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Gemstone Property List

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The following is a list of Gemstone properties that players have discovered. Details are a work in progress. Most information was collected from the test server during initial Gemstones testing, but some details might be subject to have changed for the live release; these are updated when identified. There might or might not exist properties that aren't yet documented.

Common Gemstone Properties

Property Tiered Type Mnemonic Description
Arcane Intensity Yes Passive ??? You gain 1/2/3/4/5 Bolt AS and 1/1/1/2/3 CS.
Binding Shot Yes Passive bindingshot Your successful ranged weapon attacks have a standard flare chance to release a canister containing a net, Rooting the target for 5 seconds. If the target is killed by your attack, the canister will instead ricochet to another target in the room.
Blood Artist Yes Passive bloodartist Your Major Bleed effects do 5/10/15/20/25% increased damage.
Blood Prism Yes Passive bloodprism Your passive health regeneration is increased by 5/10/15/20/25%.
Boatswain's Savvy Yes Passive ??? You have a 5/10/15/20/25% chance to critically succeed when repairing an OSA ship.
Bold Brawler Yes Passive boldbrawler Your unarmed combat attacks have an additional 1/2/3/4/5% chance to tier up.
Burning Blood No Passive burningblood When you are dealt a rank 2+ critical strike, your blood combusts in the air. Up to 3 nearby enemies must make an SMR test. On a failure, they suffer a Heat flare.
Cannoneer's Savvy Yes Passive ??? You have a 5/10/15/20/25% chance to incur no roundtime when loading the cannons of an OSA ship.
Channeler's Edge Yes Passive channeledge When your warding spells are successful, the endroll is increased by 2/4/6/8/10.
Companion's Might Yes Passive ??? When you have an active combat companion, it gains +5/10/15/20/25 Attack Strength.
Companion's Swiftness Yes Passive ??? When you have an active combat companion, it has a 5/10/15% chance to attack twice when attacking.
Consummate Professional Yes Passive consummate Your profession service endrolls receive a bonus of 5/10/15/20/25. This bonus is doubled for services to armaments.
Cutting Corners No Passive ??? Bounties with repetitions will be given with 1d3 fewer repetitions required.
Dispulsion Ward No Passive dispulsionward When an enemy targets you with a dispel, there is a 33% chance that the enemy will be subject to an SMR test. On a failure, the dispel has no effect on you.
Elemental Resonance No Passive elemresonance Upon casting a bolt spell, your bolt spells gain 10% damage factor. This effect falls off 30 seconds after it is first applied, or when you cast the same bolt spell twice in a row.
Elementalist's Gift Yes Passive elementalistsgift When struck by elemental damage, you have a 5/10/15/20/25% chance to gain 10% resistance to the element. This resistance stacks on top of other resistances, but cannot make your total resistance to an element exceed 40%. This resistance lasts 30 seconds or until you take damage from a different element type.
Ephemera's Extension Yes Passive ephemera The following spells have 20/40/60/80/100% higher duration: 117, 140, 240, 506, 515, 605, 919, 1608, 1619.
Ether Flux No Passive etherflux When you deal 3 types of elemental damage to a creature in under 60 seconds, the creature must make an SMR test or take a standard disruption flare. This cannot occur more than once every minute.
Flare Resonance Yes Passive ??? Your attacks have a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to gain flare affinity.
Force of Will Yes Activated forceofwill You shake off all of the following debilitating effects: calmed, confused, demoralized, horrified, immobile, rooted, slowed, stunned, sympathetic, terrified, webbed. Cooldown: 24/18/12/6/1 hour(s).
Geomancer's Spite No Activated geospite You twist the ground to entrap your foes. Nearby enemies must make an SMR test. On a failure, your opponents take grapple damage and are immobilized. Cooldown: 3 mins.
