Queen Morph Banishment

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This log is from the viewpoint of Iscikella Zinnonn. All second person references, therefore, refer to said character.

Feastday, day 20 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5103

[An Icy Cavern] Shimmering, heatless white flames dance atop tall spires of ice, forming a ring of cold fire on the outskirts of this majestic cavern. More icy shafts plunge like spears from the arching ceiling. Silvery tendrils of frost spiderweb the packed earth walls, which are impossibly steep and sheer at all points save one -- an almost imperceptibly shallower incline that leads up to a recessed ledge. The prospect is not encouraging. You also see the icy blue Vivil disk, the Chomm disk, an Iscikella morph that appears rather calm, a Chomm morph that appears rather calm, an Alleatha morph that appears rather calm, a Tayre morph that appears rather calm, a Tazelhoffe morph that appears rather calm, a Daina morph that appears rather calm, a Tazelhoffe morph that appears rather calm, a Hrvac morph that appears rather calm, a Khaitiff morph that appears rather calm, an Alleatha morph that appears rather calm, a Hrvac morph that appears rather calm, a Barttonium morph that appears rather calm, a Khaitiff morph that appears rather calm, an Imraith morph, a Ridgehar morph that appears rather calm, a Valicar morph that appears rather calm, a Khaitiff morph that appears rather calm, a Natsuki morph that appears rather calm, an Imraith morph that appears rather calm, a Tayre morph that appears rather calm, a Ridgehar morph that appears rather calm, a Ridgehar morph that appears rather calm and a colossal translucent sphere of ice. Also here: Lord Lassitar who is lying down, Scaxton, Mange, Soulss, Daina, Alleatha, Barttonium, Ridgehar, Lady Silversoft, Chomm, Karzak, Vivil, High Lord Hrvac, Great Lady Natsuki, Valicar, Imraith, Tayre, Tazelhoffe, Great Lord Khaitiff Obvious exits: none

Pheyrmerrin just climbed down a hazardous incline.

Mekthros just climbed down a hazardous incline.

Mange says, "take them out one at a time"

A Hrvac morph's legs slowly melt into his torso lowering him to the ground. They then extrude outwards again pushing him back to his full height.

Daina says, "We're not trying to kill her though"

A Khaitiff morph's right arm ripples and changes into a wavy, fluid-like tendril. The morph concentrates for a moment, as he does, a deep blue aura springs up around the arm and it returns to its solidified form. A Khaitiff morph's form twists in on itself until he is facing the other direction.

Valicar says, "we will all die if we don't sanct at first"

Tayre says, "Yes but Pheyrmerrin can't work in a sanct"

A v'reen morph's form twists in on itself until it is facin the other direction.

Daina says, "Ahh"

Daina nods to Tayre.

Khaitiff coldly says, "Thats right"

A Hrvac morph's body fades momentarily through the colors of the rainbow.

Khaitiff nods to Tayre.

Daina says, "I had forgotten."

Natsuki recites: "It will drop the sanct if the sancter goes into a major sanct"

A Natsuki morph stretches her arms outward until her hands almost touch. As she does, arcs of electricity shoot between the fingers of each hand.

An Iscikella morph stretches her arms outward until her hands almost touch. As she does, arcs of electricity shoot between the fingers of each hand.

A Hrvac morph's body fades momentarily through the colors of the rainow.

A Barttonium morph stretches his arms outward until his hands almost touch. As he does, arcs of electricity shoot between the fingers of each hand.

Mekthros recites: "Alright, listen. They're calmed."

You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Major Sanctuary spell... You gesture. A brilliant light bathes you as your surroundings blur for a moment...

[Sanctuary] A grey, swirling mist surrounds you, its tendrils creeping around your feet and twisting into a thick, translucent mass that vaguely forms a curved wall around the chamber. A feeling of calmness and protection passes over you as you sense that nothing harmful may pass the swirling walls. Obvious exits: out

You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair... You concentrate. Your right leg feels better.

You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Scar Repair... You concentrate. Your right leg feels better.

Today is Restday, day 21 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5103. It is 00:37 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.

Today is Restday, day 21 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5103. It is 00:41 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.

A bright light surrounds you and your visions of sanctuary slowly fade...

[An Icy Cavern] Shimmering, heatless white flames dance atop tall spires of ice, forming a ring of cold fire on the outskirts of this majestic cavern. More icy shafts plunge like spears from the arching ceiling. Silvery tendrils of frost spiderweb the packed earth walls, which are impossibly steep and sheer at all points save one -- an almost imperceptibly shallower incline that leads up to a recessed ledge. The prospect is not encouraging. You also see the Scaxton disk, a weathered fel coffer, a rotting thanot box, a piece of green jade, a piece of yellow jade, a star sapphire, some golden rhimar-bloom, a pink tourmaline, a metal wand, an oaken wand, some acantha leaf, a copper lockpick, a star ruby, a copper lockpick, a steel lockpick, the icy blue Vivil disk, the Chomm disk and a colossal translucent sphere of ice. Also here: Mekthros, Pheyrmerrin, Lord Lassitar, Scaxton, Mange, Soulss, Daina, Alleatha, Barttonium, Ridgehar, Lady Silversoft, Chomm, Vivil, High Lord Hrvac, Great Lady Natsuki, Valicar, Imraith, Tayre, Tazelhoffe, Great Lord Khaitiff Obvious exits: none

Imraith gestures at a colossal translucent sphere of ice. A stream of fire flares around a colossal translucent sphere of ice, causing ice to fall of in small chunks and melt before you!

Alleatha bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with her moon axe! Chomm bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his rolaren war hammer! Valicar bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his rolaren morning star! Khaitiff bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his black vultite axe! Tayre bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his eonake falchion! Soulss bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his shimmering ora warmace! Scaxton bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his drake flamberge!

The floor begins to ripple and a v'reen morph flows upward out of it!

Natsuki bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with her eonake mace! Ridgehar bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his vultite talon sword! Valicar bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his rolaren morning star! Silversoft bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with her black vultite falchion!

Mange traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Mange gestures at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! Its eyes flash with a searing jolt of light! It is massively stunned!

Daina gestures at a colossal translucent sphere of ice. A stream of fire flares around a colossal translucent sphere of ice, causing ice to fall of in small chunks and melt before you!

