Glamour crystal
Crystal of Concealment
a dark crystal - Looking into the crystal you see the distorted image of a figure dressed in an austere sable robe.
- Scripts -
Tsin hangs his dark crystal pendant around his neck.
As the robed figure removes a dark crystal pendant from around its neck the air around it seems to waver oddly as Tsin is revealed in its place.
As Tsin rubs his dark crystal the air around him seems to flicker slightly and then a robed figure is standing in his place.
>l at tsin You see a tall, fairly slender figure with features hidden by a deeply hooded, austere sable robe.
TOUCH (changes colors): As you stroke your fingers along the faceted sides of your dark crystal it flickers momentarily and the color of the glamour surrounding you shifts.
As the robed figure touches its dark crystal it flickers momentarily as the color of the figure's robe shifts.
6 different color options: dark, black, brown, sable, ebon, grey