Grand Theft Kobold Yes Passive gtk When you mug a creature, you have a 10/20/30% chance to be able to mug the creature again.
Green Thumb No Passive greenthumb When you fail a foraging roll, you receive a stacking bonus to subsequent foraging attempts until your next success.
High Tolerance Yes Triggered hightolerance You do not become intoxicated from drinking alcoholic beverages. Instead, an alcoholic beverage increases your Strength and Influence by 10 and reduces all other stats by 5. This effect lasts 20 minutes, after which your stats remain reduced for an additional 10 minutes. Cooldown: 1 hour.
Immobility Veil Yes Passive immobiveil Immobile effects applied to you have a reduced 1/2/3/4/5 second duration, to a minimum of 1 second. This benefit does not apply to immobilization due to Sheer Fear.
Journey's Beginning No Passive journeybegin Your passive mana, stamina, and health regeneration are all increased by 5%. [Note: This one is given upon completion of the Gemstone quest and cannot be generated by the treasure system.]
Journeyman Defender Yes Passive jdefender You gain 1/2/3/4/5 Defensive Strength and 1/1/1/2/3 Target Defense.
Journeyman Tactician Yes Passive ??? You gain 1/2/3/4/5 AS and 1/1/1/2/3 SMR Offense with Combat Maneuvers.
Limit Break: [AS-boosting Skill] Yes Passive limitbreakaur (for example) Your enhancive limit on [any one weapon skill or Spell Aiming] is raised by 2/4/6/8/10 points.
Limit Break: [Stat] Yes Passive ??? Your enhancive limit on [any one stat] is raised by 2/4/6/8/10 points.
Mana Prism Yes Passive manaprism Your passive mana regeneration is increased by 5/10/15/20/25%.
Metamorphic Shield Yes Passive metamorphicshield When attacked by a creature, you have a 15% chance to increase your AsG by 1/2/3/4/5 (up to max of 20) for that attack.
Mephitic Brume Yes Passive mephiticbrume When you are attacked by a creature, you have a 3/6/9/12/15% chance to release a noxious cloud. Up to three enemies must make an SMR test. On a failure, they become Dazed and Disengaged.
Mystic Magnification No Passive mysticmagnification Your self-cast buff spells cast a second time at no mana cost. This effect only applies to buff spells that can be multi-cast.
Navigator's Savvy Yes Passive ??? You have a 5/10/15/20/25% chance to incur no roundtime when turning the wheel of an OSA ship.
Opportunistic Sadism Yes Passive opporsadism You gain 2/4/6/8/10% damage factor against poisoned targets. When your warding spells are successful, the endroll is increased by 2/4/6/8/10 if the target is poisoned.
Root Veil Yes Passive rootveil Rooted effects applied to you have a reduced 1/2/3/4/5 second duration, to a minimum of 1 second.
Slayer's Fortitude Yes Passive slayerfort You gain 1/2/3/4/5 effective Sheer Fear levels.
Spirit Prism Yes Passive spiritprism You have a 5/10/15/20/25% to passively regenerate an extra point of spirit.
Stamina Prism Yes Passive stamprism Your passive stamina regeneration is increased by 5/10/15/20/25%.
Storm of Rage Yes Passive ??? You gain 1/2/3/4/5% damage factor for each kill. Stacks up to 3 times. This effect falls off after 30 seconds without making a kill. This applies to all DFs, including bolts.
Subtle Ward Yes Passive subtleward When you are subject to a dispel effect, less desirable spells will always be targeted before more desirable spells.
Tactical Canny No Triggered ??? When you are successfully attacked by an enemy using Attack Strength, your chance to Evade is increased by 10% for the next minute. This effect cannot occur more often than every 5 minutes.
Taste of Brutality Yes Passive tastebrutality Your attacks gain 3/4/4/4/5% Damage Factor and attacks against you gain 3/4/4/4/5% Damage Factor.
Twist the Knife Yes Passive twisttheknife You gain 2/4/6/8/10% damage factor against targets afflicted with major bleed. When your warding spells are successful, the endroll is increased by 2/4/6/8/10 if the target is afflicted with major bleed.
Web Veil Yes Passive ??? Web effects applied to you have a reduced 1/2/3/4/5 second duration, to a minimum of 1 second.


