Forging/Forging Perl Script

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Used with <CharacterName>

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;



sub get_sorted_files {
   my $path = shift;
   opendir my($dir), $path or die "can't opendir $path: $!";
   my %hash = map {$_ => (stat($_))[9] || undef} # avoid empty list
           map  { "$path$_" }
           readdir $dir;
   closedir $dir;
   return %hash;

sub parse_logs {
  my($charname) = $ARGV[0];
  # FOR NOW - delete all data prior to starting

  print "Parsing logs\n";
  my @arRank;
  my $curRank = 1;
  my %files = get_sorted_files("./");
  STDOUT->autoflush( 1 );
  foreach my $filename (sort{$files{$a} <=> $files{$b}} keys %files) {

    # Only 2nd argument's logs
    next if ($filename !~ /$charname*/);

    # Let's go through and find if there's a SHOP INVENTORY
    open my $logfile, '<', $filename or die "Could not open '$filename' $!\n";

    while (my $line = <$logfile>) {
      chomp $line;

      # Full inventory snapshot manager

      if ($line =~ /180 sec/) { 
        # print "\nInventory update - $filename\t", scalar localtime($files{$filename}), "\n";
        $arRank[$curRank] += 1;

      } elsif ($line =~ /Aha, you learned something that time./) {
        $curRank += 1;

  for (my $i=1; $i <= $curRank; $i++) {
    print $i, " - ", $arRank[$i], "\n";
