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2015-01-31 - Vornavis Baronial Court Session (log)

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As taken place on Lormesta, 31st day, in 5115 (1/31/2015)

Category: Towns
Topic: Solhaven
Message #:
Author: GS4-LYDIL

This coming Feastday the 31st of Lormesta at 8:30 pm by the Empire Standard of Time, Baron Dunrith Malwind of Vornavis will be holding an open session of court. Those with ties to Vornavis are invited and encouraged to attend, and all residents of the region and friends of the barony are welcome at court.

The chamberlain of the court would also like to remind all those who would attend this session of court that proper attire and behavior will be required.

(OOC: The Court session will be this Saturday 1/31 at 8:30 pm EST) *


Aiska and Bristenn were knighted.


[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a large purple wooden barrel and a stained table setup with quills and ink jars.
Also here: High Lady Evia, Lord Balantine
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

Goldstr just arrived.

Goldstr says, "Hail friends."

Balantine says, "Hail."

Roelaren arrives.

You say, "I expect th' Vornavis Gate is usually where the Chamberlain allows admitance."

Goldstr asks, "Vornavis gates aye?"

Roelaren nods at Goldstr.

You say, "Sir Cryheart is dealing with family matters in Honneland. It would appear I'd speak on th' Order's behalf in his absence if Salnim or his excellency calls upon us."

You ask, "All weapons are sheathed or put away?"

Goldstr says, "Aye. I recieved his missive."

Evia taps an ebon-feathered fan with a mother-of-pearl handle, which is in her right hand.

Balantine says, "Aye, I saw the missive...hope all is well in Honneland."

(People come to and fro)

You say, "Folks can accompany me. I know th' way."

Great Lady Regwen just arrived.

Roelaren says, "Thank ye."

You say, "Baron Malwind and his son Salnim are holding Court in Vornavis this evening."

Adyr says, "Ahh fair well my old friend geijon."

You say, "We should get going."

Roelaren nods to you.

Adyr says, "Safe travels."

[Town Square, West]
Here in the midst of the town stretches the cobblestoned main bazaar, its lamplit lanes abuzz with traders and vendors hawking their wares at any hour of the day or night. Groups of citizens, discussing the day's events or preparing for nighttime hunts, gather around the doors of the merchants whose shops border the square. The gilded but peeling stone facade of the First Elanith Bank dominates this side of the square.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Regwen, Goldstr, Roelaren, Evia and Balantine followed.

(Group heads off to Solhaven)

[Solhaven, North Market]
The press of the crowd is little diminished by the late hour. Peddlers wheel small carts, pushing their way through and splitting the air with their shouts. Delectable scents of baked goods grace the air, drifting from the wrought iron oven of the Muffinsmith's stall at the corner of the market. Before it, a blond thanot bench embellished with bas-relief pelican feathers glistens in the starlight thanks to a coat of varnish. On the opposite end of the market, the Belts booth and the Small Blades stand laze beneath the night sky, still open for custom. You also see a barn owl, an orange tiger and a copper-banded green oak barrel.
Also here: Sir Bristenn, Hymore who is sitting, Somerly, Aiska, Keeper Astru, Hadya
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west
Regwen, Goldstr, Roelaren, Evia and Balantine followed.

You say, "Eyo."

Bristenn nods approvingly at Aiska.

You nod to Bristenn

Wolfloner just arrived.

You say, "See you at th' gates."

Roelaren nods.

Regwen gives Aiska a friendly hug.

Somerly glances at Bristenn.

Bristenn nods respectfully at Regwen.

Aiska nods respectfully to you.

You wave to Aiska.

Regwen nods to Hadya in greeting.

Speaking respectfully to Bristenn, Somerly says, "Fair winds Ser."

Somerly removes the tricorn from atop his head.

Somerly bows to Bristenn.

(Group heads to the gate)

[Solhaven, Esplanade Gate]
A swan of white ora sits on the green copper gates, proclaiming them an entrance into Vornavis. Around them stands a huge granite wall, protecting the inhabitants of the city from all intruders. Citizens move through the gates under the careful eye of the guard standing in front of the portal.
Also here: Mynon
Obvious paths: west
Regwen, Goldstr, Roelaren, Evia and Balantine followed.

You say, "Ah."

Mynon nods in greeting.

You wave to Mynon.

You say, "Usually this is where th' Chamberlain would allow us entry through a cistern doorway."

Evia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Balantine says, "Ye look dazzling tonight if I may say so Lady Evia."

Evia beams happily at Balantine!

Speaking to Balantine, Evia says, "Thank you, very kind of you."

(Hadya, Eugenidas, Bristenn, Aiska, Mohrgan, Falvicar, and others arrive)

Speaking to Bristenn, you say, "Let us hope this is more of an optimistic meeting that Sir Thadstons."

Speaking to a barn owl, Mohrgan says, "You'll have to eat fast, I don't think that the Court is a place suitable for snacking."

(Greganth, Ephya, Hadya and others arrived)

Speaking delightedly to Somerly, Aiska crows, "A sailor!"

Speaking thoughtfully to himself, Eugenides asks, "Niima's Grace?"

Speaking delightedly to Somerly, Aiska crows, "I'm from th' Reach!"

Speaking flatly to Aiska, you say, "I dressed up for this."

Speaking to Greganth, Evia says, "Aaah yes, I recall well the days when yon Bristenn was counted among said lookie loos."

Speaking to Evia, Bristenn remarks, "Those days are right passed, however."

Speaking to Bristenn, Evia says, "Times and people change and move forward, yes indeed."

Lady Divone just arrived.

Speaking respectfully to Divone, Somerly says, "Cap'n."

Aiska nods politely at Divone.

Speaking politely to Divone, Bristenn greets, "Lady Lerade."

You are wearing a black braided hair tie, some smoothly articulated mithril field plate reinforced with rolaren, a stylized golden griffin pin, a golden phoenix pin, a capacious black canvas backpack, a ghastly yew seed pendant suspended by a length of sinew, a gold-linked livery collar with a firestone inset winged phoenix emblem, a white bearskin cloak caught at the shoulder by an onyx-backed nacreous shield, a black enameled bracer with a silver gryphon set in a ruby circle, a silver clenched fist symbol marked with crimson streaks, a long black wool surcoat emblazoned with a white shield, an onyx and ruby wedding band, a gleaming mithril mesh satchel, a rune-carved minotaur horn cylinder, a blackened steel signal horn strung on a black suede cord, and some supple black leather boots with a reinforced metal shin clasped with mother-of-pearl shields.