For messaging for some common properties, click here.

Force of Will:

  • First-person: Your soul gathers itself, unleashing a pure force of will! Your afflictions are swept away like dust in the wind.
  • Third-person: A rippling force sweeps away the afflictions of Leafiara!

Geomancer's Spite:

  • First-person: You extend your hands towards the ground, and with a powerful twist of your will, the earth convulses and rises to ensnare your foes!
  • Third-person: Leafiara extends her hands towards the ground, and the earth convulses and rises to ensare her foes!

Combat messaging:

Living earth erupts around a tattooed gigas berserker!
[SMR result: 215 (Open d100: 26, Bonus: 100)]
  ... 25 points of damage!
  Hard blow to back sends the gigas berserker sprawling.
  It is knocked to the ground!
  The gigas berserker is stunned!
  A tattooed gigas berserker is held fast by the living earth!
A tattooed gigas berserker's form is entangled in an unseen force that restricts her movement.

Elemental Resonance (first-person only):

  • Elemental currents gather around your fingers, resonating powerfully with your spell!

Metamorphic Shield:

  • A shimmer forms from metamorphic energy as it solidifies around [name/you].

Storm of Rage (first-person only):

  • Initial hit: A burning rage awakens within you, setting your synapses ablaze and igniting your combat prowess!
  • Max intensity: The burning rage reaches its zenith, engulfing your soul to form a conflagration of unstoppable wrath!
  • Maintaining max intensity: The conflagration of rage continues to burn within your soul, reinfusing you with an onslaught of unstoppable wrath!
  • Ending: The burning rage abates, leaving you with a disquieting sense of lost momentum.

Subtle Ward:

  • First-person: Glowing runes appear in the air around you, confounding [caster]'s spell!
  • Second-person: Glowing runes appear in the air around Leafiara, confounding your spell!
  • Third-person: Glowing runes appear in the air around Leafiara, confounding [caster]'s spell!

Tactical Canny:

  • Activation: The pain sharpens your senses and you begin to plan around your foe's attacks.
  • Ending: Your senses are no longer sharpened by pain.

Regional Gemstone Properties

Property Tiered Type Mnemonic Description
Grimswarm: Shroud Soother Yes Passive shroudsoothe Your AOE spells have a 10/20/30/40/50% reduced chance to trigger the Shroud in Grimswarm camps. At maximum tier, you can trigger the Shroud with no negative effect once every 15 minutes.
Hinterwilds: Indigestible No Passive hwindigestible You react violently to being devoured by oozes in the Hinterwilds. Oozes immediately expel you and take Vacuum damage.
Hinterwilds: Light of the Disir Yes Passive hwlightdisir You gain 1/2/3/4/5 effective Sheer Fear levels while in the Hinterwilds.
Hinterwilds: Warden of the Damned Yes Passive hinterwarden Your attacks have a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to Terrify undead creatures from the Hinterwilds.
Moonsedge: Gift of Enlightement Yes Passive megiftenlighten You earn 20/40/60/80/100% more LTE while hunting in Moonsedge, up to your daily cap.
Moonsedge: Organ Enthusiast Yes Passive ??? You gain 3/6/9/12/15 additional AS and 2/4/6/8/10 additional CS while the Sword Hymn is active in Moonsedge.
Temple Nelemar: Breath of the Nymph Yes Passive ??? While in watery areas of Temple Nelemar, an eruption of seaspray blocks 1/2/3/4/5% of attacks against you. When you would otherwise drown, a silvery dolphin comes to your aid and rescues you, but you cannot benefit from this effect or seaspray for 60 minutes.
Temple Nelemar: Perfect Conduction No Passive perfectconduct While in Temple Nelemar, you are immune to lightning damage caused by conduction in watery rooms
Temple Nelemar: Trident of the Sunderer Yes Passive ??? While in Temple Nelemar, your successful attacks have a 5/10/15% chance to summon a bolt of arcing lightning. Up to 5 enemies in the room must make an SMR test. On a failure, they take electrical damage and are stunned. This damage does not conduct back against you or your allies.
The Hinterwilds: Gift of Enlightement Yes Passive hwgiftenlighten You earn 20/40/60/80/100% more LTE while hunting in the Hinterwilds, up to your daily cap.
The Hive: Gift of Enlightement Yes Passive hivegiftenlight You earn 20/40/60/80/100% more LTE while hunting in the Hive, up to your daily cap.
The Hive: Arrhythmic Gait No Passive hivegait Kresh ravagers no longer explode from beneath you when burrowed. Enemy creatures nearby when a kresh ravager surfaces must make an SMR test. On a failure, they take Impact damage.
The Hive: Astral Spark Yes Passive hiveastral Traps dealing lightning damage in the Hive deal no damage to you, and instead grant you 4/8/12/16/20 to all Attack Strength for 60 seconds. This bonus can refresh, but not stack.
The Rift: Gift of the God-King No Passive ??? You do not suffer from spirit drain while entering the Rift.


