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2022-09-06 - Fireside Tales with Sorlu Jae'kym (log)

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[Silverwood Manor, Quiet Garden - 14006] A pair of stained glass doors open directly into the garden, where a well-manicured carpet of verdant grass is surrounded by a circle of stately haon trees. The strong trunks and layered green leaves create a quiet area of insulated serenity. Moonlight glints on the waters of a perfectly round pond at the center of the area, the surface dotted with glowing white votives. Daisies sprout at the base of an elaborate polished marble statue. You also see the Lahanna disk, the Nordred disk, the skull-shaped Zeminar disk, a gold-traced smooth oak cart with some stuff on it, a small fire burning within a ring of stones, a flat oak log, a wide wooden log and an eternal flame. Also here: Mister Anferis (sitting), Mentor Siierra, High Lady Lahanna, Lord Nordred, Mentor Darkkstormmer (sitting), Great Lord Gonzy (sitting), Fandrath (sitting), Meril (sitting), Zeminar (sitting), Mentor Cordelia, Makthron, Mistress Lithyia (sitting), Historian Lunaryna, Bakarus (sitting), Aryleste (sitting), Dumple (sitting), Roelon (sitting), Lurrah (sitting), Lord Sorlu

Elphieya recites quietly:

   "Welcome to Fireside Tales. For those of you who may not know me. I'm Elphie"

Bakarus nods in greeting to Elphieya.

Elphieya recites quietly:

   "Tonight we are very fortunate to have Sorlu Jae'kym with us to share his tale of what recently happened in Icemule."

You see Lord Sorlu Jae'kym the Scoundrel.

He appears to be a Nalfein Elf.

He is average height. He appears to be extremely young. He has icily translucent, frost blue eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, thick battle-tousled sable hair and a wide-brimmed black suede hat stuck with a single raven black feather worn at a rakish angle. He has an angular face, a classical nose and long pointed ears. A long smoky emerald feather quill tipped with a spiraled dark vaalin nib is tucked behind his ear.

He has an interwoven infinity symbol tattoo on his neck, inked wispy tendrils of smoky jade curling sensually around both forearms, a menacing jade-eyed onyx viper tattoo on his arm, a faintly serrated sliver of emerald with prismatic striations in his left eyebrow, and a wisp-wrapped blonde woman tattoo on his arm.

Elongated tentacles of hazy jade mist writhe across his form, undulating in rhythm to his movements.

He is holding a slender Nalfein-styled cane in his right hand and a glass of cold mineral water in his left hand.

He is wearing a mithril-edged vultite buckler inset with thick steel knobs, a sleek midnight suede rucksack stitched with gleaming silver thread, a shadowy black marbrinus cloak clasped with a pure jet rose, a black highwayman coat with an elbow-length capelet, a half-buttoned ivory linen shirt, a crescent platinum torc ending in shadowglass-eyed rat heads, an emerald talisman etched with a wispy smoke-wrapped woman, a verdigris ivy leaf-shaped locket, a white stone seed charm, some tailored black leather gloves, a brushed platinum wedding band of two intertwined figures worn on the left ring finger, a pair of soft black suede trousers finished with onyx rivets, an oiled leather belt, a soft leather coin bag bound with veniom, a rugged leather loot bag, a tarnished brass keyring, and some black leather boots with obsidian-tipped laces.

Sorlu smiles.

Lithyia smiles at Sorlu.

Elphieya recites quietly:

   "I won't take up any more of the time."

Elphieya turns to face Sorlu.

Roelon smiles.

Elphieya smiles.

Roelon nods once.

Speaking quietly to Sorlu, Elphieya says, "All yours."

Roelon turns to face Sorlu.

Dumple applauds Sorlu.

Speaking politely to Elphieya, Sorlu says, "Thank you."

Elphieya hurriedly says, "Oh, if you haven't seen it yet, there are refreshments on the cart."

(Sorlu turns to address the crowd.)

Makthron gazes with interest at a gold-traced smooth oak cart.

Bakarus takes a drink from his warm elven brandy.

Bakarus smiles at Sorlu.

Bakarus nods.

Sorlu says, "Tonight, I will attempt to entertain you by recounting the events surrounding Icemule Trace and the twin Tablets of Life and Death. A tale that now stretches back over the last few years, and involves many moving players that often overlap. So, as should always be the case, let us start at the beginning..."

Dumple raises an eyebrow.

Elphieya settles her gaze on Sorlu, watching him intently.

Meril walks over to the log and settles down.

Sorlu says, "For me, the story begins upon my return to Icemule with Lurrah...having been gone for several years involving honest, unrelated business."

Sorlu flashes a quick grin.

Sorlu says, "At the time, several seemingly independent events were taking place...though we would later learn how deeply they were intertwined."

