Ithzir is a type of creature. All Ithzir are extraplanar beings.
Types of Ithzir
Ithzir speak
The Ithzir have their own language. No player has been able to decipher it.
An Ithzir scout smiles faintly at an Ithzir scout as she says, "Gremou bunorak patan ik maktali ra Te pila leppath!"
The Ithzir scout nods and laughs.
An Ithzir scout's voice sounds as if she is speaking through a long metal tube as she tilts her head toward an Ithzir seer, saying, "Te hamma maktath eif, ptath hamma ka xeca eif."
The Ithzir scout points at you.
The Ithzir seer nods in response.
An Ithzir scout's voice sounds as if he is speaking through a long metal tube as he tilts his head toward an Ithzir scout, saying, "Wafi ptath feaji letho ramanu dro qualoka ma maktath eif?"
The Ithzir scout points at you for emphasis.
You don't notice an Ithzir seer's lips moving, but you hear his voice clearly in your head, saying, "Oru tel juren gila Te htasek maktath eif?"
The Ithzir seer cocks his head at you.
The Ithzir scout nods and chuckles.
An Ithzir janissary glances at an Ithzir scout, saying, "Jalorok itona?"
The Ithzir scout grins and nods.
An Ithzir adept glances at an Ithzir initiate, saying, "Oru tel juren gila Te htasek maktath eif?"
The Ithzir adept cocks his head at you.
The Ithzir initiate nods and chuckles.
An Ithzir herald smiles faintly at an Ithzir janissary as he says, "Maktath eif lethekka on munarop vasse naan!"
The Ithzir herald cocks his head at you.
The Ithzir janissary nods and smirks.
An Ithzir scout's voice sounds as if she is speaking through a long metal tube as she tilts her head toward an Ithzir scout, saying, "Maktali geabu jeseth mor tran!"
The Ithzir scout points at you.
The Ithzir scout nods and laughs.
An Ithzir janissary's voice sounds as if she is speaking through a long metal tube as she tilts her head toward an Ithzir adept, saying, "Tralalak maktath eif waffa ramal klakkar."
The Ithzir janissary points at you for emphasis.
An Ithzir janissary swings a spiral-hafted handaxe at you!
An Ithzir initiate sneers as he says, "Ptath lethekke on munarop vasse naan!"
A grizzled Ithzir scout surveys the area confidently, saying, "Kala, ka gen yfal ith kamath gyanus!"
An Ithzir adept's voice sounds as if she is speaking through a long metal tube as she cocks her head, saying, "Pa letthe, isonna ytrak ka patrabi maktali cra!"
An Ithzir janissary sneers as he says, "Pa letthe, isonna ytrak ka patrabi maktali cra!"
An Ithzir janissary chuckles softly, the laugh sounding alien and intriguing at the same time. He nods to an Ithzir scout, speaking in a hollow tone, "Te hamma maktath eif, ptath hamma ka xeca eif."
An Ithzir scout chuckles softly, the laugh sounding alien and intriguing at the same time. She nods to an Ithzir janissary, speaking in a hollow tone, "Jalorok itona?"
An Ithzir janissary's voice sounds as if he is speaking through a long metal tube as he cocks his head, saying, "Dro, meph ti mudrona ptatha ratanama." The Ithzir janissary smiles sardonically at you.
The Ithzir initiate asks incredulously, "Hor? Kla val ptath...?" then falls, his pupil-less green eyes frozen in a dead stare.
An Ithzir initiate bows her head and places her hands over an Ithzir janissary, and though the initiate's lips do not move, you hear a single word spoken clearly and forcefully: "Koh!" A pale nimbus encircles the fallen janissary, then fades into the corpse. The Ithzir janissary awakens looking confused and somewhat drained!
An Ithzir scout's voice sounds as if she is speaking through a long metal tube as she cocks her head, saying, "Letti cro dax cathen?" The Ithzir scout laughs to herself. An Ithzir scout swings a gleaming crystal-edged broadsword at you!
An Ithzir seer seems to speak without even opening his mouth, saying, "Jalorok itona?" The Ithzir adept grins and nods. A steely glint is in an Ithzir seer's unnaturally green eyes as he focuses his gaze on you!