Karzak leaps from hiding to attack! Karzak swings a tarnished rolaren longsword at a v'reen morph! Awesome shot skewers skull! The v'reen morph blinks once and falls quite dead! A v'reen morph collapses into a quivering gelatinous mass that finally stops shaking.

Soulss bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his shimmering ora warmace! Scaxton bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his drake flamberge!

Imraith gestures at a colossal translucent sphere of ice. A stream of fire flares around a colossal translucent sphere of ice, causing ice to fall of in small chunks and melt before you!

Khaitiff bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his black vultite axe! Lassitar bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his silvered eonake hatchet! Natsuki bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with her eonake mace! Valicar bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his rolaren morning star! Alleatha bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with her moon axe! Tayre bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his eonake falchion! Chomm bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his rolaren war hammer!

You ask, "Did ye get the queen?"

Soulss bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his shimmering ora warmace! Natsuki bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with her eonake mace! Scaxton bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his drake flamberge! Khaitiff bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his black vultite axe!

Daina says, "Not yet"

Imraith gestures at a colossal translucent sphere of ice. A stream of fire flares around a colossal translucent sphere of ice, causing ice to fall of in small chunks and melt before you!

Scaxton bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his drake flamberge!

Daina looks over at you and shakes her head.

Tayre bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his eonake falchion! Silversoft bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with her black vultite falchion! Ridgehar bashes at the translucent sphere of ice with his vultite talon sword!

With a sound like the smashing of an entire set of fine china, the icy sphere detonates. Silvery shards arc in all directions, and a hail of v'reen eggs splatters to the floor.

Unlike her offspring, the queen morph is unharmed by her impact with the rock. She rears up in a tsunami-sized wave of blue gelatin, ready to crush every intruder whom her blazing red eyes espy. A queen morph leaps up from the ruins of a ruined translucent sphere of ice!

Valicar says, "workin on it"

A queen morph keens some indecipherable sounds.

Daina says, "Soon as we get the sphere"

Mange traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Mange gestures at a queen morph. Warded off!

Pheyrmerrin exclaims, "There!"

Mekthros picks up a silvery v'reen egg shard. Mekthros put a silvery v'reen egg shard in his hooded cloak.

Vivil softly says, "queen"

Mekthros picks up a silvery v'reen egg shard. Mekthros put a silvery v'reen egg shard in his hooded cloak.

Daina says, "There she is"

Mekthros picks up a silvery v'reen egg shard. Mekthros put a silvery v'reen egg shard in his hooded cloak.

Karzak comes out of hiding. Karzak crouches, sweeps a leg at a queen morph and connects! Failed! Karzak futilely whacks a queen morph's legs!

Khaitiff coldly says, "There it is"

Vivil picks up a silvery v'reen egg shard.

Barttonium gestures at a queen morph. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards a queen morph. Warded off! A queen morph avoids the webbing.

Imraith gestures at a queen morph. Warded off! A queen morph is unaffected.

Mekthros picks up a silvery v'reen egg shard. Mekthros put a silvery v'reen egg shard in his hooded cloak.

Mekthros picks up a silvery v'reen egg shard. Mekthros put a silvery v'reen egg shard in his hooded cloak.

Daina recites: "Bind her"

Mange gestures at a queen morph. Warding failed! Its eyes flash with a searing jolt of light! It is lightly stunned!

Khaitiff picks up a silvery v'reen egg shard.

Pheyrmerrin exclaims, "Pin her down, don't let her shift!"

Vivil picks up a silvery v'reen egg shard.

Tayre turns to Mange and cheers!

Imraith gestures at a queen morph. Warded off! A queen morph is unaffected.

Barttonium gestures at a queen morph. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards a queen morph. Warded off! A queen morph avoids the webbing.

Mange traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Mange gestures at a queen morph. Warded off!

Mekthros exclaims, "Keep it stunned!"

Mekthros traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Mekthros gestures at a queen morph. Nothing happens.

Chomm gestures at a queen morph. Warded off!

Pheyrmerrin casts growled aspersions on a queen morph's character and makeup.

Daina gestures at a queen morph. Warded off! A queen morph is unaffected.

Mange gestures at a queen morph. A thread of brackish blue magic issues forth from Mange's hand toward the queen morph. It coils itself around it, whirling malevolently before disappearing within its body. A queen morph shakes slightly and looks very vulnerable!

Imraith gestures at a queen morph. Warding failed! A queen morph's eyes roll up into its head as it slumps to the ground.

Barttonium gestures at a queen morph. A queen morph is awakened by Barttonium's attack! The queen morph blinks momentarily.

Mekthros gestures at a queen morph. As the tendril of brackish blue magic leaves his hand, it is deflected away from the creature and disspates harmlessly into the air.

Mange gestures at a queen morph. Warding failed! Its eyes flash with a searing jolt of light! It is heavily stunned!

Pheyrmerrin gives a sigh of relief.

Imraith says, "got her"

You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell... You gesture at a queen morph. Warded off!

Mekthros recites: "Keep it stunned."

Pheyrmerrin says, "Now hold her there."

The floor begins to ripple and a v'reen morph flows upward out of it!

You exclaim, "Gad!"

Barttonium gestures at a v'reen morph. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph is firmly webbed in place.

Pheyrmerrin takes a deep breath.

Mange gestures at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! Its eyes flash with a searing jolt of light! It is massively stunned!

Mekthros gestures at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence! Flames burn neck into a bubbling mass of flesh. Forget lunch. Icy blast takes right arm off at the shoulder! The morph's amorphous goo falls to the ground. Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes right leg to knee joint. Won't be using it for awhile. A v'reen morph falls to the ground grasping its mangled right leg! Good blow to the abdomen!

Tayre gestures at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! Strike to solar plexus drops the v'reen morph to the ground, stunned.

With the tip of his staff, Pheyrmerrin quickly traces a circle around the perimeter of the huge v'reen morph, stepping inside the circle's boundary as he finishes it.

Khaitiff gestures at a queen morph. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards a queen morph. Warded off! A queen morph avoids the webbing.