Sorlu says, "First, there was the election of the new Mayor, in which Talliver Dabbings would go on to win. One of those that ran against him went by the name Ellerel....and we will circle back to him, as he too plays a major part in this story." Sorlu says, "The second, reports of several mysterious attacks on livestock and travelers, as well as a missing local farmer by the name of Arnabas, which had been reported by his brother."

Elphieya nods slowly.

Elphieya fidgets.

Bakarus frowns.

Sorlu says, "And thirdly, stirrings at The Temple of Hope...."

Sorlu nods.

Roelon shifts his weight.

Roelon nods slowly.

Sorlu says, "Now, regarding the attacks, we had little information to go on for quite some time. We would find the occasional corpse, which by itself wouldn't be so unusual in such dangerous lands...but each victim was left entirely drained of blood. Rumors began to circulate quickly of a demonic bat-like creature being seen at night...but this is all we had to work with."

Siierra tilts her head toward Sorlu, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.

Sorlu shrugs.

Lithyia gasps.

Elphieya fidgets.

Elphieya nods at Lithyia.

Bakarus nods knowingly.

Speaking quietly to Lithyia, Elphieya whispers aloud, "It was very disturbing."

Lithyia agrees with Elphieya.

Dumple gasps.

Gonzy winces.

Sorlu says, "It was around this time that a local farmer came to town to report a strange incident involving his brother. His brother, named Arnabas, had gone missing from their family farm...and was presumed dead after he didn't return for several weeks. From what I understood, he was not the adventuring type, and so coming to such a conclusion made sense. However, one night, Arnabas returned to his brother..."

Sorlu says, "As was told during the report, his appearance had greatly though his body no longer properly held onto the bones beneath. His voice, once clear, was now a wretched hiss...and his eyes held nothing more than hate and malice. And in that dark moment of revelation, Arnabas attacked his brother.... who by the grace of some Arkati was able to fend him off, leaving Arnabas to flee back into the night."

Sparks shoot up from the flames to dance in the hot air above the fire. Most glow brightly for a time and then slowly burn up and wink out, but an alarming few drift off, still glowing red hot.

Sorlu takes a drink from his cold mineral water.

Lithyia fidgets.

Aryleste furrows her brow.

Sorlu says, "The brother of Arnabas was slow in coming to the town to report this, and understandably so considering the nature of family. But it seemed obvious that whatever evil had possessed Arnabas was transforming him, creating this winged creature. This surely did not give us all of the answers we needed, but we now had a name for our monster."

Lithyia takes a drink from her cream-topped coffee.

Sorlu says, "Now as this was playing out, as I mentioned before, there was a great stirring happening up at the Temple of Hope. This was heralded by visions, or perhaps memories, and strange new babblings from a long time Icemule resident. A woman who had been a refugee from the Temple of Hope many years back, when a great battle was waged that caused the Sisters of Hope to fall. For nearly twenty years she wandered the streets of Icemule...repeating the same few phrases over and over, her mind shattered by whatever trauma she had been dealt. But suddenly, that changed...and while her mind was just as broken and fragmented as it had been for the last couple decades, she began to spout fears of a new danger...a new threat growing beneath the Temple of Hope. Many may have known her colloquially as the Forlorn Abbess, but her true name is Mellian."

Lahanna leans softly against Nordred.

Sorlu says, "Several of us took it upon ourselves to explore the Temple of Hope, what we simply refer to as The Abbey...and indeed, within its depths, a crumbling wall was found to be hiding a tunnel.... a tunnel through the darkness that would lead us to both a portal, as well as a dead end. There we were turned back, as we had no way to gain access through this portal...despite numerous attempts, one unfortunately involving a failed mortal sacrifice."

Sorlu clears his throat.

Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Elphieya.

Elphieya’s cheek flush lightly.

Lithyia frowns at Sorlu.

Sorlu nods at Lithyia.

Bakarus gazes at Elphieya.

Roelon sighs.

Speaking to Lithyia, Sorlu says, "Mistakes sometimes happen in these sort of situations."

Lithyia agrees with Sorlu.

Bakarus nods understandingly at Sorlu.

Sorlu smiles.

Elphieya meekly says, "It didn't seem the most ridiculous option at the time."

Sorlu says, "There is a lie that is often told, that time somehow heals all wounds...but for Mellian, this was not the case. However, due to the efforts of many, a treatment was finally designed for her. A stabilizing of her mind, so to speak, through the mixing of many medicinal herbs and ingredients, until a phial was filled with a clumpy green liquid that seemed, to me, not fit for consumption...let alone to fight off a clouded mind."

Elphieya bites her lip.

Sorlu wrinkles his nose.

Sorlu says, "However, the concoction worked...though the flood of horrible memories, now fully remembered, nearly overtook her. And as those memories came rushing back, she began to tell us of the events that had taken place at the Temple of Hope so many years back, when it fell...or at least her version of it."

Lithyia leans forward.

Sorlu leans on his cane, taking a momentary rest.