An Ithzir scout chuckles softly, the soft laugh sounding alien and intriguing at the same time. she nods confidently, speaking in a hollow tone, "Kol Granoth, ptath eis qualoka eif!" The Ithzir scout points at Debia for emphasis. [Roll result: 91 (open d100: 72)] An Ithzir scout crouches, sweeps a leg at Debia and connects! An Ithzir scout whacks Debia's legs to no effect.
An Ithzir scout chuckles softly, the soft laugh sounding alien and intriguing at the same time. she nods confidently, speaking in a hollow tone, "Gremou bunorak patan ik ptath ra Te pila leppath!" The Ithzir scout grins at you. An Ithzir scout swings a gleaming steel broadsword at you! With no room to spare, Debia blocks the attack with her rolaren tower shield!
An Ithzir janissary chuckles softly, the soft laugh sounding alien and intriguing at the same time. he nods confidently, speaking in a hollow tone, "Pa letthe, isonna ytrak ka patrabi maktali cra!" The Ithzir janissary laughs. An Ithzir janissary swings a spiral-hafted handaxe at you! In the nick of time, you interpose your steel wall shield between yourself and the attack!
An Ithzir scout's voice sounds as if he is speaking through a long metal tube as he tilts his head toward an Ithzir janissary, saying, "Maktali geabu jeseth mor tran!" The Ithzir scout points at you. The Ithzir janissary nods and laughs. An Ithzir scout swings a gleaming steel broadsword at you! With extreme effort, Debia blocks the attack with her shield!
An Ithzir scout smiles faintly at an Ithzir adept as he says, "Gremou bunorak patan ik maktali ra Te pila leppath!" The Ithzir adept nods and laughs. An Ithzir scout swings a gleaming steel longsword at Debia! Debia skillfully deflects the attack with her falchion!
An Ithzir initiate smiles faintly at an Ithzir herald as he says, "Tralalak maktath eif waffa ramal klakkar." The Ithzir initiate points at you for emphasis. An Ithzir initiate closes his eyes while uttering a hollow, alien chant.
An Ithzir adept's voice sounds as if she is speaking through a long metal tube as she tilts her head toward an Ithzir adept, saying, "Oru tel juren gila Te htasek maktath eif?" The Ithzir adept cocks her head at Debia. The Ithzir adept nods and chuckles. An Ithzir adept draws a pale blue crystal from a pocket. Holding the crystal with both hands, the adept focuses her attention on it as she raises the transparent shard over her head. Time seems to race momentarily, but the sensation passes. Roundtime: 3 sec.
... and hits for 76 points of damage! Slash to head destroys the Ithzir seer's left eye! Doesn't do his brain any good either. The Ithzir seer screams as he collapses, "Granoth! Tal issar leti!"
As an Ithzir seer glances at an Ithzir herald, you hear an oddly metallic voice that seems to come from within your own head! "Te hamma maktath eif, ptath hamma ka xeca eif." The Ithzir seer points at Debia. The Ithzir herald nods in response.
An Ithzir herald stands up, glaring as she growls, "Han ptath breve quan Te yosk!?"
An Ithzir initiate chuckles softly, the soft laugh sounding alien and intriguing at the same time. he nods confidently, speaking in a hollow tone, "Hamme ramal klakkar?" An Ithzir initiate closes his eyes while uttering a hollow, alien chant.
... 77 points of damage! The Ithzir janissary asks incredulously, "Hor? Kla val ptath...?" then falls, her pupil-less green eyes frozen in a dead stare. Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
An Ithzir initiate's voice sounds as if she is speaking through a long metal tube as she tilts her head toward an Ithzir herald, saying, "Maktath eif lethekka on munarop vasse naan!" The Ithzir initiate cocks her head at you. The Ithzir herald nods and smirks. An Ithzir initiate closes her eyes while uttering a hollow, alien chant.
An Ithzir initiate bows his head and places his hands over an Ithzir adept, and though the initiate's lips do not move, you hear a single word spoken clearly and forcefully: "Koh!" A pale nimbus encircles the fallen adept, then fades into the corpse. The Ithzir adept awakens looking confused and somewhat drained! The initiate sags slightly, drained by the miraculous ordeal.
Doesn't do his brain any good either. The Ithzir scout whispers, "Ra dro, Te lothre on ka nuko," then collapses.
An Ithzir seer stands, muttering, "Te klaloc lethi ram lette."
