Krynch maneuver (saved post)

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Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: Critters and Creatures
Message #: 4978
Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 9/15/2007 9:32:48 PM
Subject: Of Rolling Rocks and Grim Gazes.

A couple of creature maneuvers have been updated tonight, after a review of their previous effectiveness.

First, the boulder roll maneuver employed by both regular krynches and greater krynches has been modified in the following manner:

  • Non-visible targets of the roll will receive a significant bonus to avoiding the maneuver.
  • Critical failures will result in partial immobility, instead of the previous full immobility, and will last only as long as the roundtime induced by the failure.
  • Critical failure will result in only a significant stance reduction, instead of the previous full stance reduction.
  • A new tier of successful maneuver avoidance has been added, which will result in no roundtime, and will not reveal non-visible targets.
  • The maneuver will no longer always be performed upon the creature's generation.
  • The maneuver will now also be performed on occasion when the krynch moves from room to room.

Second, the freezing gaze attack of the various cockatrice creatures has been modified to more modern mechanics. Side effects may include dizzy spells, depression, and unconsiousness.