You say, "Chamberlain should arrive any moment."

Greganth smiles.

Aiska sets about preparing Bristenn to be as presentable as possible.

Aiska tinkers with Bristenn's appearance.

Baron Dunrith Malwind's Open Session of Court will be starting shortly. All those who wish to attend should make their way to the Esplanade Gate of Solhaven and enter through the reinforced sally gate.

You glance at a reinforced sally gate.

>go sally gate

[Vornavis, Great Hall]
On a low dais, spanning the southern end of the hall, three regal chairs of state rest before an embroidered tapestry of the Rising Swan of Vornavis that covers the wall behind them. Banners bearing the coats-of-arms of knights in service to the barony hang from the railing of the second floor gallery that lines the other three sides of the Great Hall. Opposite the dais a pair of large fel doors, inlaid with gold scrolling, are set in the north wall. You also see a small side door.
Also here: Calael, Captain Gurbah

>group Azanoth is following you.
Jook is following you.
Astru is following you.
Augierose is following you.
Regwen is following you.
Goldstr is following you.
Roelaren is following you.
Evia is following you.
Balantine is following you.

Evia gazes with interest at an emerald banner.

Evia sighs.

You smile.

Speaking to you, Evia says, "Sir Ruffelin's banner."

Evia points at an emerald banner.

>look banners
You see several Vornavian silk banners. Looking at the banners, you see a white banner, a gold banner, a crimson banner, an ivory white banner, an argent banner, a purple banner, an emerald banner and a black banner.

Gurbah nods.

Speaking to you, Somerly says, "Bet ye a 'alfsilver those chairs cost more'n a mainmast."

Aiska surreptitiously glances at Bristenn.

Eugenides takes a moment to observe a pair of large fel doors.

Helman just arrived.

>look at banner The flowing banner is made of a triangular piece of fine Vornavian silk, and bears a charge of thistle crossed with a white rose creating a party per saltire upon a field of argent.

There appears to be something written on it.

>look at banner
The flowing banner is made of a triangular section of fine Vornavian silk, and bears the charge of a quartered shield with four symbols: a wolf, a crowned gauntlet, a raven, and a gryphon.

There appears to be something written on it.

Eugenides appears to focus inward for a moment and his face takes on a curiously blank expression.

>look at banner
The flowing banner is made of a triangular section of fine Vornavian silk, and bears a bisected triangle, tapering at the bottom, gold to the left and green to the right, with a smaller triangle of gold at the center protruding to the left, trimmed in silver on a field of black.

>read banner
In the Common language, it reads:
Sir Brinn Mithrandir, Knight Errant

>read banner
In the Common language, it reads:
Sir Ruffelin Highstem, Knight Errant

>read banner
In the Common language, it reads:
Dame Deavon Laeren, Knight Errant

You agree with Somerly.

Aiska gulps.

Aiska slowly empties her lungs.

Aiska arranges her posture and features in a skillful imitation of Bristenn.

Clunk bows to Evia.

Aiska folds her hands behind her back.

You smile at Aiska.

Azanoth just arrived.

Helman smiles.

Aiska smiles - sort of - at Geijon, visibly nervous.

Katiesa gently brushes her dark blonde hair away from her eyes and, with a deft twist of her wrist, tucks it back into its bindings.

Evia closes her feathered fan with a quick turn of her wrist.

Evia attaches an ebon-feathered fan with a mother-of-pearl handle to her belt.

Bristenn clears his throat.

The voice of the aged chamberlain rings out, "This session of Court in Vornavis has now begun, this 31st day of Lormesta. All welcome His Excellency Baron Dunrith Malwind and his son Lord Salnim Malwind!"

Bristenn runs a hand through his short-cropped deep cordovan hair, trying to make himself presentable.

Baron Dunrith just came through a small side door.

Goldstr snaps smartly to attention!

Evia curtsies.

Lord Salnim just came through a small side door.

You see Baron Dunrith Malwind.
He appears to be a Half-Elf from Vornavis.
He appears to be middle-aged. He has green eyes and fair skin. He has receding, light brown hair.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a golden baronial coronet adorned with emerald swans, a pristine white cloak trimmed with green velvet, a white-trimmed green silk surcoat, a gleaming emerald tunic emblazed with a white swan, a white leather belt with gold studs, a dark green leather scabbard bound in white gold, some snow white trousers with dark green striping down the legs, and a pair of bronze-buckled black boots.

Bristenn snaps smartly to attention!

Clunk snaps smartly to attention!

You see Lord Salnim Malwind.
He appears to be a Human from Vornavis.
He appears to have come of age. He has thick-lashed hazel eyes and ruddy skin. He has tied back, shoulder-length light brown hair with reddish highlights. He has an oval face, an aquiline nose and high cheekbones.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a thin silver coronet, a dark green cloak lined with white silk, a white swan pendant, a green silk shirt with silver embroidery, a small glaes ring inlaid with a baronial crest, a white leather belt with silver studs, a dark green leather scabbard bound in silver, a pair of formal black wool trousers with white striping, and a pair of black leather boots with silver buckles.

Mynon snaps smartly to attention!

Roelaren curtsies.

Roblar just arrived.

With a graceful flutter of her hands, Hadya sinks down in a formal curtsy.

Aiska snaps smartly to attention!

Eugenides claps his hands.

Balantine snaps smartly to attention!

Jook renders a sharp hand salute.

Dunrith says, "Good evening to all those who have joined us here tonight for this session of court."

Raelee lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Raelee bows to Dunrith.

Dunrith says, "We see many familiar faces amongst the crowd gathered here, and are happy to know that so many who have ties of friendship to Vornavis have joined us tonight."

Dunrith says, "There are many things that we wish to discuss tonight. Which is only fitting given all that has occurred as of late."

Dunrith says, "We will begin by discussing matters of Vornavis and the Northern portion of the Empire."

Dunrith says, "The past year has not proven to be kind to any portion of the region, though some parts have certainly suffered far more than others."

Dunrith says, "Vornavis and the Free Port of Solhaven were fortunate enough to withstand or escape many of the horrors which touched more heavily on other regions."