Sorlu says, "For you see, a man had been found by the Sisters of Hope. Half buried in the snow, and bleeding badly. As the Sisters had taken a vow to always provide aid and shelter to the needy, the sick and the injured, they did the same with him.... though Mellian admitted she was immediately ill at ease around him, even weak and near death as he was. To the point that she nearly ordered that he be returned to the snow. But feeling great shame over this, she instead allowed him to remain. And perhaps in doing so, doomed her Sisters..." Bakarus whispers something to Zeminar.

Sorlu nods slowly.

Elphieya sighs sadly.

Sorlu says, "At first, this man began to recover. And as he regained his senses, he seemed quite grateful...perhaps overly so. His wound turned out to be quite superficial. A wound that should not have produced nearly as much blood as he was covered in. He explained that he was a traveler from far off, a dealer in the occult and arcane. In his possession was a stone tablet, one he explained held the power of turning back death. He seemed to insist that the Sisters take it, protect it while he was in his weakened state...but Mellian feared one of the Sisters might be tempted by its power, and so she brought it down into the ossuary, locking it up so that only the most senior of Sisters could access it..."

Elphieya leans forward.

Sorlu shakes his head, totally at a loss.

Sorlu says, "Soon, this man had recovered from the wound he had, but when it came time to discharge him, he suddenly grew very ill. At first, Mellian believed he was lying, hoping to simply remain in their care...until he began to form lesions right before her eyes. Awful boils appeared, and it was as if he were being consumed by a rotting infection from within....and this rotting, wasting disease began to spread to the Sisters."

Lithyia gasps.

Elphieya shudders.

Lithyia shudders.

Aryleste frowns.

Siierra's face turns slightly pale.

Sorlu says, "Mellian tried to assure the Sisters that Liabo would save them...but one of the Sisters chose not to have faith in this platitude. So, gathering a small circle of senior Sisters, they snuck to the ossuary by night, and read from the tablet...hoping its magic would save them from death."

Sorlu chuckles to himself.

Elphieya gasps.

Bakarus smirks.

Elphieya’s face turns slightly pale.

Sorlu continues, "It was not to be. Instead, in that instant, they were all transformed into creatures of lustful tastes and vile hungers. I believe we know them now as the nedum vereri. And as that infliction began to spread further, Mellian took flight....and was the only to survive the fall of the Abbey."

Lithyia frowns.

Sorlu nods.

Sorlu rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Elphieya sadly says, "Such a heavy burden to carry."

Aryleste reaches out and touches her Oleani prayer beads.

Elphieya furrows her brow.

Lithyia agrees with Elphieya.

Sorlu nods to Elphieya . Aryleste sighs.

Sorlu takes a drink from his cold mineral water.

Sorlu says, "Now, to circle back to something I mentioned of those that travelled with us was Ellerel Barrowfoot, who had run for the position of Mayor. A halfling wizard of great talent, he was always quick to join with us on our adventures. But as Mellian spoke of the tablet, he seemed to grow quite agitated when he learned that only one tablet had been brought to the Abbey, and not two. Suddenly seeming quite suspicious, we began to press Ellerel on what he knew, and he finally began to confess the terrible truth...Ellerel was not who he said he was."

Lithyia fidgets.

Sorlu explains, "While, in physical body, he was indeed Ellerel Barrowfoot...the being that dwelled within was not. Living within, like a parasite, was the creature known as of the members of the original Council of Ten. I will not go into great detail about the Council of Ten tonight. Though it is well known that through dealings with Amasalen, they were corrupted and became liches. Eight of the ten were destroyed, as Prangar would explain.. Only he had escaped, and Zeban... who now dwelled inside the body of the one we had known as Arnabas."

Sorlu nods slowly.

Elphieya shakes her head.

Elphieya fidgets.

Sorlu says, "Exploring the ossuary for any sign of the tablet that was once hidden there, Prangar continued to explain that while both he and Zeban had committed great evils in their pursuit of power, including the murder of the actual Ellerel, who was a blood relative to Prangar, that he had come to a change of heart. Where once he wished to gain the two tablets so that he could restore himself to life, now he simply wished to stop Zeban, and atone for his past. But it was during this confession, and attempt to prove his motives had changed, that we were visited by another in the darkness of the ossuary...."

Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.

Bakarus dusts himself off.

Sorlu says, "We were first greeted by a silky voice, one that seemed to drip the sweetest of honey...warning us that Ellerel has many secrets he'd rather not share. Wisps of smoke began to coalesce before us, and from this stepped one of the most beautiful humans I have ever seen...Niatha, known as the Scarlett Temptress, High Priestess of Ivas."

Sorlu brushes his fingers lightly against his emerald talisman.

Roelon mutters something about redhair.

Anferis gives a short little hum of surprise.

Aryleste frowns.

Elphieya furrows her brow.

