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Lofty Aspirations

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This script set contains two items, Tall Shoes and Shoe Sticks. While these items contain scripts on their own, they can be used in conjunction with the other item for additional zests.



The creator has also provided the following information:
These are "Tall Shoes" that work with or without "Shoe Sticks."

These shoes can be altered with a long description or a show, as long as the noun remains some type of shoe, and the description depicts a pair of TALL shoes.

These shoes are currently: Tier 1 (off-the-shelf) and trap WEAR, REMOVE, TILT, RUB.

Verb Traps

Shoes Only

Tier 1
You place your plum satin slippers on the ground and carefully step up into them, wobbling crazily as you wiggle your feet to achieve the perfect fit. XXX places her plum satin slippers on the ground and carefully steps up into them, wobbling crazily as she wiggles her feet to achieve the perfect fit.
You grip your plum satin slippers tightly and wedge your feet inside. XXX grips her plum satin slippers tightly and wedges her feet inside.
Wobbling slightly on your perch, you give each foot a shake, loosening the fit of your plum satin slippers until they slip off, one after the other. You quickly pick them up from the ground with a sigh of relief. XXX wobbles slightly on her perch and shakes her foot, loosening the fit of her plum satin slippers until they slip off, one after the other. She quickly picks them up from the ground with an audible sigh of relief.
You give each foot a shake, loosening the fit of your plum satin slippers until they slip off. You quickly pick them up from the ground with a sigh of relief. XXX shakes her foot, loosening the fit of her plum satin slippers until they slip off. She quickly picks them up from the ground with an audible sigh of relief.
You lean a little too far to one side and begin to lose your balance, only catching yourself with an ungraceful flail of your arms. XXX leans a little too far to one side before catching her balance with an ungraceful flail of her arms.
You tilt your plum satin slippers from side to side, examining the surface for visible flaws. XXX tilts her plum satin slippers from side to side, examining the surface for visible flaws.
Worn, Standing
You teeter slightly as you briefly step out of one of your plum satin slippers and reach down to rub your aching foot, wincing with the pain. With an effort, you shove your foot back into your slipper. XXX teeters slightly as she briefly steps out of one of her slippers and reaches down to rub her foot, wincing in obvious discomfort. Making a face, she shoves her foot back into her slipper.
Worn, Sitting
You slip your hand inside your plum satin slippers and rub your aching feet. XXX slips her hand inside her plum satin slippers and rubs her feet.
You meticulously clean off your plum satin slippers, taking care to polish the heel. XXX meticulously cleans off her plum satin slippers, taking a moment to polish the heel.

Shoes and Stick

Tier 1
WEAR You place your plum satin slippers on the ground and lean on your haon cane. Carefully stepping up into your slippers, you wiggle your feet slightly to achieve the perfect fit. XXX places her plum satin slippers on the ground and leans on her haon cane. Stepping up into her slippers, she wiggles her feet slightly to achieve the perfect fit.
REMOVE You lean on your haon cane and give each foot a shake, loosening the fit of your plum satin slippers until they slip off, one after the other. You quickly pick them up from the ground with a sigh of relief. XXX leans on her haon cane and shakes her foot, loosening the fit of her plum satin slippers until they slip off, one after the other. She quickly picks them up from the ground with an audible sigh of relief.
TILT You lean a little too far to one side but quickly catch yourself with your haon cane. XXX leans a little too far to one side before catching herself with her haon cane.
RUB You lean on your haon cane and briefly step out of one of your plum satin slippers. With a sigh, you reach down to rub your aching foot, wincing with the pain. With an effort, you shove your foot back into your slipper. XXX leans on her haon cane and briefly steps out of one of her plum satin slippers. With a sigh, she reaches down to rub her foot, wincing in obvious discomfort. Making a face, she shoves her foot back into her slipper.



The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a "Shoe Stick" that works with or without "Tall Shoes."

This stick can be altered with a long description or a show, as long as the noun remains STICK, STAFF, or CANE.

This stick is currently: Tier 1 (off-the-shelf) and traps RUB, LEAN, PUSH, TAP.

Verb Traps

Stick Only

Tier 1
RUB You slide your hand down the length of your cane, cleaning the surface of any visible dirt. XXX slides her hand down the length of her cane, cleaning the surface of all the visible dirt.
LEAN You lean heavily on your haon cane, taking a moment to rest. Leaning heavily on her haon cane, XXX takes a moment to rest.
As you swing your haon cane in an arc beside your body, you hear a faint whistling sound. A moment later, you bring your cane to rest smartly under your arm. XXX swings her haon cane in an arc beside her body, creating a faint whistling sound for a moment, before she brings her cane to rest smartly under her arm.
Using your haon cane as leverage, you slowly get to your feet. 5 sec rt Using her haon cane as leverage, XXX slowly gets to her feet.
This might be slightly buggy as once one stands, it appears to repeat the PUSH stand messaging.
TAP You tap your cane on the ground, taking care to avoid smashing your toes. XXX taps her haon cane on the ground, taking care to avoid smashing her toes.
Tier 2 TURN You grip your cane under your arm and turn slowly in a circle, glaring about with an air of superiority. XXX grips her cane under her arm and turns slowly in a circle, glaring about with an air of superiority.
PROD You prod the ground in a circle around your body with your onyx cane, checking for hidden traps or snares. XXX methodically prods the ground in a circle around her body with her onyx cane.

Shoes and Stick

Tier 1
RUB You rub your hand down the length of your haon cane, then knock the end of it against your plum satin slippers, dislodging any dirt stuck to the end of your cane. XXX rubs her hand down the length of her haon cane, then knocks the end of it against her plum satin slippers, dislodging all the dirt stuck to the end of her cane.
LEAN You lean heavily on your haon cane, taking the weight off your aching feet stuffed inside your plum satin slippers. Leaning heavily on her haon cane, XXX sighs with relief as she takes the weight off her feet inside her plum satin slippers.
Sitting Only
Using your haon cane as leverage, you slowly get to your feet, teetering slightly as you steady yourself atop your plum satin slippers.5 sec rt Using her haon cane as leverage, XXX slowly gets to her feet, teetering slightly as she steadies herself atop her plum satin slippers.
''This might be slightly buggy as once one stands, as it appears to repeat the PUSH stand messaging.
TAP You tap your cane on the ground, using it to keep your balance on the precarious perch atop your plum satin slippers. XXX taps her cane on the ground, steadying herself as she wobbles slightly on her plum satin slippers.
Tier 2 TURN You tuck your cane under your arm and turn sharply on your heel, your slippers scuffing against the ground. XXX tucks her cane under her arm and turns sharply on her heel, her slippers scuffing against the ground.
PROD You prod the ground in front of you with your cane, making sure it's safe to walk on with your treacherous slippers. XXX prods the ground in front of herself with her onyx cane, eyeing her plum satin slippers skeptically.
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