Dunrith says, "Vornavis has always done its best to be a good neighbor and member of the northern territories. Given the current strength and well being of our Barony, it is upon us then to help our brethren that have suffered so."

Dunrith says, "To that end Vornavis will be rendering aid and assistance to Mestanir. We will be providing supplies and men to help them recover from the devestation and destruction that was wrought upon their fair barony."

Dunrith says, "With the winter season well upon us, Mestanir will need all of the help it can get at this time."

Dunrith says, "For all those who also wish to render aid, we will be organizing a mean for supplies to be donated to Mestanir."

Dunrith says, "Whether in terms of food and clothing, or in providing lumber to aid in the reconstruction efforts."

Dunrith says, "While our attention and focus has been upon helping our neighbor, that does not mean we have forgotten things here at home."

Dunrith nods at Salnim.

Speaking to Dunrith, Salnim says, "Thank you, father."

Salnim says, "Both the Free Port of Solhaven and Vornavis have not been forgotten. But the damage done to them has been minimized, thanks in part to the find efforts of the many stalwart defenders who helped protect it."

Salnim says, "But damage has been done, and there are as always needs to be dealt with here at home."

Dame Deavon just arrived.

You smile at Deavon.

You gently take hold of Deavon's hand.

(Evia takes note of the abrupt flutter of the purple banner above.)

You quietly whisper to Deavon, "Good to see you. Malwind spoke of aid for Mestanir and now Salnim is discussing Vornavis and Solhaven. We've only observed."

You quietly whisper to Deavon, "I am prepared to speak for us."

Salnim says, "To help may sure that those needs are not forgotten, on behalf of my father I reached out to the Mercantyler Guild of Solhaven."

Salnim says, "They have long been involved in Free Port, and in trying times it is best to have everyone involved."

(Aiska's wandering gaze lands on Deavon's boots for a long, long moment.)

Salnim says, "A representative of the Guild is supposed to be here tonight to speak on behalf of the efforts they have been undertaking."

Salnim glances out over the ground, looking for someone in particular.

Girvahk taps Bristenn lightly on his shoulder.

You see Girvahk Hemsted.
He appears to be a Dwarf.
He appears to be mature. He has blue-grey eyes and freckled skin. He has long, braided black hair.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a deep crimson silk shirt, a polished granite ring, a tooled leather hammer sling, an acid-etched woven chain satchel, a white leather toolkit, a black leather belt with white steel studs, some jet black trousers, and some high black leather boots.

Speaking to Bristenn, Girvahk says, "Out of the way, lad."

You blink at Girvahk.

Bristenn clears his throat.

Bristenn takes a few steps to his left.

Speaking to you, Girvahk says, "Excuse me."

You nod at Girvahk.

Clunk gawks at Girvahk.

You lean to your left.

Speaking quietly to Girvahk, Bristenn murmurs, "My apologies, master dwarf."

Girvahk makes his way through the crowd up to the foot of the dais.

Speaking to Salnim, Girvahk says, "Me apologies Lord Salnim, the guests are a mit bit tall."

You think to yourself, "this must be a reunion. I hope it is jovial once we get official business out of the way"

Salnim says, "You are more than excused, Master Girvahk. And we are quite happy you could join us tonight. Please proceed when you are ready."

Goldstr turns an inquisitive ear toward Girvahk.

Girvahk says, "Now da Guild has been busy gettin things fixed up."

Hadya looks thoughtfully at Girvahk.

Girvahk says, "Got the Market all fixed up after some folks went and burned it up pretty good after some attack."

Girvahk says, "Also got da Baron Bridge repaired. Been a nasty hole in it someone left go far too long."

Girvahk says, "Now da Guild will be seeing to day to day stuff as you asked us, so we can do our parts."

Girvahk says, "We heard dat the local Ronan order been having more than a mite of trouble using hammers to fix their temple. So da Guild will be stepping in to get it all fixed up."

Regwen glances at Mohrgan.

Hadya nods approvingly.

Girvahk says, "Which is only rights since da Guild had all dem temples built in the first place many years back. So our workers should do a fine job of getting it fixed."

Eugenides claps his hands.

Mohrgan smiles broadly, before covering his face, in the interest of Court decorum.

Astru grins cheerfully.

Girvahk says, "And dat it the report from the Guild. Lord Salnim. Your Excellency."

Girvahk bows to Salnim.

Girvahk nods at Dunrith.

Speaking to Girvahk, Salnim says, "Thank you for your report Master Girvahk. We look forward to all the fine work the Guild will get done."

Salnim nods at Dunrith.

Dunrith smiles at Salnim.

[Vornavis, Great Hall]
On a low dais, spanning the southern end of the hall, three regal chairs of state rest before an embroidered tapestry of the Rising Swan of Vornavis that covers the wall behind them. Banners bearing the coats-of-arms of knights in service to the barony hang from the railing of the second floor gallery that lines the other three sides of the Great Hall. Opposite the dais a pair of large fel doors, inlaid with gold scrolling, are set in the north wall. You also see the Helman disk, the Regwen disk, the Jook disk and a small side door.
Also here: Dame Deavon, Kasia, Roblar, Lord Salnim, Baron Dunrith, High Lord Azanoth, Helman, Oriehn, Lady Psyryn, Clunk, Lady Divone, Femereff, Aiska, Mynon, Sir Bristenn, Eugenides, Hadya, Wolfloner, Kaedra, Katiesa, Mohrgan, Ephya, Greganth, Raelee, Jook, Keeper Astru, Great Lady Augierose, Great Lady Regwen, Goldstr, High Lady Roelaren, High Lady Evia, Lord Balantine, Calael, Girvahk, Captain Gurbah
Obvious exits: out

The aged chamberlain's voice rings out, "We have a representative of the Hall of Mages here to speak with you, Your Excellency."

You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.

Malvernus just came through a small side door.

You glance at Malvernus.

You see Malvernus the Wizard of the Hall of Mages.
He appears to be a Human from Selanthia.
He is tall and appears to be in the prime of life. He has intense, bright silver eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, straight dark brown hair salted with grey along the sides. He has an angular face, a hooked nose and a trimmed dark beard with touches of grey.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a hooded charcoal cloak, a fine crimson wool robe, a sigil-tooled leather bracer, a gold-trimmed bright white belt with a crimson drake buckle, a gold-bound fireleaf scabbard, a pair of crisp black linen pants, and some soft leather boots.