Sorlu says, "There was most definitely a shared animosity between the lovely Niatha, and the somewhat recovered Mellian, over who was the true owner of the Abbey...many, including Ellerel, tried to move against Niatha, but soon would learn the futility of attacking directly one so blessed by Ivas. Niatha escaped, unharmed thankfully...for we would soon encounter her again."

Sorlu says, "For the next several weeks, perhaps months, Icemule was constantly under siege. Zeban himself appearing often to lead these assaults, followed by flocks of bat-like creatures that would swoop down to strike at the unlucky. Until one night, a great outburst of magic erupted to our east...from the Abbey. And as we rushed to investigate, again we met with Niatha. The portal beneath the Abbey had been breached by Zeban. From Niatha, and thus from Ivas, the tablet we had been searching for had been stolen. Niatha confirmed its name...the Tablet of Death. And from this source of mastery over death, she had channeled its energy to create an army of undead servants, all loyal to Ivas, beyond the portal.... known now as the Den of Rot. But what mattered most was that the Tablet of Death was now in the hands of our true enemy."

Lithyia shudders.

Elphieya’s wings flutter with a slight trembling in them.

Sorlu says, "While this was not great news, obviously, we could at least anticipate Zeban's next move. If he possessed the Tablet of Death, then surely he would now begin hunting down its twin.... the Tablet of Life. It became imperative that we find it before he could.... but its whereabouts were completely unknown. Thankfully, we had the aid of Ellerel....ah, well Prangar. He had already begun to research its possible hiding spot, but there was some force keeping him from narrowing down its location beyond a vague direction. With this little bit known, our mayor, Talliver, decided to venture forth on his own.... far to the north, far into the Long Snow..."

Nordred says, "Liches and their skin conditions are just misunderstood."

Nordred hums a seemingly random tune.

Anferis grins crookedly at Nordred.

Sorlu remarks, "This was a journey he would only barely survive..."

Lithyia snickers at Nordred.

Sorlu glances at Nordred.

Sorlu chuckles to himself.

Elphieya nods slowly at Sorlu.

Sorlu says, "Time passes, and word reaches us that Talliver has returned from the north. When we find him, he is broken and battered...both in mind and body. As a truce had been worked out between Niatha of Ivas, and Mellian the Sister of Hope, at least temporarily, he was taken to the Abbey so that the Sisters could aid him. While his recovery took a great amount of time, and perhaps even continues to this day, he was able to relay some information to us. A forest had been found, one that seemed unnatural in that frozen place."

Zeminar nods at Bakarus.

Sorlu says, "But before he could explore it, he was ambushed by the forces of Zeban and fled back to the south...only barely avoiding death in the process. But the description of the distance and direction he travelled was enough for Prangar, who is a master of teleportation magic, to create a portal for us to move through..."

Sorlu says, "Passing through this portal brought us to the area that Talliver had reached. A tangle of thick vegetation, entirely though there was nothing that could prevent this flourishing of life. Fighting our way past many types of beast and monster, we eventually came to a great monument of silver-veined black stone set before an altar, above which hung an aperture that crackled with energy and spewed forth light."

Sorlu says, "And it was here that Zeban again made his presence known. While the monument contained some power to prevent the undead from advancing, holding both Prangar and Zeban at bay, it would only be a matter of time before Zeban overcame that defense, just as he had done at the Den of Rot when he forced it open to steal the Tablet of Death. Knowing that we had few options, and time was not on our side, I made that brave decision to risk it all to climb through the aperture...and beyond, in a realm that to this day makes no sense to my mind, rested the Tablet of Life upon a living wood pedestal."

Elphieya blinks at Sorlu.

Elphieya gazes in amazement at Sorlu.

Sorlu reminisces, "The stone seemed to hum with life. Upon its surface were scrawled what I could only imagine were arcane words, though they appeared as nonsense...constantly shifting and reshaping themselves, like unfurling vines."

Sorlu runs his fingers over the surface of his seed charm and a sad smile spreads across his face.

Sorlu slowly empties his lungs.

Sorlu continues, "Snatching it up, we quickly retreated back to the portal we had come through...only to find it now barricaded by Zeban's own magic. We were now cut off from Icemule..."

Sorlu frowns.

Elphieya gasps.

Sorlu nods in agreement.

Sorlu says, "A great battle ensued. Zeban chased after me, sensing the Tablet of Life I now carried, and many other brave souls countered his attacks with their own...all in the attempt to buy Prangar time to reverse the magic blocking his portal. Zeban was eventually driven back, but not defeated, by the bravery shown by Icemule's defenders...and Prangar was able to open the portal, allowing us our exit."

Lithyia nods at Sorlu.

Elphieya slowly empties her lungs.

Bakarus nods appreciatively.

Sorlu says, "We had won the day, but I knew very well the war still raged. It would only be a matter of time before Zeban would return for his prize. By joining the two Tablets together, one could become, in essence, as powerful as the Arkati. Zeban would surely pursue this power at all cost. It was decided then that I should continue to carry the Tablet, to keep it hidden from Zeban."

