Implosion (720)
This spell will destroy all of the air around the target(s) in a specific area, subjecting them to 'vacuum' injuries. As the air rushes back into the area (a moment later), the target(s) will not only be subjected to the force of the returning air, but it is likely that surrounding objects will fly at them, potentially striking them and doing added damage. This spell can be truly devastating.
Focused Implosion
This is the version of the spell most often used. When targeted at a particular creature or player, the spell will create a temporary void that does immediate damage. The damage done is based on a hidden random roll, your level in relation to the level of your target, Sorcery spell ranks, and Spell Aiming training. In addition to the damage done by the void itself, the spell will cause loose items on the ground to be sucked inside, adding to the damage done.
This spell will always stun a stunnable target, but it also has a chance of stunning additional targets in the room on a focused cast. Up to six targets can be stunned with no training. Training in Multi-Opponent Combat will increase the number of targets stunned by one per rank. Having training in Multi-Opponent Combat will increase the number of certain stuns. This means that each rank will ensure that at least one other stunnable creature in the room is stunned from the focused implosion cast.
While this spell is generally not very powerful at lower levels, it becomes quite potent for most sorcerers around their 40's. One unfortunate side-effect of its relatively large percentage of instant kills is that often a body will not be left behind, meaning the sorcerer receives no treasure from that kill.
Training in Elemental Mana Control, Spiritual Mana Control, and Mental Mana Control will reduce the cost of a focused cast by up to six mana, taking it down to 14. Generally, a sorcerer hunting a like-leveled opponent who is fully 2x in two of these mana controls will have a cost of 16 mana per cast. Hunting targets above one's own level will increase the mana per cast, mitigating this training. No matter what, the cost will never exceed 20 mana.
Casting this spell on stunned, bound, or prone targets will increase its damage and chance of instantly killing that target.
Unfocused Implosion
This version of the spell is untargeted. When cast, the spell creates a longer-lasting void in the room that will pulse four times, doing damage and potentially instantly killing anything in the immediate and adjacent rooms. Each pulse becomes more powerful than the last, meaning that the most devastating results generally come from the last two pulses.
When the spell is initially cast, it will cause any loose items to be sucked into the void. It will also automatically suck in any bound, prone, or stunned targets without a warding roll or level check. As items are sucked into the void upon its initial opening, they may strike targets in the room. If those targets are stunned from the damage, they will immediately be sucked into the void.
This version of the spell will always cost 20 mana.
Implosion and the Justice System
The casting of a focused implosion in town will automatically garner a warrant for arrest. Casting an unfocused version of this spell within town limits will not only result in a warrant, but it will also rebound upon the caster. This rebound effect is turned off when the justice system has been turned off due to town invasions. The spell becomes completely legal under these circumstances.
Implosion and Registered Items
Items that have been registered under the new registration system (implemented with Gemstone IV) will not be sucked into the void, thereby reducing the chances that these items will be accidently lost. This protection does NOT extend to implosions cast by hostile creatures. These implosions will ignore the registration status of items.