Malvernus strides forward before the dais.

Malvernus bows to Dunrith.

Malvernus bows to Salnim.

Speaking to Dunrith, Malvernus says, "It was a surprise to me too, Your Excellency."

Malvernus says, "I am here under new orders from the Royal Magister himself. I have been posted to Vornavis as the official representative of the Hall of Mages to oversee the northern territories of the Empire."

Malvernus says, "With all that has occured as of late, the Hall will need to be present to help ensure stability in the region when it comes to magical use or education."

Speaking to Malvernus, Dunrith says, "We will make sure quarters are arranged for you here in Vornavis."

Aiska furrows her brow.

You grit your teeth.

Dunrith nods at Malvernus.

Dunrith says, "Your assistance in the past here in Vornavis was most beneficial. We are happy to have you back amongst us in a more permanent capacity."

Malvernus bows to Dunrith.

Malvernus nods at Raelee.

Raelee nods slowly at Malvernus.

Speaking to Raelee, Malvernus says, "Wizard Svala."

Raelee glances around the room.

Speaking carefully to Malvernus, Raelee says, "Wizard Malvernus."

Speaking to Raelee, Malvernus says, "I would like to speak after the Court session to discuss matters."

Speaking to Malvernus, Raelee says, "Very well."

Dunrith turns his head to the side and asks, "What is next on the agenda?"

The aged chamberlain's voice rings out, "Next on the agenda would be open questions to the Court."

Dunrith says, "It appears we have time to take questions and matters from those present. If there is a matter you wish to address, please quietly let Captain Gurbah know. He will vet through those wishing to address the Court."

The aged chamberlain's voice rings out, "The Court recognizes Greganth with a question for it."

Greganth says, "Your Excellency. I am Lord Greganth Olberath, Officer of The House of the Rising Pheonix, and The Landing Defense Irregulars, thakn you for hearing me."

Greganth smiles at Dunrith.

Dunrith nods.

Speaking to Dunrith, Greganth says, "I have but one question, will the Great City of Varnavis be extending any aid to the Town of Wehnimer's Landing, to assist in their recovery from this great war? Our shops remain closed, many homes still destroyed, rubble mires the streets. We labor daily, but any assistance of men or goods, would greatly appreciated. Thank you for any consideration."

Greganth bows to Dunrith.

Greganth takes a few steps back.

Dunrith says, "Your town of Wehnimer's Landing has been through a great deal. And for many years there has been a relationship between Vornavis and it."

Dunrith says, "This past year has also proven to be a trying time to have such a relationship. For there had been times when a hand offering help had been extended, only to be bitten in turn."

Greganth nods in agreement.

Dunrith says, "I know that the Mercantyler's Guild had stopped sending its own ships or caravans to your town due to them coming under attack of residents of your town for example."

Azanoth agrees with Dunrith.

Dunrith says, "They did not stop business with your town, only handling the deliveries themselves. Landing merchants could come south to gather their goods."

Dunrith says, "With the threat that had been looming over all of us having been defeated, and a new year upon us, I believe it could be time to look at these things again."

(Divone fingers turn white as she grips then in front of her.)

Greganth humbly says, "It has been a trying time for us all M'Lord. I like to believe the time for healing has arrived."

Dunrith says, "But as with all matters of friendship and aid, it must go both ways."

Dunrith says, "Especially given the involvement Vornavis has in helping its other neighbors. This is not a time where we can expend resources if they are not wanted by the other end."

Dunrith says, "Not everyone has forgotten about what good has been achieved as a result of the alliance and trade between Wehnimer's Landing and Vornavis."

You smile.

The aged chamberlain's voice rings out, "The Court recognizes Clunk with a question for it."

Clunk fidgets.

Clunk deeply says, "Uhh."

Hadya folds her hands.

Dunrith smiles.

Clunk removes a brown samite rucksack from in his infantry backpack.

Clunk deeply says, "Gits form dwarfs of Logoth, to aid in any future fites ye gots."

Clunk deeply says, "Err."

Aiska gazes in amusement at Clunk.

Clunk deeply says, "Means to say ... gifts from us dwarfs of Zul Logoth, to aid in yer fites."

Dunrith nods at Clunk.

Divone smiles at Clunk.

Clunk offers Dunrith a brown samite rucksack.

Clunk fidgets.

Dunrith accepts Clunk's samite rucksack.

Dunrith grunts.

Dunrith glances at a brown samite rucksack in his hand.

Clunk bows to Dunrith.

Clunk slowly trudges backward.

Dunrith says, "Ah dwarven forged weaponry."

Speaking to Gurbah, Dunrith says, "Captain Gurbah, please see to distributing those as needed."

Gurbah accepts Dunrith's samite rucksack.

Gurbah nods at Dunrith.

Speaking deeply to Dunrith, Clunk says, "Welcome."

Clunk gulps.

Clunk slowly trudges backward.

The aged chamberlain's voice rings out, "The Court recognizes Helman with a question for it."

Helman says, "Baron Dunrith, thank you for enertaining my question."

The aged chamberlain loudly coughs.

Astru smiles quietly to herself.

Azanoth smiles.

Helman says, "My apologies, your excellency."

Helman nods.

Dunrith nods.

Hadya clears her throat.

Dunrith says, "Everyone has their first time at Court. No need to be nervous."

Helman says, "I am Helman Book smith. Representing my father Rene Book smith and Grandfather Pius Book smith, members of the Mercantyler's Guild."

Dunrith nods.

Helman asks, "Your excellency, do you anticipate the presence of more mages here in Vornavis besides just Malvernus the Wizard?"

Divone smiles at Helman.

Divone coughs.

Raelee surreptitiously glances at Malvernus.

Dunrith says, "I would surmise just glancing around this Hall that there are a number of wizards present amongst us currently."

Raelee glances appraisingly at Helman.

Helman says, "I meant from the Hall of Mages, your excellency."

Hadya casually glances at Raelee.

Helman says, "In an official capacity."

You shift your weight.

Raelee clenches her jaw.

Dunrith says, "As for the Hall of Mages, I would not speak for them. That is a matter to take up with Wizard Malvernus."