Sorlu leans forward.

Sorlu says, "Now, this is the part that few know of...and perhaps I feel a small amount of shame in not sharing this information sooner. My hope is only that you can find the wisdom in the decisions I would begin to make from that point."

Elphieya gazes in wonder at Sorlu.

Lurrah slowly empties her lungs.

Sparks shoot up from the flames to dance in the hot air above the fire. Most glow brightly for a time and then slowly burn up and wink out, but an alarming few drift off, still glowing red hot.

Aryleste raises an eyebrow.

Elphieya leans toward Sorlu.

Sorlu closes his eyes for a moment.

Sorlu slowly empties his lungs.

Sorlu admits, "There are few in the known world who can weave through the shadows as expertly as I can. But even in the darkness, one can be found...if the hunter has enough time and resources. Zeban surely had both in abundance, and so I knew it would only be a matter of time before he found me and struck. As I am not one to sit back and be preyed upon, an idea occurred to me..."

Dumple raises an eyebrow.

Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Sorlu's direction.

Anferis takes a moment to observe Sorlu.

Lithyia leans forward.

Siierra looks thoughtfully at Sorlu.

Sorlu says, "Previously, the town had been visited by a random fortune teller. A woman by the name of Kayda, who travels in a horse driven carriage. Though I, nor any other self-respecting Nalfein, put little faith in such parlor tricks, she did warn that a traitor was amongst us...and clues were offered. Many of us at that time believed this traitor, this spy of Zeban's, to be Bakarus...who was until just recently a member of the Icemule Town Council."

Sorlu casually glances at Bakarus.

Sorlu says, "And so to Bakarus, I went..."

Lithyia glances at Bakarus.

Bakarus sighs.

Siierra gives a sidelong glance around the area.

Sorlu smiles at Bakarus.

Elphieya surreptitiously glances at Bakarus.

Sorlu says, "Bakarus seemed quite eager to meet with me, to discuss the Tablet of Life. Through our discussion...I began mixing truths with lies, speaking of the burden the Tablet had already begun to be upon my soul, and my desire to part with it. As well as a false story of hidden, secret desires to watch Icemule leveled. As I spoke, the darkness within Bakarus grew until it was so thick that it became nearly tangible...and he admitted that he was working with Zeban to bring about the end of Icemule."

Lithyia gasps.

Elphieya gawks at Sorlu.

Roelon clears his throat.

Sorlu quickly adds, "I do believe Bakarus to be a good man..."

Elphieya blinks.

Meril furrows her brow.

Elphieya turns to face Bakarus.

Siierra narrows her eyes.

Sorlu says, "A good man, who was possessed by darkness just as Zeban had corrupted and destroyed others...but in that moment, there was no goodness to be found. And it was then that I knew my plan had, and would, work...I began to string Bakarus along, with the promise of handing over the Tablet if certain payments could be arranged to me. With the promises of the Tablet being brought to Zeban, and not having to hunt for it, I knew this would buy Icemule a respite from his attacks.... while he continued to work his schemes far to the north. Time we could use to prepare."

Elphieya nervously chews on the inside of her lip.

Elphieya turns to face Sorlu.

Nordred says, "Even people that live in mule don't view taking Icemule down as bad.."

Nordred shakes his head.

Bakarus says, "Dark times..indeed."

Speaking surprisedly to Sorlu, Elphieya asks, "You did all this on your own?"

Sorlu smiles at Elphieya.

Speaking to Elphieya, Sorlu says, "I am never alone."

Sorlu taps an emerald talisman etched with a wispy smoke-wrapped woman that he is wearing.

Sorlu casually glances at Lurrah.

Elphieya blinks in puzzlement at Sorlu.

Sorlu smiles.

Elphieya nods understandingly.

Elphieya quietly says, "Ah of course, Lurrah."

Sorlu clears his throat.

Elphieya smiles at Lurrah.

Lurrah smiles.

Sorlu continues, "Now, the town had in place at that time a working plan. The captain of the Firebird, which is a flying air ship, offered us his services. He was willing to brave the flight through the Long Snow to where it was believed Zeban had holed up...further than it was believed any had ever travelled. Rumors had already begun to reach us that he was attempting to restore and corrupt Zerroth, known as The Berserker, the great warrior-priest of V'tull that was involved in the Griffin Sword War. And this we simply couldn't allow to take place. Zeban was bad enough, but if he had Zerroth as a puppet, surely doom would follow."

Nordred grins at Lahanna.

A length of timber crashes and falls over into the fire. The flames grow upon it slowly like roses awakening until the whole log is aglow with a garden of embers.

Elphieya’s wings begin to twitch.