Valicar says, "careful not to hit her"

Tayre swings a dark eonake falchion at a v'reen morph! Slash to the v'reen morph's chest! Breathe deep, it'll feel better in a minute.

Tayre says, "Heh"

Mange gestures at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! The morph is already far too stunned to be affected.

Khaitiff's jaw drops.

Barttonium gestures at a queen morph. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards a queen morph. Warded off! A queen morph avoids the webbing.

Khaitiff coldly says, "Ugh"

You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell... You gesture at a queen morph. Warded off!

Barttonium warmly says, "esh"

Valicar swings a spiked rolaren morning star at a v'reen morph! Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray. A v'reen morph collapses into a quivering gelatinous mass that finally stops shaking.

Mange gestures at a queen morph. Warding failed! The morph is already far too stunned to be affected.

Mekthros recites: "Be wary of aiming for morphs - you may hit the Queen."

You say, "Ye better do this fast, Faendryl."

Daina asks, "You need anything from us Pheyrmerrin?"

Valicar says, "aim for the V'reen ones"

A queen morph is able to move again.

Pheyrmerrin traces a second circle, this one of interlocking runes, inside the first lightly traced circle on the frosty ground.

The floor begins to ripple and a v'reen morph flows upward out of it!

Mange traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Mange gestures at a queen morph. Warding failed! Its eyes flash with a searing jolt of light! It is heavily stunned!

Pheyrmerrin exclaims, "Get her!"

Karzak crouches, sweeps a leg at a v'reen morph and connects! Success! A v'reen morph falls to the ground! Karzak deftly regains his footing.

Mekthros says, "Step aside and let him work."

Valicar swings a spiked rolaren morning star at a v'reen morph! Awesome shot skewers skull! The v'reen morph blinks once and falls quite dead! A v'reen morph collapses into a quivering gelatinous mass that finally stops shaking.

Silversoft gestures at a queen morph. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards a queen morph. Warded off! A queen morph avoids the webbing.

You say, "That's one wicked lady morph."

Pheyrmerrin gives a sigh of relief.

Mekthros says, "Valicar, watch it."

Daina nods.

Pheyrmerrin dips his hand inside a pocket of his cloak and then lightly dusts the morph's gooey body with a fine, faintly silvery-green powder.

The queen morph blinks momentarily.

Mange traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Mange gestures at a queen morph. Warding failed! Its eyes flash with a searing jolt of light! It is heavily stunned!

Flashes of iridescence burst from the morph's body as the powder strikes its flesh, and the creature twists and keens miserably, though it cannot escape its bonds. With every flash, the white flames lighting the cavern flare brilliantly, reacting to the struggle and pain of the queen morph.

Tayre cackles!

The floor begins to ripple and a v'reen morph flows upward out of it!

Karzak swings a tarnished rolaren longsword at a v'reen morph! Gruesome, slashing blow to the side of the v'reen morph's head! Skull split open! Brain (and life) vanishes in a fine mist. A v'reen morph collapses into a quivering gelatinous mass that finally stops shaking.

A queen morph shakes off the magic.

Pheyrmerrin places his palm flat against the morph's gelatinous forehead, shuddering in disgust as he does so, and then chants a litany of twisting arcane syllables.

Mekthros gestures at a queen morph. Warded off!

Mange gestures at a queen morph. Warding failed! Its eyes flash with a searing jolt of light! It is heavily stunned!

You say, "She seems to be getting stronger."

Bolts of iridescent energy lashes from the queen morph in all directions! The world is briefly extinguished in a painfully bright flare of rainbow colors, and your vision fades only slowly back into existence.

You say, "Better move, Faendryl."

Mange traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Mange gestures at a queen morph. Warding failed! The morph is already far too stunned to be affected.

The body of the massive queen morph shimmers slowly out of existence.

Pheyrmerrin staggers and almost falls, but recovers his balance.

The floor begins to ripple and a v'reen morph flows upward out of it!

Mange traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Mange gestures at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! Its eyes flash with a searing jolt of light! It is massively stunned!

Mekthros moves to stand behind Pheyrmerrin.

Barttonium gestures. A thorny vine suddenly sprouts from the ground and begins to thrash about violently! The thorny vine lashes out violently at a v'reen morph, dragging it to the ground!

Valicar swings a spiked rolaren morning star at a v'reen morph! Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray. A v'reen morph collapses into a quivering gelatinous mass that finally stops shaking.

You say, "She shimmered out."

Pheyrmerrin says, "In a moment, she'll be back...."

Mekthros glances at Pheyrmerrin.

Tayre frowns at Pheyrmerrin.

You nod to Pheyrmerrin.

Daina asks, "Get ready for the shadow yes?"

Mekthros recites: "She will return in shadow form."

Karzak asks, "An then?"

Valicar asks, "that might be it then?"

Mekthros recites: "Watch yourselves."

Tazelhoffe asks, "kill her?"

You say, "Light spells."

Mekthros recites: "Use Lesser Shroud and other light-based spells."

Vivil softly asks, "was that it?"

Hrvac confidently says, "dont kill her"

You say, "Anything that makes light."

Tazelhoffe says, "ah"

Tayre recites: "Alkars is effective against shadow morphs."

Pheyrmerrin distractedly says, "She's only half-gone, now... but if you destroy the part of her that's in this world, she'll be gone forever... and, hopefully, all those to whom she's bound."

Tazelhoffe nods. Khaitiff nods.

The floor begins to ripple and a v'reen morph flows upward out of it!

You say, "Where is the shadow fragment."

Valicar swings a spiked rolaren morning star at a v'reen morph! Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray. A v'reen morph collapses into a quivering gelatinous mass that finally stops shaking.

Valicar grins maniacally!

Khaitiff coldly says, "Alrighty"

Dark swirls of shadow coalesce and fade again within the circle, dancing almost playfully in and out of existence.

Scaxton smacks his lips.

Hrvac confidently asks, "so we killing her now?"

Hrvac chuckles.

Vivil softly asks, "where is the queen?"

Natsuki sleepily says, "when she comes that is"

Karzak looks over at Hrvac and shakes his head.

Pheyrmerrin stares intently at the swirling shadows.

Vivil softly asks, "is guards a light spell?"

You nod to Vivil.

You say, "It is."

Vivil nods.

