Painting Easel

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This Page is currently only to list the paintings I've created on the Painting Easel purchased at Dusk Ruin 2017 on my journey to become a Master Painter.

A Heart Painting Bright red paint has been used to create a slightly unbalanced heart in the middle of the canvas. Not bad for a beginner! In the Common language, it reads: "Love, Love, Love" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Stick Figure Painting Five straight lines and a large circle form what appears to be a stick figure roughly painted on the surface of the canvas. A beginner's creation, for sure. In the Common language, it reads: "A Sticky Situation" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Bench Painting Slanted at an angle with no regard for perspective, the bench on the canvas would likely roll its occupants to the ground were it real. In the Common language, it reads: "Sit With Me" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Hexagon Painting Painted upon the canvas is a single shape with six sides. At least the coloring didn't go outside the lines. In the Common language, it reads: "My Geometric Expression" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Bow Tie Painting Painted in black, two sideways triangles with a lopsided circle in the middle nearly takes up the entire canvas. It looks like a bow tie. In the Common language, it reads: "Black Tie" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Pair of Shoes Painting A pair of brown shoes have been painted amidst a tangle of laces. A valiant attempt at a real painting! In the Common language, it reads: "Walk About" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Smiling Face Painting Painted centrally on the canvas is a wide circle, with two solid black dots for eyes and a thin arc for a mouth. In the Common language, it reads: "Happy Days" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Sword Painting Taking up nearly the entire canvas, a curved blade is set upon a rectangular hilt. Not very menacing, really. In the Common language, it reads: "Sword of Doom" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Key Painting Haphazardly painted mid-canvas is a simple key. Or, it might be a lockpick. Either way, it's definitely a beginner's creation! In the Common language, it reads: "The Key to Life" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Star Painting Spanning the canvas from top to bottom is a six-pointed star. It's not perfect, but it definitely looks like a star. In the Common language, it reads: "Star Struck" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Banana Painting Split down the middle, the yellow fruit's skin is speckled in shades of black and brown, adding a splash of color to the canvas. In the Common language, it reads: "Split Banana" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

An Apple Tree Painting Some bright red apples dangle from a flourishing tree painted with varied shades of browns and greens. In the Common language, it reads: "An Apple A Day" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Flower Painting Nicely curved leaves curl down the dainty flower's stem, and each of the five oval-shaped petals have been painted a different color. In the Common language, it reads: "Five Petals" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Coiled Snake Painting Tightly coiled and painted with interlocking diamond shapes across its skin, a snake has been painted nestled within a patch of green grass. In the Common language, it reads: "Ready to Strike" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Cat Painting Bright green eyes gaze out from fuzzy black fur, the mammal's legs and tail angled as though ready to pounce right off the canvas. In the Common language, it reads: "Crouching Cat" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Blue Robe Painting Deep shades of blue coupled with exceptional use of lighter tones for shading, gives the blue robe painting an incredible life-like appearance. In the Common language, it reads: "Robe of Blue" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Sun Painting Painted on the surface of the canvas is a large yellow sun with wide lines for rays that alternate in length around the circumference of the sphere. In the Common language, it reads: "Bright" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Beaded Necklace Painting Multicolored spherical beads are strung along a thin brown cord and are decorated with simple images. In the Common language, it reads: "Beaded Jewelry" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Fruit Bowl Painting Well-balanced between the canvas' margins, a bluish-grey bowl sits upon a wooden table. Grapes, oranges, and pears spill over the container, highlighting the bowl's checkered design. In the Common language, it reads: "Sweet Treats" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Waterfall Painting Sweeping brushstrokes of deep blues and vibrant greens spill over the edge of a rocky cliffside. An oval-shaped pool at the bottom of the waterfall is covered in lily pads. In the Common language, it reads: "The Waterfall" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