Sorlu says, "After a great deal of effort, and with the help of two nefarious gnomes known for their construction of a great mechanical manticore some time back, the ship was made flight worthy again...and I assured Bakarus, and advised him to send word, that I would be bringing the Tablet to Zeban. Though we were briefly attacked by a pair of flying serpents, Zeban left us he had no need to risk the attack, thinking his prize would soon be delivered to him."

Aryleste shudders.

Sorlu says, "Unfortunately, the attack we did suffer was enough that we were forced to land. And we did so, near a large river. Soon, we were met, to our great surprise, by a few living beings...halflings. As luck would have it, we sat down very near to Cold River Village. Of course, we were met with natural suspicion...but we were able to overcome that, as one of the halflings, it was discovered, was in fact a Dabbings. A long-lost cousin to our mayor, and of the great halfling hero who both share blood with."

Elphieya quietly admits, "It is a good way to get him to not attack."

Sorlu winks at Elphieya.

Sorlu says, "While how they came to dwell there is a story for another time, what is important to note is that not only had they been suffering under the weight of a curse that turned many of them to cannibalism, a "prophet" had begun to visit their village, and the few other neighboring villages...a prophet that carried with him a tablet of black stone. It was Zeban. We knew we were close."

Speaking quietly to Sorlu, Elphieya squeaks, "We are glossing over cannibalism?"

Dumple leans against some stately haon trees.

Speaking to Elphieya, Sorlu asks, "Would you want more vivid details?"

Sorlu chuckles to himself.

Elphieya’s face turns slightly pale.

Elphieya shakes her head.

Elphieya shakes her head.

Aryleste gazes up into the heavens.

Sorlu flashes a quick grin.

Cordelia grins.

Speaking timidly to Sorlu, Elphieya says, "No, I'm sorry. Keep going."

Sorlu continues, "Now, much occurred while we were at that village. It is funny to me how fate and destiny do love to force their way in... because it was then that we finally learned of the gigas. Ancient and massive creatures, who many have guessed are what gave birth to the giants that now exist in the world. A creature I had seen in several visions while carrying the Tablet of Life, though knew not what it was...the original carvers of both."

Sorlu nods slowly.

Sorlu says, "For you see, as we were at the village, one of the gigas, old by even their standards, was currently dying there. Anhilde was her name, is her name, and we met with her during her final moments of life. It was then that a miracle occurred. For as she died, a transformation began to take place...She became, in death, something far more powerful than she was even in life. It is rare thing to happen, we've since learned, but upon death, gigas may evolve into a being known as a disir. Though, in a sense, these are undead...they are not held together by the raw evil we know fuels other type. They are beings of pure goodness. Her eyes, they became like two pools of sunlight, her hair long and platinum, though shifting constantly in tint. Her skin had become a dark gold..."

Elphieya gazes in wonder at Sorlu.

Sorlu says, "Anhilde began to fill in the blanks we had up until this point. Yes, Zeban was there. In fact, he had come through a town that was occupied by her former people...a town named Fjallarhaart. A very dangerous place for those not invited, but one you can choose to explore, if you are stout enough to survive that experience. A place that was, and is, overrun by the dead."

Elphieya quietly mouths, "Fjallarhaart."

Elphieya nods slowly.

Sorlu says, "From the Pits of the Dead they came, tunnels that would lead to a place where an ancient evil was entombed.... Zerroth. His prison was sealed by three keys, so that he could no longer touch the world. But Zeban had been hard at work in his attempt to bypass those wards. And during his experiments, he had spilled the blood of Zerroth, which had awoken the dead."

Gonzy nods once.

Sorlu frowns.

Elphieya frowns.

Gonzy exclaims, "But, the dead?!"

Gonzy whimpers.

Elphieya touches Gonzy.

Sorlu adds, "I imagine his carrying of the Tablet of Death also played into their much evil was being focused in that area."

Sorlu nods.

Sorlu says, "But Zeban had also crafted a spell over this place, known as Angargreft, that enshrouded it...protecting him from interference while he worked. This prevented the likes of the disir from even getting close, and Anhilde would only take us to Fjallarhaart, to the Dead Pits, leaving us with the assurance that if we could manage to destroy whatever physical anchor was holding this shroud in place, that she and her sisters would come to deal with Zeban for us."

Gonzy nods briefly.

Aryleste nods.

Gonzy grins.

Elphieya quietly says, "Oh my."

Elphieya quietly says, "That is a heavy charge."

Lithyia agrees with Elphieya.

Sorlu says, "Through our exploration of Angargreft, a running fight that many did not survive, we came to a dais. Pools of blood, thick and dark, dripped down upon it.... the source being a gigas, who rested unmoving upon a marble bier. Surrounding him were five pillars of stone, each carved to appear as mighty scimitars, the symbol of V'tull....we had found Zerroth. And placed next to him a large, luminous crystal of crimson.... the anchor that held the shroud in place."