To see messaging for some regional properties, click here.

Hinterwilds: Warden of the Damned

  • Flare: ** Glinting golden and silver threads escape from the air around [name/you] and streak toward a withered shadow-cloaked draugr! **
  • Effect: A withered shadow-cloaked draugr shakes with terror!

Temple Nelemar: Trident of the Sunderer

Your attack reverberates with power, summoning a trident of lightning that arcs through the air, striking at your foes!
Bolts of lightning arc towards a siren!

Rare Gemstone Properties

Property Tiered Type Mnemonic Description
Adaptive Resistance Yes Passive ??? Upon taking damage, you have a 5/10/15/20/25% chance to gain 20/25/30/35/40 damage resistance to that damage type until this ability activates on a different damage type. This damage resistance does not stack with other forms of damage resistance.
Advanced Spell Shielding Yes Passive advspellshield You resist dispel effects. This effect cannot occur more often than every 60/30/10 minutes.
Anointed Defender Yes Passive ??? You gain 6/7/8/9/10 Defensive Strength and 3/4/4/5/6 Target Defense.
Arcane Opus Yes Activated ??? Your next successful bolt spell has a 25% damage factor bonus. Cooldown: 1 min.
Bandit Bait Yes Passive banditbait Up to 1/2/3 additional bandits will spawn in each group when you are on a bandit task for the Adventurers' Guild.
Blood Boil No Activated bloodboil When activated, your next successful attack against an enemy creature causes its blood to boil, dealing damage equal to 20% of the creature's remaining health every 2 seconds for the next 10 secs. Cooldown: 3 mins.
Blood Siphon Yes Activated ??? A vampiric aura surrounds you, siphoning blood from nearby enemy creatures with blood for 60 seconds. Every 10 seconds, up to 5 nearby enemy creatures are subject to an SMR test. On a failure, they take 10-20 hit point damage. 5/10/15/20/25% of the damage dealt is restored to you as health. Cooldown: 15 minutes.
Blood Wellspring Yes Activated ??? You instantly regain all of your health. Cooldown: 60/40/20 mins.
Chameleon Shroud Yes Passive ??? You have a 1/2/3/4/5% chance to become hidden after attacking an opponent.
Channeler's Epiphany Yes Passive chanepiphany When your warding spells are successful, the endroll is increased by 2/4/6/8/10. Your warding spells have a standard flare chance to double this bonus.
Defensive Duelist Yes Passive ??? When an enemy directs a melee attack at you, you have a 1/2/3/4/5% chance to intercept the attack and take no damage. The enemy must make an SMR test. On a failure, the enemy is disarmed, if applicable, and suffers roundtime.
Evanescent Possession Yes Activated epossess You invoke a friendly spirit to possess a foe. An enemy creature must make an SSR test. On a failure, it becomes afflicted with Sympathy for you. When the effect ends, the creature takes a standard disruption flare as it rejects the spirit. Cooldown: 5 mins.
Grace of the Battlecaster Yes Passive battlegrace Your spell hindrance from armor is reduced by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Greater Arcane Intensity Yes Passive arcaneintensity You gain 6/7/8/9/10 Bolt AS and 3/4/4/5/6 CS.
Hunter's Afterimage Yes Passive hunterafter When you fire an arrow or crossbow, there is a 3/6/9/12/15% chance that a second arrow will fire at your target if the target survives your first shot.