Helman says, "Thank you for entertaining my question, your excellency. I shall heed your advice."

The aged chamberlain's voice rings out, "The Court recognizes Femereff with a question for it."

Femereff says, "Thank you."

Femereff turns to face Dunrith.

Dunrith smiles.

Speaking to Dunrith, Femereff says, "I am femereff Faleana, I hope the court remembers me."

Speaking to Dunrith, Femereff says, "I was wondering, will Salnim be governing in the your stead whilst you give aid to Mestinar? Or will you be sending him as your representative?"

Femereff says, "Excuse me."

Salnim says, "The Court does remember."

Femereff says, "Lord Salnim."

Salnim smiles.

Femereff curtsies to Salnim.

Femereff blushes a nice shade of pink.

Femereff smiles at Salnim.

You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.

Bristenn leans back.

Dunrith says, "As for my son Salnim, he has been involved in helping to govern the barony for some time."

Femereff nods at Dunrith.

Dunrith says, "I do not expect that to change going forward, especially given all the work before us."

Speaking to Dunrith, Femereff says, "Thank you your Excellancy."

(Femereff fans herself as she feels her face get red.)

The aged chamberlain's voice rings out, "There will be time for one more question before the Court moves on to the next matter."

The aged chamberlain's voice rings out, "The Court recognizes Geijon with a question for it."

Evia turns to face you.

Aiska smiles at you.

You mention respectfully, "Sir Thaxin is away dealing with family matters in the Honneland, your excellency."

You humbly state, "As First of the Order in the absence of our leader I will represent the Silver Gryphons in his stead."

Dunrith nods to you.

You shift your weight.

Roelaren smiles at you.

Dunrith says, "We are always pleased to have the Silver Gryphons join us in Vornavis."

Azanoth smiles.

You bow to Dunrith.

You turn towards Salnim and render a sharp hand salute.

Dunrith nods.

Salnim smiles.

You confidingly apologize, "My question regards the Order of the Silver Gryphon. It has been reprimanded by Earl Jovery. More importantly all of those Knighted under you have been assigned to Sir Thadston who is building an outpost in our region under th' Hendoran flag."

Dunrith nods.

You say, "We agree to this reprimand. We acted to protect justice and freedom after a child was killed by siege weaponry. Our holding was taken and turned into a den of torture by the witch Raznel. Your excellency always told us to follow a just lord or tell them when they were wrong. Sir Thaxin gave the acknowledgement to defend our city, and yours. Each of us chose and we defended."

You ask, "Can you provide us any guidence in this matter? Earl Jovery has always been understanding and we respect him and yourself immensely"

Azanoth agrees with you.

You speculatively sigh, "It is my feeling that you have and th' Earl have protected us because you know th' integrity and grit of our people. It is my hope that we continue to uphold those expectations many have for us."

Augierose nods.

Dunrith says, "I understand that you have a difficult road before you."

Dunrith says, "But that road is no different than what you faced a year ago."

Dunrith says, "Or faced many years ago when Baron Hochstib brought war to your door."

You adopt an agreeable expression.

Dunrith says, "The path of knighthood and being a knightly order is not an easy one. Nor should it be taken by those who are not ready for it."

Dunrith says, "For upon it you will be tried in ways you may not yet realized or understand, as it is a test of character in the most intimate and difficult of ways."

You nod at Dunrith.

Dunrith says, "I can offer the Silver Gryphons no easy solution or action. But I can simply offer words I have spoken to them before. Remember your oaths, and what you swore. Hold them in your heart and stand true to them."

Azanoth nods.

Goldstr nods at Dunrith.

Dunrith says, "If you do that, then everything else will flow from there."

Roblar smiles.

Clunk grunts in agreement.

Eugenides applauds Dunrith.

Goldstr nods in agreement.

Evia smiles.

Speaking to Dunrith, you say, "I appreciate your candor as many of our liege. I will state that our Order stood fast to those ideals and accorded itself when faced with such challenges. Be it defending th' innocent, defeating cross and darkness, or fighting valiantly for th' righteous."

You turn towards Dunrith and render a sharp hand salute.

You bow to Salnim.

Speaking to you, Dunrith says, "Please do pass my regards on to the rest of your Order, and those who could not be here tonight."

You nod at Dunrith.

You say, "I shall, your excellency. Sir Thaxin will be pleased we were able to see you."

Dunrith smiles.

Dunrith turns his head to the side, consulting with the aged chamberlain a moment.

Dunrith nods.

Dunrith says, "I understand more individuals had questions and matters for the Court, but there is only a finite amount of time for any Court session."

Dunrith says, "That was the final item on our agenda. I want to thank everyone...

Salnim coughs.

Dunrith glances at Salnim.

Speaking to Dunrith, Salnim says, "There is one more matter, Father."

Speaking to Salnim, Dunrith says, "Ah yes."

Dunrith nods at Salnim.

Bristenn shifts his weight.

You point at Bristenn.

Salnim exclaims, "Sir Bristenn Mires, present yourself before His Excellency Baron Dunrith Malwind of Vornavis!"

Bristenn snaps smartly to attention!

Riend settles her gaze on Bristenn, watching him intently.

Mohrgan leans forward.

(Bristenn strides before the dais with a few short steps and bows low, one arm bent behind his back and the other formally crossing his chest.)

Aiska's hand trembles.

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "Sir Mires, we are glad one of our knights was able to attend this court session tonight."

Bristenn formally replies, "It is with the greatest honor to both attend and serve this great barony, your Excellency."

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "We understand it that you have taken up a squire, who is with us here tonight."

Bristenn inclines his head.

Aiska gives her hair a small tug. Odd.

Aiska stares at Dunrith.

Bristenn politely answers, "I have, your Excellency."

Dunrith nods at Bristenn.

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith asks, "Would you be so kind as to introduce your squire to the Court?"

Bristenn shifts his weight.

Bristenn nods once.

Bristenn politely agrees, "As you command it, sire."

Bristenn cocks his head at Aiska.

Goldstr bows to Aiska.

Speaking kindly to Aiska, Bristenn orders, "Aiska Sunrider, come forward if you would."

Aiska bows to Dunrith.

Dunrith nods at Aiska.

Bristenn formally offers, "Your Excellency, my Lord Salnim, Lord Chamberlain. This is my squire, Aiska Sunrider."