Sorlu says, "As we began to attack the crystal, to shatter it and its magic, Zeban appeared. Though the crystal was being attacked, and his shroud soon to be lost, he seemed to worry not. Why would he? Soon it wouldn't matter.... for in his mind, a certain Nalfein had brought to him the second Tablet. Zeban knew that, in a few short moments, he would stand shoulder to shoulder with the Arkati...he had won..."

Gonzy blinks.

Sorlu laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Sorlu says, "Or so he thought..."

Elphieya flutters her wings wildly as if they were on fire.

Lithyia smirks.

Gonzy grins crookedly.

Sorlu says, "In a moment of unfortunate bravado, Zeban paused his mockery of those who had come to stop him, and turned to me.... asking me for the Tablet of Life. Again, such promises he made me for my "loyalty" to him...for he would make me a prince, or so he claimed. But he was becoming impatient, as the crystal at this point had nearly been broken...something I was keeping a very close eye on. Every second mattered....and a few more were needed to drop the shroud."

Sorlu says, "And so, continuing to play my part...I stalled, talking in circles of nonsense, until I finally approached. Knowing that just a few more strikes would shatter the crimson crystal, I asked Zeban for one final last simple request. For he had trespassed against Ivas, in the beginning, when he stole from her the Tablet of Death. An apology was needed from him to first make that right..."

Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.

Gonzy nods slowly at Sorlu.

Sorlu says, "Now of course, I knew no such thing would be given, as pride is often the greatest weakness of evil. It was simply a ploy, perhaps a small sting to his pride, to playfully let him know that I was betraying him...sadly, as is often the case when one plays such games, I was struck down by the magic of Bakarus while my back was to him. But even as I fell, I clenched the Tablet of Life..not surrendering it until Zeban tore it forcefully, along with my arm, from my body."

Speaking quietly to Sorlu, Elphieya ask, "Did he offer one?"

Sorlu looks over at Elphieya and shakes his head.

Gonzy's jaw drops.

Gonzy flashes a wide grin.

Anferis winces.

Speaking to Elphieya, Sorlu says, "No... he did not."

Elphieya’s jaw drops.

Elphieya quietly splutter, "Wait, he killed you?!"

Elphieya glances between Sorlu and Bakarus.

Lithyia frowns at Sorlu.

Speaking to Bakarus, Sorlu says, "Your magic is quite strong, friend. I do hope such evil never overtakes you again...for my sake."

Sorlu smiles at Bakarus.

Siierra surreptitiously glances around the area.

Speaking to Elphieya, Bakarus says, "Possession and such. It was not I who killed Sorlu, in truth."

Bakarus nods to Elphieya.

Lithyia nods at Bakarus.

Bakarus smiles at Sorlu.

Siierra glances at Bakarus.

Elphieya glances suspiciously at Bakarus.

Roelon smiles.

Speaking to Sorlu, Bakarus says, "A terrible evening, my friend."

Speaking unconvincingly to Bakarus, Elphieya say, "If you say so."

Sorlu adopts an agreeable expression.

Zeminar shrugs at Elphieya.

Sorlu says, "But it didn't matter. For in that moment the final blow was also landed on the crimson crystal, shattering it, along with its magic shroud. As Zeban, elated, thinking victory was at hand, jumped into the air to take flight, he was set upon immediately by the disir. Before he could bring the Tablets of Life and Death together, they tore him from the air...shredding his body, and his essence, until there was nothing left of him but a spray of mist."

Gonzy exclaims, "The scoundrel!"

Gonzy chuckles.

Lithyia gawks at Sorlu.

Gonzy nods rhythmically at Sorlu.

Speaking quietly to Sorlu, Elphieya confirms, "But for a moment, he truly did possess both tablets?"

Elphieya flutters her wings, trying to hide behind them.

Speaking to Elphieya, Sorlu says, "But only briefly."

Sorlu nods to Elphieya.

Elphieya’s wings begin to twitch.

Roelon nods slowly.

Bakarus says, "A true savior."

Bakarus nods approvingly.

Sorlu says, "After his destruction, Anhilde returned to us. There were concerns that Zeban might take form again, but she assured us that if any shadow of his soul were to have survived, that the disir would be there to confront it. The Tablet of Life was then returned to me by them, as they are creatures of honor, and not thieves."

Sorlu says, "Anhilde asked me again, as she had when we watched her transformation take place, if I would uphold my promise to give to them that artifact, so that they may keep safe the ancient Tablets that their previous people had once created. I did, and in return, her word was given that if Icemule were in a time of trouble, that a favor was owed to me, and to the town, for what we had endured to bring about the evil that Zeban had already let loose on the world. A fair exchange, I believe."

Gonzy grins.

Lithyia nods at Sorlu.

Elphieya quietly mouths, "Wow."

Sorlu says, "And with that said, this brings us to the end of our story for tonight..."

Lahanna nods.

Sorlu quickly adds, "However, there is one more thing that I would like to add."

Elphieya slowly empties her lungs.

Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Sorlu's direction.

Lithyia leans forward.