Infusion of [Damage Type] No Passive ??? You gain a standard chance to flare with [Damage Type] after attacking an enemy.
Innate Focus Yes Passive ??? Your profession point gain is increased by 5/10/15/20/25%.
Mana Wellspring Yes Activated manawellspring You instantly regain all of your mana. Cooldown: 60/40/20 mins.
Martial Impulse Yes Passive ??? After hitting an enemy with an attack, you have a 2/4/6/8/10% chance to gain Martial Momentum for 60 seconds. Your next combat maneuver used under the effects of Martial Momentum incurs no stamina cost.
Master Tactician Yes Passive ??? You gain 6/7/8/9/10 AS and 3/4/4/5/6 SMR Offense with Combat Maneuvers.
Relentless Yes Passive ??? When an attack of yours would otherwise miss, it has a 5/10/15/20/25% chance to trigger again. The triggered attack can hit or miss as normal.
Relentless Warder Yes Passive ??? When a warding attack of yours would otherwise miss, it has a 5/10/15/20/25% chance to be recast.
Ripe Melon Yes Passive ??? Your aimed attacks with melee weapons have a 1/2/3/4/5% added chance to strike an enemy's eyes or head if it possesses eyes or a head.
Serendipitous Hex Yes Passive ??? Your offensive spells have a standard flare rate chance to cast an additional disabler spell, including Bind, Blind, Cold Snap, Confusion, Limb Disruption, Mystic Impedance, Power Sink, Sleep, Sounds, or Vertigo. This chance is reduced for each tier below 3.
Spirit Wellspring Yes Activated ??? You instantly regain all of your spirit. Cooldown: 60/40/20 mins.
Stamina Wellspring Yes Activated stamwell You instantly regain all of your stamina. Cooldown: 60/40/20 mins.
Strong Back Yes Passive ??? Your encumbrance thresholds are increased by 15/20/25/30/35 pounds.
Sureshot Yes Passive ??? Your aimed attacks with ranged weapons have a 1/2/3/4/5% added chance to strike an enemy's eyes or head if it possesses eyes or a head.
Terror's Tribute Yes Activated ??? Your attacks have a chance to summon a wall of ethereal undead that charge outward. Opponents must succeed an SSR roll or be knocked down and stunned by nightmares. Cooldown: 10/5/3 mins.
Tethered Strike No Passive ??? Your offensive spells and weapon attacks no longer trigger creatures' innate abilities to outright avoid incoming attacks, such as Ithzir vanishing, warg avoidance, and myling fading.
Thirst for Brutality Yes Passive ??? Your attacks gain 6/7/8/9/10% Damage Factor and attacks against you gain 6/7/8/9/10% Damage Factor.


For messaging for some rare properties, click here.

Arcane Opus:

  • First-person: A deep well of power stirs within you, magic aligning and amplifying with each breath, waiting for release.
  • Third-person: The atmosphere around Leafiara thickens with energy, shimmering as magic coils and concentrates in the air.

Chameleon Shroud:

  • First-person: A tenebrous shroud stitches itself into existence around you as you gracefully retreat into the shadows!
  • Third-person: A tenebrous shroud stitches itself into existence around Leafiara, and a moment later she is gone!

Evanescent Possession:

  • First-person: You focus intently on a roiling crimson angargeist. A soft glow emerges from the ambient air, and a tranquil spirit floats toward a roiling crimson angargeist, carried by unseen winds.
  • Third-person: Leafiara focuses intently on a roiling crimson angargeist. A soft glow emerges from the ambient air, and a tranquil spirit floats toward a roiling crimson angargeist, carried by unseen winds.

