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Revision as of 00:55, 7 January 2016 by LTLPRPRINCESS (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{TOCright}} '''Hedgehogs''' are adorable little creatures that have prickly spines but soft underbellies. Much like Dhu kittens these cute little creatures ha...")
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Hedgehogs are adorable little creatures that have prickly spines but soft underbellies. Much like Dhu kittens these cute little creatures have both interactve and ambient zests and come in their own special wearable container for safekeeping and portability. Hedgehogs can be placed on the ground so everyone can partake in gentle belly tickles while no one else can pick it up (Except the Janitor, which means don't leave it behind).



The creator has also provided the following information:
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The rolaren grey pouch is a container that can only hold a pet hedgehog.  It can be freely altered with either a long description or a show, as long as it makes sense as a small item that holds a hedgehog.

UNWRAP the rolaren grey pouch to let the hedgehog out.


You remove your niveous-bellied hedgehog from in your rolaren grey pouch.



The creator has also provided the following information:
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This is a live pet hedgehog.  It can be freely altered, but it has to be natural-looking.  No hot pink hedgehogs!  It can have a show description if you choose, but it cannot have a long description.

As the owner, you sense you could hug, touch, rub, tap, poke, kiss, tickle, smell, and roll the hedgehog.  You can WRAP it to put it away and make it sleep.  If you set it on the ground, no one else can get it.  Do not leave it behind, because the janitor loves pet hedgehogs.
Your niveous-bellied hedgehog roots and wiggles around in your hand, apparently attempting to burrow.

Verb Traps

HUG You can't do that, you would crush the cute little niveous-bellied hedgehog! N/A
TOUCH You reach out and gently stroke the niveous-bellied hedgehog's spiny back with the palm of your hand. XXX reaches out and gently strokes the niveous-bellied hedgehog's spiny back with the palm of her hand.
RUB You reach out and scratch the niveous-bellied hedgehog lightly under its chin. In response, the hedgehog nuzzles the palm of your hand with its nose. XXX gently scratches the niveous-bellied hedgehog under its chin, and the hedgehog nuzzles her hand with its nose.
TAP You reach out and gingerly tap the niveous-bellied hedgehog's spines and find them to be quite sharp. You can see why all but the most desperate of predators would pass the hedgehog by in search of a meal. XXX gently taps her fingers against the niveous-bellied hedgehog's spines.
POKE You poke your finger at the niveous-bellied hedgehog, but quickly jerk it back when you prick it on the sharp spines. XXX pokes her finger at the niveous-bellied hedgehog, but quickly jerks it back when she pricks it on the sharp spines.
KISS You give the niveous-bellied hedgehog a soft kiss on its snout. Its whiskers tickle, causing you to giggle out loud! XXX gives the niveous-bellied hedgehog a soft kiss on its snout and lets out a soft giggle.
ROLL You reach down and gently roll the niveous-bellied hedgehog over onto its back. XXX reaches down and gently rolls the niveous-bellied hedgehog over onto its back.
The niveous-bellied hedgehog has spines protruding in all directions that would make that rather painful to do. You think about its soft underside, and wonder if perhaps you could roll it over first. N/A
On ground, belly up
You reach out and tickle the niveous-bellied hedgehog's soft stomach.
The hedgehog kicks in delight!
XXX reaches out and tickles the niveous-bellied hedgehog's soft stomach.
The hedgehog kicks in delight!
SMELL You draw your niveous-bellied hedgehog up close to your face and touch noses with it. XXX draws her niveous-bellied hedgehog up close to her face and touches noses with it.
PLACE You gingerly set the niveous-bellied hedgehog on the ground. XXX gingerly sets a pudgy niveous-bellied hedgehog on the ground.
GET You gingerly pick up the niveous-bellied hedgehog. XXX gingerly picks up the niveous-bellied hedgehog.
WRAP You carefully place the niveous-bellied hedgehog in your rolaren grey pouch. XXX carefully places her niveous-bellied hedgehog in her rolaren grey pouch.

Ambient Messaging

These were observed in the span of an hour, some repeated.

A pudgy niveous-bellied hedgehog makes its way around the area, sniffing as it goes.

A pudgy niveous-bellied hedgehog roots around on the ground looking for a meal.

The niveous-bellied hedgehog found a small insect!

The niveous-bellied hedgehog happily munches away on a small insect.

A pudgy niveous-bellied hedgehog tracks a caterpillar as it inches its way across the ground.

A pudgy niveous-bellied hedgehog raises its forehead spines and bristles after it runs into your foot.

The niveous-bellied hedgehog curls up by your feet.

The niveous-bellied hedgehog stands back up.