Barttonium makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase... Barttonium gestures. A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Barttonium's hand! Valicar is revealed from hiding!

Barttonium warmly says, "er"

Barttonium warmly says, "sorry"

Barttonium chuckles. Valicar chuckles.

Mange says, "should i stun her again"

Pheyrmerrin mutters, "Any moment now..."

(Iscikella watches for the shadow fragment.)

Khaitiff grins at Pheyrmerrin.

Hrvac confidently says, "Murp, dont kill the queen"

Kerl glances at Pheyrmerrin.

More strands of shadow weave into reality in the center of the protective circle, with the free ends lashing about like hundreds of vipers knotted together by their tails.

Karzak says, "Coupla stragglers."

Karzak grins.

Valicar says, "I think just blast her, Mange. But I would get a second opintion"

Murp says, "We were watching yer backs..."

You say, "No."

You say, "Light spells."

Daina recites: "When the shadow form comes back only light spells will work, such as alkars."

Tayre says, "Not literally light."

The shadowy threads slowly dissolve into thin air, leaving the protective circle empty once again.

Pheyrmerrin gets a blank look on his face.

You say, "Only light spells, alkars, brillies, brights, sunburst."

Natsuki stares at Pheyrmerrin.

Pheyrmerrin frowns.

You say, "Those kind."

Murp grins.

Tayre says, "Ah"

You blink at Pheyrmerrin.

Imraith nods to you.

Mekthros glances at Pheyrmerrin.

Natsuki sleepily says, "I think what I just saw was an..."

Natsuki coughs.

Tayre says, "What about...."

Tayre traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition... Tayre gestures. The area becomes brighter.

Tayre grins.

Tayre asks, "LIght?"

Natsuki sleepily asks, "what we call a failure?"

Pheyrmerrin says, "I don't know..."

Natsuki rubs her chin thoughtfully.

A peculiar shimmer passes through the air, rife with as many shadowy opalescent hues as the depths of a black opal.

Natsuki ponders.

Pheyrmerrin takes a few steps back.

Natsuki sleepily says, "em maybe not"

Mekthros takes a few steps back.

Natsuki sleepily says, "this takes a while to work don't it"

Natsuki yawns.

Pheyrmerrin says, "It didn't last time."

Daina takes a few steps back.

Tayre sighs.

You shake your head.

You say, "Shouldn't be this long."

Pheyrmerrin says, "But the queen may be different than her children..."

You bite your lip.

Natsuki sleepily says, "well it's certainly looking so...."

A pillar of faintly rainbow-edged shadow swirls into existence in the center of the circle of protection. Within seconds, it coalesces into the form of a massive queen morph, which gazes out of the circle with dark red, hate-filled eyes.

Lassitar gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Daina says, "Mayhap she fights harder."

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morh, dispelling some of its darkness!

You exclaim, "Wait!"

Natsuki sleepily says, "uh oh"

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures. A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Tazelhoffe's hand! White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Daina says, "There it is."

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Pheyrmerrin exclaims, "There!"

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Daina exclaims, "Light spells folks!"

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Pheyrmerrin gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Imraith gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Mekthros gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Daina gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Imraith gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mekthros gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

0Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Valicar asks, "we kill it now, no?"

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre says, "I'm outta mana."

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre hums distractedly to himself.

Kerl rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Vivil softly asks, "any spare mana?"

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Lassitar asks, "mana?"

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Vivil gestures at a shadowy queen morph.

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac confidently says, "tapped"

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You say, "None here either."

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Mekthros says, "Mana required if anyone has it."

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Pheyrmerrin stares intently at the shadowy queen morph, brow furrowed in concentration.

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Vivil rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre says, "Light works too. NOt just alkars, for you major spirit casters."

Silversoft gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Daina says, "Brights and silvers do not work, for the record."

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac confidently says, "tapped"

Vivil softly says, "brights are not working"

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Lassitar says, "tapped"

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Silversoft says, "need mana"

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Natsuki sleepily says, "tapped here too"

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Khaitiff coldly says, "Tapped here as well"

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Mekthros says, "I am completely out."

Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Alleatha says, "I don't have any left to send either"

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Daina says, "Most of us are I fear"

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff coldly says, "She is a strong one"

Hrvac snickers.

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Mekthros gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Natsuki sleepily says, "lemme see wonder if I have a sunburst wand"

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Mekthros gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Mekthros gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Mekthros gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac confidently says, "tapped"

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Lassitar says, "tapped"

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Kerl says, "I've a smidgen if someone needs it"

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You say, "Come on, mana streams -- pulse."

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Pheyrmerrin gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Mekthros gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Pheyrmerrin gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Pheyrmerrin gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Chomm gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You gesture at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Khaitiff sways back and forth.

Hrvac mutters mana.

Lassitar says, "tapped"

A wave of power flows out of Tazelhoffe and toward a shadowy queen morph.

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Valicar nods.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Chomm says, "me too"

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You nod.

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You say, "Know the feeling."

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe says, "hm"

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Khaitiff coldly exclaims, "It was all a trick to get us to waste our mana!"

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe says, "blessed it"

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Chomm chuckles.

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Pheyrmerrin gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Natsuki gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Soulss gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Motes of golden light coalesce around a shadowy queen morph, dispersing some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Hrvac gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

A wave of power flows out of Khaitiff and toward a shadowy queen morph.

Pheyrmerrin exclaims, "Why won't you go, already!"

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Pheyrmerrin curses at a shadowy queen morph darkly, his eyes narrowing in spite.

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Pheyrmerrin gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You chuckle.

Scaxton smacks his lips.

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Chomm chuckles.

Mekthros mutters under his breath.

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Pheyrmerrin gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Hrvac whistles tunelessly to himself.

Tayre blinks.

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Scaxton just tried to pull a shadowy queen morph.

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Pheyrmerrin gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures at a shadowy queen morph. Brightness swirls like a vortex around a shadowy queen morph, causing bits of darkness to disperse into the air.

Hrvac confidently says, "tapped"

Barttonium gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

Mange gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Natsuki sleepily says, "obviously it doesn't want to...."

Lassitar yells, "DIE!"

Natsuki pants.