Combat messaging:

[SSR result: 195 (Open d100: 80)]
The spirit melts into a roiling crimson angargeist, leaving behind only a fleeting glow as it settles into place.
A roiling crimson angargeist's eyes begin to glow pure white.

Infusion of Lightning:

  • ** A crackling arc of lightning leaps toward an eyeless black valravn, thunderous in its reverberation! **


  • First-person: ** Recapturing the momentum of your attack, you let loose a lightning-quick follow-up strike! **
  • Third-person: ** Recapturing the momentum of her attack, Leafiara lets loose a lightning-quick follow-up strike! **

Serendipitous Hex:

  • First-person: ** A deep emerald green mist coils around your forearms as your spell reforms into a hex of Limb Disruption! **
  • Third-person: ???

Spirit Wellspring:

  • First-person: Niveous lights coalesce around you in a scintillating nimbus. A surge of raw spirit infuses you, nearly scalding your very soul with its intensity.
  • Third-person: Niveous lights coalesce around Leafiara in a scintillating nimbus.

Legendary Gemstone Properties

Property Tiered Type Mnemonic Description
Arcane Aegis No Activated arcaneaegis You have a standard flare chance when taking damage to gain 2d20 Critical Padding. For every point of damage absorbed by the shield, 1 point of mana is drained. This property can also be activated to apply to all damage taken for 60 seconds. You gain 2d20 Critical Padding for 60 seconds. For every point of damage absorbed by the shield, 1 point of mana is drained. Cooldown: 3 mins.
Arcanist's Ascendancy Yes Activated ??? You enter a heightened state for 30 seconds. During this state, you gain Casting Strength and Magical SMR Strength equal to 30% of the Defensive Strength of spells on all creatures in the room, up to a maximum of 60. Additionally, all of your magical attacks have guaranteed dispel flares. Cooldown: 3 min.
Arcanist's Blade Yes Activated arcblade You enter a heightened state for 30 seconds. You gain 5/10/15/20/25 Attack Strength and 3/6/9/12/15% Damage Factor, but each attack costs 5 mana and 5 stamina. Upon activation you gain Mana Sever, preventing you from receiving mana from your fellow adventurers for 2 minutes.
Arcanist's Will Yes Activated ??? You enter a heightened state for 30 seconds. You gain 3/6/9/12/15 Casting Strength and your successful warding spells receive an endroll bonus of 2/4/6/8/10, but each attack costs 5 mana and 5 stamina. Upon activation you gain Mana Sever, preventing you from receiving mana from your fellow adventurers for 2 minutes.
Chronomage Collusion Yes Passive chronocollusion You have a 2/4/6/8/10% chance to blink to avoid an attack. At Tier 3, it grants 1x/day use of the Chronomage Teleportation System, and 2x/day a Tier 5.
Imaera's Balm Yes Activated ??? Your wounds and scars heal instantly. Cooldown: 1x/day.
Mana Shield No Activated ??? You gain 2d20 damage padding for 60 seconds. For every point of damage absorbed by the shield, 1 point of mana is drained. Cooldown: 5 mins.
Mystic Impulse Yes Passive ??? After hitting an enemy with a weapon attack or an unarmed strike, you have a 2/4/6/8/10% chance to gain Mystic Momentum for 60 seconds. Your next spell cast under the effects of Mystic Momentum incurs no mana cost and gains +50 Attack Strength and +30 Casting Strength.
One Shot, One Kill Yes Passive ??? Your aimed attack failures have a 10/15/20/25/30% chance to strike the target as if it were vulnerable.
Pixie's Mischief Yes Passive ??? Your debuff spells cost 1/2/3 less mana to cast, to a minimum of 1 mana, and your cast roundtime for debuff spells is reduced by 0/0/1 second, to a minimum of 1 second.
Reckless Precision Yes Activated ??? For 30 seconds, you lose 50 DS. During this time, your attacks are 5% less likely to be evaded, blocked, and parried, your aimed attacks are 25% less likely to miss their mark, and the Damage Factor of your attacks is increased by 5%. Cooldown: 90 sec.
Spellblade's Fury Yes Activated ??? You expend 30 mana to enter a heightened state for 1 minute. Your Attack Strength is increased by 3/6/9/12/15% of your Spell Aim ranks, but each attack costs 10 mana. Upon activation you gain Mana Sever, preventing you from receiving mana from your fellow adventurers for 1 minute. Cooldown: 3 min.
Stolen Power Yes Passive stolenpower Your offensive spells have a standard flare chance to trigger an SMR roll against the target. On a failure, the target is inflicted with a random attack spell that cannot be warded off. Spells include Blood Burst, Bone Shatter, Dark Catalyst, Disintegrate, Divine Fury, Immolation, Pain, Repentance, Thought Lash, and Wither. This chance is reduced for each tier below 3.
Thorns of [Damage Type] No Triggered ??? You gain a standard chance to flare with [Damage Type] when an enemy targets you with an attack, whether or not the attack hits.
Trueshot Yes Passive ??? Your attacks with ranged weapons have a standard flare chance to gain true strike, reducing the attack's d100 by 20/30/40/50/60 while adding the same amount to the endroll, and reducing the target's ability to evade, block, and parry by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Unearthly Chains No Activated ??? You summon a ghostly vortex that sprouts ethereal chains. Enemy creatures in your room and adjacent rooms must make an SMR test. On a failure, enemies are pulled into your room if they are not currently there, immobilized, and take disruption damage. Cooldown: 3 mins.
Witchhunter's Ascendancy Yes Activated ??? You enter a heightened state for 30 seconds. During this state, you gain Attack Strength equal to 50% of the Defensive Strength of spells on all creatures in the room, up to a maximum of 100. Additionally, all of your attacks have guaranteed dispel flares. Cooldown: 3 min.