Aiska inclines her head.

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith says, "Welcome to the Court of Vornavis."

Aiska tremulously offers, "E-exc'l--" She bites off the word, amending her diction. "Excellency."

Salnim smiles at Aiska.

Bristenn clearly ventures, "If it would please your Excellency and the court, may I have the honor of doing her name and deeds thus far justice?"

Aiska bites her lip.

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "I suppose we have time for that, Sir Mires."

Bristenn inclines his head.

Bristenn kindly replies, "My thanks, sire."

Bristenn states, "She hails from the County of Seareach, specifically the port of Brisker's Cove, where she was raised as a ward of the Church of Koar. She came to the Landing of Wehnimer aboard a trade vessel, leaving behind the trappings of her old station not to seek riches but, as I have come to know her, to follow that intangible drive to seek greater purpose."

(Aiska stands at-ease, shoulders as square as she can manage. She says nothing.)

Bristenn calmly mentions, "Her eagerness to learn and resolute bearing and it had not gone unnoticed and were what impressed me to make her esquire. Even then, she distinguished herself time and time again in many theatres of the War of Yawning Shade."

Bristenn continues, "In Idolone, she labored tirelessly along Master Mynon Felcroth to repel the krolvin besieging the city, and was instrumental in fortifying the last line of defense and making safe the passage of those withdrawing from the battle, both commons and fighting men."

Bristenn declaims, "In Mestanir, where others would dismay and abandon the field, Aiska Sunrider stood and confronted one of the great abominations of the enemy's design- alone, assuring the egress of many refugees, she battled a chimera with but her axe and will."

Bristenn clearly continues, "In the theatre of Darkstone Bay, each engagement saw her on the field against the armies of Cross- krolvin from the seas, ships in the skies, the blight of undeath. She commanded tower and Hall pylon, rallied defenders with zeal and fervor."

Bristenn proudly concludes, "Of those with such bravery and boldness at such a tender age, I know few. As reward for these great deeds of arms and inexorable courage, I have granted her right to bear the arms of my house as a retainer and man-at-arms, until that time she is made armigerous in her own right."

Divone smiles at Aiska.

Bristenn inclines his head.

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "A fine introduction of your squire, Sir Mires."

Jook gazes fondly at Aiska.

Bristenn clears his throat.

Bristenn ducks his head.

Aiska glances at Bristenn.

Bristenn grins abashedly.

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith says, "And an impressive list for one so young."

Dunrith says, "I am not sure where she learned such behavior."

Speaking anxiously to Dunrith, Aiska replies, "Th-thank ye, Exc'llency."

Dunrith glances at Bristenn.

(Bristenn shifts his eyes a bit dubiously.)

Bristenn sheepishly replies, "..I am uncertain myself, sire."

Bristenn appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Bristenn sincerely ventures, "I believe she will do this barony proud in the future, your Excellency. Fullheartedly."

Speaking meekly to Bristenn, Aiska mumbles, "Thank ye, sir."

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "Your endorsement is noted. But that does remain to be seen."

Bristenn nods understandingly.

Dunrith gazes with interest at Aiska.

Bristenn glances inquiringly at Aiska.

Aiska smiles at the Baron, as if it would somehow break the self-conscious spell hanging over her. It doesn't.

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith asks, "Squire Sunrider, I am curious about this incident with the chimera and what exactly you were thinking at the time?"

Aiska frankly replies, "I was thinkin' I wanted ta chop 'is 'ead off, Excellency."

Roblar nods approvingly at Aiska.

Bristenn folds his hands behind his back.

Dunrith chuckles.

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "Yes, I am definitely not certain where she has learned such behavior."

(Bristenn seriously attempts not to grin at Aiska's earnesty, but fails miserably.)

Bristenn grins ear-to-ear.

Bristenn nods reluctantly at Dunrith.

Aiska uncertainly confesses, "... didn't, um. Work out like that, so much."

Aiska clears her throat.

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith says, "Battle often does not, Squire."

Aiska nods slowly at Dunrith.

Bristenn sheepishly replies, "My apologies, your Excellency. As she continues her training, we will certainly temper that eagerness and instinct with honed tactics and foresight."

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith says, "I hope you will consider that in the future. Given your penchant for finding conflict, it is something you will do well to keep in mind."

Aiska tremulously agrees, "Yessir, milord, um, Baron, sire."

Salnim whispers something to Dunrith.

Dunrith frowns.

Dunrith looks thoughtfully at Salnim.

Dunrith nods at Salnim.

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "We are glad that you brought up the matter of her training, Sir Mires."

Hadya gently brushes her sable hair away from her eyes and, with a deft twist of her wrist, tucks it back into its bindings.

Femereff fidgets.

Bristenn furrows his brow.

Bristenn nods slowly at Dunrith.

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "For we have some matters of concern."

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith asks, "Was weapon training something you taught her yourself, or did she pick that up elsewhere?"

Aiska gives her hair a small tug. Odd.

Bristenn shifts his weight.

Bristenn surreptitiously glances at Aiska.

Aiska can offer Bristenn only a blank expression.

Bristenn carefully answers, "I have shown her a fair number of techniques and sparred with her oft, my lord, but she lifted her axe of her own accord when she arrived in the North."

Dunrith says, "I see."

Dunrith asks, "Were you also the one to instruction her on proper attired when attending a session of Court?"

You see Aiska Sunrider the Berserker.
She appears to be a Human from Seareach.
She is short in stature and appears to be young and untried. She has sleepy wintry blue eyes and tanned skin. She has waist length, flowing blonde hair with thin braids trailing back from the brow. She has a square face and series of freckles over her nose and across her cheeks. She has a thin, scrawny build.
She has a tattoo of colorful rampaging monsters on her arm, and a golden crown marking on her neck.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing an ocean blue silk cloak shoulder-pinned with nathalene, a dusky grey velvet doublet slashed at the sleeves to reveal a brilliant azure satin lining, a long white rose, a white leather scabbard, a pair of grey merino wool trousers with crisp creases, and some grey suede boots fastened with silver buckles.

Aiska glances down.

Bristenn shifts his weight.

Riend blinks.

Dunrith glances between Bristenn and Aiska.

Bristenn slowly replies, "I was, sire."

Bristenn nods once.