Lassitar gestures at a shadowy queen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy queen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Murp gestures at a shadowy queen morph. A bright burst of light causes a huge chunk of shadow to disappear from a shadowy queen morph!

The queen morph begins to fade away, its inky blackness being completely shattered by the light!

Valicar says, "gone"

Daina says, "It's gone"

Mekthros says, "Now."

Murp roars!

A shroud of brilliant rainbow light abruptly blazes around a shadowy queen morph, almost blindingly bright in intensity. Before there is time to blink, the center of the rainbow shroud turns to a pure white hue, and then shroud and morph alike have vanished entirely.

Lassitar grins.

You exclaim, "Go back into the other valance, queen. Damn ye!"

Mekthros says, "Watch."

Murp covers his eyes with his hands.

Pheyrmerrin slowly empties his lungs.

Barttonium warmly asks, "we win?"

Vivil blinks.

Barttonium gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

An ominous silence falls over the deserted v'reen burrow.

You sigh.

Vivil softly asks, "was that it?"

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

Tazelhoffe says, "wow."

Natsuki sleepily says, "hope that's the end of it"

Lassitar pants.

You say, "Thank Lumnis."

Pheyrmerrin softly says, "Yes. We win."

Silversoft throws her head back and howls! Imraith lets out a cheer! Daina turns to Pheyrmerrin and cheers!

Khaitiff coldly asks, "Did we get all of them?"

Valicar grins. Hrvac lets out a cheer! Mange lets out a cheer! Natsuki lets out a cheer! Lassitar grins at Pheyrmerrin. Vivil lets out a cheer! Lassitar lets out a cheer! Khaitiff lets out a cheer! Imraith applauds Pheyrmerrin. As Lassitar slices his hatchet through the air, it emanates a hollow whine. Hrvac turns to Pheyrmerrin and cheers! Mange raises his slender steel longsword in triumph! Ridgehar lets out a cheer!

Kerl rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Karzak raises his ogre horn skyward! Chomm grins. Lassitar raises his silvered eonake hatchet in triumph! Karzak takes a drink from his ogre horn. You say, "I give ye credit, Faendryl. Ye did well."

You nod to Pheyrmerrin.

Mekthros says something in Dark Elven.

Tayre says, "It was all me."

Mekthros nods to Pheyrmerrin.

Mange bows to Pheyrmerrin.

Karzak takes a drink from his ogre horn.

Tayre yawns.

Imraith begins chuckling at Tayre!

Natsuki waves a hand at Tayre, dismissing him indifferently.

The sound of shifting rocks and creaking stones slowly filters down through the heavy silence. It seems that this burrow is not long for Elanith, just like its makers.

Tayre nods.

Tazelhoffe turns towards Pheyrmerrin and renders a sharp salute with his ora pilum.

Natsuki begins chuckling at Tayre!

Tayre says, "Uh oh"

Tayre says, "Crubmle crumble"

Khaitiff coldly asks, "Should I fog us out or stay awhile?"

Daina whispers to the group, "Let us fly out of here"

Barttonium warmly says, "well its a good thing i was here, never coulda done with without my sunburst of power"

Alleatha turns towards Pheyrmerrin and renders a sharp salute with her moon axe.

Barttonium gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Lassitar grins at Pheyrmerrin.

Valicar says, "time to go"

Vivil nods.

You nod.

Pheyrmerrin says, "Now would be a good time."

You say, "Let's go."

Lassitar and Pheyrmerrin shake hands.

Khaitiff gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Khaitiff gestures. Your surroundings blur for a moment . . .

[Top of the World, Frozen Tundra] A desolate blanket of snow stretches out endlessly, interrupted only by an enormous mountain far to the northeast. Swirling winds quickly cover any irregularities on the lifeless plains. The snowdrifts lapse to allow passage to the north and west, and an opening in the ice to the south offers some protection from the elements. Also here: Great Lord Khaitiff, Tazelhoffe, Imraith, Valicar, High Lord Hrvac, Vivil, Karzak, Chomm, Lady Silversoft, Ridgehar, Barttonium, Alleatha, Daina, Soulss, Mange, Pheyrmerrin, Mekthros, Kerl Obvious paths: north, west

Pheyrmerrin frowns.

Pheyrmerrin says, "We left a few people."

You ask, "Want me to Voln us out?"

Khaitiff coldly says, "I have bad aim"

A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Tayre.

Pheyrmerrin glances at Tayre.

Your surroundings blur for a moment . . .

[Pinefar, Infirmary] The room is aromatic, scented with bunches of herbs that hang from the beamed ceiling like garland. An oak counter is cluttered with glass canisters filled with all sorts of powders and leaves, and a bed sits against the far wall, the two pieces being the room's only furnishings. A window sporting a white linen drape offers a view of the moonlit, snowy landscape. You also see Celk the herbalist and a wooden sign. Also here: Kerl, Mekthros, Pheyrmerrin, Mange, Soulss, Daina, Alleatha, Barttonium, Ridgehar, Lady Silversoft, Chomm, Karzak, Vivil, High Lord Hrvac, Valicar, Imraith, Tazelhoffe, Great Lord Khaitiff who is lying down, Tayre Obvious exits: southeast

Pheyrmerrin says, "But I see he made it out."

Your surroundings blur into a white fog . . .

[Courtyard] The courtyard is swept with fine drifts of snow that reach over the polished granite tiles like elongated, playful fingers. From the shelter of an ancient and stately pine growing in the center of the enclosure, birdsong is a constant background, as if the serenading chorus is intent upon making up for melody lost along the silent trails leading to the plaza. An edifice rises from the granite courtyard like a temple of ice, its white stone glistening with a mantle of snow crystals. You also see the Scaxton disk, an immense granite statue and a ornately carved granite bench. Also here: Tayre, Great Lord Khaitiff who is lying down, Tazelhoffe, Imraith, Valicar, High Lord Hrvac, Vivil, Karzak, Chomm, Lady Silversoft, Ridgehar, Barttonium, Alleatha, Daina, Soulss, Mange, Pheyrmerrin, Mekthros, Kerl, Great Lady Natsuki, Scaxton, Lord Lassitar Obvious paths: northeast, northwest

Pheyrmerrin asks, "Is everyone else out?"

Natsuki sleepily says, "yep"

Khaitiff coldly exclaims, "Eghads we did it!"