An Evening Gown Painting A strapless ivory gown drapes over the edge of a low chaise covered in a multi-hued jacquard design. A long train of sheer material grazes the mahogany floor beneath, ending in a pool of exquisitely detailed lace at the bottom of the canvas. In the Common language, it reads: "A Night Out" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Vivid Sunset Painting Swirled and elongated brush marks through the deep aquamarine and white paint create the illusion of a turbulent ocean. A black-sailed boat tilts sideways on the open water, and a half-circle of muted yellow orange fades into the purplish backdrop. In the Common language, it reads: "Sunset Over Water" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Leafless Tree Painting Depicted on the canvas is an open field punctuated by a trio of bare willow trees, their limbs stark against the fading blue sky. A lone eagle, with painted gold accents upon its wings, is perched atop a bald branch. In the Common language, it reads: "Lonely, Leafless" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Cornucopia Painting The horn-shaped container is nestled within a red and white blanket, and the skilled use of shadows nearly brings the painting to life. Held within are several small pumpkins and squash gourds. In the Common language, it reads: "Abundance" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Stormy Sky Painting A large cluster of deep grey swirls hangs over a lush green field. A trio of jagged lightning bolts have pierced the mass of clouds, splitting a lone oak tree in half, its trunk spilling off the edge of the canvas. In the Common language, it reads: "Impending Storm" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Jewelry Box Painting Propped open and displaying a cache of rubies, a silver jewelry case is perched upon an emerald green pillow. The contained gems gleam, their radiance captured perfectly with well-placed brush strokes and appropriately selected paint hues. In the Common language, it reads: "My Case Overfloweth" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Graveyard Painting Stretching from one edge of the canvas to the other, a massive bronze gate topped with menacing spikes spans a dirt-covered path, a dark grey crypt looming beyond the padlocked portal. Dark thorny brambles blanket the ground and swaddle numerous aged tombstones, some nearly half-covered with deep green moss. In the Common language, it reads: "Creepers" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Green Bay Painting Swirls of dark greens sweep across the canvas between a magnificent rockweed-capped cliff and a brilliant cluster of club-fingered coral. A large wave has crashed against the cliff, a foamy aftermath splattered across the jagged rocks. The faintest outline of a ship peeks through the opalescent layers of water. In the Common language, it reads: "Bay of Green" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Snow-Laden Vale Painting Diminutive but exceptionally detailed snowflakes are scattered across the entire canvas, silver-dappled paint mixing with off-white tones that give a shimmering appearance to the painted scene. Surrounded by thick evergreens, the vale's peaceful stage is disrupted only by a young couple locked in a tender embrace. In the Common language, it reads: "Beauty in Snow" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Poppy Hill Painting A vast field of bright scarlet poppies cover a rolling hill of green, the flowers creating a colorful path to a sepia-colored windmill set before a sky of pale blue. Puffy ivory clouds seem to float across the canvas, the blurred edges smudged in grey and violet. In the Common language, it reads: "Up On Poppy Hill" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Manor Painting Tiny crisscrossed strokes in deep green create a lacework of ivy between the foundation posts of this stately manor. A backdrop of rich azure tones dappled with tufts of white recreates a relaxing mid-day sky. Large rocking chairs surround fully stocked sideboards, ready to feed weary travelers. In the Common language, it reads: "Home, Sweet Home" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Roa’ter Painting The painting's canvas is dominated by a huge deep red roa'ter frozen in action as it bursts from stony ground. Rocks and dirt are cast to all sides as the worm roars, row upon row of sword-like teeth disappearing within its open maw. A humanoid, tiny by comparison, is seen in the lower left corner, arms raised defensively. In the Common language, it reads: "Rolling Ground" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Rolton Painting Nestled in a downy bed of verdant summer grass, the baby rolton is painted snowy white, blurred brushstrokes giving her wool a dreamlike appearance. Two tiny horns barely poke out from her head, casting a slanted shadow that accentuates her already oversized cornflower blue eyes. The rolton's snout is open slightly in a sleepy bleat. In the Common language, it reads: "A Furry Friend" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

An Ice Elemental Painting A myriad of shades of bright blue and white combine in swirling brushstrokes to depict a roiling mass of snow and ice. Two circles painted in darker hues of azure form a pair of malevolent eyes, giving an elemental sentience to the freezing storm. In the Common language, it reads: "Frozen in Time" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

A Nightmare Steed Painting Emerging from the canvas in a haze of greys is a nightmare steed, its brilliant sanguine-colored eyes stark against the fog-filled background. The beast's pale silver mane drapes over its lightly sheened body, its midnight black hair outlined to emphasize a muscular body. The tall steed stands reared upon a broken ground with nostrils flared and dirt-caked hooves aimed high towards an unseen foe. In the Common language, it reads: "Ride the Nightmare" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth

An Aivren Painting Frozen in a formidable swoop, the meticulous detail in the aivren's leathery ochre skin gives the painting a life-like appearance. Razor-sharp claws clutch a half-eaten victim, crimson blood dripping off the end of the creature's pointed beak. Gradient greys form deep shadows along its underbelly, and a bloated bulge is suggestive of a recent meal. In the Common language, it reads: "Swoop and Capture" -- by Jastalyn Dragorth