Dunrith says, "In this matter we are disappointed. First that proper combative techniques were not offered when it came to engaging a single enemy that is extremely dangerous. And now that you did not give her proper instruction on how to dress for court."

Dunrith frowns.

Bristenn clears his throat.

Aiska closes her eyes for a moment.

Aiska stares downward.

Bristenn sheepishly relents, "My apologies, your Excellency. This will be corrected with haste."

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "I hope that all of those in my service when it comes to combat will be able to follow in the footsteps of Sir Yarx when it comes to single combat. He engaged what was known as a titan by himself and beat it without a weapon."

Bristenn closes his eyes for a moment.

Roblar smiles.

Evia smiles.

Bristenn nods firmly.

Dunrith says, "As for her attire at Court, Sir Mires, I am afraid that is not something that you can fix."

Clunk slowly empties his lungs.

Bristenn blinks.

Azanoth grins.

Aiska suddenly looks like she wishes she were somewhere else.

Azanoth glances between Bristenn and Aiska.

Femereff whispers something to Bristenn.

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith says, "Aiska Sunrider, when you attend a Court session such as this, it is expected that you will do so wearing your spurs. I expect you to not make this mistake ever again."

Jook snickers.

Mohrgan raises an eyebrow.

Bristenn blinks.

Jook nods knowingly.

Roblar smiles at Aiska.

Femereff snickers.

Mynon turns to Aiska and cheers!

Bristenn gazes proudly at Aiska.

Divone appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Katiesa smiles at Aiska.

Goldstr grins.

Femereff applauds Aiska.

Azanoth's jaw drops.

Mohrgan flashes a wide grin.

(Aiska's head snaps up suddenly, a deer staring down a nocked arrow.)

Dunrith smiles at Aiska.

Augierose turns towards Aiska and renders a sharp hand salute.

Riend smiles quietly to herself.

Aiska blurts, "Buh?"

Elbromo snickers.

Bristenn smiles proudly to himself, nodding and folding his hands behind his back.

Greganth smiles at Aiska.

Falvicar attempts to hum a merry little tune.

Aiska stares at Dunrith.

Mohrgan nods approvingly.

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith says, "Aiska Sunrider, if you would serve me and the Empire, then kneel before me."

(Aiska doesn't, for an uncomfortably long moment, frozen in place. But! She recovers.)

Aiska gulps.

Aiska slowly empties her lungs.

Aiska kneels down.

(Divone relaxes and brings her clasps hands to her chest.)

Divone smiles.

Hoy adopts an agreeable expression.

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith says, "As I once told another soon to be knight, some will say that you are young and untried, but neither are a crime so long as they are tempered with good judgment and acceptance of sound advice from your friends."

Aiska trembles.

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith asks, "Do you solemnly swear, with the truth in your heart and the strength in your arms, to uphold the chivalric code, conducting yourself as a true knight, a living example of a warrior with honor, courage, and generosity?"

Aiska tremulously responds, "I swear, yer Excellency."

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith asks, "Do you promise to shelter those who seek the aegis of your arm and the generosity of your heart, and always offer both to those too weak to defend themselves?"

Aiska tremulously responds, "I-I promise, yer Excellency."

Kasia appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith asks, "And finally, do you promise to support the Empire and it's rightful ruler, never participating in nor supporting aggression against it nor its citizens?"

Aiska tremulously responds, "I promise, yer Excellency."

Dunrith removes a basket-hilted golvern longsword from in his leather scabbard.

Dunrith taps the flat of the blade of his longsword on each of Aiska's shoulders

Mohrgan nods approvingly.

Astru grins.

Dunrith put a basket-hilted golvern longsword in his leather scabbard.

Aiska shivers.

Dunrith offers Aiska a pair of golden spurs.

Aiska accepts Dunrith's golden spurs.

You turn towards Aiska and render a sharp hand salute.

You smile.

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith exclaims, "Put those on, and arise as Aiska Sunrider, Knight-Errant!"

Aiska puts on a pair of golden spurs.

Aiska stands up.

Eugenides applauds.

Goldstr faces Aiska and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.

Mohrgan applauds.

Roblar claps his hands.

Oriehn applauds.

Katiesa applauds Aiska.

Mynon applauds.

Astru applauds.

Bristenn faces Aiska and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.

Aiska's face lights up with joy.

Azanoth applauds.

Hadya applauds.

Kaedra applauds.

Greganth applauds Aiska.

Goldstr applauds.

Balantine applauds Aiska.

Kasia applauds.

Falvicar applauds Aiska.

Aiska bows to Dunrith.

Aiska turns around.

Elbromo applauds Aiska.

Aiska cries with happiness, laughing through her tears.

Aiska buries her face in her hands.

Mohrgan applauds Aiska.

Elbromo smiles at Aiska.

Bristenn appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Divone applauds Aiska.

Mohrgan grins joyfully.

Clunk bows to Aiska.

Azanoth rubs Aiska gently.

Qatari applauds.

Raelee examines Aiska closely, sizing her up and taking note of all the details.

Hadya pulls the hood of her cloak down over her face, concealing her features.

Speaking to Dunrith, Aiska stammers, "Thank ye, Excellency. An'--"

Aiska points at Bristenn.

Aiska motions vaguely, having forgotten that guy's name.)

Speaking to Aiska, Dunrith says, "Congratulations Dame Aiska Sunrider."

Speaking proudly to Aiska, Bristenn remarks, "Wear them well, Dame Aiska."

Aiska rubs her wintry blue eyes.

You applaud Aiska.

Azanoth deeply exclaims, "Three cheers for Aiska!"

Hadya turns around.

Hadya's group just went out.

Bristenn lets out a cheer!

Balantine lets out a cheer!

Clunk lets out a cheer!

Astru lets out a cheer!

Azanoth lets out a cheer!

Mynon lets out a cheer!

Goldstr yells, "Hip!"

Goldstr yells, "Hip!"

Azanoth lets out a cheer!

Mynon lets out a cheer!

Goldstr yells, "Hip!"

Falvicar nods approvingly at Aiska.

Elbromo grins.

You grin.

Falvicar applauds.

Bristenn announces, "Hip, hip."

Astru flutters her wings, stirring the air slightly.

Aiska grins like an idiot.