Lassitar says, "No deaths"

Daina bursts out in a resounding cheer!

Silversoft grins at Lassitar.

Valicar says, "well, I was glad I was here to see it. I have to get going for now. Well done everyone. good to see everyone pull together"

Pheyrmerrin says, "Yes, Larchus."

Pheyrmerrin says, "Larchus is going to apologize to me, very sweetly, and return to me what is mine."

Khaitiff grins at Pheyrmerrin.

Karzak grins at Pheyrmerrin.

You ask, "The books?"

Natsuki begins chuckling at Pheyrmerrin! Imraith grins at Pheyrmerrin.

You cock your head at Pheyrmerrin.

Pheyrmerrin says, "And then I am going to go south and never come back."

Imraith says, "eating crow for Larchus"

Lassitar grins at Pheyrmerrin.

Scaxton deeply says, "dat be nice"

Pheyrmerrin says, "This has been the worst vacation of my life."

Scaxton nods to Pheyrmerrin. Daina frowns at Pheyrmerrin. You chuckle at Pheyrmerrin.

Tazelhoffe flashes a wide grin. Mange chuckles.

Tayre says, "I stole your staff from Larchus and gave it to a kobold."

Alleatha chuckles.

Daina asks, "Some of the company was not so bad, though?"

Soulss rubs Pheyrmerrin.

Khaitiff coldly says, "Well if you are never coming back, then I must say, I enjoyed working beside you PHeymerrin"

Tayre examines his fingernails.

Pheyrmerrin traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Daina sniffs.

Tayre wails!

Pheyrmerrin glances at Tayre.

Tayre says, "Oh."

Mekthros says, "Oh, I could think of worse things."

Pheyrmerrin utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid... Pheyrmerrin gestures at Tayre. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards Tayre. Tayre avoids a little of the webbing.

Tayre exclaims, "Yey for Voln!"

Tayre says, "Darn."

Natsuki begins chuckling at Tayre! Daina chuckles. Imraith chuckles.

The webs dissolve from around Tayre.

Lassitar says, "Good to meet you Pheyrmerrin, safe travels"

Mekthros says, "Giant insects, invaders from another dimension, an insane firemage... a council of Liches."

Mekthros says, "A Bregandian Horse."

Mekthros ponders.

Imraith grins at Mekthros.

Mekthros says, "Bregandian anythings, really."

Mekthros says, "Jantalarians."

Natsuki sleepily says, "welp hopefully this be the last of em morphs"

Mekthros says, "Humans."

Mekthros shudders.

Pheyrmerrin says, "Those were invaders from another dimension."

Pheyrmerrin says, "I still don't believe they started out here."

Barttonium utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid... Barttonium gestures at Tayre. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards Tayre. Warding failed! Tayre is firmly webbed in place.

Daina says, "I tend to agree."

Tayre says, "Bah"

Mekthros says, "I do not think so either."

Tayre says, "You know.."

You ask, "And will ye perhaps say what is in those books ye value so highly?"

Barttonium hums distractedly to himself.

Pheyrmerrin says, "You missed the mouth."

You smirk at Pheyrmerrin.

Pheyrmerrin glances at Barttonium.

Tayre says, "Web takes forever to get out of clothing."

Mekthros says, "Well, perhaps now Wyvenaveil can rest easily."

Tazelhoffe rubs Tayre.

Pheyrmerrin raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Pheyrmerrin says, "No."

Pheyrmerrin smiles blandly.

You say, "Well, ye want them back very badly from Larchus to go through all this, it seems."

Barttonium begins chuckling at Pheyrmerrin!

Pheyrmerrin says, "It is guild related. I will leave it at that."

You chuckle.

Tayre says, "It's plans to take over the whole of Elanthia."

Tayre nods to you.

Tayre says, "I know it"

Barttonium warmly says, "aye the morph queen should be back tomarrow, we can do this again then"

Barttonium gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Imraith grins at Barttonium.

Natsuki gazes up into the heavens.

Hrvac chuckles. Khaitiff chuckles. Scaxton grins at Barttonium.

Imraith says, "bite your tongue"

You say, "With a Faendryl more likely to contain the way to summon demons."

Natsuki sleepily says, "arkati I hope not"

Imraith tickles Barttonium into laughing.

You say, "In cryptic runes."

Khaitiff coldly says, "No we rid this place of them for good"

Barttonium grins at Imraith.

Khaitiff nods to Barttonium.

You chuckle.

Pheyrmerrin glances at you.

Natsuki sleepily says, "don't jinx us..."

Pheyrmerrin says, "My dear sylvan, we all know that."

Pheyrmerrin waves a hand at you, dismissing you indifferently.

Lassitar grins.

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Tayre says, "Or maybe Pheymerrin i secretly a passionate chef and they're his prized cookbooks."

Lassitar smiles at you.

Mange asks, "so that is the end of the morphs?"

Pheyrmerrin glances at Tayre.

Imraith nods to Mange.

Tayre says, "Pheyrmerrin even."

Tayre nods.

Pheyrmerrin gazes up into the heavens.

Daina begins chuckling at Tayre!

You wink at Lassitar.

Barttonium warmly says, "ah good, now i am free to seduce Vvrael witches into invading mule again"

Khaitiff pokes Natsuki in the ribs.

Barttonium nods.

Natsuki sleepily says, "we can hope"

Pheyrmerrin says, "As if my headache weren't bad enough... though success does lessen it a bit, perhaps."

Imraith begins chuckling at Barttonium! Khaitiff begins chuckling at Barttonium!

You exclaim, "Or maybe is love sonnets! To his girl!"

You wink at Lassitar.

Pheyrmerrin traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Pheyrmerrin utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid... Pheyrmerrin gestures at you. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards you. Warded off! You avoid the webbing.

Pheyrmerrin mutters darkly.

Lassitar grins at you.

Tayre nods to you.

Hrvac laughs!

Lassitar says, "I doubt it"

Shonison chuckles.

Pheyrmerrin says something in Dark Elven.

Imraith chuckles.

Pheyrmerrin glances at Mekthros.

Khaitiff bows to Pheyrmerrin.

