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   TONE LIST           - List all available tones
   TONE LIST NEW       - List recently added tones
   TONE LIST {letters} - List all tones beginning with {letters}
   TONE STATUS         - View your current tone settings
   TONE {tone}         - Select a tone for your next message
   TONE SET {tone}     - Set one of the vocal tones
   TONE CLEAR          - Clear your current tone

tone list

Tones available for use:

   abashed         abrupt          absent          accusing        acerbic
   acid            acrid           adamant         admiring        adoring
   affable         affectionate    affronted       aggressive      agreeable
   airy            aloof           amiable         amicable        amused
   angry           animated        annoyed         annoying        anxious
   apathetic       apocryphal      apologetic      appreciative    apprehensive
   approving       arch            ardent          argumentative   arrogant
   ashamed         assertive       astounded       audacious       austere
   authoritative   avaricious      avid            awkward         baffled
   baffling        bashful         befuddled       begrudging      belated
   belligerent     bemused         bewildered      bewildering     biting
   bitter          bland           bleak           bleary          blithe
   blunt           bold            bored           boring          bossy
   brash           breathless      breezy          brief           bright
   brisk           broad           brusque         cagey           callous
   calm            candid          cantankerous    careful         casual
   caustic         cautious        charming        cheeky          cheerful
   clear           clinical        clueless        coaxing         cold
   comforting      comical         commanding      complacent      compulsive
   concerned       condescending   confident       confidential    confiding
   conflicted      confused        consoling       contemptuous    contented
   contentious     contrite        cool            coy             cranky
   crass           crisp           cross           crude           cruel
   cryptic         curious         curt            dark *          dazed
   decided         decisive        decorous        deep *          defeated
   defensive       defiant         dejected        deliberate      delicate
   delighted       delirious       demure          depressing      derisive
   despairing      desperate       despondent      determined      devilish
   devoted         diabolical      didactic        diffident       diplomatic
   dire            disagreeable    disappointed    disapproving    disbelieving
   disconsolate    disdainful      disgruntled     disgusted       disinterested
   dismissive      disoriented     disparaging     dispirited      disrespectful
   distant         distasteful     distracted      doleful         doubtful
   dramatic        dreamy          droll           drunken         dry
   dubious         dull            dumbfounded     eager           earnest
   ecstatic        embarrassed     emotional       emphatic        enchanted
   encouraging     enticing        erudite         evasive         even
   exasperated     excited         expectant       explicit        express
   faint           fascinated      fearful         feeble          feisty
   fervent         fierce          firm            flat            flippant
   flirtatious     flustered       fond            forceful        forlorn
   formal          frank           frantic         fretful         frightened
   frosty          frustrated      furious         fussy           generous
   gentle          gleeful         glib            gloomy          glum
   gracious        grandiose       grateful        grating         grave
   greedy          grim            grudging        gruff           grumpy
   guarded         guilty          halting         happy           harsh
   hasty           hateful         haughty         heartbroken     heartless
   hearty *        heated          heavy           helpful         helpless
   hesitant        hoarse *        hollow          honest          hopeful
   hopeless        horrified       hostile         humble          hurried
   husky *         hysterical      icy             idle            impassive
   impatient       imperious       impertinent     impish          imploring
   impudent        impulsive       inconsolable    incredulous     indifferent
   indignant       indistinct      indulgent       informal        ingratiating
   innocent        inquisitive     insincere       insipid         insistent
   insolent        insulting       interested      intimidating    intoxicated
   ironic          irreverent      irritated       jealous         joking
   jovial          jubilant        kind            knowing         laborious
   laconic         lame            laughing        lazy            lewd
   light           listless        lofty           longing         loud
   loving          loyal           lusty           magnanimous     malevolent
   malicious       measured        meditative      meek            melodic *
   menacing        mendacious      merry           mild            mischievous
   miserable       mocking         modest          monotone *      morose
   mournful        musing          mysterious      nagging         nasal
   nasty           nervous         neutral         nonchalant      noncommittal
   nonplussed      oblivious       obnoxious       obsequious      offended
   offhanded       ominous         optimistic      outraged        outrageous
   passionate      passive         patient         patronizing     pawky
   pedantic        peeved          peevish         pensive         perfunctory
   perky           perplexed       perspicacious   persuasive      petulant
   philosophic     pious           piqued          pitiless        pitying
   placating       placid          plain           plaintive       playful
   pleading        pleasant        pleased         pointed         polite
   pompous         pragmatic       prayerful       prim            prompt
   proud           puzzled         querulous       quick           quiet *
   raspy *         reasonable      reasoned        reassuring      reflective
   regretful       rejoicing       relieved        reluctant       remorseful
   reproachful     reproving       resentful       resigned        resolute
   respectful      reverent        rhetorical      rough           rude
   rueful          sad             sagacious       sage            sarcastic
   sardonic        sassy           satirical       savage          scathing
   scornful        seductive       serene          serious         severe
   shaky           shameless       sharp           sheepish        short
   shrewd          shrill *        shy             silky           simple
   sincere         skeptical       sleepy          slow            sly
   smarmy          smooth          smug            snide           snobbish
   snotty          sober           soft *          solemn          somber
   soothing        sorrowful       sour            speculative     speechless
   spiteful        spurious        squeaky *       squeamish       steady
   stern           stiff           stilted         stoic           stout
   strained        strict          strident        stubborn        stupid
   sublime         submissive      subtle          sudden          suggestive
   sulky           sullen          surprised       surreptitious   suspicious
   sweet           sycophantic     sympathetic     tart            tearful
   teasing         tenacious       tender          tense           tentative
   terse           testy           theatrical      thick           thoughtful
   threatening     throaty         thunderous      tight           timid
   tired           toneless        tremulous       trite           triumphant
   truthful        uncertain       uncomfortable   unconvincing    uncouth
   understanding   uneasy          unexpected      ungracious      unhappy
   unhelpful       urbane          urgent          vague           vehement
   vengeful        venomous        vexed           vicious         vigorous
   vociferous      voracious       warm            warning         wary
   waspish         weak *          weary           whimsical       whining
   wicked          wishful         wistful         withering       witty
   wondering       wooden          worried         wounded         wry

Tones marked with an asterisk may be used with TONE SET.

tone list new

Recently added tones:

   aggressive      animated        apocryphal      austere         biting
   charming        diabolical      dispirited      dumbfounded     enchanted
   fascinated      impassive       impertinent     lewd            malicious
   passive         perfunctory     shameless       spurious        squeamish
   sublime         vengeful