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2022-03-13 - Vornavis Baronial Court Session (log)

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This court session took place on Sunday, March 13th, 2022.

Category: Towns
Topic: Solhaven
Message #: 3322
Author: GS4-LYDIL
Date: 3/8/2022 10:22 PM
Subject: Invitation

A number of riders were seen departing Vornavis this morning and heading east with speed. All wore the green and white colors of the barony, and bore a swan-crested satchel often carried by couriers.

Tonight news was spread by that His Excellency Baron Malwind would be returning this weekend. Further he would be holding another open session of court this coming Restday the 13th of Charlatos at 9:30 by the Empire Standard of Time. All residents of the region and friends of the barony are welcome at court. His Excellency would also like to extend a special invitation to those with ties to Vornavis - its Protectors, Hospitallers, and Wards - as the Baron looks forward to seeing them in person.

The chamberlain of the court would also like to remind all those who would attend this session of court that proper attire and behavior will be required.

(OOC: The Court session will Sunday 3/13 at 9:30 pm EST)


(Credit due to Shan)

Lord Salnim Malwind and Lady Kasendra Malwind were welcomed to the court, now newly wed.

Misun Grace, Ward of House Venquinor, was called forward and asked to serve again instead in the role of Protector of Solhaven, to which she agreed.

All Protectors of Solhaven were called forward to the dais. They included Protector Misun Grace, Protector Guarrin, and Protector Kateerina Treyetha. Baron Dunrith noted that they, and all Protectors unable to be present, should now be able to be better recognized in game for their ongoing service. (This appears to be linked to a Protector prename title. For those not logged in for tonight's session, they need to reach out to GM Lydil to get access to it.)

All Hospitallers of the Order of Venquinor were called forward to the dais. Hospitaller Yukito Lennan was the only one present. Baron Dunrith noted that there are substantial challenges specific to those serving in the Order of Venquinor, due to its ties to Paidreg Venquinor. As a result, he is founding the Order of the Swan, and he offered all Hospitallers of the Order of Venquinor were invited to become Hospitallers of the Order of the Swan. Hospitaller Yukito accepted the offer. (For those not present for tonight's session, they will need to reach out to GM Lydil to accept the standing offer to transfer to the new Order and have access to its title.)

Sir Gedrick of Trauntor, Knight-Errant, was called forward. Baron Dunrith recognized his good deeds over the past 7+ years in Vornavis, as well as that he has a challenging history with his homeland. The Baron offered Sir Gedrick the position of Knight of the Empire, with Vornavis as his new home. Sir Gedrick accepted the offer. His new squire, Camryth, expressed enough excitement for both of them.

Baron Dunrith noted that proper decorum, including attire, was expected for all attending court. After a few minutes of everyone fidgeting and adjusting their clothes, the chamberlain pushed Protector Guarrin forward with his staff. Baron Dunrith noted that spurs were expected attire for him moving forward, and asked that Guarrin enter in his service as a Knight-Errant. The offer was expected, and Sir Guarrin was knighted.

No petitions were heard due to the length of tonight's court session.


The Court session details can be found for this session fully transcribed within the Order of the Silver Gryphon library.


Category: Towns
Topic: Solhaven
Message #: 3325
Author: GS4-LYDIL
Date: 03/16/2022 08:22 PM
Subject: Protectors and Hospitallers

This past Sunday at the Court Session Baron Malwind made several announcements concerning all those previously awarded the title Protector of Solhaven or Hospitaller of the Order of Venquinor. For the Protectors of Solhaven the Baron wished for this role to be more visible with the prename title of Protector. The new option was bestowed upon the Protectors present at the Court Session, but is also eligible to all who were bestowed the titles originally.

The Baron also announced the formation of the Order of the Swan, and gave all Hospitallers of the Order of Venqunior the oppertunity to join it. In doing so they will have the prename title of Hospitaller and the postname title of Member of the Order of the Swan.

Two notes I wish to make. First, for any Protectors or Hospitallers who were not able to attend Court that I have not had the chance to catch up with already, you can either reach out to me directly via email to arrange for a time to receive your title, or you can put in an Assist to get the process started that way. Second, I know some of those awarded these titles are not currently playing. The offers listed above still apply to them should they return, they simply need to reach out as mentioned.

It is my hope that with the revisions and additions to these titles it can reinvigorate and revitalize them, and give those who felt any baggage with those titles a means to move forward in a positive manner. Additionally that the Order of the Swan will allow more the opportunity in the future, as it is not tied to any one area or role.

Finally I want to thank all those who came out for the Court Session, as having people come together for such events makes them so much more meaningful. I hope that everyone had as enjoyable a time at it as I did holding it. I also want to congratulate all of those who received titles, whether brand new or revamped, as you all have earned them.