Mekthros says, "Pheyrmerrin has a very pressing appointment with..."

Mange and Pheyrmerrin shake hands.

Tayre says, "Or maybe he has a soft spot for children and wrote a book for them. With fluffy roltons and cuddly kobolds."

Tayre nods.

You say, "Larchus."

You nod to Mekthros.

Tayre says, "And Larchus is going to exploit him"

Pheyrmerrin says, "Larchus comes to mind, yes."

Pheyrmerrin smiles.

You ask, "Ye think ye can drag him from his bed tonight?"

You cock your head at Pheyrmerrin.

Pheyrmerrin says, "Probably not, he's a lazy oaf."

Natsuki chuckles. You chuckle. Imraith chuckles.

Lassitar says, "I know some lazy oafs"

Tayre says, "Kidnap his niece. He'll be screaming down the streets in moments."

Lassitar chuckles.

Tayre nods.

Pheyrmerrin says, "And my head hurts too badly to argue at the moment... and also, I'm not sure where he is."

Pheyrmerrin glances at Tayre.

Natsuki cackles at Tayre!

Pheyrmerrin says, "If it comes to it, I will, but it seems rather trite."

You say, "Well, seems ye are stuck with staying an extra night at the inn then."

Tayre glances at Pheyrmerrin.

Natsuki sleepily says, "seems so"

Tayre says, "Endangering children..."

Tayre shakes his head at Pheyrmerrin and clucks his tongue.

Tayre says, "How.. sorceric.."

Tayre stares off into space.

Pheyrmerrin asks, "Inn?"

Natsuki sleepily says, "tayre you were the one who suggested it"

Khaitiff begins chuckling at Tayre!

Pheyrmerrin waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

Lassitar says, "only you Tayre....only you"

Tayre nods.

Natsuki begins chuckling at Lassitar!

You say, "Well, I don't imagine ye wish to sleep out in the open."

Khaitiff coldly asks, "Where to now?"

You say, "Or have they beds in the guild."

Daina asks, "Back to Mule?"

Pheyrmerrin says, "I have other accomodations, thank you."

Khaitiff coldly says, "Or shall we all just go our ways"

Tayre says, "He's rooming with a seeker."

Tayre nods.

Natsuki sleepily says, "I say we go to a bar and drink about it"

You chuckle at Tayre.

Pheyrmerrin says, "Inns here are frightening. Small, fat, poorly dressed women with hair on their feet try to enter your private quarters at far too early in the morning."

Pheyrmerrin shudders.

Khaitiff nods to Natsuki.

Natsuki sleepily says, "preferably one down in mule"

Daina nods to Pheyrmerrin.

Natsuki sleepily says, "too cold up here"

Natsuki yawns.

Daina says, "Tis why I bought a private home."

Lassitar says, "I am going to head back to Mule"

Barttonium warmly says, "cuddle up with a witch in the rift, they like it"

Lassitar says, "Good to meet you finally Pheyrmerrin"

Pheyrmerrin says, "Whoever's going back to Icemule, take me along."

Barttonium warmly asks, "where we going now? to kill the rolton king?"

Lassitar recites: "Heading to Mule"

Khaitiff recites: "Heading to Mule as well"

Khaitiff sticks out his tongue.

Murp says, "Let's make it a proper race."

Imraith says, "well done all"

[Northern Mountains, Pine Forest] The expanse of towering pines cloaked in clumps of snow is broken by the stark silhouette of a large, wrought-iron gate straddling the trail. It is unattached to a fence of any kind. Across the arched top are the words 'Pinefar Trading Post', crowned by a 'P' enclosed within a circle. Although no buildings can be seen through the gusting snow, a smudge of smoke can be glimpsed curling above the trees. You also see a major glacei, a narrow snow-covered path leading west into the pines and a brightly painted wooden gate decorated with garlands of spring flowers. Also here: Mange, Vivil, Barttonium, Tazelhoffe, Chomm, Tayre, Mekthros, Karzak, Pheyrmerrin, Lord Shonison, Great Lady Natsuki, Murp, Alleatha, Lord Lassitar Obvious paths: north, east

A minor glacei slides in, followed by a hailing icestorm!

A major glacei flashes with a brilliant icy blue light as large chunks of ice fly from its body! Mange barely dodges a large chunk of ice! Vivil is struck by a large chunk of ice! Slivers of ice slice Vivil's throat into ribbons of flesh and blood! He is stunned! Barttonium barely dodges a large chunk of ice! Tazelhoffe barely dodges a large chunk of ice! Chomm barely dodges a large chunk of ice! Tayre is struck by a large chunk of ice! Tayre falters as a chill blast of air strikes his left leg! He is stunned! Mekthros barely dodges a large chunk of ice! You barely dodge a large chunk of ice! Karzak barely dodges a large chunk of ice! Pheyrmerrin is struck by a large chunk of ice! What was once Pheyrmerrin's right leg shatters with the well placed strike! Pheyrmerrin screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg! He is stunned! Shonison barely dodges a large chunk of ice! Natsuki barely dodges a large chunk of ice! Murp barely dodges a large chunk of ice! Alleatha barely dodges a large chunk of ice! Lassitar barely dodges a large chunk of ice!

Lassitar traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition... Lassitar gestures. A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.

Natsuki glances at Pheyrmerrin.

Mekthros gestures at Pheyrmerrin. The glazed look leaves Pheyrmerrin.

Murp raises an eyebrow.

Pheyrmerrin curses darkly, his eyes narrowing in spite.

You pull Pheyrmerrin to his feet.

Vivil softly says, "ouch"

Tayre says, "Um"

You take a quick appraisal of Pheyrmerrin and find that he has a completely severed right leg. He is bleeding from the right leg.

Tayre says, "Um"

Tayre coughs.

Pheyrmerrin exclaims, "Don't pull me up, woman, my leg is coming off!"

Pheyrmerrin leans on his staff.

You kneel down. You meditate over Pheyrmerrin. Pheyrmerrin's right leg damage is transferred to you.

A pained expression crosses Pheyrmerrin's face.

Pheyrmerrin glances at you.

Pheyrmerrin says, "Ah."

You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair... You concentrate. Your right leg feels better.

You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair... You concentrate. Your right leg feels better.