Aiska runs a hand over her waist length blonde hair, trying to make herself presentable.

Dunrith says, "We do have one final matter before everyone goes off to celebrate."

Aiska lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Aiska strides over to stand before Bristenn.

Goldstr turns an inquisitive ear toward Dunrith.

You bow to Aiska.

Bristenn folds his hands behind his back.

Femereff turns an inquisitive ear toward Dunrith.

Aiska smiles like a goddamn fool at Geijon.

Azanoth folds his hands behind his back.

You chuckle at Aiska.

Bristenn shifts his weight.

Elbromo chuckles.

You give Aiska a friendly hug.

Speaking to Aiska, you say, "Dame."

You smile.

Divone curtsies to Aiska.

Azanoth smirks at you!

You chuckle.

Aiska passes a hand over her tanned face.

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "Sir Mires."

Aiska sniffs.

Aiska clears her throat.

Aiska folds her hands behind her back.

Bristenn snaps smartly to attention!

Bristenn clearly answers, "Aye, sire."

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "In the past year you have taken on a squire who has proven herself worthy of knighthood, overseen Vornavian interested in the field outside of its borders and provided reliable intelligence on what you observed, avoided conflict in a quagmire of a landwar to the north, and taken combat to the enemy in the fields of Mestanir, Idolone, Vornavis, and beyond."

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith asks, "Do you have anything to say for yourself for this conduct?" Bristenn furrows his brow.

Bristenn clearly answers, "I had a great number of teachers, my lord, who themselves were great."

Bristenn awkwardly continues, ".. and .. taught. Greatly."

Bristenn furrows his brow.

Bristenn clears his throat.

You shift your weight.

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "There is a saying, Sir Mires. The reward for work well done is more work."

Azanoth grins at Bristenn.

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "For your actions, you have proven yourself to us time and again. And in response we hereby promote you from Knight-Errant, to Knight of the Empire."

Divone smiles at Bristenn.

Bristenn blinks.

Azanoth gasps.

Goldstr applauds Bristenn.

Mohrgan grins ear-to-ear.

Clunk grunts, amused.

Mynon turns to Bristenn and cheers!

Azanoth applauds Bristenn.

Riend's face lights up with joy for Bristenn.

Clunk applauds Bristenn.

Elbromo mutters bouttime.

Aiska beams happily at Bristenn!

Raelee narrows her eyes.

Divone applauds Bristenn.

Raelee clenches her jaw.

Goldstr faces Bristenn and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.

Azanoth deeply says, "I sense three more cheers coming on."

Mohrgan earnestly declares, "Well earned!"

[LNet]-GSIV:Jook: "Hoy pretends to be good, he gave me a free helm and I think now owns my soul"

Azanoth deeply exclaims, "Hip, Hip!"

Bristenn bows low, abasing himself before Dunrith.

Roblar applauds.

Kaedra applauds Bristenn.

Falvicar quietly says, "Well earned indeed."

Kasia flashes a wide grin.

Falvicar nods in agreement at Mohrgan.

Azanoth lets out a cheer!

Oriehn applauds Bristenn.

Balantine applauds.

Speaking sincerely to Dunrith, Bristenn confesses, "You honor me, your Excellency."

Goldstr exclaims, "Well dones Sir Mires!"

Goldstr faces Bristenn and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.

Dunrith smiles at Bristenn.

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "As you have honored me and Vornavis, Sir Mires. This is well deserved."

Bristenn seriously adds, "The reward of more work is reward in and of itself, as it is my honor to serve this barony and its rightful and just ruler."

Bristenn inclines his head.

You smile at Bristenn.

You shake hands with Bristenn.

Aiska smiles big at Bristenn!

You receive a firm handshake from Bristenn.

You grin.

Bristenn grins at Aiska.

You hug Bristenn, stirring the scent of crisp cleanliness from his skin.

Bristenn sincerely offers, "My thanks to you all as well. This barony, and the world at large, would have been lost without your efforts and heart."

Speaking to Bristenn, Dunrith says, "I am glad you feel that way Sir Mires. There is much work to be done going forward."

Bristenn nods with satisfaction.

Speaking clearly to Dunrith, Bristenn answers, "At your command, my liege."

Bristenn faces Dunrith and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.

Dunrith nods.

You think to yourself, "We all fought for the right reasons...and won"

Dunrith says, "This conclude all of the matters we wished to discuss with the Court tonight. We thank you all for joining us, and hope to see you join us again in the future."

The aged chamberlain's voice rings out, "This session of Open Court in Vornavis is now closed. Thank you for attending, and please see yourselves out in a timely manner."

Speaking to Salnim, you say, "It was a pleasure to see you."

Kasia curtsies.

You turn towards Salnim and render a sharp hand salute.

Salnim smiles.

You bow to Dunrith.

Speaking to you, Salnim says, "Always good to see you and the Gryphons."

Jook adds, "The court was very informative."

Regwen curtsies gracefully to Salnim.

Jook nods slowly.

Bristenn sincerely observes, "Your Excellency, my Lord Salnim. Captain Gurbah, Lord Chamberlain."

Speaking to Bristenn, Mynon exclaims, "Congratulations, Sir Mires!"

Katiesa glances at Falvicar.

Bristenn nods politely at Girvahk.

Bristenn and Mynon shake hands.

Bristenn grins abashedly.

Speaking warmly to Bristenn, Riend says, "Congratulations, this is most well deserved."

Speaking to Aiska, Divone says, "Congratulations."

Bristenn nods respectfully at Malvernus.

Speaking to Femereff, Salnim says, "I hope you fare well."

Divone turns to face Bristenn.

Mohrgan respectfully says, "Your Excellency, my Lord Salnim. Thank you for your continued support."

Speaking respectfully to Aiska, Mohrgan says, "Honored by the Godking. Honored as a knight. Congratulations, Dame Sunrider."

Speaking to Aiska, Mynon exclaims, "And Aisk- Dame Sunrider!"

Riend bows her head slightly toward Bristenn as she drops into a deep respectful curtsy before him.

Raelee nods at Malvernus.

(Aiska mumbles something that might be a very bashful thanks.)

Speaking to Bristenn, Divone says, "Moving up. Well done Sir Mires."

Speaking kindly to Aiska, Riend says, "And congratulations to you, Dame Aiska."

(And thats a wrap)