th' townfolk I've ken in Wehnimer's Landin' are guid decent folk well worth takin' th' time ta talk ta. I purely love walkin' th' Landin', defendin' it, an' watchin' th' souls as live there.

7: Is there anyone within the lands that you admire? (Any profession) Who and why?

Och, aye, there be many! I'm nae sure ye want me ta list 'em all, sae I'll jus' mention a few. At th' verra top o' m'list would be Dame Wanton Destruction. She was nae ainly a guid friend, but she was one o' th' finest individuals e'er ta walk these lands. Th' day she was presented wi' her spurs,o' knighthood, I was sae proud m'heart could hae burst! I consider Sir Brinn, Sir Cryheart, Sir Maldon, Sir Morgiest, Thrudh, an' Typhus, as mentors. Amongst th' others I've admired are Ardwen, Arwen, Berr, Connour, Dagor an' Mystra, Geoff, Giantsheild, Gilwen, Keric, Lissanne, Matti, Metadi, Truekillr, Sir Welan, Yarx, an' … well, I ken I'm fergittin' many a guid soul.

8: What has been your best moment in the lands so far?

'Twould hae ta be a tie b'tween th' day I got marrit ta Lady Ravynne Breth, an' th' day Baron Malwind presented me wi' a pair o' spurs.

9: What has been your worst moment in the lands so far?

There've been twae o' those as well. Th' first was when Dame Wanton passed from this life. Th' second was when m'wife, Ravy, alsae passed away.

10: What advice would you give to a new warrior?

Look fer th' best in people. Take time ta talk ta' others, hunt in groups b'cause th' fellowship's worth moir than any treasure, an' do wha' ye can ta help others when e'er ye kin. Oh, an' take th' time ta really look at everythin' in th' lands, instead o' rushin' hither an' yon. There's much beauty, intricacy, an' depth tha's often missed.

11: If you had to do it all again, knowing what you now know, would you do anything differently?

Nay, I dinnae think sae, really. Och, I've made some mistakes, aye, but I think ye hae ta make mistakes in order ta learn. If ye dinnae learn, ye dinnae grow as a person. I'm a much diff'rent person, now, than I was when I first listened ta th' advice o' th' Warrior Thrak. I hope I'm a better person..

12: Is there anything you want to add to this interview?

Aye, I'd like ta thank ye fer interviewin' our fellow warriors. There's many I've yet ta meet, an' many who may one day move on. Th' task ye've undertaken will preserve some o' th' heritage tha' enriches these lands.