Pheyrmerrin says, "Never mind. There is some use to you after all."

You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair... You concentrate. Your right leg feels better.

Pheyrmerrin rummages around in his pockets.

Lassitar says, "all set healers"

You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Scar Repair... You concentrate. Your right leg feels better.

Pheyrmerrin just gave you 400 coins which you quickly pocket.

Barttonium warmly says, "just leave the wounded behind, the poler bear will tend to there bodys"

Barttonium waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

Barttonium gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Tayre snickers at Barttonium.

You stand back up.

[Nightmare Gorge] An eruption of boulders, detritus of a rockslide, blocks the trail's advance to the east. Many of the huge stones show cracks and scars from the violence of the fall down the precipice. The resulting stair-stepped slope offers an escape from the gorge, made perilous by the continual onslaught of ice and snow. You also see the icy blue Vivil disk, the Chomm disk and some icy rocks. Also here: Tayre, Vivil, Mekthros, Karzak, Murp, Alleatha, Lord Shonison, Chomm, Mange, Pheyrmerrin, Great Lady Natsuki, Tazelhoffe Obvious paths: west

Lassitar just climbed down some icy rocks.

You give Pheyrmerrin 400 coins.

A gale-force gust of freezing wind suddenly swooshes through the narrow gorge, kicking up clouds of snow and ice that send the gorge's environs into a swirling, grey twilight. Lassitar is knocked over by the wind. Lassitar is stunned!

Tayre is knocked over by the wind. Tayre is stunned! The air calms down around Tayre. Mekthros is knocked over by the wind. Mekthros is stunned! The air calms down around Mekthros. Alleatha is knocked over by the wind. Alleatha is stunned! The air calms down around Shonison. The air calms down around Mange. The air calms down around Natsuki. The wind then subsides.

Natsuki sleepily says, "ow"

You say, "Don't need yer coins, Faendryl."

[Nightmare Gorge] An eruption of boulders, detritus of a rockslide, blocks the trail's advance to the east. Many of the huge stones show cracks and scars from the violence of the fall down the precipice. The resulting stair-stepped slope offers an escape from the gorge, made perilous by the continual onslaught of ice and snow. You also see the Lassitar disk, the icy blue Vivil disk, the Chomm disk and some icy rocks. Also here: Mange, Vivil, Tazelhoffe, Chomm, Mekthros, Lord Shonison, Murp, Alleatha, Pheyrmerrin, Great Lady Natsuki, Karzak, Lord Lassitar, Tayre who is lying down Obvious paths: west

Natsuki sleepily says, "who's fogging from here"

Tayre gestures. Your surroundings blur for a moment . . .

[Temple Burrow, Koar and Lumnis] On the edge of the glacier, you have a marvelous view of the city to the south. Your eyes follow the slightly haphazard streets around Icemule Trace until they meet the four roads and eventually the gates in the walls. Above you towers the Temple, carved from the purest ice and shining with a nearly divine aura in the moonlight. A ramp of ice leads down to the west, while an ice staircase leads down to the east and a set of carved ice steps lead down to the northwest around an oddly shaped ice flow. You also see a roughly-hewn ice altar with some stuff on it. Also here: Tayre, Lord Lassitar, Karzak, Great Lady Natsuki, Pheyrmerrin, Alleatha, Murp, Lord Shonison, Mekthros, Chomm, Tazelhoffe, Vivil, Mange Obvious paths: down

Lassitar asks, "that everyone?"

Tayre doubles over and turns a purplish color as he clasps both hands over his mouth, gripping tightly!

Tayre says, "Boom"

Tayre says, "Home"

Natsuki grins at Tayre.

Natsuki begins chuckling at Tayre!

Tayre gags.

Pheyrmerrin slowly empties his lungs.

You take a quick appraisal of Lassitar and find that he has a strange case of muscle twitching, and some minor cuts and bruises on his left arm.

You meditate over Lassitar. Lassitar's nervous system damage is transferred to you.

Pheyrmerrin says, "If there's another morph, wake me up... but... I truly do believe that's the last of them."

You meditate over Lassitar. Lassitar's left arm damage is transferred to you.

Lassitar says, "Fury, Stand down"

Mekthros nods to Pheyrmerrin. Lassitar nods to Pheyrmerrin.

Pheyrmerrin asks, "Like stand up, only backward?"

Chomm grins.

Pheyrmerrin raises an eyebrow in Lassitar's direction.

Pheyrmerrin smirks.

Shonison chuckles. Natsuki cackles at Pheyrmerrin! Tayre snickers at Pheyrmerrin.

Lassitar grins.

Lassitar says, "Aye"

You say, "I do thank ye, Faendryl, for banishing the morphs, though ye are not the most pleasant of people to be around."

Lassitar nods to Pheyrmerrin.

Pheyrmerrin says, "Ah, Icemule, where even the militia is short."

You curtsy to Pheyrmerrin.

Lassitar chuckles.

Tazelhoffe sneers.

Mekthros says, "And rather delectable entrees, as well."

Pheyrmerrin says, "And I thank you for repairing my leg, though I will be delighted never to enter your presence again."

Lassitar says, "We use halflings as brawling weapons"

Tayre cackles at Pheyrmerrin!

You say, "The feeling is mutual."

Tayre cackles at you!

Shonison laughs! Karzak chuckles.

You nod to Pheyrmerrin.

Chomm chuckles. You chuckle.

Tayre says, "I think Pheyrmerrin has a crush."

Tayre bats his eyelashes for attention.

You notice Tayre botch an attempt to conceal himself.

Pheyrmerrin traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Tayre says, "Darn"

Tayre says, "Ooh"

Pheyrmerrin utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid... Pheyrmerrin gestures at Tayre. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards Tayre. Warding failed! Tayre avoids a little of the webbing.

Tayre says, "Temple"

Natsuki sleepily says, "em tayre I don't think that's safe to say"

Tayre exclaims, "Yey for temples!"

Pheyrmerrin scowls at Tayre.

Tayre says, "It was here."

You say, "I knew ye were in trouble, Tayre."

You chuckle.

The webs dissolve from around Tayre.

Tayre says, "Yeah yeah."

Lassitar bows to Pheyrmerrin.

Pheyrmerrin just went down.

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