For messaging for some legendary properties, click here.

Arcanist's Blade:

  • First-person: With arcane intent, you reach inward, binding the flows of mana within you to your physical prowess in order to bolster your attacks!
  • Third-person: As Leafiara takes on a focused expression, fine threads of violet-blue energy chase each other across her form and sink within.

Arcanist's Will:

  • First-person: A torrent of mythical energy surges through you, awakening an ancient power within your soul!
  • Third-person: A dazzling corona of mythical energy envelops Leafiara!

Imaera's Balm:

  • First-person: All around you, streaks of autumnal color flare from the ground, joining with your flesh in an effervescent and restorative burst. Your wounds tug closed, leaving unmarred skin behind.
  • Third-person: All around Leafiara, streaks of autumnal color flare from the ground, joining with her flesh in an illuminating rush. Leafiara's wounds tug closed, leaving unmarred skin behind.

Stolen Power:

  • First-person: **An inky black mist coils around your forearms as your spell reforms into a forgery of Divine Fury!**
  • Third person: ???

Unearthly Chains:

  • First-person: You open yourself to worlds beyond this one, summoning forth a mass of ghostly chains. Clanking and clattering with a sepulchral metallic sound, they streak outward like hungry snakes in search of prey!
  • Third-person: ???
  • Combat messaging: ???

Witchhunter's Ascendancy:

First-person combat messaging:

You begin to inhale deeply...
Threads of arcane power separate themselves from a flayed gigas disciple, drawn through the air, swiftly driven towards your waiting palms.
Exhaling, your hands pulse with threads of stolen energy.  The power of an apex predator awakens within you!

Third-person combat messaging:

Leafiara begins to inhale deeply...
Threads of arcane power separate themselves from a flayed gigas disciple, drawn through the air, swiftly driven towards Leafiara's waiting palms.
Exhaling, Leafiara's hands pulse with threads of stolen energy as she looks supercharged with power!