Sorlu says, "If I might..."

Speaking to Elphieya, Bakarus says, "He not only saved Icemule, but freed me as well."

Siierra looks thoughtfully at Sorlu.

Sorlu nods at Bakarus.

Roelon smiles.

Elphieya glances at Bakarus.

Sorlu says, "There is a question that has often been asked of me. For it's known that an artifact such as this is no simple container of a few spells. It was far, far greater than that. I do not know if you should even refer to such a thing as magic...for it was not simple magic that it contained, but the very essence of Life itself. This Life, it had a will of its own...its own desires even. Although often it would communicate with me through music, or through visions, only once did it speak to me directly...and I will never forget those words..."

Elphieya nervously chews on the inside of her lip.

Roelon deeply asks, "Saved more then Icemule aye?"

A length of timber crashes and falls over into the fire. The flames grow upon it slowly like roses awakening until the whole log is aglow with a garden of embers.

Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Sorlu's direction.

Sorlu closes his eyes for a moment.

Elphieya settles her gaze on Sorlu, watching him intently.

Siierra frowns.

Elphieya leans forward.

Sorlu recites:

   "Use me. Sing the songs of life and create. Fill the world with growth and greenery, until death itself stops"

Sorlu sneers, "But this...this was no request. No, it was a command. And from that moment forward, like the aggressive roots of some invasive weed, I could feel it reaching into me. Every moment, of every day that I carried it...trying to find the cracks, trying to consume me from within. The more I struggled to remain free, independent, the harder it would fight...always with that incessant song reverberating inside my head. It never paused, it never slept...always deeper it dug, always digging, always growing…and yet the more we struggled against one another, the more I felt the need to cling to it more tightly. Like an addiction to a substance I knew would bring about my demise...yet I could not truly let it go, or allow myself to be separated from it."

Lithyia ponders.

Sorlu shudders.

Sorlu passes a hand over his fair face.

Sorlu says, "Were it not for Ivas, the Tablet of Life would have surely overwhelmed me, transformed me into some mindless monster of vegetation and... Life. But no, Ivas would not allow that to happen to me. It was through her teachings, her devotion to those that follow her ways, that I came to find my salvation yet again. For as each of those roots would grow long enough to finally delve into my psyche, Ivas would be there waiting for it...protecting me as she caused it to rot and wither away. Had she not been there, what would have happened to me, to the Tablets, and to Icemule, might be a story of tragedy. But instead, though many claim I, Sorlu Jae'kym, the Tablet Bearer, to be the Hero of Icemule..."

Gonzy begins to twitch.

Sorlu shakes his head.

Elphieya gazes with interest at Sorlu.

Sorlu says, "No, it is to Ivas which we owe our thanks and gratitude. For Ivas is the true hero and savior of Icemule Trace. Let this always be remembered..."

Gonzy nods once.

Gonzy grins at Sorlu.

Sorlu pulls his Nalfein-styled cane up under his arm, clutching it like a riding crop.

Sorlu bows.

Sorlu says, "Thank you."

Bakarus draws his hands together in a slow, deliberate clap.

Elphieya applauds Sorlu.

Lithyia leans back.

Cordelia applauds.

Bakarus stands up.

Roelon nods at Sorlu.

Lithyia applauds Sorlu.

Lunaryna applauds politely.

Elphieya quietly says, "Oh my."

Siierra applauds politely.

Elphieya flutters her wings momentarily, before letting them droop tiredly.

Darkkstormmer applauds Sorlu.

Meril applauds politely.

Aryleste applauds.

Sorlu smiles.

Sorlu nods appreciatively.

Speaking bluntly to Sorlu, Elphieya says, "That was quite the story."

Lithyia agrees with Elphieya.

Cordelia exclaims, "Indeed it was!"

Speaking deeply to Sorlu, Roelon says, "To hear the tale, seen through yir eyes... ah am grateful fir yir aid to our town."

Speaking appreciatively to Sorlu, Siierra says, "Thank you for sharing that tale with us."

Lithyia says, "Thank you for sharing that."

Sorlu smiles.

Lithyia adopts an agreeable expression.

Speaking to Sorlu, Bakarus says, "Thank you for everything you have done for both Icemule, and myself."

Bakarus smiles at Sorlu.

Sorlu says, "It was my pleasure. I appreciate each of you for your interest in Icemule's story."

Elphieya softly admits, "I think yours may be a friendship I will never understand."

Elphieya glances between Sorlu and Bakarus.

Roelon grins at Elphieya.

Speaking to Bakarus, Sorlu says, "You are quite welcome. And now that you have seemingly recovered, I am quite excited for the good you might still do the town."

Elphieya quietly echoes, "Yes, thank you to everyone who came and listened and shared in this experience tonight."

Speaking sincerely to Sorlu, Elphieya says, "And thank you again. Your insight and honest retelling of how things came to pass from your view is something that is very valuable."