The Ithzir seer chuckles wryly as he falls, "Letta, Leth, Latoth..."
An Ithzir initiate chuckles softly, the soft laugh sounding alien and intriguing at the same time. she nods confidently, speaking in a hollow tone, "Pa letthe, isonna ytrak ka patrabi maktali cra!" The Ithzir initiate laughs. An Ithzir initiate closes her eyes while uttering a hollow, alien chant.
An Ithzir scout's voice sounds as if she is speaking through a long metal tube as she cocks her head, saying, "Dro, meph ti mudrona ptatha ratanama." The Ithzir scout smiles sardonically at you.
An Ithzir seer struggles to move. Finding her actions fruitless, she looses an eerily echoing shout! "Itona ti! Te lanak mtor!"
Glethad, the curator of the museum in Wehnimer's Landing, once quoted the Ithzir while in the Swale's Hall of Mages - "Te klaloc lethi ram lette."
Ithzir during the ritual to destroy Althedeus
On the evening Aralyte performed a ritual in the shadow realm to destroy Althedeus, she chanted several phrases that appeared to be Ithzir. Some excepts from the ritual:
Aralyte closes her eyes and her voice travels unnaturally across the area, "Maktath vasse janse cra!"
This time, Aralyte's voice echoes in your mind and sounds almost metallic as she chants, "Klakkar, denen cra het trila!" Over and over again, her command reverberates.
The blood red sigils above Aralyte's eyes come to life, peeling from her face like shards of crimson glass, and they slowly float around her. She utters, "Te klaloc cra issar le tenek sra!"
Behind Aralyte, a pale nimbus of light begins to glow. Within the dim light, a form appears... a tall hairless humanoid with pupiless green eyes and swathed in silvery-blue robes. Soon thereafter, another form appears, similar to the first, then another, and another, until a dozen shimmering images of Ithzir stand present, their faces stoic and marred by golden scars.
Aralyte chants again, "Te klaloc cra issar le tenek sra!" and the images of the Ithzir vanish like ghosts, soon replaced by a new spirit, one resembling a human. Another spirit forms in the pale light, slender of frame, ears to a point. Then another elf, and then a giantman, and soon thereafter, the light expands in a massive radius, phantoms forming into existence.
The light around Aralyte spreads and the specters within fade. The soft glow of the aura washes over you, bathing you in its light. The dark world comes alive with anger, a great cacophony of guttural cries shaking the very fabric of existence around you!
Aralyte raises her hands, closing her eyes to chant as the blood red crystals float around her. Her voice, alien and beautiful pierces your mind, "Ledo patan rena tilnak tenek klaloc de lenath!"
Suddenly from the darkness, a tendril of shadows burst forth, snaking towards Aralyte but suddenly being jerked towards one of the floating red shards, sticking to it like a tentacle.
A second shadowy, yet narrow tendril bursts from the surroundings, latching onto one of the floating red shards. A moment later, a third and a fourth follow suit. As Aralyte draws glowing amber runes in the air, the shadowy tentacles begin to thrash wildly, trying to peel away.
The aura surrounding you begins to shift away, slowly peeling off like a cloak of light. It travels towards Aralyte, each glow infusing itself into one of the floating blood red shards. As soon as the light connects, veins of golden energy begin to form along the shadowy tendrils, scattering across their surface like amber fissures.
The silence of the shadows is pierced by a melodic voice resonating all around you, "Leneth da roh klaneo cra heef, leneth da roh klaneo cra heef, leneth da roh klaneo cra heef."
Like a thread of shadows, a black tendril is pulled forward as one of the blood red shards begins to drift away, moving away from Aralyte. An ear-splitting shriek travels across the black world.
[LNet]-GSIV:Yangh: "Like a thread of shadows, a black tendril is pulled forward as one of the blood red shards begins to drift away, moving away from Aralyte. An ear-splitting shriek travels across the black world."
Spooling out, another black tendril is snatched forward as the second blood red shard begins to float away, reeling the thread of darkness with it. In the middle of it all, Aralyte chants, her eyes closed, her body as still as stone.
In that moment, Aralyte's feystone-hued eyes snap open, glowing with an incandescent light. She shouts one word, and one word alone, and it rattles from her throat in an archaic tongue. But then, in your mind, her voice is clear, her word is known. "Undone."
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